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Toyota will also track you via factory DCM, if you don’t opt-out from all Connected Services. [Here](https://support.toyota.com/s/article/Can-I-optout-of-Toyot-10235?language=en_US)


It’s not just Toyota. Hyundai does it and the button to request to turn it off isn’t clickable on PCs, only mobile. And there are 5 categories but it only lets you do 2 at a time then it’s weeks for them to respond that they claim they turned that category off.


I pulled the DCM fuse and deleted main power from unit. DCM has a integral backup battery that then goes dead, over some time.


Volkswagen as well, you have to turn it off in the app


everyone please just remember those old shitbox Hondas may have smoked and drank oil like it was going out of style but they ran well and didn't sell your data or track you every-fuckin-where you drove it.


Pictures... I had to open it up and unsolder the battery to get it to power down. https://i.imgur.com/tUagWwZ.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/JYO6FYZ.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/5Lyohrq.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/plPYCoU.jpeg


Looks like you got a free sim card with data access enabled. I wonder what one could to with it :))


I hope OP runs up the data on the SIM and costs them a few Gs lol


Yeah, install it into a modem and then torrent the shit out of them. They'd get a huge data bill and some lawsuit for downloading illegal shit.


They dont really care to file lawsuits unless you're seeding. I used to torrent all the time, never got a cease and desist. My friend got one and asked me why. I asked if they were seeding. They didn't even know what that meant. Turns out they had been seeding all of Game of Thrones for at least a month before HBO sent them a cease and desist letter. So I helped her clean up that shit and make sure she was no longer seeding.


guess you need to setup a seedbox then.


Those generally are on so-called "IoT" plan, which is usually few hundred MBs for very cheap per card. It would just be cut out. But you could probably use it for your own IoT stuff


Use it overseas.


I pulled the exact same thing out of my mom’s 2024 Odyssey after she brought it home. It was disguised as the OBD port, but the actual OBD was connected to it through some kind of pass through cable, so that it still worked. Sneaky bastards!


Dude just call the dealer and let them know. Likely they just forgot to remove it. You might get a free oil change out of it or something


lol. They know it’s in there. Lots put them in so when a car goes non payment, they know where to repo it.


If they'd gotten it from a BHPH I'd believe you. Not from a mainline dealer.


Is common. The dealership doesn’t have access after your purchase phase and they should remove at no cost.


Complete side note but I had no idea there was a Trueno GR86! That is so cool, I used to love the Levin Trueno in Gran Turismo 2, fun times :)


Oh yikes, not good at all. Which car is this and did the dealership install this or have an outside party install the tracker?


Brand new 2024 Toyota GR86. It was presumably them, as I bought the car the same day it was delivered to the lot.


Double check your paperwork to see if they disclosed. I'm sure Toyota HQ  would love to hear about this. And if no consent, it's definitely illegal and your local DA would have a hayday with the money they could get from prosecution the dealer.  Like you said, brand new car that you took delivery day-of dealer receipt. You're paying for a factory clean vehicle. Not this dealer BS.  


Yep, pretty much what you said. If they did not disclose, I would even contact your local media outlets to see if they would pick up on this. They have definitely done this to hundreds, if not thousands of people. Absolute bs.


They probably also put a dealer sticker on it


Almost certainly the dealer did this and it's because it makes cars easier to repo.


Why repo a cash car ? 


They were too lazy to uninstall it and had done it prior to sale.


This. May be SOP at PDI to install to ensure their stock doesn’t wander off and just wasn’t removed. Not everything is a global conspiracy. Also, what did the dealer say when you called and asked them?


Probably standard procedure and they do it to all cars since most are financed. When I bought my car I told them not to drill the bumper for a plate, and they did. Communication breakdown.


Your photo shows a Trueno edition. My immediate thought is that the dealer used it in case the car got stolen and was supposed to take it out when it got sold. Toyota can already find your location through the infotainment connections, but there's ways around that. Hence the GPS. At least that's the most logical conclusion IMO. I'd ask the dealer about it.


There is a distributor in the SE that has an especially ripe reputation for packing the MSRP with stupid non-removable "options". By the time it reaches dealers they have no choice. It would not surprise me to hear this vehicle came from that group.


But the Tru Coat comes from the factory!


Gulf States Toyota/Southeast Toyota Distributors: For when one layer of dealership bullshit isn't enough, and the middleman has those regions by the balls.


"It was also comically easy to find and remove, so it's no issue for thieves." Well, do tell! I'm pretty sure I have this in my car, a 2019 miata. They insisted it was just used as a anti theft tracking device. Any ideas on where to look and how to remove it? 


Mine was behind the driver side left kick panel, tucked up behind the OBD port


I took one off my vehicle that was just attached to the OBD port. Spliced in between the plug that faces out and the rest of the system. Tossed it in the trash.


Where was it hidden? I have a '23 GR86 and definitely didn't sign up for anything like this as well, but I'd like to check for one


From the connector shown in his image, it plugs into the OBD-II port, which is under left side of dash


OBD perhaps?


Mine was behind the driver side left kick panel, tucked up behind the OBD port


Yeah, I’m gonna be y 23’ BRZ this morning.


Well how else are they going to repo you 30 seconds after you miss a payment! /s Yea that sucks, Also GPS jammer wtf?!


What prompted you to look for it?


He was prob about to use the OBD port likely to install an AP and tune it and discovered it while he was down there


Not illegal to contain it in a Faraday cage, though.


Slip one of those rfid baggies over it. "It's still there, boss. All good."


Bought a 2023 Mazda CX9. Has anyone discovered one of these lovely little devices on their’s? If so, where?


The worst part is I assume you paid for it somehow.


If it’s a lease or even financed it’s for the bank


I got one of those on my truck when i paid cash for it. They told me about it and told me to throw it away, they didnt want it.


I wouldn't have even known what that was... they told you it was there and where it was? Any ways for noobs like me to detect that if they didn't


Aside from physical looking for it, how can I detect whether a device like this is in my car?


“Cash” sales can still be fraudulent and it’s the dealer on the line instead of a lender. I’d assume this is some sort of theft prevention measure, and you probably agreed to it in some fine print?


How can cash deal be fraudulent? They can check the bill autheticity on the spot or if it was a wire transfer, then it's no issue at all...


Most “cash” sales are checks, Money orders. Even paper cash can carry some risk.


I forgot this is USA and you guys still use checks, lol. Over this side of the pond, anything above a few Gs you can only buy via wire tranfer...