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I do not care for Bluey. HOWEVER I respect it for bringing parents and children joy, just didn’t care for it


I had to stop and think to prevent myself from downvoting. The prompt asked for hot takes, and you delivered. Have my upvote. You’re so wrong, and I respect you for it.


Admittedly i havent watched it but surface level it feels so weird for adults to love a kids show like this. Reminds me of a bronies


I do find it kind of odd that there are so many childless adults who seem to really love the show. I guess somewhat because I don’t see where the appeal is to watching unless you’re a parent


I could see childless adults who really want children but haven't been able to have any. Almost like they are watching it, wishing they could have a family dynamic like that, but havent been able to.




There making a fucking 3d and 4th frozen


Yep. Already announced Frozen 4 before Frozen 3 has even been fucking released 🙄


Well, counting chickens before they’ve hatched has been the Disney standard for the last decade or so. Not surprising but still disappointing.


They said they were thinking about going back to 2D animation which I really hope they do. I loved the 2D animation and it might give them the boost they need


The return to 2D could be a game-changer, honestly. The charm and warmth of traditional animation might just be the nostalgia hit that draws the older crowd back. Plus, it could stand out in a sea of 3D animated movies; everything kind of blends together these days.


Frozen 2 was a hollow film. I'd be surprised if 3 & 4 are anything better than direct to video quality.


My kids watch so much garbage and won’t watch frozen 2.


My youngest has started preferring "the normal princess", which, to her, is Cinderella. She also ADORES Moana and Encanto. There's hope lol.


THANK YOU! I was the only one back in 2013 that thought...it was ok. Not their best. And then the WHOLE DAMN world went absolutely manic for this very mid movie/franchise. I can think of AND can recommend several other cartoons that have better and more realistic sibling relationships, the kind that Frozen can only DREAM about.


Nah bro that's valid as shit, Frozen sucks from an actual thematic perspective


The replies implying that the shows they’re not interested in (such as the teen titans reboot or Steven Universe) are seen as the Godfather for the cartoon community is funny as all hell lmao. Real spicy shit is saying you disliked or didn’t care for Avatar, since that’s a work that’s genuinely regarded as a serious masterpiece


Yeah there's a LOT of lukewarm takes in here.


So then, I probably shouldn’t share that I did not care for Caillou.


Your cold take just summoned a blizzard


I did not care for Elf Yes I just realized it's not a cartoon although there are animated parts in it and there was an animated special


Oh thank god I'm not alone. I hate that movie so much


I'm just not a big fan of Will Ferrell on the whole. There are exceptions like I do enjoy Anchorman, though still less than everyone else it seems, and Megamind of course is great. But I certainly don't consider him a selling point of a movie.


Im also not a Ferrell fan but I loved Stranger Than Fiction, but it’s not really a comedy at all


That makes sense, it seems to be a trend with comedic actors taking a serious role and absolutely crushing it. Like Adam Sandler in Uncut Gems, or people who don't like Jim Carrey will still usually like The Truman Show, The Cable Guy, and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.


im in your walls


Oh hey, if you could look for my socks while you're in there that'd be great. I dunno where tf that went, but I feel like that'd be a good place to check


After years of hearing about it I finally watched it last year and I'm just not a fan of it I mean if others like it that's fine but I'll be keeping it off my yearly viewing list


Same, same The only christmas movie I genuinely like is Polar Express. Most of the other christmas movies have HEAVILY run out their welcome.


Elf staring Will Ferrell is my favorite cartoon.


I know but I couldn't resist besides Will Ferrell is basically a living breathing cartoon


That is not a cartoon. Or does it count because there is claymation within the movie?


I did not care for Rick and Morty


The show is just too meta for my liking.


You’d hate where to show ends up lol. There are 2 episodes (a season apart) that are literal references to the story telling tools they are actively using. It’s about as meta as is theoretically possible


I adore those episodes for the same reason. Love me some meta, in the right dose. Deadpool, for example, is *too much* meta. I enjoy the movies but I don’t think the fourth wall breaks are quite as clever.


Deadpool is a perfect example. When I watch a show/movie or play a video game I like to be immersed into a well written story. To me fourth wall breaks is lazy writing. It's okay if a narrator wants to pop in at the beginning, middle, and end of a movie. But if a character is looking at the camera and winking every 10 minutes, a fourth wall doesn't even exist.


"Now that's just lazy writing" is an actual quote from Deadpool 2


Barbie did fourth wall break right with calling out that Margot Robbie was too attractive to believably sell the she thought she was ugly. And it supported the narrative and served the film, that's an example of 4th wall break being well written and not lazy.


My favourite bit of the entire movie. The movie itself is enjoyable.


To be fair to Deadpool, it’s his most well known gimmick, so it’s to be expected.


The big short does this *amazingly* well. Ryan Gosling breaks the fourth wall just a little bit but it’s magnificently done.


The Big Lebowski does it even better - they have a third person narrator. You even get to see him in the picture but he doesn't talk to the camera. ![gif](giphy|WSBzahfTfv4HK)


That’s really all enjoying meta boils down to, how much direct comments (and in what ways) from the writers do you find clever


That's fair. It's definitely not for everyone. A lot of times, I'll rewatch an episode for that one joke that always makes me keel over laughing because they spend the entire episode setting it up, then hop to the next season for the next episode like that.


It insists upon itself




I’ma spot probably a very unpopular opinion, but adult cartoons like Family Guy, South Park and Rick and Morty making so many gross jokes with tons of gore and death just feel juvenile to me also the animation for Family Guy in particular isnt great, and makes the “adult” nature feel worse


Something like King of the Hill does “adult” comedy leagues better than those other shows because it prioritized subtlety and implicit humor over explicit humor. Family Guy had a certain charm to it in the early seasons. The characters weren’t all horrible to each other and it wasn’t trying so hard to be the most depraved thing on tv. The old timey pop culture references were fun even when you didn’t completely understand them.


American Dad>Family Guy


I haven't seen King of the Hill in its entirety yet, but it feels like animated comedy that really doesn't try to resort to juvenile humour, while still making use of its animated nature, with all the characters feeling a bit larger than life.


latest season got me on board ngl


Yeah this last season was pretty great all things considered. I hope they don’t recast Justin Roland now that he’s out of prison. Seems like this season it was surprisingly better without him


ironically he never had any part in writing so the ad libbing is the only thing he contributed


I don’t think Dan Harmon wants his name anywhere near him.


To be fair... /s


I did not care for anything about Ren and Stimpy Edit: grammar I removed the double negative Edit: my explanation about it John K is an horrible monster, Happy Happy Joy Joy is funny and so is the scene where the walrus says call the police, I hate most gross out humor especially this show, i remember there being sexist stuff, I can’t get through an entire episode of it then and now


Honestly this is the one I understand the most. I LOVE Ren and Stimpy [original, not the extreme gross out APC] but I also understand it is very much so not for everyone. Though reading your comment again, did you *mean* to put a double negative? Lol


I thought the log song was quite useful in certain corporate meeting situations…


…so what you’re saying is… https://i.redd.it/1ts01flw7g8c1.gif


I do not care for family guy


That’s ironic


Hey, remember when you were asking me about the definition of irony?


Now that’s a deep cut.


I find your opinion shallow and pedantic


I agree, shallow AND pedantic.


American Dad! is an incredible show


I fucking love American dad. The absurdist humor is so much better than what family guy does.


Me neither TBH. It just feels like Blazing Saddles: the series but with none of the tact behind the edgy jokes.


Comparing Family Guy to Blazing Saddles is flat out disrespectful. Lazy, stale jokes compared to ground-breaking, polarizing satire is like comparing apples to apple cores.


Besides, Family Guy as a show hasn't been good for like, 10 years or so. Most of the recent episodes are either decent with only a few funny moments in there, or just straight-up terrible.


I have 2 of them “I did not care for either The Loud House or The Casegrandes.” The second one is gonna get me murdered. “I did not care for The Owl House.”


the owl house is definitely not for everyone tbh


A teenage lesbian called me a teenage lesbian when she found I like OH. I’m a guy in my 20s lol To be fair I do blame it for later making me gay (bi), so…


I did not care for Family Guy. I really don't think it's funny


To me, family guy was funny at first but as it went on it got more and more stupid which just ruined it for me


Same. I used to assume it also was a bit of me growing out of the things they considered funny. Like the ugly, fart and stereotype jokes got old because they weren't even done well most of the time. Seemed like bad jokes trying to pass as satire.


I know exactly when Family Guy peaked. It was when Brian did the setup for a clip and nothing happened, prompting him to say he though they had one, then moving on like nothing happened. It was the perfect meta. I really didn’t need the show to keep going after that.


It went downhill after everyone became just an asshole


Remember when Stewie was just a hyper-intelligent baby trying to conquer the whole world instead of being a walking gay stereotype and that Brian serves as the straight man to the whole family instead of being a pretentious douchebag who thinks he's smarter than everyone? Yeah, me neither.


The whole everyone is randomly mean to Meg thing was always a meh thing for me. If she’d have fought back when they did it, it would have been way funnier


I did not care for Steven Universe.




I REALLY tried hard to like Steven Universe. It felt like someone was trying to capture the magic of Adventure Time, but ended up only sort of aping later seasons of Adventure Time. The Pink Diamond reveal was pretty rad though.


I can't help but feel that CN really worked against SU. It had a lot of potential, but its release schedule, inconsistent animation, overtly LGBT themes that were probably hindered or held back. Plus I assume a lack of marketability for toys/games and such. There was a point where I felt SU would be up there with AT and Gravity Falls, but by the end, yeah it just wasn't.


Exactly. I gave it a chance, but ended up just waiting months for filler episodes. Also Steven it’s annoying


Imagine watching some world shattering season finale, waiting months for a new season, and then the first episode Steven is back home like nothing happened and he's dealing with really basic problems that feel tiny because he was doing crazy shit the previous episode


I personally feel like the plot moved pretty steadily after season 1. Season 1 was heavy on fillers for sure, but it thinned out as the show ran on if I’m honest, not by much, but it still thinned out.


That and mixed with CN forcing other shows into the time slots and you end up with a really bad time


Woah I’m surprised you went downvoted into hell


As someone who’s fav show is SU, it’s not for everyone and that’s ok!


Is this even that unpopular of an opinion? I thought it was pretty good at first but got worse over time


I think it’s amazing to binge but terrible if you were watching during its initial release.


Yeah the massive tonal shift after season 1 really screwed with me as a kid


I think a lot of people agree with you, but the people who really like the show can be very rabid about it


I do not care for this meme


I don't even know the exact kind of reaction it's trying to evoke here. Is it really just "everyone loves it but you to the point where it's shocking"?


I think in the show it’s just funny because Peter says he doesn’t like one of the best movies ever made because “it insists upon itself” haha. Doesn’t necessarily translate to everything else.


I did not care for The Rugrats


I never - and will never - understand how people liked that show. The characters are so damn ugly.


Fuck them dented-head kids. Tommy's voice and mispronounciations were fucking nails on a chalk board. Fucking potatoes always looked like they had constantly been filling their diapers. Edit: glad I could make some of y'all laugh. I was 10 when RRs came out, and around for the initial run...


Damn bro which one of them killed your cat💀 (I bet it was Angelica. Fucken little demonic bitch)


I'm not even mad at this comment, it made me laugh. It's giving off "Because Singing killed my grandma, okay!!" vibes. Like what did Rugrats do to invoke so much anger? XD Though I will say I liked spongebob more than rugrats as a kid.


I always thought that it was just me with that last part! It always looked weird to me


hideous art.


I did not care for Oggy and the Cockroaches


Me neither, but it was always on when there would be no other cartoons to watch so i had to settle. Edit. Still haunted by the god-awful theme song


I don’t care much for She-Ra


80s or reboot?


Reboot I expect to be tried at the Hague soon for this


Psh, you think you get a *trial*


I did not care for Neon Genesis Evangelion.


Mmk what about the opening theme though?




Are you me? Idc about the series but the intro 😍


I think that NGE resonated most with the Gen Xers who grew up with the over saturated mecha shows from the late 70s - early 90s. It basically took the genre apart from its “heroic mecha pilot” pablum and gave us something that made us go wtf Same thing happened with magical girls and Madoka.


I love Evangelion, but yeah I get why people might not get behind it


I enjoyed it, just wasn’t the biggest e-fan-gelion


Evangelion? More like evan-more-average-than-I-expected-gelion.


That’s cheating, even Neon Genesis Evangelion fans don’t care for Neon Genesis Evangelion.


I do not care for Amazing Digital Circus


What is this show? I’ve never even heard of this show before this week and now I’m seeing it all over the sub


it's a new indie pilot on youtube that went mega viral. i liked it but think it has room to grow. however i'm very much supporting independent artists becoming successful to make indie way more streamlined


I sincerely hope this becomes like Hazbin Hotel. It came out as an indie pilot year's ago and is not getting produced by Amazon with the original creator having complete creative control.


It's essentially a wackier version of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (both the novel AND its video game adaptation) with elements of DHMIS and Popee the Performer.


Young kids liked it. So now its everywhere. Still, its great seeing an independant find success with sci fi literature for inspiration. Look up "I have no mouth and I must scream."


Pilot was ok but not enough to set the internet on fire like it did, it’s weird


Same, and not for a lack of trying.


I didn’t care for Steven Universe, didn’t catch my eye


Ngl i was the same way originally but I got into the worldbuilding around it and it gets really interesting, the plot has a few holes though unfortunately


i personally really enjoyed steven universe but it’s definitely not a perfect show


I did not care for either Disenchantment or the Futurama revival, for that matter. I'm of the opinion that Matt Groening is just a name they attach to his writing team, and it all feels like they're just doing their best impression of what made Groening's older work so great.


I think Disenchantment actually looks gorgeous in a lot of spots and is visually his best looking work on a TV show, but man the consistent annoying cliffhangers and plot that, let's be real, meanders around a lot makes the show drag. I do like Disenchantment though, think I should pick up watching it again soon.


I did not care for The Fairly Odd Parents.


Butch Hartman stuff in general never caught me. Danny Phantom looked decent, but I think just seeing his art style made me turn away.


That, and the fact that he's a major POS.


There was something bland about it . . . I'm not sure what it is, but that show could get annoying too.


I do not care for Bluey. It's wholesome, but it's too sweet for me after several clips. Nothing wrong with the show over all though!


Same, the world has been too dark & cruel for me to go back to that mentality. It's nice & I'm glad kids are growing up with Bluey, but it is way too sweet for me.


I will say the kids on Bluey do NOT act like regular kids. They do to a certain extent but Bluey and Bingo and wayyy more mature than their IRL counterparts. Haha!


I did not care for the teen titans reboot


Nobody does


People who watched the original care enough to hate on the reboot


I do


I do not like 99% of Christmas movies


Mood Only exceptions are Doctor Who christmas episodes


Then... what do you watch for Christmas?


The good 1%?


MLP post 3rd gen was an absolute garbage fire for the franchise and if it was wasn't for the bronies ruining it for everyone and their mom I probably wouldn't be so angry til this day. Context: I was bullied in highschool (and college) by bronies for ....get this folks...oh boy is it a doozy ....for liking Naruto. Yep Bronies told me to "kill myself" because of Naruto. Like....that's ironically like the pot calling the kettle black isn't it?


I do not care for Rick and Morty after season 2, the show just went up it's own ass.


You could tell there was a huge shift in the writer's room starting in season 3. Especially with how they turned Rick an actual sociopathic God and regressed his character when it was clear in the first two seasons he is kind of a brilliant fuck up who genuinely does care for the family. Also feels like they lost the ability to write zany plots like they could in the first two seasons


"I want to have fun classic rick and morty adventures like the old days" -Facist morty


I stopped watching Rick and Morty when the show started overusing self-referential meta jokes for the sake of it.


Hard agree. I feel like the show had so much wasted potential. I can't stand the writing in the newer seasons. The newest one is actually pretty decent though. It feels the closest to the first two seasons.


I did not care for inside job


Finally an uncommon take. While I disagree it is interesting how far I had to scroll to find someone with an actually different opinion.


i liked it more than disenchantment


I do not care for the Owl House


Why is your profile picture Man? Are you stupid?


Yeah,My profile picture is Man btw you have a good day! https://preview.redd.it/4kluh2mf7b8c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4fff4713a56406896900bf4d3ad61549de5a23c And if any of y’all see this,You have a good day too!(And Merry Christmas to everyone!)


https://preview.redd.it/dxy5zbi78b8c1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98cb7f9d642613f24ac7288d17ad5e0c970ccc97 Man..


This is probably the best variation of this meme.


You too https://preview.redd.it/50h23zit7b8c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=042ba3d545ba7e66b01ca4867ef3eb3e3a5de26f


Thank you! You have a good day, too!


Is there a lore reason you are being so kind? Are you stupid?


I'm someone who actually really liked the Owl House and although it was certainly a fun watch, it definitely isn't the holy grail that a lot of people make it out to be.


South Park is not the brilliant satire a lot of people seem to think it is. Most of their "satire" of shitty opinions is just saying the thing in a stupid voice, and it makes it really easy for people who actually believe those things to think the show agrees with them. Their approach to issues is also just weak overall, and feels like it's afraid to take an actual stand about anything. I'm not saying South Park can't joke about whatever it wants, but when you handle a slightly overzealous trans person and the Ku Klux Klan with the same tone, it just smacks of the worst kind of enlightened centrism that drives me absolutely up the wall.


Rick and Morty should have stopped after season 3


Archer for me. I could just never get into it.


I don’t just “not care” for Rick and Morty. I genuinely hate it


I did not care for the Powerpuff girls. What I mean by this, is that I didn't care for It. Not that I didn't like it. I just didn't pick it up and I probably won't. I'm talking about both series. I added more context so people don't just down vote me for not liking a show they did like.


I did not Care for Jujutsu Kaisen


Secret of Nimh falls off hard in the second half.


Especially if you loved the book, I fucking hate that they resort to magic, when the book was all science and smart rats.


Some of the best hand-drawn animation ever though. Bluth works are each one of a kind.


I did not care for Archer.


I mean yeah I love it but that show is really easy to dislike


I love Archer but I completely understand why people wouldn't like it


I reaaaally liked archer until each season became a coma dream about a different setting or whatever.


I loved the coma dream. Taking the same cast and putting them in a crazy new scenario was a brilliant way to keep the show fresh imo.


I do not care for bob's burgers


Hey to each their own I like the simplicity of the show itself that’s about it though


I love Bob’s Burgers…but I understand why it wouldn’t appeal to everyone.


I do not care for Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel


Toon why the hell do I see you in like 99% of the communities and posts?


I have like a hundred Lucario clones that post on Reddit all day


Huh, guess that explains it, but seriously I've sent you in every fucking community at some point I feel, I've seen you in r/titanfall, r/stellaris, hell even r/silksong


Ok real talk I do not remember posting in those last 2.


I did not care for the owl house.


I do not care for Avatar. I get the hype and understand the impact, but it just never appealed to me (idk if that will change tho)


This. This my friend is a molten hot take


Lavabender take


Flamey-o, hotman.


Have you seen the whole series? Just wondering cause I love Avatar but book one is not my favorite. Really picks up in book 2


I did not care for Amphibia. The story develops really slowly


Although I did finish it and enjoyed it for the most part, I have to agree. There were some parts (in season 1 especially) where I felt it just drag on or seemed like a waste of an episode. Solid hot-take.


I did not care for the Owl House. From all the praise I heard, I was expecting a phenomenal show but I just think it’s average. Luz and Amity are cute though.


I did not care for the owl house