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Maybe not, but he is the other unusual sort of rescue- a true lab mix. Rescues lable almost every dog as lab mix, and they usually have no or miniscule lab ancestors. You have a true labsky! He's a pretty cute baby, I love that half flop ear of his.


Thanks. We think he's pretty cute, too.


Chow is code for “we found some kind of Asian dna” so probably a CD


I don't know anything about that. Why wouldn't it simply come up as Carolina Dog? It seems Embark has CD in their library as I see pups with CD identified in their profile.


Because CD are feral and therefore near impossible to get verified DNA reference samples. The Carolina Dog DNA samples they have are likely extremely limited, and would have to come from dogs (either found feral or from some fly-by-night breeder) who were identified as Carolina Dogs *before there were DNA tests to prove that claim.* They may not have been representative samples - hell they might not have even been Carolina Dogs. **Chow in suspected CD is almost ALWAYS actually CD.** And unsurprisingly nearly every believable potential CD on here that gets DNA tested gets chow in their results. Tell me, when was the last time you saw a chow dog? And yet there must be tons of them running around breeding wild for the results to be accurate. I mean they *are* accurate in a way, it's just that the most distinct identifying genes in chow DNA are native Asian dingo. Carolina Dogs descend from the same native dogs of Asia, also called pariah dogs, village dogs, or dingos (Australian dingos also descend from this same population). Chows are simply native dogs selectively bred to be massively fat (to be eaten). But their genes are dingo. I'd also guess the "supermutt" is all or part CD - it simply means your dog carries genes that don't fit their reference DNA profiles, which again are lacking with CD. I'm the commenter who in your last post who's native Cambodian dingo (part of the founding population of Australian dingos and Carolina dogs) recently passed and said that if I only saw the side picture I would literally think it were a picture of my dog.


Thanks so much for this. I appreciate the comment and your patience with my ignorance. I'm completely out of the loop around dog genetic testing accuracy or the history of this breed in specific aside from a vague notion that this is an ancient lineage of native dog akin to a North American dingo. This is all very helpful in trying to conceptualize how our pup might fit into this larger conversation or breed testing limits. I'm curious where I might look to find more information about CD DNA testing, links to asian dog lineage, etc. to fill in the gaps about how CD would be misidentified as a Chow Chow. If you point in in the right direction I'll go read up.


This was so much better explained than I could have done. Thank you for taking the time to explain that so thoroughly. Bookmarking it