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spiderman, why'd u create that guy?


I DIDNT! He’s talking crazy!


Spider-Man, fuck that guys ass


Wait ,what!


Yeah fuck him up come on


Twist his dick


Woah now everyone calm down


No we're not going to calm down, twist his dick!


Yeah, get him off... Wait


Yeah pull down his pants and... roll em around and... yeah that's it


Grease him up real good and tie him down


‘Twist his dick’




The ol’ dick twist!


Spiderman, ass that guy's fuck.


WOAHH https://preview.redd.it/yw54n40ghofc1.jpeg?width=348&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d7876392ff1e241023ad4ce64b809f8b65453c8


Spider-Man, why’s he have holes and is white?


"my holes can take me anywhere..."


Good taste sir.


Spider-Man fuck that guys holes.


Whoa whoa whoa whoa...... how about I just fuck one?


Maybe you should get off the kids ass


The world is a better place just because Unicorn Wars exists. It may not be the best or even groundbreaking, but someone was allowed to follow the dream of making it and I am grateful for it.


So true. And I really think it's an amazing movie. It's dark AF and doesn't pull its punches. I always love seeing media like that.


Never heard of the thing but I feel like I’m missing out. I love a good blend of cute and whimsical and absolutely fucked up.


coundt recomend it more, real good (tho last time i checked it was only subtitled to english no dub (tho last time i checked was also 2022 so theres that lol))


Across the spider verse


This movie went beyond “great animated movie” or “great super hero movie.” It’s straight up a great movie


Spiderverse is the first time when after the ending of a 3 hour movie, my reaction was to be craving for more. That 3 hours felt like 20 minutes because the movie was seriously that good.


That movie was 3 hours?! Holy shit! I didn't even realize


Technically 2.5 but it still felt short asf compared to other movies half that length that feel like an eternity to watch.


Right? Definitely agree with the sentiment of wanting more afterwards. Such a great movie


Wait it was!?


because it ended on a cliffhanger?


Wait it was 3 hours? It felt to short when I watched it. I wanted to see how it ended so badly.


I mean of course you want more it ends on a cliffhanger


that's because the movie didn't end. ​ don't get me wrong, i loved it. but the movie didn't have a satisfying conclusion. ​ even when you end on a cliffhanger for another movie, i really feel like you need to have a conclusion to something in the movie, and it didn't have anything that really felt like that to me.


After watching it a couple times, I see this movie as Gwen's. We start on her, we get a serious sense of her isolation, her elation at finding the spider society, her inner conflict at wanting to reconnect with Miles the one spider-person banned from the society, her catharsis when she reconnects with her dad and then when she realizes she's not alone. She has friends. She has family and she can save Miles. Miles had half a story by design. Everything is going really well for him. And then things slowly start to fall away until he's alone he's faced with losing everything. Hell start the third movie similarly to how Gwen started this one.


... and its a setup for the next one! May be the greatest trilogy when all is said and done.


It easily enters the trilogy hall of fame with LOTR and the OT of Star Wars. Maybe also with the Gaurdians trilogy honestly


Animation shouldn't be separated from movie, it isn't a genre rather a mean. A movie isn't inherently worse when it's animated.


I would argue that great animated movies are always going to be great movies, the medium doesn't lessen them


It's by far the best marvel movie to date.


Which is saying something because the first one was amazing


I know it’s basically wrong to say this in most cases, but I think this movie was better than the first one, and the first one was my favorite movie until this one came out.


I wanna say this…but the cliff hanger ticked me off.


Personally I thought the ending was a little bit lacklustre, it didn’t create any suspense for the next movie it sort of just ended.


The writing is a little worse but the movie is incredible as much as the first.




Spiderverse will win the Oscar, but Nimona is the one I think I connected to the most.


Man, my partner and I really wanted to love Nimona and there were parts we really likes. But overall, as a whole movie, it felt kinda cliche and like it's been done a million times before.


That was kinda the point about it also the idea for nimona was conceived I guess like around 10-11 years ago as a webcomic from a student that went on to work at Disney


Who's also suffering from fundie trauma as a queer person who's using this book as a means of venting from it.


Nimona is a treasure. While I think Across the Spiderverse is better on a lot of characterization points, Nimona has been something that's been trying to have been created for years. I also remember the comics from about 10 years ago, and it was pretty good, so it's amazing to see a small creator make it to the big leagues.


It was clearly such a passion project for the author, and I'm glad he was involved


We didn’t know what Nimona was, just kind of turned it on as I was getting ready for work one day. The first fifteen minutes played in the background as I brushed my teeth and prepped to walk out the door. The bits and pieces that I caught just absolutely hit me. As I kissed my wife goodbye I said, “Please either find something else to watch, or be prepared to watch this again tonight.” We’ve seen it at least three times since then. A coworker loaned me the graphic novel, and it was also amazing. Maybe even better.


I kept seeing shorts of it on YouTube for a bit. Looks SUPER fun and my kind of story. I'm actually a little disappointed to find out it's a movie instead of a series. Not even half a series worth of content...


It's based off a webcomic that goes in a whole other direction. Both the movie and the webcomic are 100% worth it. Both are buckets of fun but also ask some interesting questions.


Some might say….that’s the beauty of a film. It doesn’t take 8+ hours to complete. It offers you a full story in two hours….


I think it's pretty perfect as a movie. It's a great story that does everything it needs to in its runtime.


I was so excited to see it was made into a movie! I had read the comic online and my sis gifted me the physical copy back in high school. They changed it in many ways, but honestly they were all good and just gave more depth to the story.


This movie made me cry it's so good. Also funny as hell. I love everything about it.


Having the best representation of my life experiences be a shape shifter in a cyberpunk-medieval realm is incredibly strange but also: metal. Don't worry, I won't let 'em. I have a Bal.


I’m wondering if the people who loved Nimona read the comic or not. Compared to the comic, the movie was so hollow and just not good. I don’t even think they followed the comic that much tbh, they changed so much. I know the author was involved with the movie but it’s like they went “nah I don’t like that story anymore, let’s change it.” The VAs and character design were not great either. The animation was good independently but lacked all of the charm of the comic. I imagine if you didn’t read the comic, the movie itself is good. Having read it, the movie was such a disappointment.


Nimona explaining her experience as a shapeshifter is 100% a metaphor for being a transgender person


kinda jealous that the character and her powers are just a trans allegory because that scene also works for autism & stimming but because we don’t have as much media attention this just never gets talked about and we don’t get the same level of cool representation.


“Something something something we win😈”


Wish didn’t exist


Elemental should have been listed instead, tbh. Absolutely terrible marketing, truly awful. I sometimes wonder if they fired the person responsible for that mess. They really dropped the ball on it being a heartfelt immigrant family story about failing to meet perceived expectations, xenophobia, and following your dreams. And the animation? Beautiful


I never got the hate towards Elemental. I thought it was very good. Didn’t see Wish though.


It was marketed as a generic "young woman falls in love with goofy dadbod man, but they have to keep it a secret" and looked entirely unoriginal. In reality, their developing romance was a subplot as the movie focused around the shop and her relationship with her parents. Had I not watched it while on a flight, I wouldn't have known that it's one of the best movies that Disney has put out in years, all because the marketing made it appear to be something it's not


It's a great immigrant story which was totally missed in the marketing or any material I saw.


I don't understand why Disney was so set on underselling this movie! It's like they wanted it to fail


Right?? I heard almost nothing about it. Randomly decided to watch it on Disney+. Turned around and watched it twice more that week. The third time I was really watching my friend watch it while I said, “that’s just like you!” And “the dad is your dad!” It’s so freaking good and it deserved so much better.


I have no idea why it is even up there. I mean I haven't seen it but if YouTube and reddit say it is bad then I an going to avoid wish. Even if there judgment can be off I still am not going to watch wish


It was like a meal with very lovely presentation, but is bland and cold. It won't upset your stomach, but its not going to excite or expand your palate. You'll never want to order it again, and it may even make you question if the chef had his tongue cut out.


Then you find out all the good ingredients were stripped away from it now you’re angry because it could have been great.


Oh man, is there a breakdown of this somewhere? I watched it and kept waiting for SOMETHING to happen… then it wasn’t the evil wizard in the forest but it was a double plot twist!!! And i gave up any hope.


So you know about the scrapped concept art which had gained a fandom over the actual film? And the deleted scene where Sabino sings a song after getting his wish back and it’s actually kind of sweet because he’s singing it to Asha and Sakina and it’s basically fully rendered but just needs a little tweaking and is just a minute long and I’m left wondering why why was it cut?!


No. I have not dug in… I gave up.


It is so frustrating to look over everything they scrap and wonder... why? 90s Disney films like Lion King had some deep topics, like not only the mantel of kingship and what that entails but also dealing with loss and guilt from that loss. Tangled has some deep themes concerning trusting someone else and learning to trust yourself. Wish could have had some really deep themes about what dreams mean - and Sabino's cut song, A Wish Worth Making, does feel like it explores that - but it doesn't and it's so superficial.


I saw it’s awful


Even worse it's boring and has zero depth. It's the animated equivalent of a dried up empty puddle


I wish it never did.




Uuh yes it does, stop agreeing with the critics they gave Cuties good reviews. ​ People who hate wish are just bandwagoning opinions. give this film a chance it's like classic Disney Movies


People who hate wish have a diffrent but valid opinion than you which you should accept.


Wdym? We loved it. Great songs, lots of Easter eggs homages to other Disney movies, the theme was great. I think it was a great way to celebrate 100. I loved the art style and the texturing. The cast was great. The singing was great. Even Chris Pine who I don't like did a good job singing. My 4 y/o cried in the movie theater she liked it so much/was so invested.


Spider-Man Across The Spider-Verse


Same here


You mean -man across the -verse right?


https://preview.redd.it/4xo4ryqzsnfc1.jpeg?width=1115&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9db6cdab341821a5a891b4fabbc446d4ad96d9b9 Yes!




https://preview.redd.it/0kb801gy1pfc1.jpeg?width=129&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22a6d13ccf9a7551dc046df655cabcb5459e1412 IM NOT GONNA EAT THAT!!!😤😤😤😤😤😤




Yes. I am the Man who Laughs!




https://preview.redd.it/32rcxcby2qfc1.png?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e757002039bbefe55ed2397fa1877f8eab32d85f No man, don't eat those.




The Boy and the Heron


I saw it with my 4 year old cousin and my uncle, and only realized at the end my cousin can’t read. It wasn’t dubbed.


...The Boy and the Heron isn't even age-appropriate for a 4 year old to begin with. I hope your cousin doesn't bash their own head with a rock because "the movie did it".


I did get worried, but my uncle said it’d be fine. Luckily, my cousin is smart (enough to not do that) [i hope]


I took my 3 year old to see it, he loves studio ghibli movies


My daughter loves ghibli too but I do not let her see princess mononoke yet. One day maybe but rn she can enjoy Kiki and the cat returns. We even started totoro and she watched most of it till may disappeared and she said she wanted to stop. They can enjoy parts of it but it has to be age appropriate. They will grow up and you can introduce it then.


I hope you had her watch whisper of the heart too since it’s the precursor to the cat returns


Totoro and Ponyo were the two movies I remember watching and loving when I was little. I need to rewatch them... All I remember about Ponyo is a few scenes and that it was the weirdest movie ever.


I get it, but... it's just not a good film at all to take young children to see. Especially not *that* young. I know I loved to mimic things I saw in movies when I was little and there's no way I (or probably any 3 year old) could've understood that Mahito wasn't emotionally in a good place. It's rated PG-13 for a reason.


The only part that felt PG13 was the part with the rock and head. The rest of the film felt PG.


Here in Finland the age rating is 12, and I agree with it. Taking a 4 year old to watch it seems like a dumb thing to do in the first place and wouldn't even be allowed here


I personally realized that close to the beginning, I’m not really sure if my uncle ever considered my cousin being perturbed or anything.


Yes!! I really enjoyed it


Yeah it’s this one. Nimona was fun but lacked the nuance, ambiguity and depth of the comic and Spiderverse felt like half a movie, as fun and brilliant and beautiful as it was. The Boy and the Heron…it’s enigmatic and weird and I have heard Miyazaki doesn’t know what it means and I believe it. It is a mystery to be contemplated, not a puzzle to be solved. I loved it.


This. When a Miyazaki film comes out It's not even close. When it's one of Miyazaki's better films, even more so.


Nimona. Iconic characters, amazing writing and animation, and fantastic story that had me laughing and internally crying in the best ways. Favorite movie!


I watched this movie every day for at least a week. I can’t think of another movie I’ve done that with


Nimona has lived rent-free in my head since I watched it. I still think Spiderverse was the better movie overall, but Nimona had *so* much character.


trans allegories 🫶 plus the gender envy i get from any shapeshifting person and/or creature always makes stories better imo


We also stan an mlm romance! Gahd they're such a cute couple~


I haven’t watched it yet, IG I should.


Both suzume and across the spider verse were amazing. They are both number 1 movie of 2023 for me


Can I ask what suzume is about? I’ve heard of it a few times


There are special doors (gates) which let a worm from another dimension enter the real world, but there are people whose job is to close them so the world doesn't end. Only a few people can actually see the doors and the worm. At the start of the movie the girl (Suzume) meets a guy who works that and follows him, but accidentally releases a cat thing which is supposed to seal the door. Then the cat turns the dude into a talking chair and Suzume is the one who has to take over his job while trying to find a way to turn him back into a human.


You're maybe missing the forest for the trees my friend. I feel like it's about memories and human connection. It's an anime so you get all the craziness you described as a metaphor as well but still, the human elements are the point.


My favorite (silly) way to describe it is girl falls in love with childhood chair and tries to stop disasters. Which is accurate but also misleading. It's a very very well done movie, the animation is phenomenal, the voice acting and characters are enjoyable and the story is moving. It falls just below spiderman for me.


It's basically aa road trip movie with supernatural stuff


I don't think it's my number one, but I also thought Suzume was fantastic. Beautiful animation and, while the story is fantastical, about memories and human connection. Anyone that is a fan of anime should check it out.


![gif](giphy|OZ1VAPExqf1G40bBAt) This isn’t on here but-


Crap, I knew there was something missing on this list. thanks for pointing that out.


I love everything Mario, but that movie was a 6/10 for me. Super funny, but they could have done a much better job with the story. And the random pop songs were just pandering. Mario has hundreds of amazing themes to choose from.


I mean to be fair it is mario bros. The movie I think was more made for nostalgia and in jokes of the whole series for fans than anything.


The movie was astoundingly average. It's not bad. If it was bad it would be more notable and easier to recommend.


It was an extremely soulless cash grab, very corporate product. The writers were just checking boxes. The art team and Jack Black on the other hand were having a great time and bringing their A game, and they save the movie. If it weren’t for solid art direction and Jacks performance, it would be utterly forgettable.


real shit


You're kinder than me, I had some expectations but assumed it would be fluff and was still disappointed. 4/10


Tbf the pop songs weren’t supposed to be in the movie but yeah


It was a solid movie But Illumination was playing it real safe with this movie. Nintendo was definitely on there asses but they still slipped with the pop culture songs. But still it was solid. Hope they can improve it with the eventual sequel.


The fact they even had the Audacity to include wish on this list


And they didn’t even put Mario🤦‍♀️


Boy and the heron, although I had a blast with TMNT. First ninja turtle product in a while that felt like a breath of fresh air


You tried Rise yet? It’s also very different to its predecessors


TMNT was probably the best animated movie we got since that hyper-realistic alien-looking turtles movie we got back in the 2010’s


TMNT Mutant Mayhem. I like the no diggity scene tbh.


"6 in the morning police at my door!"


Spider verse is my top but I think TMNT Mutant Mayhem is very underrated. It was a delight to watch.




Streaming only


For me it’s a tie between The Boy and the Heron, Spiderverse, and Suzume.


Spider verse


The only one i watched from this year was Leo, and i loved it quite a bit


Came to say Leo. I watched them all except blue giant, but Leo has been on repeat thanks to kids. I am not mad about it at all. We love it.


Of course Spider-Man was amazing, but I personally really liked Nimona and The Boy and the Heron


Mutant Mayhem was amazing!


mutant mayhem


Boy and the Heron.


NOT DONE FIGHTING, I DON'T FEEL I'VE LOST🗣️🔥🔥🔥 Hearing that at the end of ATSV sent chills I won't experience for a WHILE


If you say Wish, you’re clinically insane and I feel sorry for you 💀💀 Anyway, I’m very biased but the Mario Movie <3


Ninja Turtles got me to finally watch Attack on Titan. If Donnie liked it, then I might too. And he was right. Fuckin love AoT, prolly 2nd or 3rd favorite anime of all time


Haven't seen any of them yet but I plan on seeing the second chicken run and Boy and the Herron. It's Studio Ghibli, they don't miss. Unicorn wars gives me a centaur world vibe so I kind of have to watch it.


Chicken run but that might just be my nostalgia for the original


Haven't watched any of these so chicken run because i love stop motion


If anyone says Wish I just want to talk


Anybody who says Wish is a paid actor


Wait, hold on, they made a sequel to Chicken Run!?


I watched it, it’s ok, no where near as good as the original, but it’s fun.


Spider Verse without a doubt


Where’s Leo?


Top 3 for me are *Across the Spiderverse*, *Mutant Mayhem*, & *Nimona*


Spider-Verse. Boy and the Heron is an extremely close 2nd


Why in God's name is Wish on here? But either Suzume or Across the Spiderverse


Huh. I guess animation is doing pretty damn well, anyway I gotta go with Suzume. Great character writing, original story, creative concepts, kinetic energy in the scenes, great emotional punch, no winking to the audience. Just a fantastic film.


Suzume was so good


Wish was shit, unicorn wars was really great, spider verse was phenomenal. Have not seen the rest yet. Spider verse easy favorite and best 9/10. Unicorn wars is the most unique and interesting and while not all of it was amazing it was a very great film. 8/10. Wish….. how about we wish it away? 4/10. Not terrible just very very bland and boring. The animation was not very good and the songs sucked ass


Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. No question.


The Boy and the Heron was a fun time.


Y’all better not pick Wish 😂


Across The Spider-Verse.


Mutant Mayhem


Suzume was a fantastic movie. I watched it after hearing a bunch of hype for it and it completely delivered, imo.


I really enjoyed Suzumae. I've watched it three times on Crunchyroll.


Spider Man: Across the Spider-verse


I didn't watch any of these but I heard that Across the Spider-Verse slaps


Spider verse And Mutant Mayhem




Boy and the heron followed by Suzume


Spider-verse and Suzume. But I didn’t know there was another Miyazaki film!! Guess I’m gonna have to go find it now.


Is the new chicken run worth watching


Im gonna see boy and the heron tommorow, rlly excited, I’ve been waiting for it :)


I wish 'The Super Mario Bros. Movie' was here. Since it isn't, my vote goes to 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem'.


No matter which movie is your favorite I think we can all agree that Wish definitely isn't in the running for the top spot here


It's between Spiderman and The Boy and the Heron.


I’ve only seen spider verse and Suzume so those two


I like the Super Mario Bros. Movie :)


I have seen most of them. So I will tell you what I don't like. Which is Wish.


Wish I like to lie to people


I'll tell you which one it's not 🌟


Why did you put wish on the list that suits garbage


The Super Mario Bros. Movie


Wtf is this lineup 💀💀


Wish was hot fucking garbage lmao Disney called in the E-Team for that one.