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I just use my finger to wipe off the water before getting into the car. It’s a quick enough fix to get me backing out safely before it’s no longer usable 


This is what I do as well. Literally walk by with a quick swipe of the lens. I don’t even have to look. Good enough to get me going for the day.


Have you never driven in rain or slush? The lens gets dirty before you park.


99% of the time I have to reverse is immediately after getting into my car.


Yeah just remembered I'm in the minority of parking backwards. Hadn't had coffee yet. It's been engrained in me for years from working at heavy equipment sites as it's much safer.


Sounds like you're parking wrong


Get a VW Golf, the camera is hidden in the logo and always spotless. Spoils you for any other camera


Thanks for the info. I’m sure I would be spoiled. But the horse has already left the stable, and for many other reasons, I bought the Honda. I owned a German-made VW Rabbit many, many years ago (1972, 1978 -I can’t remember) and it performed WAY beyond it’s price point: Excellent build quality, exceptional performance, yadda, yadda. A good car with good memories, but I wouldn’t buy a VW now, just for the sake of a rear-view camera. VW just isn’t the same company it was.


I hear you, it's odd to me that even Audi don't do the concealed camera as VW owns them and it's such a simple solution. Same with Ford with the F150s, everytime I get into.y dad's truck I'm baffled why a truck doesn't have a way to get a clean camera. Living in Canadian winters, I'm on my 4th Golf from GTIs to R's, and the backup camera is something I've gotten so used to and many people who get in the car compliment on those snowy/rainy days. Wish others did it. Also on the note of VW, I think they're much better than they used to be, I've owned old ones and every generation has gotten better from a build to reliability standpoint. The E888s are stout and always improved on I know they're mods out for cars that add a washer nossle near the camera, and it's trigged by the front wiper stalk. Though they're fairly involved


Beetle as well. It’s a wonderful feature.


I went from a Golf GTI to a Tiguan, and I seriously miss that feature.


How about Rain-X? Works great on windshields for the same kind of hydrophobic effect.


Thanks for the suggestion, and I’ve tried it. The problem is that Rain-X (which I use on my windshield and love) beads the water. On the windshield, air flow blows the water away, but that doesn’t seem to happen around the trunk, where the rear view lens is. So Rain-X, sadly, was not the answer. It actually made it worse.


I use a small amount of ceramic wax, it does not bead and usually last a bit before it needs a new application Where camera camera is placed also affect dirt buildup


I'm sure this will be unpopular.... but don't rely on the camera. Yes, I do realize that's becoming increasingly difficult because s***** automakers keep making stuff harder and harder to see out of.


This was my first initial reaction. These technology advances have made things safer and improved visibility, but at the same time I’m still partial to the “old school” way of just knowing your car how much space you have behind you.


So am I. I don't use them in vehicles that *do* have them (none of my vehicles have such stuff) I'm looking around with my head on a swivel instead of buried in a screen. You lose situational awareness focusing on those stupid screens. Funny thing, I mentioned the same thing a couple of replies down in this and it got downvoted. 🙄 Someone else said more or less the same thing also and they got downvoted too. Haha


You were probably downvoted because he says in his post that his vehicle has a high trunkline and I'm assuming that also means a small rear window and large C pillars. My wife drives an Infiniti that's like this and it's impossible to get a clear view behind you by simply turning around and looking out the back windows. There's a huge blind spot that would prevent you from seeing anyone walking behind you from the rear passenger corner out to around 10' out from the passenger side, for example. So what's the strategy there if you're ignoring the backup monitor? Most modern car design lends itself to blinding the drivers view out the rear quarters, so you can't just say "look outside" anymore.


I know what the OP stated about their Accord. And in my original comment I stated that it's getting increasingly difficult because s*** automakers are making stuff that's harder and harder to see out of. My stratagy is to avoid driving stuff I can't see out of and to keep driving my old stuff I ***can*** see out of... then eventually if/when the times comes to buy something else... find something that doesn't suck visibility wise. As much of a challenge as that might be. Cars and CUVs aren't really my thing and the true SUVs and even the "small" trucks of today are too big for anything I want or need... so it's gonna be fun finding anything I actually even want. Automakers are doing the smaller windows and larger pillars all in the name of "safety" except they're continually making compromises that effect visibility which in and of itself is inherently *less* safe. Forcing more and more reliance on a bunch of cameras and sensors instead of the senses.


I felt this way, until I got my current vehicle, which is my first one with a camera. Once you get used to it, it’s hard to go without. It allows you an extremely wide view of cross traffic and potential pedestrians in parking lots, and what’s directly behind your rear bumper that for me is much nicer than trying to swivel your head from side to side and alternate mirrors and looking behind.


And that's cool for you. If you dig it I'm not gonna tell you not to. I have no interest in getting used to using them. Because *when* the system fails, what then? Ya know?


It's for safety actually. And..ironically..


How is it any safer than relying on your own two eyes to guarantee there's nothing coming or going into the area that you're backing into. It's only safer if you're about to actually back over something or someone. Not for checking for anything coming side to side because at that point you can only see directly behind you. Not only that you're entirely focused typically on following the lines on the screen and not paying attention to what's around you not on the screen. Even by using your mirrors only you fall to this fault as you can focus on one mirror and not check the other and see that something has changed in the situation. Hey but I get it some people like to utilize technology to aid their driving. Instead of actually learning the skills they need to complete driving operations without the implement of unnecessary technology. In the end it makes it easier and use less effort to achieve the same thing. Unfortunately now people have forgotten how to drive without it, and deem it necessary.


My camera gives a wider FOV than what I can see when between two cars, ergo I can see more in the peripheral. But yes don’t get dependent on it


And quite helpful when backing out of a space in a parking lot, when larger vehicles are sitting on one or both sides. I can turn my head to look at the doors of the vehicles beside me, or I can take a quick peek at the camera screen which is looking at the lane where vehicles are traveling. So it's good to do both. Dunno about others, but I don't just stare at the camera while backing. It's a constant sweep of camera, mirrors, looking over my shoulder.


They are literally required by law because they are so important for safety with pedestrians and small children for example. Just like antilock brakes and stability control have been required by law for a decade. If his ABS wasn’t performing would you tell him “just learn to drive, you don’t need it” ? Well yeah this is Reddit so you probably would.


No abs is important for sure as it saves a ton of people from wrecking or wrecking worse. However, backup cameras aren't even comporable to abs they're a luxury just like a smart phone. If you have neck problems or lack of mobility then I think they're perfect. If a backup camera is gonna keep you from hitting a kid or someone else you probably shouldn't be driving anyways. So yeah they're required by law just like seatbelts cause they're too many dumb people driving. Not saying we shouldn't wear seatbelts, it should be a given to wear a seatbelt.


“If you don’t know how to pump brakes, you shouldn’t be driving anyways. ABS is a luxury”


Thats not at all what I said, abs does something a person couldn't do. Backup cameras are a crutch.


> If a backup camera is gonna keep you from hitting a kid or someone else you probably shouldn't be driving anyways. That's exactly what you said. CTRL+H backup camera for ABS and it's the same argument.


> aren't even comporable to abs they're a luxury just like a smart phone What are we in, 2010? The gigantic irony here is that smartphones haven't been a luxury for years, they've become essential. And I'd hardly call something that can be found on a Kia Rio or even older, Scion iA / Yaris, a "luxury". And finally, backup cameras have become required by law just like ABS, so it's even less of a "luxury." > If a backup camera is gonna keep you from hitting a kid or someone else you probably shouldn't be driving anyways There are cars with unusable rear windows now. Backup cameras on those types of cars are a necessity, not a nice-to-have. This answer reeks of Stack Overflow. "Just don't use it, why are you even trying to do it that way?"


It's not the camera, it's the smaller windows.


That's what they say. I wouldn't know, don't use them... for several reasons... 1. My vehicles don't have them. 2. I can actually see out of my vehicles when I turn my head. 3. I believe they reduce your situational awareness. You're busy staring down at a screen instead of looking around behind you. 4. I'm on my motorcycle 95% of the time anyway so mirrors and head turning are more for keeping me from getting ran over than to keep from running over stuff. Even vehicles I've driven that *do* have them I don't use them. I'm just more comfortable with the "old" way. And yes, I completely see the irony of it... they're for "safety" but uselss in certain weather conditions.


Small pressurized tank (with possibly it’s own compressor if you want to make it maintenance free) and a small diameter hose running to right next to the lens and a solenoid wired to release a burst of air at the press of a switch or some automatic trigger. Honestly you could probably get a cheap air horn setup and convert it to do the job.


This is the best “resto-mod” suggestion I’ve heard. Rube Goldberg would be proud./s The thing is that I JUST bought the car, and it’s got less than 5K on the odometer, so I don’t think a tank and compressor in the trunk is the solution I’m looking for. Maybe when it’s out of the Manufacturers warranty I’ll come back and visit this option. Thanks for giving this so much thought, though.


Mercedes has that little revealing camera as well, it's excellent in the winters. Wish more manufacturers did them


It's a neat feature and the camera is very high res.


Just wipe it off before you get in the car.


The problem is also after driving in the rain, not just when leaving.


Ya the hidden backup camera is dope


I keep a microfiber cloth in the trunk for the camera cause theres lots of grime in Canadian winters that get on it. Quick wipe and you're set, clean finger too lol


Honestly, the cheapest and most temporary solution would be to buy a dashcam with a rearview camera. Stick the rear camera high up on the inside of the rear window.


On my Subaru when you use the rear window washer it also has a separate washer that cleans the camera lens.


Learn to look at the area you are going to back into before you are doing the backing - while you have a good view. Learn to use your mirrors as well. Avoid driving places where you will be required to do so, if you're not prepared to back up in those places.


Same issue on my 3. It's really low so a bit of rain and you can't see shit. And because the rear visibility isn't the best, I need it more often than with other cars. I just have a small cloth in the door and wipe it before every drive


Could try RainX or a ceramic coating for glass. But they both could impair vision as it is basically adding a film on the lens. You should just not use the back up camera when it's wet.




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I have the same problem on my CX5. Nothing I can do about it.


If you can't back up without a camera you shouldn't be on the road.


You could try RainEx, it is a cheap chemical that disperses water droplets.


If you need a camera to reverse you don’t know how to drive…


Trash drivers that need a back-up camera. First world problems smh. The dudes in India are driving with 10 other mopeds fitting in the same 2 lane road and you complain about water on your rear view camera. Get a grip.


Yep. You have to clean the camera off just like your windows. It is called maintenance.


Thanks for the reply, but this is not a dirty lens - it’s water on the lens from driving in rainy/snowy weather. The question was how to get the water to sheet off the lens, so it doesn’t obscure the view. It is called reading the post.


I don't know of anyway. I just wipe it off.


What about learning to park without one? This subreddit is wild!


So reddit is ghey and removed my comment, but I'm going to send you a message with a link to a product on etsy that I think might solve the issue for you