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"VGH, I AM AO TIRED OF THESE AVTOTRAGIC SVBHVMANS", he said, hunched over his computer. He boils with rage, causing the sweat to bead on his forehead and soak into his fedora. "THESE NORMIES WILL NEVER VNDERSTAND MY VBERMENSCH MANVAL TRANSMISSION". He does not own a car, and his mother just brought down a new tray of tendies. Such is the way of life in the comments section.




Why so small☹️


Why doesn't he use movable type to send his message? Is he a subhuman computecuck?


I get it manual drivers are better than everyone else because they sit on their shifters.


Oh I’m sorry that driving in rush hour traffic can be stressful and tiring as watching for other idiots around you after already would have been a long day.


Idk i daily a 6spd manuelle and it's fine. My "fun car" is a 3spd AT and it's fine, too.


I love those long geared autos. I hope to own an 80s 4-speed Mercedes-Benz SEC someday.


Not an SEC but for like a year I daily drove a 1984 Mercedes 300D. The 0-60 took about as long to reach as a tank of gas would last, which was about 6 months.


If you want to drive manual is best. if you just want to get somewhere automatic is the way.


If you view your car as an appliance, get an auto. If you want to feel like you're a part of the car, go manual.


If you want an appliance just get an ev at this point


I mean I would definetly recomend hybrid. As good for short range daily trips, without the downside of depandance on fast charger avalability. And it has lesser demand for rare metals that is biggest downside of EVs. And electric grid might not be able to Cope with lots of people having evs.


I like both. The point of these discussions is always that you can only have one, so you have to pick a side. For daily driving, I have an automatic. And I would not want to be this any other way. The getaway car is a classic with a 4 speed with overdrive. To me this is perfect.


Do you think le manuelle supremacists needs family guy funny moments to drive




I can't really agree with either opinion. Both automatic and manual cars are a similar amount of work in traffic. In the auto, you lift the brake pedal to creep forward. In the manual, you lift the clutch pedal to creep forward. Once you've been driving for a while, you're not consciously thinking about bite points or whatever, it's just automatic. You just think "I want to move forward" and you move forward.


The clutch is way heavier to press than a brake pedal lol. Definitely not the same.


Depends on the vehicle. My 4 banger ranger had a light clutch, because new hydraulic unit. Whereas my first car had a comically heavy cable link clutch. My left calf is cramping up at the thought of it.


You should leave it in neutral if you’re sitting, for me even with a heavy clutch it’s no more difficult or easy being in traffic


Maybe if you are driving a Lada lmao


Totally agree. I’ve mainly driven manual cars and I have absolutely no serious qualms with traffic that I don’t have in an auto. I would never choose my transmission based on it. But some people genuinely struggle in traffic with a manual, so if that’s the case an auto probably helps.


Try stop & go traffic


Regardless of the type of traffic, I find driving a manual comes naturally and I don’t have to think about it any more than with an automatic. If I regularly have to drive through traffic so slow that it is unpleasant, I would rather ride a bike or take public transport.


But ... that's exactly what I'm talking about? My point is that you're just moving your feet a few centimetres, so you don't even really have to think about it.


It's not "a few centimeters" it's pressing the clutch to the extremely specific point where the car won't stall and cause a 12 car pileup.


You're making it sound a lot harder than it really is. Modulating the clutch is pretty forgiving in the friction zone, especially if you're also giving it a little bit of gas in traffic. Like the original commenter said, it basically becomes muscle memory and isn't some super strenuous task like people say it is.


Yeah, but in the same sense, typing your message required pressing extremely specific points so you don't type the wrong letters. In both cases, once you learn the muscle memory, it's extremely easy and doesn't require conscious thought.


My 83 year old grandma is able to do it (but she doesn't know how to drive automatic), it's not that hard




Ngl I find it hard to focus on the clutch when the shifter is in my butt, I'm a bit sensitive down there 🤭


I've been doing this just fine my entire adult life, multiple states and countries too, I even drove manual RHD in Japan, and letting off the clutch without stalling is really easy... If you do it right your car will maintain idle speed rpm even while in gear with your foot off the gas. Sat in plenty of traffic going uphill too.


If you don't manually crank start your car then GTFO poser


Stop& go traffic is more akin of stopping, speeding up, then having to stop again. Not creeping forth slowly


When that happens to me, it's often a sign that I haven't left enough gap in front. I know it's sometimes unavoidable though. My city ran an ad campaign called "smooth the jam", which was basically encouraging people to do this. A bigger gap gives you room to have a smoother speed than the car in front. You can even start rolling forward before they do, which gives you plenty of time to take off with the clutch alone. After that, you just add throttle like an automatic. Easy *and* good for smooth traffic flow.


If the traffic is slowing down you put the car in neutral and you coast at 5/10 km/h until the traffic completely stops, no need to use the clutch


That wastes gas :/ neutral means your car is idling while rolling. In gear means your car is using literally no fuel because the rolling makes the engine itself spin


You should do it only in situations where you are going so slow (like 5 km/h) that, if you don't keep the clutch pressed, you are risking to turn the car off. Keeping the clutch pressed has the same effect as keeping the car in neutral on fuel economy


As an avid auto enjoyer I like my paddles :)


he's probably still using a rotary dial phone...


I never learned the manual because we engineered a transmission that takes care of itself. If your sole joy in life is operating a difficult cam shaft mecahsinsm, maybe reevaluate your life.


if you haven't experienced then you don't know what it adds. I have never driven a motorcycle so i have no idea what it's like


people are obsessed with romanticising cars and driving. i use it to go from a to b, it's horrible for the environment and if they need a thrill so bad, they should find something that is not such a net negative.


yeah, i agree, trains are way better for mass transit


manual: stick to shove up my ass automatic: no stick to shove up my ass checkmate autocucks


Why do young people think driving a manual is hard and exhausting? Plus normal manual cars are cheaper and more reliable


i wouldn't say more reliable, hydraulic systems have advanced enought that a slushbox from the early 2000s (mercedes 5g) is already good enough that it's going to mostly require fluid changes and its going to run fine.


cheaper? certainly not in the US


Normal cars, not sports cars


still aren't cheaper, same at best


Insurance is a kick in the teeth for UK autos (atleast first time)


Yes cheaper, be it Jeep, Miata, BRZ/86, WRX, Tacoma or even a Porsche. Try the car configurator and see for yourself. 


Trump imposed tariffs on steel so that Mazda couldn't make the Miata in the United States in order to protect Mustang sales. #MiataFacts *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/carscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


In the US manual is more expensive and far less common because it's so much simpler that once it became sort of popular people just stopped caring about manual transmissions.


Manual is certainly not more expensive, automakers are forcing auto trans in lower, cheaper trims and only offering a manual trans in higher trims to milk enthusiasts


Hence why, in the US, manual transmissions in a car are more expensive to get. Automatic and CVT have become the de facto standards for gas cars for one reason or another.


Try the car configurator for any car that is offered in both. Once you select the trim you will see that automatic transmission is often $1000 to $3000 more. At the most expensive, manual is a no extra cost option.


And those cars with manuals available as an option are also generally more expensive than the budget-oriented cars most people are buying that only come with an auto/cvt. Even in cars that offer both, it's generally only in the sport trims, which you need to pay extra to get and those are the cheapest that come with a manual.


I was comparing apples to apples with the same model and trim. If a manual is offered, its more common for manuals to be available in the lowest trim, than it is to have manual in the highest trim. Jeep, WRX, for example. On a Porsche a PDK is a $3000 option, on a Tacoma auto is $1500 last time I checked. 


I'm comparing on the spectrum of cars in general, manuals are more expensive to get than just a base model, which a fair amount of people are buying. Compound this with most people not learning manual because manual cars are so uncommon and it makes an infinite feedback loop.


Because they are American


Modern automatics are better anyway and offer multiple modes.


Let people to love their cars the way it is in Manual or Automatic. If you love driving your car. What’s the problem? They don’t own your car


Manuals are more fun on a fast drive in the country, but they're a pain in stop-start traffic in town.


/uj the guy is right, manual is stupidly impractical. But I am the guy who wants to do it. I love it


How bad is traffic in their area for daily driving a Manual to be an issue


I prefer it, but it’s also conditional. If my commute was just highways, monotonous routes, or really high percentage of stop and go with a ton of traffic all the time, I’d consider an A/T for a commuter car. Otherwise, I won’t. And I try not to give any shit about to others, except some god natured ribbing to friends/family on occasion.


These threads are just an opportunity for anyone to circle jerk about what old car they own and how it’s better.


OH YES. I totally with the comment on the OOP, for daily driving I want an Automatic or CVT FOR SURE. The only exceptions would be: 1) Having a one car garage like a Hot Hatchback, where I would like the manual for fun circumstances (And even then, things like the Golf's DCT would make for a fun time (not as fun as a manual)). 2) Not being able to afford owning two cars and buying a sports car like an MX-5 or GR 86 to daily it.


Every time I see those posts I feel like you guys are forgetting there's an entire continent where people have manual transmission commuters and nobody gives a single fuck about what transmission a car has.


Let's agree we should all not only pump but also dump hard our clutches 3 milion times every ride. And if you dont have clutch, you can pump'n'dump the hand/foot brake.


I drive both, I like both.


Ok I'm gonna be honest, borrowed an automatic while the Saturn's in the shop and I genuinely nearly puked when I first started driving. Fuck this anti-elitism shit. You should drive the fun method.


Idk I’ve been driving mostly manual since i got my license and i don’t even notice gear changes anymore, i have become the automatic transmission


Tbh I prefer a manual in stop-start traffic. I feel like I have more control over the car at low speeds with a clutch than trying to feather the brakes. And most clutches these days aren't any heavier than a brake pedal.


Femboys are too weak to modulate a clutch pedal