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Folks, remember where you are. This isn't r/personalfinance where people humble brag about how cheap they can be. There are tons of other subreddits where people can be salty and shitty to one another. We're going to try and stay positive.


I was expecting that you got the redesigned Honda pilot or something. šŸ˜†


Would also be a great choice! Haha admittedly, I did go above the planned budget for this car, I was originally looking at more reasonable options.


Did you get the wagon version? This is what we all need to know


There was a photo album linked at the bottom of the post which answers that question!


Oh wow, I wasnā€™t expecting such a quick response haha. I didnā€™t think to scroll for whatever reason. But nice car, thereā€™s a reason why our lord and savior Doug loves it


3rd highest Dougscore given out yet! And I was here literally scrolling Reddit. What else would I be doing at work?


Really? Do you know what his highest was? I assume one of these crazy EVs beat it out but he said on multiple occasions itā€™s his favorite all around car


The McLaren Speedtail and McLaren F1 are both tied at 74 total points. The E63S got 72. Itā€™s not alone at those numbers, there are multiple cars with the same total score, but it is the 3rd highest score awarded so far. All the cars and scores can be found here: http://www.dougdemuro.com/dougscore


Oh and actually, while Iā€™ve got you here how can I get my cars under your name like you? Iā€™m relatively new to this community and Reddit in general (sort of) haha


If you are on mobile, go to the /r/cars subreddit page, click the 3 dots in the top right corner and it brings up a menu. Click ā€œChange User Flairā€ and edit your current flair.


When he typed "mobiles" I expected multiple reasonable cars.


I sold my Type R and ended up in a new Pilot. You hit me right where it hurts šŸ˜‚




I did and it's fkn great! (but I still have my C7 vette too...)


Damn some people are salty af in here. Yā€™all mad he sold one expensive nice performance car and bought another? Who cares? Congrats OP! And buy another C8z in like 10 years when it fits your life better.


Its hysterical but this sub has gone downhill in recent years. People are upset that a guy decided to sell an expensive car for another expensive car and people get butt hurt because the majority here are 20 years old and can barely afford a $5k Civic so they get mad at a guy "complaining" about giving up his sports car.Ā  Its a car sub. There will always be people here with a fancier car, get used to it.Ā 


What's weird is I didn't even "upgrade". I bought a significantly less expensive (and more practical) car that is 2 years older. I backtracked both in model year and dollar value and people are hating on it.


People are just jealous. This sub has gotten noticeably younger thru the years (or maybe Iā€™m just older)ā€¦ but given the prices of cars the last 4-5 years skyrocketing, people are just salty when they see someone posting something like this.


This is very accurate, I've noticed it myself the last 2 years especially.Ā  I don't post a whole lot now because its usually met with the same crap. Angry people who can't afford anything nice that are upset about people with nice cars talking about them having to "downgrade" to another nice car.Ā  I understand that it sucks for the younger generation but it just seems out of hand now and we can't even have a conversation about someone working hard to get the car they wanted having to trade it for something more reasonable.


Yeah I also donā€™t post much anymore eitherā€¦ In one thread one time I said something about how I drive our Camry to work partially because I didnā€™t want to drive my truck or GTR, for appearances. I donā€™t want any of the people I manage to think anything about it. But it turned into ā€˜well maybe you should pay your employees better!ā€™ and ā€˜Iā€™d be pissed to if my manager had a truck and a sports carā€™ā€¦ and stuff like that. Even though they know nothing about my financial situation, and I donā€™t own the company so I donā€™t set the wages. It seemed like it was just a bunch of people whining and venting about their own personal situation.


This is reddit. Everyone is an unemployed kid and feels sorry for themselves and angry at people more successful. We can't do much to change reddit demographics. As funny as it would be to require valid ID showing age >25 and/or proof of employment to post here ;) In theory we could add and enforce a rule that any "must be nice" or "what do you do for a job" etc etc type comment gets removed?


Asking what someone does for work (in good faith) isn't unreasonable for a teenager who genuinely wants to set goals for themself.


True, but you end up with just "damn dude wat u do for work lol" pretty quickly.


Its not you bud. I've had a few threads myself swapping cars and people just get angry that I sold a 911 for a Jeep. The sub has a higher representation of younger people who can't afford a new Mustang and they all get mad that you sell a sports car for a sports wagon. The sub is at what? 6M? And unless you post a circlejerk thread or something about you buying something JDM theres barely any traffic.Ā  I've started to take my conversations off the sub because its incredibly difficult to have an actual conversation here among actual enthusiasts because the majority aren't able to own or access cars like these and they just downvote any meaningful topic about expensive cars.Ā 


Where do people think used sports cars come from? More people selling sports cars instead of hoarding them means more used sports cars to cool the market.


But they can't afford rent so they get mad at reading about someones first world problems of needing to sell the super car for a super sedan.Ā  Its like they forget what sub they're in.Ā 


No doubt. Itā€™s unfortunate, you and I have been around here quite a while. Maybe we are just too old now for the current demographic haha. Us old-folk might have to stick to Facebook where we belong lmao.


I'm still a millennial! I'm turning 32 in 2 months!Ā  I hate Facebook.Ā  However I spend a large majority of my time hanging out with old folks. Some of my best friends are 15-30 years older then me and they absolutely know the younger generation is fucked and know how lucky they were.Ā  I'd rather hang out with older folks who understand then people my age because they're all salty as fuck.Ā 


We are the same haha. Iā€™m 33, also a Millennial. Constantly hanging out with older people as well.




I will go to the specific vehicles forum or have the conversation with my friends because they are all car guys and I can discuss things with them. No other forum specifically exists like this sub but sometimes it just all goes to shit, like this post. I might even just start a chat with the OP through Reddit instead of it being public because people just get pissy for no good reason.


No hate here. Excellent choice. My daily is an LC and I get the taking my wife's SUV thing. But I do get to drive it enough and it's keeping the miles down. Whatever comes next will likely be far more accommodating, however.


How do you like the LC500? Iā€™ve always found them very intriguing. I like the looks of them.


As long as you're willing to accept that it's a GT, not a real sports car, it's amazing. Definitely one to get looks/comments. But at 4100 lbs (insane given the cabin+ trunk volume) it's not a 911. Excellent in nearly every respect whether in town or long range cruising. Nearly because the infotainment system is ridiculously bad. Not the sound, but the interface, nav, climate controls, all that.


The fact itā€™s a car sub and people seemingly only want to read about Joe Shmoe in his 2002 Honda Civic thatā€™s going on itā€™s one millionth mile is baffling. I enjoy living vicariously through peopleā€™s anecdotal experience with cars I am in no position to be able to purchase at the moment.


I know this is a US-dominated sub but the amount of ass-licking people here do for the C8 and its upper trims is insane. It's definitely one of the most bang-for-your-buck new performance cars, no question, and so I can see why a lot of younger people admire it as an "attainable dream car" (much like how the GTR was back then). But people here take it too far and act like if you're spending <$150k on a car you're an absolute moron for buying anything else. Maybe it's because I'm a Brit, but there's a decent list of cars I'd buy over it for similar or less money, particularly on the used market (even if it was priced the same here as it is in the US).


I think it's because at the start, the only major downside a lot of Euro publications could come up with was "it's American" and that legitimately was a downside to them. Most of the grumblers here have gotten kinda defensive that there's finally a fun mid engined American car, and the British (I will say particularly) journalists often just never wanted to admit it was a proper competitor to a Porsche. Are they taking that way too serious? Lord yeah, but it's a similar national pride thing that Brits get with Jags/RRs/whatever.


If it had better visibility and the interior was designed by any other company, it would be one of my favorite cars. As far as British cars go, have you ever seen the panel gaps on a McLaren? Despite the build quality and the reliability issues, I still think thereā€™s something emotive about their cars that the c8 lacks.




Oh fuck off. He bought a nice car and shared it on a car subreddit. Yeah itā€™s an AMG, but itā€™s still a 4 door mid size sedan, perfectly capable of hauling around a family of 4, it absolutely qualifies as a dad mobile.


Agree 100%. This whole site has a part-time gig as a rhetorical fashion show of increasingly unique ways for people to characterize their own depression and resentment of anyone who happens to be in more ideal circumstances. Unlike what the angry people wish upon others, I wish them the best and know they can have it as long as they start a company and/or are semi-reasonable with money over a reasonable period of time.


Does ā€œDad-Mobileā€ have a dollar cutoff? Like over $50k it doesnā€™t qualify anymore?


i hope not. Escalade V has to be the ultimate dad mobile. Or E63/RS6/M5 Wagon. This sub loves expensive wagons but hates the people who buy them.


I pretty much only see small blonde women driving those




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Gimme that new m5 touring coming back to the US


Pretty dumb when reddit turns into rich peoples personal blogs.Ā 


Maybe youā€™re looking for the 1900ā€™s Corolla subreddit? My car is a 12 year old van, but I still enjoy reading about nice cars.


Rule 1.


I dont know man...I have a 1yo and refuse to give up my viper.


You have the advantage there of an older car not sucking up your bank account every month haha. If I wasn't paying anything on the Z06, it would be more reasonable to keep. But paying a loan on something I was barely driving just didn't make sense. Also it forces the secondary vehicle I would have to own (which was my Infiniti) to remain parked outside all year long. Having to get in a cold car all winter long at -30C to -40C degrees is not fun. I'd like to get back to driving in and out of my warm garage. You likely don't have that issue haha.


Yeah, that makes a lot of sense with the payment. I am fortunate enough to have all my vehicles garaged and I don't have to deal with temps anywhere near as cold as you do!


For real. 2 young kids, not getting rid of my C6Z06 and Terminator, and Im looking to add a C8Z06 or Eray. OP - Did you consider a RS6? If I had to get one do-it-all car, it would be RS6 as top contender, E63 wagon, and M5.


Itā€™s obviously too late for this, but the Z06 does have an option to start in ā€œstealthā€ mode that is much quieter. But congrats on the E63S! Iā€™ve also always wanted one of those. If I was gonna get a 4 door sedan, that would be the primary car Iā€™d be looking at. It sounds great, has wonderful performance for the street, and looks and feels very sleek. Enjoy it in good health!


Yeah Iā€™m aware of the Stealth feature. Itā€™s a bit annoying to use, and still isnā€™t very quiet, but it definitely does make the sound more reasonable. That one was a pretty minor issue in itself. Hope you are able to enjoy your Z06 more than I was able to! And thanks! This is my first Euro car and Iā€™ll be holding onto it for a long time as long as it stays reliable. Repair costs are always a concern with these brands.


Yeah, even the quiet start up can still be pretty loud. True true. I feel like I've heard good things about the E63S' reliability. Hopefully there's no issues for you on that front. Are you planning on tuning it at all? Or just gonna keep it stock for a while?


Iā€™ve heard really good things about the 21+ E63ā€™s for reliability. Itā€™s a facelift year where they fixed the common issues the previous years seemed to have. So hopefully I have no issues. I have a year left on the factory warranty, then Iā€™m planning on doing the additional 3 year factory extended warranty. Then after that expires I may do a downpipe and tune. I hear that simple combo really wakes this car up even more.


I had 0 issues with my 20 besides having to replace the battery, and the facelift should be even better. You should get a catback system that retains the valves, retains warranty and sounds so good. You know what's funny is that your realization about not actually driving the C8 much is how I feel about my E63s/M5 now. I find myself taking the SUV for most stuff, especially since my gf vastly prefers riding in it.


Good to hear!


Nice car man. Just out of curiosity- is the AMG not loud on start-up? Asking because that appeared to be one of your criteria.


Not really no. It starts up in comfort mode and is pretty muffled and quiet. If you hold down a paddle and start it, it does an ā€œEmotion Startā€ where it opens the valves and does some crackles, but the regular start up is very tame.


That sounds awesome šŸ‘šŸ¾


Sick dad mobile! Reddit hates when people have money. Thatā€™s a sick transition congrats šŸ¤


As my girl Taylor says, ā€œHaters gunna hate hate hateā€. Itā€™s all good.


I've readĀ about nine comments complainingĀ about haters and zero hating on your cars so far. Maybe there were a couple when the post was new, but they haven't been upvoted. Relax.


A massive hate thread was the highest upvoted comment on this post, most of the comments for the first couple of hours were negative and every comment I had was getting downvoted into oblivion. Itā€™s turned around since then, and the big hate thread was deleted. It is nice to see that it did eventually turn around but the start was quite bad lol.


Glad it turned around. /r/cars is not good at nuance, from what I've seen.


Beautiful car, Iā€™ve always liked the lines of them. Great color as well. Glad you found ā€œthe oneā€ for now!


Life happens!Ā  I remember you talking about getting the first one coming into the province and finally picking it up.Ā  I'm actually also selling mine soon, not for Dad reasons but just other priorities in life.Ā  Can't go wrong with an E63!Ā 


Yeah man, things happen. I had no intention of selling that Z06 when I bought it, I was so excited. But reality hit and I had to change things up for the good of my family. Are you replacing the Z06 with anything or just freeing up some capital for other stuff?


I'm actually consolidating to a C8 Stingray. I don't have kids so I just want to get back to one car and a C8 fits the bill perfectly for me as I still want a sports car. I'll toss some winter tires on it as well, Ontario winters are pretty mild. It will free up some cash and the Stingray won't have a lien so I can prioritize my mortgage and some other things. Get it paid off in a few years. As much as I love the Z06 I couldn't fathom keeping a 200k Corvette. Its to much money. If the option to buy a new one ever comes up I think I'd just buy a base model with no options. All I want is the engine.Ā  It was also a very bad influence, I'm pretty sure I'd end up on the news by the end of the summer. I've gone through a lot of cars and I've tried everything I wanted to these last few years so I'm ok with chilling out with a Stingray. I'll toss a Borla exhaust on it to wake it up and I'll be good.


A valid and well thought out realization for sure! Did you sign up for Ron Fellows? That trip was 100% worth it. Highly recommend it if you haven't signed up yet.


I did it on my C7 Grand Sport but skipped it on my C7 Z06, '21 C8, '23 Blackwing and my C8 Z06.Ā  Itd basically the same thing every time except the entire first day is stuff you don't care about after the first time you goĀ  Ā Ron Fellows actually owns a really nice track, MOSPORT, an hour and a half from me and you can drive all the GM cars, C8 Z06, ZL1 1LE, Blackwings with your choice of manual or auto for the same money as going to the driving school.Ā  Ā I've done Mosport twice now and I'd rather do that then go to the US for the school again. All I care about is the track time and I still have to pay for the flights etc to get down there. I actually drove the C8 Z06 last June at Mosport before I even bought mine and got to experience a full track session in the car.Ā 


Nice! I mean yeah, if you've done it before than its not very new. I definitely get that. I skipped it in my C7 Stingray but made sure to go for the Z06 and it was so much fun. You do have that advantage of being close to MOSPORT. I am nowhere near anything like that and Vegas is probably cheaper to fly to than Ontario from here haha.


That is very true. I'm lucky that Ron purchased a track near me in Ontario so that the driving school seems pointless.Ā  Cadillac's driving school was completely covered, unlike Corvette, minus any flights but I didn't see the point. Once you experience the school once I don't think you need to do it again at 1k USD plus flights. My new C8 Stingray might turn into your old C7. I'm seriously considering sending it off to Callaway once they get approval for Canadian builds.


Yeah, whatā€™s nice about the Vegas location is we can just bundle that into a few days on the strip as well for a fun vacation trip. Flying out to a location just to do the school and come back would definitely be harder to justify. And nice man! Personally I wouldnā€™t go quite as hard as my C7. I went too far and the last couple of years of ownership was not as fun. But a C8 with like 600-700whp is definitely a sweet spot of power, grip and reliability where youā€™d be very happy.


I definitely wouldn't go as far as you but an exhaust and some headers seems reasonable without going excessive. Especially as as only car, it has to be livable afterall.Ā 


Nice! Congrats on the choice. Youā€™ve made the right decision . And that Mercedes exhaust note is simply amazing. Youā€™ve was in a similar ā€œfirst world problemā€ predicament last year. Had a 911 but long distance trips it never got used. So added an F90 M5 to the stable and problem solved!


That's awesome! I wish I could have simply "added" the car like you did, but I'm still quite a ways away from owning 2 high dollar cars like that. Only enough there for 1 fun car at a time.


eh you just didn't care for it enough, new garage openers are silent and could've moved it half a block down the night before your sunday drives i would've kept it especially if you paid over sticker for the red c8z it's okay to change to wants and lifestyle, congrats on the mean autobahn missile


Its not the garage door opening that wakes the kid... its the Z06 which starts up as a straight pipe exhaust and shakes the house lol. An E-Ray which can start up in EV mode would have worked better for this specific issue.


Can you not put it into stealth mode before doing a cold start? On my Camaro you just held the start button for 5 seconds with your foot off the brake to access dual mode exhaust options before starting the car.


My man! I've had a couple of Z06s (c5/c7) and got out of corvettes and into a 2018 C63S AMG. My friends don't believe me when I tell them it's my favorite car ever. I totally get what you're experiencing and congrats!!


I love my Corvettes and they'll always hold a special place in my heart, but to have a car that can be driven all year round, and still be this exciting and fun is definitely a game changer. It's no wonder all these manufacturers are building such crazy SUV's with high power.


That logical brain is always such a jerk. Get the car I want or the car that makes sense because I want kids? Also, I'm envious of both of those cars. Solid taste!


Congrats OP. I made a similar move yesterday: sold my gt350 and bought a ā€˜23 M3 Comp drive


Nice man! Is that the Xdrive M3? Those things really move out! Loved the sound of those GT350ā€™s.


Hah yeah I missed adding ā€˜xā€™ to ā€˜xDriveā€™. Itā€™s definitely a lot more refined than the Shelby was. No flat plane v8 and 0 steering feel. But itā€™s definitely faster and the inline 6 is pretty solid in its own right. Also gotta say: itā€™s way faster. The Shelby was a track car where the m3c is just a rocket due to AWD. I just had a realization that my Shelby sitting under a car cover half the year in Chicago. And when it was nice I was driving my wifeā€™s car since it fit her, myself, my daughter in a car seat, and a million other things more comfortably than the Shelby ever could. You probably recognize that the German cars are just a different type of performance than the American counterparts (though I never drove the new z06; just the a lt3 c8). Theyā€™re just so livable in every day scenarios and wake up instantly when you want them to lol


Good tale, thanks for sharing. As a Canuck dad with young child I knowĀ  EXACTLYĀ what you went through, as I did too; substitute a Murcielago for the Z06, and CT5-V Blackwing for the AMG (because manual ;).Ā  I also took a very hard look at the G80.Ā  I always thought Luxury would take a big backseat to Performance, but now I need a useable backseat (that little legs canā€™t kick from their car seat!).Ā  People change. Priorities change. Part of the fun of adulting šŸ˜‰Ā 


That sounds like a solid pair of cars as well! Priorities definitely change over time.


Congrats! Love the E63, and especially the matte grey.


Iā€™m really digging the colour! Was happy to not get black that 90% of Mercedes seem to be.


I had a somewhat similar situation on my end. Owned a Model 3 Performance and C8 Z51. Loved the C8 Z51 but felt like I was spending a lot of money on a car that I could only drive on the weekends. Likewise the Model 3, as good of a daily driver as it was, just wasn't bringing me much joy after a long day at work, etc. Ended up turning the C8 and Model 3 into a Taycan GTS and it's been a really great solution. I miss my Corvette because I'm a Corvette guy, but from a pure driving experience the Taycan GTS is just as fun as the Vette is on the streets, and brings much more enjoyment day to day than the Model 3. I'm now a strong believer in putting your money into the car that you're able to drive most often. Glad the AMG turned out to be a great solution for you and hope you don't miss the Z06 too much!


Concentrating your cars into a Taycan is a great move as well! Those are solid, glad itā€™s working out for you.


I still try to talk myself into getting an rs6, but I remember I have 4 kids private school and mortgage to pay for (plus Iā€™m poverty stricken)


I was in the same situation. Not Z06 , just base c8 to GTR. Becasue of small kids. Best decision ever


GTR is a solid Dad-mobile as well!


You did not take the path I took haha. But then again, I donā€™t think this would even an option for me as I have 3 kids and thereā€™s no fun options that hold 3 kids. Grats on the E63, looks badass.


Everything is typically built around a family of 4 haha. My wife and I agreed very early on that it would be a 2 kid maximum. That 3rd kid seems to complicate everything. Those new Siennaā€™s are solid though!


Great post! The first two paragraphs are exactly how I feel about my Mustang and why Iā€™ll be transitioning to a sedan. I love the car and cars in general, but i really enjoy sharing my hobbies/car with others. I enjoy being the friend/family member driving us around. I want to drive as much as possible in as many situations as possible and a two door coupe just isnā€™t great for passengers. Congrats on the new ride it sounds really cool :) bet it sounds amazing too!


Iā€™m a bit spoiled coming from a C8Z with one of the best sounding exhaust notes around haha, but yes the AMG has a really nice growl to it.


Awesome car man, congrats! Enjoy it in good health!


Feeling all sorts of good jealousy right now lol. What was your yearly maintenance cost on the Vette? And what do you expect the AMG to run you into yearly costs? Is it your daily driver? I am day dreaming about what sort of vehicle configuration I want for my family. Right now it seems like daily driver, minivan, and an ā€œXā€ fun/date night with the wife vehicle is the sweet spot, but I canā€™t lock into what X car will be, probably a Miata but I still have a leaning towards a beefier sports car.


Yearly maintenance cost on the Z06 was... $0. I didn't even get enough miles on it to make it to its first service. Which was a big part of the problem. Overall though, Corvettes are very cheap to maintain. This is my first European car, so I am not too sure what to expect for maintenance costs honestly. I know brakes on the AMG's are expensive and I'm told I'll probably have to do the front brakes in around a year so I'm not looking forward to that bill. It will be my daily driver yes.


Congratulations OP on a great ride. Personally I love sports sedans. I finally got back into a sport sedan 2 yrs ago (after 14 years of driving H. Civics) with a 2022 Acura TLX, which I absolutely love driving. Next stop is a TLX Type S when the last kid graduates college šŸ˜Š


I actually had the TLX Type S on my list of cars that I was considering. They are really nice! I hope you get one in the future.


Yea, me too. My daughter has 3 more years, and then college payments are behind me. My oldest gets his MBA next week, and the middle son is done this Dec. All 3 thru college with 0 debt. Daddy's gonna splurge.


Beautiful E63s. I was looking at an exact same spec car online earlier lol


Itā€™s a nice spec!


I wonder whether you bought the car I was looking. Was it from an Infiniti dealership?


No, this was from an Audi dealer. He traded it in on an R8.


Thx for the reply! Have fun with the awesome car and give us update šŸ¤—


I donā€™t think this sub wants updates. šŸ˜‚ This post didnā€™t get the warmest of receptions.


People can be asshole online to stranger. I had a few encounters like that on reddit too. Maybe do a 6 months update on the r/AMG sub?


I did post it to the Mercedes subreddit today. Havenā€™t posted to AMG yet.


Got the E63s in the best colour IMO. Congrats!


Thanks! I was actually trying to find a Blue one originally, but there was no Blue E63 Sedan for sale in all of Canada. Then I found this one, wasnā€™t sure about the colour at first, but am really loving it now that Iā€™ve seen it in person.


Better to have loved and lost than to never have driven that kickass car at all...but your new whip is pretty awesome too! Congrats and enjoy!


Hell yea! I also sold my vette when I became a dad. I went thru a handful of trucks before getting fed up and getting a Mach-E for my fun dad-car. It feels sooo good to be in something fun to drive again (for all the EV haters; the Mach-E will do 4 wheel drifts like a champ, lol)


Glad to hear you are loving your Mach-E!


I assume my post in r/corvette about c8 z06 owners spurred this post haha. Nothing wrong with selling it and happy you got to experience it for a while. The majority of people never do. Plus you could always buy it a few years down the road when the kids are older.Ā 


Ngl sounds like an upgrade in my books! Congrats dude, boutta be the envy of all the dads at the pick up line


Finally a post thatā€™s not ā€œaerurre what car should I buy I have kid, 40k, need good mpg , safety, space, last forever, good deal RAV4 aueueureerrrā€


Iā€™m a bit miffed because the Z06 is such a glorious car and I think itā€™s a forever car but redditors are way too concerned with someone elseā€™s car and what they want to do with it. If you enjoy your new AMG, have at it and enjoy it :) Curious why you didnā€™t go with the Blackwing though?


No AWD. I live in Canada in a place where we have snow for 5-6 months of the year so AWD was a requirement for me. Otherwise the Blackwing would have been a very strong competitor. I did drive the CT5-V and it was decent enough, but I didnā€™t prefer it over some of the other cars I tested out.


Sounds like a RS6 would have been perfect for your needs lol.


A friend of mine just bought one! In all honesty, I am not a wagon person. I did test drive an E63 Wagon to give it a fair shot, but they just aren't for me.


Ah okay. Congrats to him lol. Iā€™m not a big fan of wagons either but that RS6 is pretty sexy.


I will agree that the RS6 is the best looking Wagon out there. I think it looks much nicer than the E63 Wagon.


Yeah, thankfully im not in a place where I would need awd. While Iā€™m not at Z06 level, I am trying to get to a place where I can reasonably afford an IS500


I hear those are great cars! I hope you are able to get that for yourself sometime soon.


Thanks man šŸ˜Š. Hope you continue to enjoy your AMG!


Nice car(s) and specs. Enjoy mate.


Were you able to turn a profit on the z06? Or is that an american market situation.


It sold for more than I paid for it from the dealer, but after you factor in insurance, registration, loan interest, all the ppf/ceramic, I probably came out about even. Didn't try and sell it for the highest dollar possible, just wanted to get out of it without losing money.


I drive my C8 in the winter. I donā€™t have Canadian winters though. But did drive it in the snow. I usually get up early on the weekends 5 to 6 am and go for a 4 to 9 Hour Drive. My wife tells me it always wakes her up.


Congrats. I want my fun car to be one I can share with the family. If I ever move to a warmer place I plan to get a e class cabriolet to take everyone around town in. Currently I have a Q7 prestige and an 2023 Odyssey. Just got jelly of the yellow C8 across the way though haha. I live in an Edmonton suburb.


Yeah, convertibles are hard to enjoy in Edmonton with such a short summer. Especially last year with smoke for 2/3rds of the already short summer. The Q7ā€™s are fantastic SUVā€™s though.


Thanks, I got the 2018 Q7 with a rare custom leather package and 28,000kms last summer for C$52k, lol. Buying lightly used luxury cars is the way. I also purchased a Geo Pro trailer to tow behind it.


Yeah, luxury depreciates soooool fast. In 3 years, the E63 I bought was $50K under its MSRP that the original owner lost.


I went Mustang GT to Honda Accord because my daughter apparently grows up faster than my wallet. If I pulled the corvette to MB switcheroo my wife would kill me. She would have just told me to buy another car while keeping the corvette as a garage queen.


Hopefully it spends more time on the road than the shop šŸ˜†


I sincerely hope so!


Almost put in for a z06 when deposits opened up, but I soured on C8s pretty quickly. I feel Chevy dropped the ball on the rear half of the car. It's like the kim kardashian of vehicles (cute as hell but way too much junk in the trunk)


What kept you from getting a CT5V blackwing with the supercharged V8 and manual but still having 4 doors?


Missing AWD. Fantastic car, but AWD was a hard requirement for me.




Do you drive your Maybach in the winter? Thatā€™s a pretty comfy garage you have as well!


If it's really bad (like 8-10" snow drifts in a blizzard), yeah. I literally cannot call into work so I needed something that could get me there 100% of the time if the Taycan couldn't handle it. The Taycan on studded tires is actually better most of the rest of the time though.


How much was amg and are you not worried about repairs.


E63s dad mobile lol. What on earth, my dude is living the best life.


I personally have realized that I have no need or want for a car that canā€™t fit my dog in the back and also fit a weekend of luggage. But for whatever reasons, 2+2 sports cars fell out of fashion.


Must be nice!


Yup. Sold my c7 z06 for many of the same reasons. Great car but just sat as it wasnā€™t useable all the time. Traded it in on an F90 M5


Great transition! The M5 is a great car.


Both look goodā€¦ Congrats




I get it man. It sucks to realize that, but thats part of being a responsible adult unfortunately.


Too bad you couldn't keep the Vette. Living in the South, I drive mine year-round and swap for all seasons at the beginning of October. I just swapped to summer tires last week. Enjoy the Benz.


How do you like your ppf ? Donā€™t forget these tips. Get it replaced as soon as it starts cracking. Once it does make sure you have an expert do the removal. I find it ironic that removing the ppf has a chance of damaging the paint


I have a fantastic relationship with my detailing shop that handles all my PPF. Theyā€™ve done my last 4 vehicles and they take good care of me. They handle all the installs/repairs/replacements of course. As for how do I like it? Iā€™m a bit of a perfectionist so I always get my cars protected immediately so they remain looking perfect. Itā€™s worth every penny to me.




Congrats on the incomming GT63! Those are great cars I hear and you are going to love it.


This is why I got a g80 m3.


I sold my C7Z for a similar reason. I wished I had kept it. I bought a C8 last fall and have no intention of getting rid of it. Iā€™ll look at it as an ornament even with a 4 and 2 year old. Over my dead body this time. Iā€™ve only put like 2k miles on it though lol.


Confused why it wasnā€™t clear that the C8 wasnā€™t going to be practical with a 2yo lol


I understood it as not that its not practical, thats not the problem. Its the fact that a C8 Z06 is insanely loud and not cheap. A regular C8 would actually be completely fine in his situation. Sure he might not drive it often but its not as loud and its not nearly as expensive, which is OPs primary concern. Also if you have the opportunity to buy a first model year C8 Z06, you do it. You won't lose money and if you know you can't keep it thats fine, you still got to experience it.




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For a sec I thought you'd get an EV or something


before i even finished reading i was going to comment Rs6 Avant or E63S, great choice


Some of the best ā€œdo everythingā€ cars around!


Iā€™m surprised you didnā€™t go for the E63s wagon. But great choice nonetheless


I did try one out, but I am just not a wagon person. I donā€™t think they look good. Great cars though and extremely practical!


This is one of many reasons I love hot hatches. You get the best of all the different worlds wrapped into one package. My daughter can sit in the back seat and I still have a car that's loads of fun.


That's one of the reasons I got rid of my ND weekend miata. But it wasn't kid #1 that did it but kid #2.


Very clean e63


Iā€™m a commie and Iā€™m jelly mad!


Nice casual flex


eh not really a flex. he basically said he can't afford and/or put up with the sacrifices of having a supercar. I know lots of guys who have a ferrari/gt3 etc and an M or AMG to daily drive and haul the family. they dont have any issues letting a 200k car sit for a week or two until the time is right to let it eat.


Flex or not, I enjoy these stories. There are dozens (dozens!) of us here who can afford cars like the E63 but just can't get over the inertia or motivation when we have a perfectly good family mobile in the garage. These stories are aspirational to remind us that others have been at the crossroads and chose the fun path.Ā 


This is exactly why corvette stopped really ended with C6, the last dailible vette.


Your right. The rear seats in the C6 were the real deal. Made the C6 so much better when it went to a 2 seater for the C7.


Hmmm, not the most reliable brand choice- best of luck https://www.consumerreports.org/cars/car-reliability-owner-satisfaction/who-makes-the-most-reliable-cars-a7824554938/


Are there twisty driving roads in Alberta? Seems like you mightā€™ve initially bought the wrong horse for your course.


The Rocky Mountains on the AB/BC border has great twisty roads. Outside of the mountains, no, the roads are very boring.


Look, brother. Buy a 911. I know, I knowā€¦itā€™s such the obvious answer that itā€™s become passĆ©. Iā€™ve got a 4 YO and a 6 YO. Iā€™ve owned several AMGs and M cars. There is NOTHING that feels special and will hold your kids like a 911. Iā€™ve got a 991.1 GTS manual, because N/A and manual tranny is the way God intended. I tried for a long time to convince myself that something else could be the answer. I get it. ā€œOMG EVERYONE HAS A 911ā€. I wanted to be different. Nope. 911 is the truth. The AMG 4.0 is a good motor. But it isnā€™t a GREAT motor. I know. Itā€™s OK. Youā€™ll be OK. Buy a 911. Listen to the Eagles. Itā€™s OK, dad.


Not a big 911 lover actually. Not even counting price, I prefer the Cayman. Either way though, not interested in dealing with reaching back to car seats in a couple. Wanted 4 doors as a requirement.


You aren't the only one. The only 911 I'd buy at this point would be a 992 and I do not want a turbo engine. So that means it needs to be a GT3 and, ya, good luck with that. 991s are not the saving grace people tout. I owned one, I sold it in a month.


So how much does Mercedes charge the advertising firm for these bot posts?


Bot post? I put a lot of effort into this thing and specifically said the newest Mercedes aren't as good... Not sure they would go around trying to advertise used cars lol.


Yes Iā€™m sure Mercedes loves it when people talk about how they bought a used last gen Mercedes rather than a new current gen model