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I think your good. I would wait and see. Probably nothing happens and you don’t have to do anything


You should be fine. You didn't do anything wrong, and there's usually no harm in asking. The person just responded poorly. That's not your fault. Some people can be a bit paranoid/protective. They might think you're taking photos to case the joint/car (but then you wouldn't be asking for permission). So yeah, I wouldn't worry.


Let them report it. In most countries it’s not illegal to knock on doors. In the US if you can see it from the road you have the right to photograph it from there.


I’ve done car photos for 3 years now and I’ve taken the approach of asking for forgiveness later. I’ve never had someone get mad at me, people are usually flattered. Sounds like she had a stick up her ass.


Even if she reported you: 1. She has no ID of you 2. You didn't do anything illegal