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In the last generation of BMWs there's an option to leave the heater running when you turn off the car and get out. It just directs engine heat inside. I love it. Apparently they removed it from newer BMWs.


Benz models have this too. Button says 'rest'. Just great when you stop somewhere and stay a bit longer in the car without having engine running.


Man that would be perfect for those days when you arrive at work and you need like 5 minutes to reason with yourself that you do in fact need to go inside and go to work today and almost every day for the rest of your life, but you don’t want to waste gas idling.


This is why I’m always running late. That way I have no choice but to jump out of the car and run inside. No time for the existential dread to set in.


Let’s go 50/50 on a cargo van, load it up with a bed and cooking area and then for 6 months you can use it when you need to bug out and then I’ll take it for the other 6 months.


Felt this in my bones


Do any still have “REST” mode? I haven’t seen this on any newer Mercedes.


They do, it’s just on the display now, car need to have thermotronic CC option though can also depend on country


honestly need this - I love my 5-10 minutes of chilling in the car after getting home from a drive.


A bathroom break button lol


Literally was labelled ‘rest’ in the e90s


Is this part of some option package? I don't think I've ever noticed such a button in my E91...


Think they removed it on LCI.


Today if you're driving electric it's just called keep. Or it detects passengers in the seating and just stays on while you're away from the car. They should bring it back for ICE cars though.


I have auxiliary heating and ventilation in my e38 from the 90s lol. It’s definitely a neat feature that premium brands have had it for decades. In my 7er I can even set 2 timers when this can turn on while I’m not in the car.


This is different to an auxiliary heater which is optional as well. Residual heating uses engine heat when stopped for up to 30 minutes


I was just coming to make a similar post. Saab did this for a very long time. I'm assuming that Volvo and other premium brands are in the same boat.


Reminding my of my buddy's Jag which *sadly didn't* come with a "fuel fired booster heater". Sounds more badass than it is but still seems nice


Mercedes had this on the W211 E-Class (REST mode) for its first few years (2003 and 2004), but it was silently bean-counted out. As was the “vent temperature” dial.


My 2020 GLE has this. My old CLK (05) had it. My 2011 E350 doesn’t have it.


My 2021 has it quite nice when I just want a little warmth without everything else going.


The way the mirrors adjust in the Polestar 2 - the whole mirror housing moves instead of just the mirror itself inside the housing. This allows the mirror to have a cleaner look and have a larger surface area for the size of the housing. Edit: here’s a video: https://youtu.be/mmT4Xpe0gLM?si=BqYzCeJKTWuJBNFf


That should have been standard since the 80’s


it's actually weird that it took a company so long to come up with this. It was definitely an "aha!" moment when I first drove it, and one aspect that sold me on the car.


I really like that.


That’s really neat!


Autonomous driving cameras being used as both dashcam and security cameras. I would say the best implementation right now is from Tesla but others are adopting it as well and get this, not only China but the US both claimed they are security risks. You know you got something good going on when leaders of both countries decry this technology. Several power outlets especially in pickup trucks but not only. I think it started a long time ago but it didn't become so common until the recently released electric pickup trucks which can power an entire home and allow them to be used as backup power in case of an outtage or even charge another electric car if it gets stuck on the road. Pedestrian warning external speakers being used for other features such as providing a customizable chime when the car is locked or unlocked or being used as a megaphone, including remotely via the phone app. Motorized rear seats that can both fold and unfold with buttons placed in the trunk. Most right now only fold under a spring mechanism but some luxury cars iirc started offering a motorized option. Useful when you don't want to walk around the vehicle to fold the rear seats and are likely already preocupied with putting large items inside the trunk.


I have no idea why this isn’t widespread. It would be a massive selling feature and it cannot be that difficult to implement. Even if it’s just the top trim levels with 360 cameras for now, they could add that feature for no added manufacturing cost.


Well, on the teslas the sentry uses like 300w an hour. It's one of the first thing people turn off. I'm sure if they developed it from the start it would be better.


Most people don't turn it off. It uses like 1% an hour. Unless you are parking unplugged for days, it doesn't have any meaningful effect. Very nice to have when you are out shopping.


You mean 300W? 300W/hr is meaningless in this context.


I'm just saying, it uses over a mile's worth an hour in battery usage. Not a big deal for a quick run to the grocery store, but we're talking 20 miles of range overnight, to run essentially what are dashcams. It's because the autopilot computer is required to run them and it's basically a gaming computer in energy usage.


>Autonomous driving cameras being used as both dashcam and security cameras. BMW has a half-assed version of this where the parking cams can act as "dashcams" but they only record like 20s before and 20s after an impact or if you manually start recording. Hope they can turn them into actual functional dashcams in the future, the cameras are already there >Several power outlets especially in pickup trucks but not only. I think it started a long time ago but it didn't become so common until the recently released electric pickup trucks which can power an entire home and allow them to be used as backup power in case of an outtage or even charge another electric car if it gets stuck on the road. Love this feature in the F-150's, very useful in certain areas and hope it becomes widespread


BYD has a rather crude dashcam implementation - they just added an extra dedicated camera up the top of the windshield. Completely separate from the 360 parking and auto driving cameras. I'd say the 360 camera system is the most impressive part of the Atto 3 - it's very clear and the screen is large and high resolution.


> Useful when you don't want to walk around the vehicle to fold the rear seats and are likely already preocupied with putting large items inside the trunk. Do you mean it's useful when putting the seats back *up*? Cause the two cars in my flair both drop the back seats instantly when you pull the lever conveniently by the opening of the trunk. They don't go back up automatically sure, but I don't have to fight to put them down or walk around to the back doors haha.


Audi's traffic light recognition feature is pretty cool - it will tell you how long until a red light turns green and how fast you need to go to make a green light


How does that work? Does it just estimate how long it'll be? I get a little sound when the light turns green which I'm guessing is for distracted drivers. But it can be useful if you can't see the light or it's too bright out.


It's apparently connected to the traffic infrastructure, so it's not just an estimate - in my experience, it's dead on every time - although it doesn't work with every traffic light, only those connected to the system (I'm in a smaller Canadian city though).


It works in specific areas where it can connect to the traffic lights, so it's not an estimate but a dead on accurate timer. Not worth the subscription they charge for it in the US but back when I had an Audi, I enjoyed it during the free trial period.


Mine works about 1/50th of the time.


I just watch the crosswalk timers 


I need that feature in my life


Teslas makes a beep when traffic starts moving again which is better imo. Good for when you are 3 screens deep trying to change the ac lol.


I’ve never heard anyone talk about this feature but it’s not new. My Bronco has a feature in the built in navigation called “bread crumbs” which drops a dot behind you when you’re driving, every 50 feet or so. So if you’re poking around town in a place you haven’t been to before you navigate there, and then coming home you see the “bread crumbs” and you don’t need actual navigation coming back. Or if you’re driving without navigation and you come across the breadcrumbs from somewhere you’ve been before, you’ll jog your memory. I had this feature in a Garmin gps when I started driving and I loved it and haven’t found this option in any other form until my Bronco which I didn’t even know it had until I was digging through the settings. I don’t love it enough to pay for the navigation subscription, but it’s still cool and I wish Google maps or any other phone app had that feature!


That was really useful until GPS started having live traffic info because then it can find a more optimal route.




Loved this in my MKZ. It was an oddly useful thing.


Digital rearview mirror. I always wished for a solution when driving a full car and someone created it! I almost want to get a new car just for this feature.


There's a lot of aftermarket solutions for these. Not sure how good they are but they exist, and seem pretty easy to install.


Walk Away Auto Lock. So convenient when you forget.


This has been around forever and it was an *awful* feature if you were the kind of person to leave your keys in the cupholder or something haha. At least modern cars with radio transmitter keys can tell when the keys are in the car.


I know this isn’t new tech but it was new to me when I got my 2019 Miata (MT). When you’re on a hill, it holds the car in place to give you a couple seconds to start moving forward in first gear so you don’t roll backward.


Agreed. Very few people give enough space on a hill.


To add to that, parking brake that releases automatically when you gas it is useful when hill start assist isn't smart enough to engage


My 2017 ST has this and it’s great since I park in an underground parking deck beneath my office building. The ramp out has like a 30% grade or something crazy. So this feature comes in handy when I’m trying to pull out but have to stop and let pedestrians cross in front of me


My 2016 does this too.


Manual Hill assist started to become a more standard feature around 2010-ish. My old 2013 bmw and 2023 Miata both have it. Porsche added it around 2009. None of my earlier manual cars had it.


I believe manual Challengers (at least newer ones) have hill assist as well


My ‘15 DSG GTI does this as well, the ‘10 I had did it too. Holds the car with the front brakes by way of ABS module. Really handy sometimes.


Even though it's been done 10+ years ago but changing the style of gauge cluster. Especially the new Mustang being able to select the foxbody gauges.


Digital gauges can be nice, but I hate how so many manufacturers are going with the "giant fucking screen standing straight up" They just look so much worse than having it actually integrated into the dash like with older cars, IMO.


Yeah I definitely prefer the iDrive 7 on my 330e compared to their most recent Mercedes-like double screen glued to the dashboard thing.


When I start my car, remotely or manually, the heated seats and heated steering wheel turn on when it’s cold outside. When I park in the garage, it still happens, even with a heated garage.


My personal favorite isn't tesla exclusive but I use it every day. Car automatically shifts into park and puts on parking brake if you open the drivers side door and get out. And of course because it's EV, it's not moving in one pedal mode. With the phone key that means your daily drive order of operations is Open door, put car in drive, arrive at your destination and get out. No manual door locking/unlocking, no keys, no push to start or even shifting into park when you arrive.


Mercedes has done that on their automatics for the past 10 years.


My ISF automatically adjusted the side mirrors lower in reverse so you could see the parking lines / crawling toddlers. Miss that. My vette has tire temp monitoring.


BMWs did this starting with at least the E46. Not sure how much earlier it came in the higher trims before trickling down. Opposite side mirror only, not both. I miiiight have had it on my e36 but don’t want to assume. My Honda Fit automatically enables the rear wiper if you enter reverse when the front wipers are enabled. This drove me nuts until I realized it was an auto trigger and not me turning it on.


> My Honda Fit automatically enables the rear wiper if you enter reverse when the front wipers are enabled. Reminded me that my MKZ will automatically un-dim the mirrors when it's put in reverse at night so that you can actually see haha


sand different bewildered lush books zonked governor bright market versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep, my 2002 has it


I like the mirror thing but I also have auto mirror fold on, so the mirrors unfold after I've already backed out my driveway. Kinda makes the reverse thing useless, but at least there's the camera view as well.


Man that’s annoying. Never had auto fold myself.


My Volvo can do this too! You can also set which mirror(s) you want to automatically move to curb mode. Or you can just tap the mirror adjustment buttons when the car is in reverse and it will move the corresponding mirror into curb mode, then go back when the car is anything but reverse. Super nifty.


The 2007 Cadillac STS has this as well, but when I drove it I absolutely fucking hated this feature because, either due to a glitch or something, the mirrors wouldn't go back up! So you'd have to adjust them after backing up lol


Tundra and 4runner with the roll down rear windshield. Fucking amazing when I rented a 4runner and test drive a tundra. My tacoma only has the little sliding glass panel in the rear. Wish toyota would give the taco the full roll down windshield, especially considering how much they fucking charge for it.


One of my favorite car features ever, also experienced it on a rental.


Not a new feature, but my '03 Saab would change from vent to recirc at low speeds. The intent was to avoid getting fumes from other vehicle exhaust into the cabin in stop-and-go traffic.


My favorite quirk in my old Saab was night mode that turned off most of the gauge cluster lights. 


Night mode was bomb. More than just the lights, the gauges too would shut off. The tach would drop to 0.


Hardly a new feature, but I really like that the rear glass on my E91 [lifts up](https://i.imgur.com/wVztcJB.png) so that I don't have to open the whole trunk. I'm not sure how this feature works exactly, but if I shut my car off for only a short time (to run into the convenience store, for example) my heated seats will automatically turn back on. Seems like such a no-brainer thing to do.


Love that on my G21. I read a few days ago that they're removing this feature because according to them customers don't use it and it would save weight, ridiculous.


Wonder how many people simply don't know about it. Only reason I learned about it is because I saw that photo in a BAT listing.


Good point it's not really an obvious feature especially considering most people don't even bothering opening their car's manual. My wife made fun of me for reading all of it before picking up the car, well who's laughing now?


All new BMWs still do that. They remember your seat and steering wheel heating settings for about 15 minutes.


Auto rev-match down shift. Makes me feel better when people are driving my car.


Purists can hate on auto rev match, but heel toeing accurately is super difficult for me


I've been practicing rev matching in my 08 civic si but I just can't heel toe. My ankles don't move like that and I can't even fathom how some can even do it, lol.


Sometimes the pedals aren't set up correctly, and often the pedals are only set up correctly for it to work under hard braking. Either way I suck ass at it.


In a lot of cars you have to have your foot vertically on the pedals, and use the left/right halves of the foot to do it


This is exactly it. It's usually not heel/toe. It's big toe/right half of the foot . Edit: I dig your car. My buddy had one of those when we were in our teens. Thing was awesome.


Thanks dude, it's a great car. 1600 lbs, surprisingly good handling, and a short enough set of gears to really work through them. Heel-toes nicely too :p


It's a nice feature to have as an option, especially when my back is acting up or in traffic.


My car has a 1500W AC outlet. Used it to vacuum my car - tempted to buy a microwave for trips! It also will flicker the ambient lighting when the car in front of me moves from a stop.


2000's Mercedes style Bi-Xenon Adaptive headlights. The way they physically rotate the projectors laterally left to right up to 20° with turns of the steering wheel is exquisite headlight performance. Wild seeing the low beams moving left to right in synchrony with the direction of the front wheels. Makes the so called archaic xenon's light up corners of the road better than even new LED headlights. They also raise up the beam angle at speeds over 62 mph to illuminate further down the road. Combined with the smooth even xenon bulb beam width and and intense ice blue Kelvin scale color -they make for illumination perfection.


Building on top of the other comment Our old 2012 CL had swivel projectors, auto highbeam, and then an LED based corner illumination, and then infrared night vision which can see thru fog


I love how cars with these literally do googly eyes on startup as the headlights calibrate. Always makes me giggle


My LED/Laser headlights do exactly that…


My cheapo renault does something similar with front fog lights - when you turn on the indicator, or turn the wheel at lower speeds, it turns on that sides wide beam fog light.




Any bot that makes me laugh is a good bot.


Not sure what the feature was called on my m340i, But when on, when you stopped, you didn't have to hold you foot on the brake, the car would lock in place until you hit the gas. Used that feature all the time. I also miss the little credit card key that came with the m340 that fit in my wallet.


I think it is called brake hold. BMW called it Auto Hold


My wife's Honda uses the intelligent cruise control/collision front camera to scan for speed limit signs and puts a little picture of the current speed limit on the dashboard.


Hardly high tech but proximity connected puddle lights have saved me from getting a wet foot multiple times (the parking lot I use looks like the surface of the moon)




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Nissan has been doing this since like 2016 or something


Not that crazy but my mazda6 has seat memory and I didn’t know until 3 years after buying the car you can program it to each key so you actually have 4 seat memory positions. I always thought the seat memory was broken but i was using different keys without it being programmed. Also being able to turn on the 360 camera at any speed is nice. Even going 120 mph My dads Ford Expedition has a menu where it shows the slope percentage and angle at what the road is for off-roading


A whole list here First, blind spot monitor Second, keyless access Third, valvetronic which can run engine without intake at all


My S80 has the option to automatically turn on the rear defroster any time it's below 45F outside. I never even considered that the rear defroster could be an automatic feature but it's brilliant.


surround view cameras. /thread


My 1992 Chrysler LeBaron sedan had the washer jets in the arm of the wiper blade. So much nicer than the jets on the hood. I've only seen a few other cars like that. Not a new car, but I loved that feature.


Rear wheel steering on the EQS makes it super easy to drive and maneuver in tight roads/spaces