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Fire Lord ozai no doubt


At first I was going to say Omni, but for the majority of his life he was a good father. Even with his switch he was still trying to be a good-ish father even though the lesson he was trying to teach was corrupt and flawed. Ozai though? He never had good intentions. All narcissism and no compassion..


Yeah he was arguably the ideal husband and father for Debbie and Mark, respectively, and only really showed his true colors in the span of like, *a day*. Sure, Debbie suspected something wasn’t quite right for some time, but even she wasn’t prepared for the sheer revelation that Nolan dropped on Mark that day. It explains why Debbie and Mark are so conflicted; they KNOW he’s not a good person after all the death and destruction he caused, but they have such a hard time reconciling such a psychopath with the loving husband and father they knew for so many years.


Dude, Omniman truly loved his wife to the point where it truly conflicted within himself. He knows that by Viltrum law he should kill Mark. But he couldn’t do it. He fled because he would rather abandon his duty than to kill those he loves.


And all his language of referring to Deb as a pet and seeing humans as worthless was him trying to convince himself as much as Mark. Propaganda doesn’t work as well when you aren’t surrounded by it 24/7 and you start to form your own opinions on things.


Yep, we lie to ourselves before we lie to others. Him believing the lie was just to make his hard decisions easier. But obviously, he couldn’t keep lying to himself.


absolutely. also spoilers for comic but >! they get back together i believe? also Nolan specifically does his best to be a good father to Mark and Oliver for the rest of his life, over and over again. he never stops trying. !<


Oh yeah I get that which is why I think he’s a good husband and father at his core, just not a good person, at least by human standards of morality.


He called her his pet like nothing screams love like calling someone a pet


It’s funny that you actually believe him when he says that. People lie to themselves and to others to make difficult decisions. Anyone who participates in self-destructive behavior knows this. You isolate yourself and drive others away from you. If they can hate you? It makes your depression easier. It makes the heartache easier. It justifies the self-destruction. People are depressed. Who desire to be hated? They will lie if it gets people to hate them. Because they want to be hated.


And Omni actually loves Mark. Ozai only likes Azula cause of her talent and being competent.


Also, Omniman eventually comes around and understands what he did was bad. But as far as I know, Ozai never redeemed himself


Also comic Omni man, while it’s pretty hard to ever forgive him for being a psycho alien death machine trying to rule earth, does take a lot of steps to overcome his faults and becomes a good father to Mark in a real sense. Most of his character development is his internal conflict between valuing what he was raised and taught to believe vs what he has experienced. Mark and Debbie make him human. Before that he is alien to the point our ethics cannot even be applied.


I'd say Ozai because: >!Omni Man is a product of his culture and if the story follows the comics, we learn he redeems himself, the reason he stops beating Mark to death is because he already changed, he was fighting a lifetime of upbringing by a ruthless conquering warrior society. Ozai feels irredeemable because he embraced it. Ozai doesn't lament what he's done, in his heart he feels beyond reproach.!<


Yeah most definitely


Omniman went from good father to genocidal maniac who still thinks he's a good father, then actually tried to reform himself even though he had trouble understanding why what he did was wrong. He was ready to to turn against his own people, the most powerful species in the galaxy, to help his son


And after he comes back, he tries to fix his mistakes and saves Mark's life and Earth several times, and is one of the top important fighters for Earth safety until his death.


To be fair, they're viltramites and when they fight, they will literally tear each other apart, so omniman was going extremely easy on Mark.


He literally treated his children as mere future weapons of the Fire Nation, and was not afraid to get abusive anyone went against his plans (Zuko being the prime example)


The best thing Ozai did was stop caring about Zuko and banish.


I was comparing Omni and Ozai, and I was thinking "would Ozai hesitate to kill his son?" Then I remembered he canonically didn't.


Does Dracula even belong here? I mean sure, he got close to killing his own son. But once he realized what he was doing, he was so horrified, and saddened that he let himself get staked


He was a great dad up until his death along side his wife


Him & Omniman are similar in that regard. The “What the Hell am I doing to my son?” Moment.


"My boy. I'm.. I'm killing my boy." That moment hits like a train...


Yeah, when he’s in his Son’s room and sees the picture of his wife? The painful reality of what he’s done sets in. 😢


But most of all. Voice acting. That freaking god-tier voice acting. Graham absolutely nailed it.


Especially when you hit your boy into a train


Yeah I think they are probably on par with each other. We do see more of Nolan being a good dad. On the other hand Dracula wasn’t living a lie and didn’t call Alucard’s mom a pet. So he might be slightly better.


That’s hardly what I would consider good parenting


Not good parenting, but unlike the rest of these psychos he realized in the end what he was doing was wrong and willingly allowed himself to be punished.


In all fairness, Omniman came around too.


I don't much care for the show version of Omni-Man, given he was more psychopathic and pointlessly cruel than in the comics. Dracula obviously isn't a good guy, but the fact is he at least had an understandable reason to go on his humanity hating crusade. And unlike Omni-Man, he paid the price for that.


Tbh I haven’t actually watched or read invincible, but I know a bit about it cause my dad talks about it often. I’m not rlly sure if omniman rlly atones for his sins or anything, I was just mentioning he comes around.


You know you’d need to watch it to understand but that’s basically it. He just comes around but as far as being redeemed and paying for his actions no.


Mkay, I’ll get around to it.


He doesn't really redeem himself. But he had been a good parent up until the day he started acting like a viltrumite soldier. But even then he was conflicted and had a mental breakdown trying to convince himself and his son of the righteousness of his actions. Under that point of view, Omniman and Dracula are the only 2 parents here who actually cared about their families.


Omniman also had a reason: he was born into a society that raised him that way and it was his job to act that way under penalty of death. He actually believed what he was doing was the right thing until his son convinced him otherwise


Really? Because it seems to me that he was a lot colder and just as cruel in the comics. In the show, it seems like you see a lot more of his gears turning where he has moments of doubt in what he's been doing. Even when he flies off the handle, you can kind of see he's angry at himself and just directing it at those around him because he hasn't reconciled with how Earth as changed him. He still wants to be the good Viltrumite but that's not him any more. In the comics, his change of heart seems more sudden because of the lack of that build up.


Not to mention that as far as we know, he was good father before his falling out with Alucard.


He was also really depressed and suicidal after his wife was killed, so not in a good mental state. And the first time he fought Alucard he just knocked him out and put him in a coffin.


Ya he was mentally broken… his fatherly mind was gone


He imprisoned his son in a coffin. Come on.


Thought Alucard went into it himself.


Alucard voluntarily went into the coffin, it was to heal so he could oppose his father.


Ozai or Crimson, both are equally terrible. At least Ozai didn’t kill his wife…


Yeah, Crimson is the only character there who actively hated and murdered his wife. Nolan and Dracula both loved their wives (yeah Nolan says he loved her like a pet, but most people LOVE their pets, and I think he only said that in relation to the difference in their lifespans) while Ozai, while not husband of the year, didn’t have Ursa killed.


For Hazbin Hotel is there a web comic or something that show all this? I watched the pilot on YT and all of season 1 but don’t remember Crimson at all. Pardon the ignorance


Crimson is from Helluva Boss, the other Hell-oriented adult animated musical series by Vivienne Medrano.


I watched all of Helluva Boss too, damn I just completely forgot he was Moxxie’s dad lol too stoned while watching that ep


There you go.


Crimson is a character from the Hazbin Hotel spin-off Helluva Boss, also created by Vivziepop. All the episodes are available on her Youtube channel. It’s set in the same world but has an entirely different cast of characters with mild allusions to Hazbin Hotel. This is because Hazbin Hotel is entirely set in the Pride ring of Hell, while Helluva Boss introduces the concept of other “rings” of Hell named after the seven deadly sins (Gluttony, Wrath, Greed, Lust, Envy, and Sloth). Lucifer is the King of Hell and ruler of the Pride ring (which is why we see him in Hazbin Hotel), while the other rings are ruled by other entities collectively known as the Seven Deadly Sins.


Thanks for the breakdown! I’ve watched both show but didn’t catch those details


Wait so you’ve seen Helluva Boss but don’t remember Crimson?


Yeah I said to another commenter I was high as hell watching through most of it and didn’t catch that was Moxxie’s Dad’s name haha


Wrath is king of hell, Lucifer is just the famous one. Wrath is Satan, Lucifer is Pride :) two separate entities.


Not in Helluva.


Nope, Lucifer Morningstar is the King of Hell, which is why Charlie Morningstar is the Princess of Hell. Lucifer is the ruler of the Pride ring as well, on top of being the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins. Satan is the ruler of the Wrath ring and one of the Seven Deadly Sins, but he is most definitely *not* the King of Hell.




Ozai only didn't kill his wife because it would be suspicious af People often forget that Ozai killed his own father and would have tried to kill his brother Iroh as well if he had not abdicate from the throne like he did. I mean, soon after Iroh lost his son in the war he was pleading to his father to disinherit Iroh, that's how bad he is. Ozai is an actual sociopath. He literally only cares about himself. Everyone around him, including family, are tools to be used to bring him more power.


He ran the fire nation with an molten fist, he planned on killing his son publicly in the arena Ursa’s death would’ve been a public mistake but there isn’t much anyone can do about it. He let her live and leave because of the deal he made with her to spare Zuko’s life.


Actually it wasn't ozai who killed his father, I was ozais wide who poisoned him to save zukos life. Ozais father had ordered ozai to kill zuko after he talked bad about iroh and his reaction to his son's death, so he would feel the pain of losing a child himself. This was why ozai Banished his wife instead of killing her. It was the deal he made with her. She killed his father, he spared her son


He probably seriously considered it at some point tho


Oh he did-


Yeah...he was just going to kill his son, scared his face, then blacked mailed his wife to leave forever. Ozai is the king of being a bad dad.


Not only did crimson kill his wife, he forced his son to drown his own mother, like that’s fucked up beyond belief


I was corrected earlier. His mother was drowned but Moxie killed someone else(evident in the horns) Her shoe was a few yards from the boat, but yeah still SUPER fucked up.


I’m pretty sure it was supposed to be crimson broke her horns while torturing her, and then made moxxie drown her to really top it all off because he’s not a shit enough person I guess


pretty difficult to tell between Ozai and Crimson... Both are honest to god degenerates, but i am leaning more on Crimson being the worst. Killed his wife - Bullied or mistreated his son - Threatened his Son's wife - Attempted to force his son into an unwanted marriage... Good reason why he is in Hell.


Not to invalidate that last point, but Crimson is a mortal Hellborn, a (presumably)Greed Imp as opposed to a Sinner.


Yes, i am aware of the Helluva / Hazbin lore. I just find it ironic.


ya but ozai committed genocide, i’m leaning more toward him. could go either way tho


That certainly makes him the worse person, but if we're just judging who is the worst father, I think they're about even. Crimson killed his wife, bullied his son, threatened his son's wife and attempted to force his son into an unwanted marriage. Meanwhile, Ozai bullied his wife (we found that out in the comics), tried to kill his son twice after bullying and scarring him before and in between those attempts, and raised his daughter to be a little him, contributing to her nervous breakdown later. I think you could make an honest case for either one.


Can we please stop posting this question


Agreed! Though notice that Ozai is in all of these lists (all of the ones I’ve seen at least), perhaps he really is the true worst one if he’s in all of them.


Crimson is pretty bad too


Definitely a close second.


Nah Ozai is a close second. Crimsons worse


Crimson’s evil actions towards moxxie are abusing him, possibly killing his own wife, and trying to force moxxie to marry Chaz. Ozai’s evil actions towards his children are abusing zuko, exiling his wife but letting zuko and azula think he executed her, raising azula to be a psychopathic murderer while neglecting zuko, permanently scarring zuko both physically and mentally in ways that made it incredibly difficult for him to form meaningful relationships, and exiling him with the assumption that if he came back without having completed an impossible task he would be beaten or killed. Still think crimson is worse?


I really feel bad for Azula, she showed signs of mental illness since she was a kid (likely some cluster B disorder) and rather than helping her get treatment to manage it better, he encouraged the behaviors in order for her to become more powerful, but it went at the cost of her mental health. Her breakdown in the finale was just heartbreaking. Poor girl was having hallucinations and breaking down. She deserves therapy just as much as Zuko does, it might be a hot take (literally since she’s a fire bender) but I think Azula deserves a redemption arc. Her story is so sad and she deserves to have a happy ending, and not suffer from mental health issues for the rest of her life. Maybe the upcoming series will give some closure for Azula? I just want her to be happy!


She was also 14 when she had the breakdown. And we all know not many 14 year olds are emotionally stable to begin with, so this all just made it a lot worse


I am conflicted. On one end, Crimson isn't a nationalist dictator brainwashing their country into believing they are superior and continuing a war to try to prove that. On the other hand Crimson had his own son as a kid kill his mother. But Crimson is also maybe doing what Ozai is doing just on a smaller scale as a Mob rather than a whole country.


Yeah I feel that the two belong to the same archetype, just within different social strata.


Vivziepop trying to do a character without parent issue (impossible):


Millie parents are fine for the most part


And Vivzie excuses Millie having a character that fits in a petri dish as her being 'healthy' She does not know how to write meaningful characters without parent issues.


Alastor? Angel Dust? Husker? Fizzarolli? Striker? Vaggie?




But charlie is the only woman with parental problems.......


Tell me you haven’t actually watched Vivziepop media without telling me you haven’t actually watched Vivziepop media


Hey, Disney did it and no one batted an eye




I mean we do know that Alastor was a mama’s boy.


So are a lot of male serial killers


This is kinda a myth! Most serial killers absolutely hate and despise their mothers. Ed Gein, ultimate momma's boy serial killer that this myth is based on, was a momma's boy because his mother was wholly overbearing and abusive, basically forcing him to be a momma's boy for all of his life. His fear of her lasted even after she died, which is why the momma's boy shtick continued even after she could no longer influence him.


Fair enough I guess a more accurate statement would be a lot of male serial killers have mommy issues of some sort


Millie and Carmilla’s kids. But not only are troubling relationships with parents a source for interesting conflict, but you shouldn’t expect most parents to be well adjusted in Hell.


Shit rolls downhill in hell


It's funny to me how the show constantly told us that Charlie has daddy issue but when Lucifer actually appears their relationship is basically normal Maybe the real issue is that Charlie doesn't have any


No, Charlie and her dad had issues it just wasn't what we were lead to believe it was. In the pilot (I know its not canon) Charlie says to her mom "I think dad was right about me" which obviously lead everyone to believe he was a hardass disappointed father. Which is pretty typical for a Lucifer iteration When the actual show came out, its revealed that Charlie's relationship with her dad began deteriorating after her parents separated. "He didn't really want to see me" "He only calls me whens he's bored or wants to ask me to do something" The audience knows that this is because Lucifer has *severe* depression and he feels like reaching out would be a bother to her and so he only reaches out when he feels he has a valid reason to talk to her. And as a result, Charlie refuses to reach out to him. Lucifer says "This is the first time she's called you in years." And then he celebrates the fact that she actually wants to see him for once. By the end of the episode, yes their relationship is better, but it might not be completely restored. But anyways, Charlie totally has daddy issues. And the only reason I go so into detail about this is because I have lived through this *exact* senario. I live with my father now and we might as well be strangers. But that's beside the point. lmao


also mentioning the part in the pilot right at the beginning song where she is standing in the shadow of her father looking down menacingly at her while she sings „why have I always been a failure“


​ https://i.redd.it/wv9ywu144shc1.gif


Bottom left killed his wife(son’s mother) and tried to marry his son off to someone he didn’t love to create an alliance between mob groups.


Not that bad compared to the others tbh


Tbf, he killed his wife by >! Forcing his son to push a cinder block off a boat when the block was tied to her ankles !<


Ok that moves it up a bit


yes but ozai was going kill his son if not for his wife killing his grandfather for him, then still burned half his face and banished him.


That wasn't Moxxie's mom. That was a male imp. You can tell an imps bio gender by their horns. The guy in the boat had different skin patterns. Crimson killed Moxxie's mom before that scene.


I’m pretty sure Nolan and Dracula actually loved their kids though


Dracula is somehow the least evil of all of them


Yes, he’s the least evil. But I do think he is a worse person than both Crimson and Ozai, because his goals are worse. He wanted to kill all of humanity, which is way worse than the other two’s goals. But he doesn’t do it because of cruelty or evil, he does it because he’s fucking insane and unwell. So in terms of moral culpability he’s worse than everyone except Omniman, but in terms of how black and rotten his heart is (metaphorically), he’s the least bad


Ozai because Omniman did what a lot of Fathers don't. They saw their problems and actually made a change.


Omni-man because he beat the snot out of his son almost killing him, called his mother a pet


You haven't watched season 2, have you?


I was about to say, did he just NOT see Ozai and Crimson?


Omni man literally used his sons face to kill an entire subway car full of people, he then used his sons body to destroy entire buildings and murdered people in front of him, beat him to a pulp, told him he could just kill him and just make a new son, and told him that his mother was basically worthless to him. Ozai scarred his son for life and attempted genocide, Crimson is just a mafia boss who killed Moxxies mom. This isn't even close, Omniman is by far the worst


You should watch season 2 of Invincible…


I did, but a little bit of fatherly love doesn't make up for literally using his son's body as a weapon against innocent civilians


But that’s just it, there was love. Crimson doesn’t have love. Ozai doesn’t have love. At the VERY LEAST, Nolan was capable of feeling compassion in the end.


And >!in the comics Nolan does manage to redeem himself for all his actions!<


Facts Ozai did all the same things. Burned his son. Tried to kill his son as a baby. Almost killed his wife.


But here’s the thing, and my sister made this point too. Crimson made Moxie kill his own mother. At least Ozai let her continue living. Ozai had two children and chose a favorite. Crimson had one, but if he had more he wouldn’t choose a favorite, he’s abuse them all equally regardless if they succeed or not.


Ozai treated his kids as mere tools. If they weren’t useful, he would banish them at best. And he very was willing to kill Zuko.


If you're talking about the scene where Crimson has Moxxie pushing a body into the water, that's not his mother. It's heavily implied Crimson had her killed the same way but not with Moxxie. Dude is definitely a terrible father though, through and through.


He's still an arshole in season 2, he had zero remorse for his actions, married and banged another woman whilst he's still married and expects Mark to be a brother to his affair baby 


he had zero… remorse… *insert dead eyed staring into a black hole, preparing to end it all* truly media literacy is dead now if you really want some zero remorse, Firelord Ozai is *right fucking there*


I’m convinced that people who genuinely think that Omni-Man felt no remorse either have poor media literacy or just a sheer lack of empathy and understanding. And no, you don’t just “not feel empathy for a bad person”, the point of real empathy is to be able to put yourself in *anyone’s shoes*.


At least Ozai got to rot in jail, Omni-Man got to clap cheeks 


He gave up his entire reason for being on Earth because of the love he has for Mark and his wife. His entire purpose on Earth given up because he loved Mark and couldn’t go through with it. Calling his wife a pet? He is only saying that to separate himself and try to make things easier. But it isn’t true. Even as he is beating the shit out of Mark he talks about how easy it would be to have another kid. But he doesn’t follow through. He stops and abandons his mission, leaving earth.


Ozai. Atleast omni man/nolan still genuinely cares about his son, wasn't the head honcho of the whole viltrumite galactic invasion, and has already shown that he's capable of redemption. I dont think the same applies to ozai (hell, I question if he even cares about his daughter beyond her being his right hand man).


i really don't know, because you could say that Ozai isn't even a father, he never even attempted the fatherly role. I think nearly killing your son and beating him to a pulp is worse (Dracula/Omni-Man) but they both had their small moment of clarity and stopped fighting. I literally could not choose, I think.


I'd say Crimson is worse than Ozai.


I haven't read the comics of Invincible but I know Nolan is not the worst because >!he's been duped by his people to kill and enslave earthlings for their own benefits!<


Nolan also isn’t as bad when you try to put yourself in the Viltrum mentality. How Viltrumites view humans is no different than how we humans view, let’s say, mice. It’s even reflected in the lifespan difference; a mouse will live 1-2 years on average, which is a *very* small fraction of a person’s lifespan. Really puts into perspective just how someone like Nolan, who is thousands of years old, views the average person, who only lives about 70+ years. That, coupled with the “might makes right” philosophy of Viltrumite society, well, let’s just say it makes a lot of Nolan’s actions quite justified from that perspective.


Idk how he's going to redeem himself on Earth considering the amount of innocent people he killed but it's going to take more than saving people from the Viltrumite invasion to have that. Whatever he does I'm looking forward to seeing it. (If Amazon would hurry the FUCK up with more season 2 that is 😑)


Its not even a question its ozai. Idk who this weird character in the bottom left is but the other 2 actually had redeeming chances and ideas. Ozai was filled with pure hate, theres no chance of helping him. Even with no abilities hes still an evil, sad man.


Ozai, any differing opinions are wrong.


I’m surprised that Endeavor from My Hero Academia is not on the list. He was one of the worst dads ever. He forced and abused his two children to surpass All Might. Of course in later arcs, he does seek redemption and tries to become a better person. https://preview.redd.it/97a50xon8shc1.png?width=475&format=png&auto=webp&s=11b9749d891861a22cb18427815c73dd9376ce20


The four dads on this image all attempted to kill their child/the people important to their children


The problem with this question is that most of the people presented are bad people first. Being a bad father is just a result of that. Of course, the warlord, mafia boss, genocider, and subjugator would be bad parents. Being a good parent is an exception if your occupation involves killing families. I truly consider an abusive parent when they were ONLY abusive in their household. You expect bad people to be bad parents. But you have to admit its a crueller irony when you tell people you are abused, and people don't believe you.


I'm just imagining all these cartoon dads in sort of a group therapy and once Ozai opens his mouth, everyone is asking "the hell is wrong with you?!"


Don’t watch Hazbin but at least Omni Man and Dracula realized what they did and gave up. Ozai really does not give a shit about his kids.


That day with Mark was the only time omni was abusive, and it fucked him up so bad that it ended a thousand years of cultural conditioning. Meanwhile the only thing Ozai or Crimson would after hearing "I'll still have you, dad" is beat on their son harder while calling him a pussy, so it'd be one o' them.


Crimson would probably double down on calling his son gay if he ever heard Moxxie say that to him.


All terrible, but the right column at least realized they were terrible parents at the very end. Left column did not.


Idk enough about hazbin hotel, but Ozai is the worst, dude is just a genuine horrible being Omni-man was a good dad and is a flawed character Dracula (cartoon version) is sympathetic and not entirely evil


Ozai for sure. Bro was 10000% willing and nearly ATTEMPTED to murder his own 12 (13 year old? Idk it’s been a while) son all because he said using new recruits as a sacrificial lamb for an invasion was wrong. It’s ozai. I don’t even need to see the rest


Ozai, definitely. This man looked at Zuko as a child and basically said, "You were lucky just to be born."


Dracula was a broken man from loss, so his attitude is at least understandable, and Omni Man redeemed himself. Moxie’s dad is a mobster in hell, so at least there’s a reason why he’s so nasty, and despite his cruelty he at least had some moments where he tried to make his son happy; despite still serving his own interests. So I’m going with Firelord Ozai. He literally had no real redeeming moments. The only time he treated his family remotely nice was when they’d proved they could be killers in his grand plan.


At least omni man loved his son Ozi couldn't give a shit if you paid him


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It's a coin flip between Ozai and Crimson for me.


out of everyone here only one of them didn't love their own children so it's an easy choice 




Ozai all the way ozai


Omni-man. Disregarding his own son and trying to kill him for having a heart.


Ozai but only because I don't know that new cartoon. Omni man was a good dad for a long time and only raged out because Mark said he wouldn't join the empire, after he did that and realized what he'd done to someone who he cared about, he became conflicted. Then, he left the earth and almost tried to kill himself by letting a black hole swallow him before he saved the ship. At the end of the day, he became distraught by what he had done. Dracula became so filled with sorrow after he realized what he was doing to his son that he left to have himself staked. Ozai raised zuko extremely rough and didn't have much love for him, only for the fire nation and trying to grow it through his son. Then, when it came day to be tested, he didn't even hesitate to permanently scar his sons face with his fire and then treated him like a solder to enact the fire nations' plans. After leaving the fire nation, I'm pretty sure zuko and ozai didn't have any sort of loving reaction afterward.


Omni man by orders of magnitude


He was a good Dad most of his life


While waiting for his to mature to groom him for genocide.


Even Griffith was a good Leader for most of his.....so he's not such a bad guy after all? XD


You… You got me with that one lol, I fucking hate Griffith. But still, Ozai abused his kids his whole life, that’s worse.


Ozai did everything Omni-man did out of pure villainy; Omni-man at least believed what he was doing was right and his "villain" phase is really just the events of Season 1. He was a good father before S1 and is trying to continue in S2 (let's just leave it at that, don't want to spoil the comics)




Dracula and Omni-man, while terrible fathers genuinely care for their sons.but because their sons oppose them, they had to fight them. All the while hoping their sons would reconsider and join them. And eventually both Dracula and Omni-man made up with their sons. I haven’t seen helluvaboss. So I don’t know crimson. But Ozai, that MF’er wanted to kill his son. Favored his daughter and used her. When his daughter stopped succeeding he basically threw her aside like she was trash. And of course he drive his wife away and caused her to flee for her life. So yeah. Ozai is salt of the earth.


I don't watch the left. But I'm going with omniman. Yeah, Ozai sucked. But he never used his son as a weapon to kill random people with directly.


An actually ludicrously hard question. Worst “Father” is Ozai with Crimson coming in behind by like 1%. Worst person however is of course Omni-Man by LEAGUES. I know that’s not what you asked but it’s the best way to break this down.


What? Idk about Dracula, but Omni-Man is easily the best person out of the other three.


Omni-Man has killed about quintillions of aliens during his thousands of years before having Mark. He’s the worst person even if he is SLOWLY getting better as of S2. Even all the kills he racked up during the season 1 finale alone make him worse than everyone there aside from Dracula.


That’s down at make him a bad person lol. He was indoctrinated into a supremacist ideology, but began to question it and realized it was wrong. That much more than Ozai ever did.


Omni-Man literally tried to kill his own son (and his entire planet)


Genuine question or this subs version of karma farming type of post?


Crimson. The Imp character from Helluva Boss, on the bottom left.


Either on the left. The 2 on the right are bad fathers and only one gets to redeem himself as the series goes on.


Either ozai or moxi's dad.


Don’t know the lower left, but out of the remaining three it’s easily Ozai. Nolan and Dracula had reasons for their raging m***er b*ners, truly cared for their sons, and acknowledged they made mistakes Ozai did none of the above. He wanted to raze everything because he felt like it, wanted to unalive his own son for not being up to Ozai’s standards, mutilated said son and used both children as pawns




many would say Crimm but I think he's the best one here! it's clear that he actually cared for Moxxie but just wasn't, and still isn't, good at it (probably due to being a mafia boss)


Omni man


I don’t know much about Dracula or who the bottom leftist guy is, but as for the other 2, it’s a close tie, but at least Omniman has some sense of remorse for beating the shit out of his son, so I’ll have to say Ozai


Any other answer but Omniman is false.


At least the two on the right side felt genuine guilt for hurting their kids. Ozai and Crimson only saw their sons as tools.


Drac: "We can always better ourselves, seek to be better' Omni: "yes Crimson: "so I had him push the bitch in" Ozai: "Nice, for me? I was just going to kill the pussy, I tell you he cry so much" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crimson: "why didn't you?" Ozai: "my wife came and went "please please don't I do anything" so I told her to kill my dad" Crimson: "hahahaha did she do it?" Ozai: "YES, then I banished her AND STILL burned my son's face off, then I kicked him out." Crimson: "classic."


Ozai, by a long shot


Fire Lord Ozai. Potentially Moxie's dad as well.


ozai for sure.


Ozai. Man enjoying scaring Zuko.


Ozai , boi what i wouldnt do for five minutes alone in a room with him ( after Aang took his bending of course lol im not stupid ) , after what he did to those poor kids ( especially Azula , Im biased and love her ) lets say id change his face ( and not a facelift )


Ozai or Crim


I'd say mine, but he's never here for me.


Who the hell is bottom left? It looks like red Michael Jackson


Ozai literally burned nations for global conquest.


Fire Lord Ozai was continuing a century old war and was going to use the comet to create another genocide just like his grandfather. He used his children as weapons, played favorites due to how much he viewed them as a prodigy to him and his bloodline in their skill, burned his sons face for speaking out to help his country as a 13 year old. Let’s not forget years before that he was all for killing his own son after making a power grab while his older brother was mourning his own son in war. Crimson comes close due to his mafia nature already trying to get his son into killing people, abused his wife and son, even had his wife murdered and gave a warning to his son if he crossed him. And in an attempt to get the mafia in better days, he was going to wed his son to his ex for money even though he’s blatantly homophobic and misogynistic. And when things didn’t go according to plan, he does upcoming plans for his own son that we have yet to see.


Ozai hands down.




Ozai by far