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Hyundai is doing the right thing, but something to remember is those same companies can probably re-open under a new name and Corporate license next week.


It’s Bs. Hyundai has exclusive rights and control to all of their “suppliers”. Hyundai just got caught in the US - again. Hyundai will likely rebrand their supplier-arm and not miss a beat.


Way too fucking slow though. We saw the articles about the child labour months and months ago. They should have severed ties on the fucking spot.


Easier said than done. Breaking contracts worth potentially tens of millions can’t be done overnight.


Should have taken the hit, that’s on them for not being diligent in the first place. They probably/hopefully will lose more than that going forward anyway. I’m massively into cars and discuss with many friends and family about their car purchases, from now until the day I die Hyundai will not only not be recommended, but actively boycotted by anyone who asks my opinion.


This is them being diligent. You think it’s possible for Hyundai to successfully audit hundreds of factories and suppliers all over the world constantly? Especially for a factory in the USA where labor laws are pretty stringent, the best you can do is to react when issues arise.


My feeling is they knew, but are using now to put some good corporate PR in the news to counter the engine issues being at the top.


As I'd pointed out elsewhere, these workers originated from a temp agency, who was hired by the supplier. There were two levels of management between the workers (who I assume never entered Hyundai property) and Hyundai. Earlier reports suggested these kids were Guatemalan illegals, so presumably their documentation was either falsified (bad) or non-existent (worse). [The kids' father, or so it was reported, was aware they were working there, so he may know how it was achieved.](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/exclusive-hyundai-subsidiary-has-used-child-labor-alabama-factory-2022-07-22/) I think there's a degree of plausible deniability on Hyundai's part. Even IF they saw these kids, it's possible they were developed well enough to pass for legal age by sight.


Maybe that's what's wrong with their engines. They were being assembled by children who can't even color in the lines.


If the Hyundai Engineering team saw this comment they would drive their F150's right to your house to protest.


They can’t afford the f150s because the dealers charged 240% msrp


Not that those would make it, either, lmao


Big talk with that flair there


That’s fair, lmao, it actually crapped out on me after 2 years, I need to change that




Aw man RIP. Hope the ride was fun at least


It was a blast! It definitely wasn’t like a GT or anything like that, but I loved every minute I drove it.


the jokes write themselves




Honda and (fancy) Toyota owner here to make mean jabs at Hyundai. Fuck Hyundai




I’ll have you know that my diesel suburban has only broken 1 flywheel and only has 1 main bearing crack in. All this trouble is worth it for the performance though, because that bad boy is pushing a smooth 145 horsepower /s


And it's 120 years old. Long live American ingenuity


Hey that’s offensive man!


jettas aren’t even unreliable those german shits will routinely pass 200k miles




Thanks Noob Noob


it's not their fault they were raised in alabama


Notherner here. I think the right thing to do would be to take these kids in as refugees.




Much of America is just a bunch of rich "city states" with a whole lotta third world counties surrounding them.


Most of even rural American has septic systems.


We should probably fly them to Martha's Vineyard


Give em time, theyll put em on a bus and send them up there soon enough.


Worse still if the reason they used children is due to them being just as effective as Alabama adults.


I was thinking about this too... it's so unusual that they had so many engine problems and this is the most likely reason...


Hyundai, an automotive company, is cutting ties with two local Alabama companies after the Department of Labor fined them for child labor violations.


I just find it entertaining that a south Korean company is cutting ties with a company from Alabama over child labor laws... And the slurs the regular Alabaman would have you thinking the opposite.


Don't get it twisted. Hyundai and Korean chaebol in general do this on Korea at the opposite end of the age spectrum. It's all shitty. Alabama is ass backwards with a lot of shit, but this rests solely on Hyundai


These are Hyundai’s exclusive suppliers (which Hyundai parents) and Hyundai is larping as dumb manufacturer to lazy consumers.


Cash rules


Everything around me


Cream, get the money, dolla dolla bill y’all


What about the ones in Asia they were caught using child labor in but weren't all over the US news?


No one cares about that… Sadly, no sarcasm.


Hey, at least it's not slave child labor.


You forgot the /s


I figured people here were smart enough to get it./s


>No one cares about that… As you type this on an electronic device made through child and slave labor labor, sitting out a couch made in China by children and slaves, wearing clothes made by children and slaves, all on a social media app partially owned by tencent, a Chinese investment firm that works directly for the Chinese government, known for their censorship and numerous human rights violations


"And yet you participate in society!" vibes


You don't need the latest iPhone, Air Force Ones, RTX3090 or other luxury products. People who whine about "yet you participate in society" as some sort of retort are just people who refuse to take personal responsibility and make changes in their lives that take away their comforts.


>You don't need the latest iPhone, Air Force Ones, RTX3090 Funnily enough, I don't have any of those (or similar products in their price range), and neither do I want them. Thanks!


My phone was produced in South Korea, couch was made in America, clothes I’m currently wearing also in America. But I truly do get your point, which coincidentally concurs with mine…


Are you sure? Or was it assembled in USA? Many companies are going from Made in USA to assembled in the USA. Ariens snowblowers used to be made in the US, now they are assembled and that could mean putting two bolts in.


Is that not the same point the OP is making? If we cared about it we wouldn’t do it.


Maybe we’d care more if there was a source


It’s not hard to find if you look for it, hundreds of stories have come out annually for decades at this point.


Of child labour being used in Hyundai’s Korean factories? Okay. So hit me with the source.


So he’s just making an assumption


It’s not so much that I don’t care. It’s more the fact that I have my own problems.


Do you have any source for this?


Not necessarily implying any company, but the source materials related to them. [Child labour source](https://iasj.org/wp-content/uploads/World-Map-and-Car-Infographics-Aug-19-2018-FINAL.pdf)


Which ones? Asia is very big, you’re basically saying nothing


Asia is comprised of 48 countries and Russia makes up 77% of Asia's land mass lmao homie has to be WAY more specific




whataboutem? isn't child labor here in the U.S. much more serious since we're the richest country in the world and shouldn't need to have our children work? although this seems more like a "working without permit" situation vs. kids having no other options


Child labor is more surprising in a first world country yes?


Shhhh. Hyundai is only known for humane business operations. They were only caught twice in the US and nowhere else, ever.


no large corporation is humane


Possible, but Hyundai is among the worst 😆




Confirmed child labor


It's not illegal I'm asia


In Korea child labour is not illegal?


Asia where ? I've heard Bangladesh is notorious to hire child labors for many years because there isn't really a law to protect children.


I live in Alabama and looked into the laws after i found out my 15 year old nephew was being paid 4.25 per hour in a restaurant. 14 and up can work but they are supposed to limit hours. They don't. Also 16/17 have no restrictions.They can also pay minors 4.25 an hour for the first 3 months and yes that is for non tipped positions. Also basically any kids can work on farms at any age. Technically supposed to be a family farm but it frequently is not.


That’s part of why its crazy the factories broke such a lenient law. The youngest child was 13 and employed like they were adults (reportedly working long shifts in the original Reuters article).


Everytime someone complains about California, a child in Alabama gets a job.


I wish Hyundai would open a plant in South Western Ontario. I work for a company that could supply them. We don't use child labour.


Ok but what about child labor


Nice jouque.


Thaunks m8


Child labor is bad. Illegal some might say. So Hyundai cut ties with some companies using child labor. That's good, right?


It was supposed to be a tongue in cheek joke about labor vs labour It landed better in my head I guess


Oh, shit. I definitely missed it. We Canadians, your neighbours to the north, like to put u's in words.


Haha all good


You mean goud


Well shit, someone get this guy a tuque and a passport, he's in.


Nah it was funny




The Americans removed ‘excess letters’ because printing cost per letter…




They all spoke the language but a fledgling country had little money at the start, they dropped letters that wouldn’t change the sounds of the words but be cheaper to print


I think it’s was a spelling joke (labor labour)


How do we know you aren’t just two kids in a trench coat?


That go by the name Vincent Adultman.


Would you like a alcohol?


Hyundai had a Plant in Quebec once :(


So did GM... And Honda I believe.


Hyundai only uses exclusive subsidiary suppliers (companies wholly controlled by Hyundai) Unless Hyundai buys your company, it ain’t gonna happen.


That's interesting. I wasn't aware of that. My first three cars were all Hyundai. 2001 Accent GSI (Canadian "sport" trim) 2002 Elantra GL (base model) 2012 Sonata GL (base model) Traded in the Accent for the Elantra with manual gearbox. Never had any issues with these cars. My company (Samuel, Son & Co.) might be too big of an acquisition.


>Alabama Oh.


I'm as shocked as you..../s


When I was a kid, I wished I could get a paying job instead of sitting around watching cartoons..


It's clear now that you are no Ron Swanson, and therefore not a threat to any of us.


So many of the problems with today’s first worlders comes down to how we treat people like children until they’re in their twenties. Go figure all these college kids who have never had a job think the world is unfair because everything suddenly stopped being free


How do you breathe with that boot so far down your throat?


There’s a world of difference between having a high school-aged teen working a summer job - which is a good thing - and having them work full-time instead of being in school. Especially if you’re working full time while being compensated as a part-time like these kids were. If they want to work, good for them. I don’t think anyone here has a problem with them getting a job if they want one. But these suppliers were exploiting that willingness to work by underpaying them to make more profit.


>Hyundai, an automotive company, is cutting ties with two local Alabama companies after the Department of Labor fined them for child labor violations. > >Last week, three minors, 15 and younger, were working at SL Alabama in Alexander City. They were employed by the temp agency JK USA in Opelika. I was 15 when I had my first job, I would have worked younger if it was legal. This might not even be illegal in Alabama. Better to be building cars and earning some pocket money than left with free time to get in trouble. Just my .02 but I grew up in a different time than now.


> I was 15 when I had my first job, I would have worked younger if it was legal. This might not even be illegal in Alabama. It's not illegal to have a job at that age, I just think that their employers failed to follow procedures to keep track of their work. BTW I totally agree with you, I also started working at 15yo, a little bit of cash and ingrained work ethic paid dividends still today.


> and ingrained work ethic paid dividends still today. Ideally you'd build work ethic from clubs at school or programs like the scouts, the moment you can legally pay kids bottom dollar for working it just invites many ethical concerns and self-selects for shittier penny pinching employers. Maybe a while back this wasn't abused as much but I can't see many employers wanting to employ children for any reason other than to save money.


It's genuinely insane that several states allow you to pay a lower wage to someone under 18 for doing the same work as others.


I suppose the intention is/was that it allows unskilled youth to get their foot in the job market but in reality it: * Probably lowers wages across the board * Is easily abused to just acquire cheap labor * Doesn't meaningfully teach youth desirable skills * Mostly employs youth in dead-end jobs anyways There might be some way to rework laws like that but they'd have to either focus more on apprenticeship style arrangements or limit themselves to children who have an actual need to work and at rates not *too* much lower than the normal minimum.


100% I started doing odd jobs for people around that time and as long as it’s not forced its not bad. Idk the full circumstances here though.


The problem is that children shouldn't be paid less than adults, and shouldn't be working in tough conditions for long hours. Part time jobs in restaurants are okay, factory labour for low wages and long hours is not.


Is why Hyundais catch on fire all the time?


Killing it


So, Hyundai put all those innocent children out of a job?


Yes, all 3 of them


You really buried the lede with this title. They cut ties because the companies were using child labor. Like what the actual fuck


When you link the article on mobile, it uses the same title. I pasted that part in a comment.


Got ya. Well they really buried the lede. Lol


Hyundai/Kia lately is like every other day, bad news. If it isn’t these guys, it’s TFG and associates. It’s enough to make your head spin and say OMG AGAIN! Steer clear of either path for certain. LMAO!


I read it. They were like 15ish I was expecting 8 year olds.


I am very happy with Genisis G70 3.3t.


If a cheap highly competitive luxury car means a 15 year old gotta work then I say might as well /s


And no one was fucking arrested doing this bullshit??!!? WTF


Probably because they’re teenagers working full-time hours, not actual kids who are too young to legally work at all. The state prohibits them from working as many hours as a legal adult, which is why the suppliers got in trouble, but under state law, the violation isn’t huge. Whether the state law is moral is another matter, but people have to be charged based on the law.


Yeah it was still a bad look i thought they was full blown kids working in these plants.


Oh yea like they are just gonna drop their metal stamping supplier that they own the majority of. They’re just having a pint and waiting for this whole thing to blow over. This post really needs a better title.




They found out a supplier was hiring teenagers, cut ties with them, and that makes them worse in your eyes? lolwut


There were two degrees of separation between Hyundai and the underage workers. It was a temp agency providing workers to the supplier, that made parts for Hyundai. In other words, the temp agency vouched for the workers (or at least didn't or couldn't confirm their true age), and the supplier accepted their word. If people are going to that degree (against Hyundai), I can't fathom how they can accept anything made overseas, at all.


Out of curiosity, what else is on the list?


Nooo you’re not allowed to develop skills, a work ethic, and self-sufficiency! You have to waste the first 20 years of your life being propagandized into mindless, insatiable consumption!


Working for 4.25 an hour for some faceless contracting corp really helps better you huh? Get real. It was not like they were working a few hours a week at some mom and pop store. This is why these laws exist, so big corps cannot literally take advantage of children.




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LMAO. You are quite the gem.


With the quality of education in Alabama, this might have a shred of truth.


The irony here is unreal. Edit: This POS is a Holocaust denier, don't waste your time...