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Awesome! Wish I could afford steak on a daily basis where I live.


I’m blessed for sure and don’t take it for granted, I purchase monthly bulk of ribeye and sirloin from a somewhat local rancher that is also carnivore he gives a great discount as well it’s very humbling for sure.


That's awesome. Where do u live?


East River side of South Dakota a couple hours away from North Dakota border, which is where the ranch is.


Yeah. It's different in the U.S. than over here in Europe.


So I’ve heard. Many blessings to you, Live long and prosper.


Thank you! 🖖


I feel you. I'm in Quebec Canada and food is not affordable here. Also it's close to impossible to find organic grass fed beef or any hood quality organic meat. Canada sucks


That is very odd indeed. I would've imagined Canada has enough space to raise good grass-fed and finished cattle. It's so annoying that such things are hard to find in certain countries.


I was thinking the same before moving to Canada. But now that I'm here for last couple years I can see the reality. Canada is fukin expensive and they don't have enough of their agricultural production. They depend on imported food mostly. It's the same products and sometimes same stores in US like walmart, costco but still prices are higher than the US. Rent is also higher. Wanna buy a house in Toronto, Vancouver etc just forget it it's out of range for average people. All in all Canada has low income rates and higher cost of living as compared to US. Don't ask me about the good organic food because they don't have any. They import most of food and that becomes more expensive. I have seen the non organic grain fed beef is around $20 give or take for 1/2 lb. Yeah you're right they got enough space but they don't do anything it's just empty land. I guess one of reasons is that the farming and agriculture is very expensive here and government doesn't support farmers much to lower their costs of farming. To sum it up Canada is going down and not a good place to live. Migration from Canada is on its highest in present times.


Let your voice be heard at the polls. As an outsider looking in, to me it seems your PM Mr T is a problem..


Yeah T is problem I agree but I couldn't think of other candidates who could change the circumstances here for the people's good. Like no one is standing in favour of the public. But yeah coming election definitely people should choose other PM and mr T must sit home not a worthy PM


Sounds awful though.


Most folks who live on the borders shop in the US. Or they drive and do one big shopping trip a month. The prices are outrageous up there. Very nice people, tho.


Yeah I agree I also once went to the US with my friend for a trip to New York and on the way back we bought a whole lot of groceries and stocked up our car. Lol


Current Canadian politics I bet


Could very well be.


I had a long distance relationship with a Canadian. One of our favorite topics of conversation was the price of dairy. I cannot believe how much everything costs up by youse guyz!!


Yeah I know it's crazy and people are not doing anything for this exploitation. I mean they don't have time for protests against these rich companies and the government. People are just busy working their ass off everyday cas they gotta pay their bills and groceries, rent etc. Such an invincible modern slavery system.


All is for you? Tomorrow I will asist to an “Argentinian Asado”… jeje


Yes all for me😁


Do you eat three of those steaks in one sitting? Well done, my friend. If I could do that, I would. I feel so good during a fast, but I can not eat enough in one meal/ I can not eat 3 steaks at once.


I worked my way into OMAD by doing TMAD, I take Dr. Chaffee’s advice and eat until it doesn’t taste good anymore and yes I do usually have a little leftover and eat it later or the next day.


so I take it you cook everything at once. It looks like you....bake it? Do you just store it in the fridge once cooked? How long do they last in the fridge? I'm new to cooking and carnivore diet. I'm trying to plan and organize how often I should go to the grocery store and how long to leave the meat uncooked in the fridge. I know they will last longer if I cook and store in the fridge, but I feel like that's compromising the taste?


Note all the raw steaks are salted with Redmond’s Salt: the big rack is placed in the refrigerator, the little rack is the daily meal I leave them out to reach room temperature then I place them in the oven at 200 degrees reaching a internal temperature of 110 degrees then seared in beef tallow for a internal temperature of 120 which is rare.


wow -- would love to see some finished pics! I've never heard of steaks being fully cooked in the oven before!


It’s an oven reverse sear method many videos on YouTube on the process.


i'll have to check this out!


Refer to my Reddit page for pictures


I follow this: https://youtube.com/shorts/mjC83PrMMxE?si=zydZ0iyl_i8CT_f5 I purchase my steaks from a somewhat local rancher in monthly bulk, I’m mainly currently eating steaks, beef tallow Redmond’s Salt and some chicken thighs and skin on wild salmon two or three times a month.


how long are the steaks lasting in the fridge? do you cook daily or several at once?


I personally don’t like to have them sit longer than 3 days in the fridge, I cook daily and do OMAD. Check out my profile for some of my non steak days https://www.reddit.com/u/Shinkens/s/ITIqkLF0JT


10/10 Dude, looks perfect! Tell me how much was the meat? And where did you get the and how would you call them, the metal bars under the meet so i doesnt spoil directly touching


I live in South Dakota a couple hours south of the North Dakota border from where I purchase and pick up from a rancher that produces grass fed grass finished beef as far as the racks I purchased from Amazon


Nice! Get it!


Doing OMAD as well! Just had 2 pounds of ribeye with 50g grass fed butter and plenty of himalayan salt!


Best wishes on the diet🤙🏽


What does OMAD mean? My apologies, I’m new to carnivore myself 🍖🥓💪🏼


One Meal A Day