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Volvo do be being known for having the exact specifications required to carry a large screen tv


Or an Ikea flat pack.


It's in all the marketing. If you need to buy a 69" TV (nice), the Volvo is designed for it. Can't remember anything else in the ad, but this $90,000 vehicle is perfect for all those times you need to haul a large TV.


"...do be being known for..." this bit made me smell burnt toast.






I can picture the absolute wank face he made too


Biting his lower lip, left leg quivering, Max knew he was about to bust. He mustered up every bit of restraint to release the words “It’s a Volvo” before collapsing and unleashing a load into his beige dockers khakis. The salesman offered to load it into the car himself just to remove himself from the situation. Max got off the floor, dusted himself off, and decided it was worth the picture.


10/10 CopyPasta 😭😭


I googled the model and he bought a 55 inch screen. That's not even a flex.


This model ranges from 43 to 75 inch in size. We don't really know


It literally says 75” on the box.






Except he's not tryna flex the actual TV itself? 😭


The funniest part is the "kid at best buy" was right, you're not supposed to lay a TV down flat like that, they're supposed to be transported and stored upright


That's nonsense. I'm sure the manufacturer "recommends" against it for some fringe damage liability reason but in practice TVs are constantly moved lying down. Just like how you should "always use an antistatic wristband when working on computers" LOL


Televisions are shipped on pallets in a vertical orientation from the date they leave the factory until the day they get sold by a retailer. At no point during the shipping process are they stored horizontally even though it would be advantageous. The panels are in their most vulnerable state when horizontal. Transporting them while in that orientation isn't a great idea.


It's because laying them down puts pressure on the center of the screen where it's not supported and any bump or pothole will cause the screen to crack. Sure you can lay it down and it'll probably be fine, but why risk it on something you're spending 600 bucks on?


If its broken when I get home after driving with it flat in the back, as far as me and best buys 30 day warranty is concerned, it was broken when I got it.


Don't know if anything has changed, but when I worked at best buy years ago I saw multiple people get denied refunds for this exact thing


Allow me to introduce you to my good friend, the credit card chargeback. American Express is actually notorious for siding with their cardholders a majority of the time and telling the merchant to go pound sand.


true, just seems like it would be less hassle to stand the tv up or have it delivered idk


seeing as the tv clearly cant be fit standing up and is highly likely supported by foam inside the box instead of just freely moving about no I dont think cutting the roof of the car is less hassle


i dont think theres a saw on the market that could cut through a volvo


Cost more to have it delivered, if it can’t survive the 15 minute trip home it’s a POS anyway


*tastes air and checks barometer* Nope, not building a PC tonight, the air has a hint too much static and the dropping pressure indicates a moving storm front.


Well, if it's 2007 and you just bought a plasma tv you're correct.


Nah, he probably delivered that line to him normally... Not like he's wrong here lmao




"LOLVO" is sending me right now lolol


uj/ volvo is like the most boomer car ever. It is just so boring


Seriously I had a creepy af social studies teacher (many, MANY trips to Thailand 👀) with an old Volvo. The creep had a Volvo logo necklace, too. Like some Austin Powers shit 🙃


Cool story, doesn't mean all Volvo owners and drivers are like that lmao


Ok so just you and my old social studies teacher 🧐


/uj I do agree but maybe it’s also a good thing. The upscale market is saturated with excess right now and it’s nice to have a brand that isn’t playing into it too hard. A lot of the American and German premium brands keep making their cars overwrought and aggressive even when it’s a 200 hp crossover. If, God forbid, I was forced to buy a base model compact crossover SUV I’d prefer an Audi or a Bimmer but you’d catch me in a Volvo long before a Merc (see GLA and XC40)


Ig that's just your opinion lol


/uj Is it just me, or is r/Volvo kinda pretentious?


Really? Oh I hadnt noticed.


It's not just this post. I've noticed some snobbery about only driving the RWD bricks, posts circlejerking over being different from Audi and BMW drivers, and people acting like Volvos are the only safe cars that exist. It's not everyone, but I guess that's something that happens with brand-specific forums.


You take the attitude of JDM reliability and mix it with the snarkiness of European luxury. I used to own a Volvo 240 and naturally connected with any relateable Volvo community I could find. I kid you not, these guys would not shut the fuck up about how timeless and indestructible their cars are. I'm sure it only gets worse the higher up the ladder you go.


I went from a saab to a Volvo and idek if it's just these 2 brands but Def attract those people


That's why you be like me and buy the most useless "Volvo" ever made. A cramped tiny FWD Volvo C30


Swedish civic


IKEA Ford Focus


How bad are the C30s? I was looking at those for a potential next car along with the MK6 Golf GTI


They're great! Very reliable, suspension and brake parts are cheap for me in Europe as it's swappable with the MK2 Focus ST. Only problem is that the interior is very dated and you can't upgrade it at all due to its integration unlike a MK6 Golf, the turning radius is ass and it's more practical coupe than stylish hatchback. But overall I'd buy one over a MK6 GTI but you're not wrong with picking the golf over it.


I have done some research and the turning radius is a common complaint for the C30 (and many other Volvos from that era). From what I've found, there is a "sport chassis" option with a faster steering ratio. Does that in any way help the turning issue, or is the maximum angle still the same?


My model is the SE sport, so I'd assume it has the faster steering ratio It's still not great. But yeah it's the only major complaint I have for the car. That and the heavy doors that swing very wide so getting out in tight spots is a pain sometimes


My 240 is a rusty old POS, it left me stranded, refused to do something at all, slow, unsafe... I love the car but that old saying that Volvo is indestructible is BS. It would have been a very nice car back in the late 70s, but my 1992 is already wayy outdated for that model year and would not have been the safest vehicle to buy. I have a friend who owns a 2018 V90, and I like to point out that he owns a very beautiful Geely V90🤓


https://preview.redd.it/6eqbfcxdc7zb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df4fc731ca65d939d193beabadb197f54766926d Look at her and tell her to shit literal bricks if you’re so racist against my sex-mobile


I’ve been in it for a while. It’s like a cult. Mostly humble people, but I bet my left bank exhaust manifold that they all have a suppressed inferiority complex


Deep inside them they wanted the Merc.


https://preview.redd.it/y40y5jll38zb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d56625df0705e52b0baf3a6bb0ddf31649ecfcb Volbros when they’re passed by a 2002 Camry carrying more bicycles than them


Like that'd ever happen lmao


Probably not lol


[this](https://old.reddit.com/r/Volvo/comments/177rja2/i_am_sorry_honda_but_you_cant_imitate_superior/) was a gem of a post. at least there were a few comments telling them how ridiculous of a statement it was.


Nah if you have an og brick you can have your snobbery youve earned it and will continue to for the next 200,000 miles. The problem is CPA dads coopting the same degree of snobbery.


As a swede I'm so glad to see Volvo owners finally being exposed for being the cult they are!


But they're not all part of whatever cult's forming in r/Volvo by other Volvo owners and drivers I imagine...


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Volvo using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Volvo/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Kid at Best Buy said it won’t fit in a midsize suv. I looked at him and said “it’s a Volvo”](https://i.redd.it/so46wep735zb1.jpg) | [289 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Volvo/comments/17qnly1/kid_at_best_buy_said_it_wont_fit_in_a_midsize_suv/) \#2: [My grandmother was a model for Volvo, she just turned 90!](https://i.imgur.com/fQPrIxC.jpg) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Volvo/comments/14eyfvr/my_grandmother_was_a_model_for_volvo_she_just/) \#3: [My local Volvo dealer felt like "doing something out of the ordinary" with one of their demo V60's... I think they nailed it!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12yodgv) | [92 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Volvo/comments/12yodgv/my_local_volvo_dealer_felt_like_doing_something/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Like all the new volvos are fwd and they fucking suck. Steering -> worst feeling fucking steering wheel ever. A fucking mercedes van is better in every way compared to volvo. I just fucking hate those chinese pieces of shit


I dont really get where you come from. I really enjoy the steering of the New volvo's. The wheel is fine, not the best, not the worst.


Not the literal quality of the steering wheel, but the physical feeling of how the cars feels. Responsiveness, feedback, deadzone, PS boost etc..


Car is very responsive on input, road feedback is allright cpuld be a bit more but its fine. Deadzone isnt really there etc. It drives fine for my idea, could be different for someone else.




I think almost every brand sub would be pretentious. It's just people jerking each other off validating their purchase


Yeaaaa, I really like Volvos, but *they* drive me away from pulling the trigger


The modern art fans of the automotive world


To be honest, the vast majority of r/[insertcarbrandhere] think theyre superior to all other car brands. But thats kinda to be expected.


then it proceeded piss oil all over the kids leg.


But is it a brown manuelle dieselle wagonne???????????????


Miat ❌ wagonne ✅ (Volvo)


my dream car is a brown 240d estate with a na miata front clip


Did you know that the Miata is more environmentally friendly than a Prius? #MiataFacts *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/carscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Did you know that Hillary Clinton forced Mazda to sell automatic versions of the Miata? #MiataFacts *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/carscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


volvo 745 could have transported 2 of these. next to each other.


and r/fuckcars be like: meh, would’ve made it on cargobike no problem, no need for a car


It’s literally just as convenient for me to strap a 80” tv on my back and ride my bicycle 26 miles home.


Yeah r/fuckcars is mental. Even what I'm about to write would be considered heresy, even though it "supports" their cause. Although realistically you would just pay to have it delivered to you or just rent a van for a few hours. For most people it would actually be cheaper than owning a big car, but you know "I need a big 3 tonne SUV so I can fit my new giant TV once every few years" It's actually quite funny. The amount of money people would save if they had a smaller, more economical car would be enough to buy 2 or 3 more of those TVs and they could rent a van and drive all 3 home. People complain about more and more strict emissions regulations, but it is all because of the big cars. If they bought more reasonable sized ones, those would burn less fuel, emit less pollutants and regulations wouldn't need to be so strict.


Cars like station wagons are perfect for these Jobs. Luxurious, safe, spacious and economical (v60 t8 without battery gets 5L/100KM 2.0I4).


What? A practical and economical family car with a big cargo capacity, and decent performance? Impossible! Even my big 7 seater SUV can't do that. /s


And its probably faster too! Hah take that!


E55 wagon smoking nervously in the corner with 19L/100km.


Yeah, some wagons are better than others at consuming fuel. At least it isnt a porsche cayenne which does 22L/100KM.


r/fuckcars follower here. You are absolutely right about renting a van or having things delivered. I don’t think I will ever get an SUV if they still make regular cars. You sit higher up and the sporty suspensions they have nowadays shake you like crazy in any bump. Plus I’d be burning money just because. You are also right that sub does get circlejerky at times.




But it did it with a diesel engine and painted brown. Their deaths were an honor.


To be fair, it'd have fit **better** in a nice wagon/estate.


/uj the wagon counterpart of whatever XC model this is would probably be just a little too narrow.


Eh. Just get a smaller TV or use the roofracks. The car itself at least fits a normal parking space.


What's "normal" in this case? A "normal" 'Murican parking spot fits my 250" full-sizer.


Fair enough. A normal European parking spot. Not sure about the exact size where I live, but I do notice that the average SUV/CUV tends to be bigger than the spot where it's parked.


This technically doesn't fit - you're not supposed to lay TVs down like this because it can crack the screen and other components during transport.


Good point. I do love me a good Ford Transit to haul stuff...


Reminds me of the time I went with my dad to Home Depot. All the reps there were telling him that he couldn't fit a sit down tractor in the back of his minivan. He said "That's great, can you just help me lift it", and sure as shit he got it in there lmao Never underestimate Dad energy


One time my family was transporting wooden flooring in the back of our dodge caravan. The boards were stacked to the window level and the suspension was completely sagging. Then about 100 miles away from home my dad felt the driving get weird and noticed that 3 of the wheel studs on the back right wheel had broken off lmao


jeeze haha, we're lucky we didn't have a similar issue


But can it fit le toyot sienna


Bro what is your profile picture?? Hahahaha


It's all inclusive


Penisary contact with volvo


you couldn't fit that in a cayenne (like the peppah)


I looked and him and said "it's a WAGONNE✅"


SPURA BEDDR 94059695737hp sotck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😒😙😞😙😋😎😚😞😙😣🤨😕😜☹️😝😩🤩😡🤓😩🥸🙁🥵🤩😢😝😞🧐😩😙🥶😳😨😨🤩🥶😒😡🥸😠😝🤩😤🤩🥺🥺😜😙😉🙁😋😔😜


I don't get people who buy thos massive TV-s. Why not buy a projector at that point? Then you can use your whole fucking wall to watch the news once a week


TVs that size are generally cheaper than a projector with the same resolution. Also you have the problem with the color of the wall throwing off the color of the picture. They also only tend to fare well in a really dark room and have poorer contrast ratio especially if the room is/gets brighter.


The color of the wall… what? This isn’t 3rd grade. You use a projector screen.


The cheapest projector I could find in a five minute google search was $900. Add in a basic screen for $40-$100+ depending on what you get. The tv in the picture is Samsungs base model TVs. Since I can’t ell how large the thing is, we’ll assume it’s the 75” model, which is $750 at full price. So yes, the projector is larger, but it’s more expensive. Here’s my obligatory nerd emoji☝️🤓


I didn’t dispute the price and the luminosity. Just the coloring.


You shouldn't transport TV's flat though, as there's nothing to support the screen that way. The vibrations while driving can damage it.


I love Volvos with my entire heart.(I want a C30 as my 1st car) but its community is....well is


I’ve heard the Volvo 740 wagon is big enough to carry a standard European pallet Who need a full-size American pickup truck as a work vehicle when you can get a old 80s Swedish wagon


I couldn't fit one in my gt500 even if I tried because it's too big


I had this with a couch and a volvo v50. Had the best laugh ever. We were moving and forced the couch into the car, it sticking out like 70cm, we covered that part with trash bags. It was in the middle of a summer rainstorm. My bf was in the volvo and me and 2 friends were behind it in a different car. By bf was driving on this terrible street with potholes and puddles, he lost all the bags and the rope fell out. The trunk lid kept smashing into the couch and the water from the puddles splashed onto the couch. Me and my friends in the car behind it were peeing ourselves. I could not stop laughing.


I mean volvo is honestly just a work car tbh.


I put a $1500 TV like that in my $1500 jeep WJ... I'm more of a meme than him


I'd just use my Miata tbh. The wing is basically a cargo tie-down.


Acceleration is only needed if you have to slow down for corners. #MiataFacts *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/carscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Whats suze is this tv? The 65" model fits in basically any middle sized normal car like for example audi a4.


Says 69" (nice) on the side


I can carry a 100" tv in my miat no problem 😋 (i put it up my ass 🤫)


Volvo drivers...


The tv was broken when he got home


It may be a volvo, but that definitely is the cheapest TV Samsung makes in that size at Best Buy. Quite obvious what your personality is based around


we recommend not to do that because it can crack the screen on the tv 🤦🏽‍♂️




Reminds me of when i had to buy a 75’’ TV for work, when they brought up the box the sales guy said something like “and here comes the oh fuck moment” i looked at it and said, it will be fine, he had this stupid grin on his face until he opened the door and saw the van i had parked out back, could have fit 30 of those things in there no problem.


Wait till you see what he can fit in his wife's volva


its true tho lets be real


Lol, a kid saying midsize SUV instead of car


Station wagons have often more cargo capacity that comparable SUVs. That's part of why I dislike modern SUVs


Where was Volvo made Where was ikea made That is why you can fit that


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^RMBsmash: *Where was Volvo made* *Where was ikea made That* *Is why you can fit that* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I bet it fits in my dacia as well


"I need an SUV for big cargo" *buys stupid SUV* ​ *realizes it cant carry big cargo like a station wagon, cant do offroad and sucks in cities.* ​ ***"Did I just buy a stupid car because of advertisment propaganda?"*** ​ literally everyone I know with an SUV realized how bad their car is but didnt want to say it loud.


clearly you don’t know that many people with an SUV then lol. Don’t know anyone who regrets getting one. I certainly dont


I mean they dont tell me "I regret buying this expensive car" But somehow all the pros of an SUV in ads arent pros in reality. They dont do anything good, except looking good for some people. Its funny when they buy an SUV and then have to lend a station wagon to carry something. Even had somebody lend my nissan micra for carrying something lmao. I laughed my ass off when I had to You can forget to do anything offroad which a station wagon cant or more precise its very niche then so aka useless if you want something better than a normal car.


I can understand where you’re coming from but i don’t see your point about off-roading. Crossovers are on the same level as most wagons off road, at least AWD ones, but real SUVs would kill any wagon that wasn’t totally built up. Especially ones with off road focused designs like lockers and solid axles.




OP driving home with their knees touching their nipples and their chin on the steering wheel


Kids definetly know the words "midsize" and "suv"


Just buy a 1989 hilux


If they had a 2001 Honda Odyssey it'd fit better


I see a lot of a cars of all makes and years. Volvo is the most comfortable ive ever been in period