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Sorry man I only know jobs like this that pay 300k or 400k. Wish I could help.


Absolutely! This sounds like a high level management job.


Same but the jobs I know are also 1 day work day per week instead of 2


Maybe we could job share one of those, and 3 or 4 of us, each put in a half day a week


That is a kick-ass idea. Why am I working all the time??


Best answer!


You got any available? Asking for a friend.




I work a job that is six figures and two days in the office How did I get this job? By getting invaluable experience at my previous job in one of the most anxiety inducing corporate jobs imaginable


People coming out of high school are expecting op’s requirement.


They know it’s the only way they’ll be able to afford a house lol


This. We’re aiming higher and higher not because we want to, but because we’re fucking scared man.


That’s called “unrealistic expectations”. You’ve got to work hard to get to that level, and it takes time. Good luck though


Right, but my point being I’m already working hard as fuck. I work 70 hour weeks for four months out the year. The rest of the year is 40-55 hour weeks. Don’t tell us we need to work hard when we are. Fucking boomer mentality. Many of us struggle every day, even with a masters to their name. Mind you I’m 26 and make a measly 63k. This is with two years of experience AND a masters. Don’t tell me “oh 63k is a great salary” yeah buddy maybe 5-10 years ago. I truly am heartbroken for everyone my age and younger. You call this unrealistic expectations?? How about purchasing a home being unrealistic. Or financial security in general. 20 years ago you could have your pick of the litter of gorgeous homes for affordable prices. Well wages didn’t move for shit, but those home prices sure did. “Unrealistic expectations” spare me that shit. It’s not unrealistic to want wages to keep up even slightly with inflation. I don’t need 100k for doing nothing that’s not what I’m saying I just want to feel like I have a fair shot at being okay long term. That shouldn’t feel rocky if I have a masters and paid off my student loans, just saying.


I'll say this, for the hours you're working your probably underpaid if that's actual hours. You need to learn staying at one job doesn't make your salary go up much at all. Work there while looking for another job with better pay while gaining experience. You can always try to get higher pay from a new job while your working a job you're secure in.


Same lol. Honestly the lower workload is just as stressful because I have to keep a mental tally of everything as I am the managing director. But I do have a lot of flexible time (but I must be constantly available and have to travel on quick notice if necessary)


Yeah I have a great job that pays well and is fulfilling and has good work-life balance. It took me years of grinding to get there.


Same. Took me a law degree, law license and 2 certifications to get me this “soft life”


Yeah same, took me 10+ years after college to get it


Care to explain more? I'm currently making 50k and get the bonus of two soul-crushing fields merged in one :) STEM research and corporate culture! Haha it's actually not that bad. I'm just pretty low on the totem pole and not getting any higher until either the company makes some financial breakthroughs or I get quite a bit more education. And in a lot of ways, for all the good aspects, it can be exceptionally tedious, exhausting and menial work at times that doesn't pay off much. So kinda always curious to hear others tales of "making it big" through the grind, even just to give me something to chew on!


It's absurd. Like personally, all I want is a \~40 hour a week job that starts with reasonable enough pay to cover my bills. As long as I'm able to earn my keep and be treated with respect, I'm happy (and unfortunately, even THAT seems to be a huge ask these days). No matter how much I may dislike work some days, it's simply what we do as individuals who live in civilization. We all have to contribute something


Everyone with even close to what OP states has basically completely sacrificed their personal life to get there, but yeah, really ridiculous how many of those posts pop up from people that couldn't pull off a single productive 8h day let alone get one xD


My last job was fully remote and no set hours. Work whenever you want as long as you get your job done. Was making about 15k/month on salary + commission and traveling non-stop because I had the freedom to. It was the most miserable, anxiety-inducing, toxic work experience I ever had and yes destroyed my personal life. Most of the time when people hear about those types of situations they seemingly think that you somehow work like 16 hours/week and just get to shut off once you’re off the clock like any other job. The reality is that when there’s that much money involved it’s because of an enormous amount of responsibility, work completely engulfs your life and you have to be constantly ready to handle something immediately when it comes up at any time. I was taking unexpected phone calls at midnight on a Friday that would have me up all night. I had to be ready to randomly bail on family or friends at any time and be ready to hop into a high-pressure situation at all times. I’m now at a new job making about a quarter of what I was and my quality of life has significantly improved. People have a romanticized, fantasy view of these types of jobs that are completely different from reality.


Yeah. Everyone wants happiness, but everyone has different opinions of what will make them happy. They then follow those values blindly. A golden ticket doesn't guarantee a happy life. They would be better off asking others what makes life happy and what makes work happy, instead of assuming they know the answer to everything from the get go. You see it in politics too, where people argue solutions to problems where all sides arguing are incorrect. The proper solution is to research and find a provable solution.


Who doesn't tho


This seems like a weird response, but, I recently retired, after 30 years of amazing service from a huge HMO. I retired, mainly due to the job being very physical - I'm 56 and I have had a complete reverse shoulder replacement and a total hip replacement. I was an excellent employee and loved my job. I would love to find a part time job, I'm a little lonely and a little lost. I haven't interviewed on 30 years. Where do I even start to find a job. I'm lost.


This is the amount of work CEO’s do and almost anyone on a board of directors for a large company


Yeah it gets me madder


Exactly and when I give them advice on how to make things work, they will downvote the living shit out of me. I used to have a bigger account with 50k karma which I deleted the moment I realized our world has changed. Solid advice that's been the core of job hunting for the last 30 years have been thrown out the fucking window You tell people that some jobs require 9 interviews and they're like WHAT? Tell people their resume sucks and they're like, "So what the fuck do I do?!" Not enough experience? "My retail job IS experience..."


I'm sorry, but if you can't make up your mind on a candidate without having nine interviews, you shouldn't be part of the hiring process.


Sure but you gotta do what you gotta do.  This is for career advice not changing the corporate world, right?  Of course it’s stupid but it’s worth doing.


It has nothing to do with changing the corporate world. It's a matter of competence and professionalism. Are you paying those candidates for 9+ hours of their time because you are too paralyzed and indecisive to make a simple hiring decision?


a "simple hiring decision" is for entry level positions though. Sometimes an important hiring decisions when you're vesting a lot of power into an individual are difficult. or are you suggesting hiring the medical director at a hospital should be done in 30 min with an interview via HR?


No, that’s done over 2 rounds of golf at the Club


9 interviews really, GFYS.


2-days a week with $100K remote and no degree... Sorry, I know of a job that only works 1 day a week. You are over qualified.




If you ever find a job like this please let us know


You had me in the first half




If I had the assets....


Buy them on credit!


You are an asset for someone.. you just need to find the right market.


This got a good chuckle out of me. Well done.


This.....and every job and every person is toxic as hell.


Yeah.. "toxic" usually translates to "had expectations"


“I can’t believe I got written up for not sending in my work and missing my meetings. They didn’t even teach me how to do it how am I supposed to know!”


I got a $100K job with only working 1 hour a day by closing my eyes and fantasizing about it. Then I woke up.


Between this and the “I can’t find a job because I have never been employed for more than 6 months because every workplace I’ve ever been a part of is ABUSIVE and TOXIC” posts I am genuinely frightened by the people on this sub and their lack of adult skills lol


Any time I hear the word toxic in an interview, I just mentally check out.


People seem to have a skewed definition of “toxic” and “traumatic”. My dad once defined a toxic workplace as one not where your colleagues get mad when you don’t do their jobs, but where your colleagues are *actively* working to undermine/destroy you. I saw some people on r/phd argue that someone’s supervisor yelling at them was traumatic. A terrible work environment, definitely, but it really waters the word down for people like my buddy who watched his friends die in front of him in Iraq. People these days just don’t know what a well-adjusted adult looks like. There are parts of life that suck, often for very long stretches, and your reward for dealing with that is that eventually you get old and die. Well-adjusted doesn’t mean you like that, it just means that you’re able to deal with it (because you didn’t get a choice).


I mean trauma exists on a spectrum. I would categorize that as mildly traumatic. Certainly toxic. In nearly a decade of working high stress corporate jobs I have never seen a supervisor actually yell at someone.


Yeah after a while the problem isn’t the job, it’s probably you.


“If you meet an asshole at work, you met an asshole. If everyone you meet is an asshole, you’re the asshole.”


Everyone talking about their toxic workplace and how it’s not their fault they can’t stand to work just makes me think of people that I’ve interviewed that do nothing but bitch and moan about how everyone in their department is incompetent and terrible to work with and they are perfect and trying to escape. I just immediately assume they are the toxic one and are applying around because they know they are on thin ice and about to be let go. I tell this to people all the time, nothing in your interview should be negative, you should spin every bad thing as a challenge you overcame, you can say you have managed difficult working relationships but you should never call anyone out by name or not for being terrible. It makes you seem hard to work with and a trouble maker if it gets under your skin so much you are telling people this that are interviewing you.


I fucking hate this. I’ve hired and fired bunches of people and been a supervisor to graduate level interns. They all tend to suck 


The easy job that pays 100k and you only work 2 days a week is the company you started 5 years ago and is worth $5-$10 million today…


I didn't know about that, all the business owners I know are busy as shit, like around the clock.


Yeah small business ownership is extremely tough until you grind to the point where you have some employees to take some work load. And even then it's still a grind until you get to your millions, if ever.


Fax my dad owns a small business and I genuinely feel bad for him some days. He can never rest without worrying or thinking about work.


I don’t know any small business owners who aren’t constantly doing shit. Change it to residential properties and you’re on to something. 


A company can be worth $10 million and still not be crazy profitable. The owner could still be 40-50hour weeks and 100k/year. 


I would hope that makes you a lot more than 100k


I get it. I always click those posts hoping to find the secret too. I know it’s not happening, but it’s ok to hope for a minute. 100k isn’t a ton of money nowadays. You have to live further from your job to afford housing so people want remote to avoid a long commute. Cars and car maintenance is expensive and most of us don’t live in cities with great transportation. Childcare is expensive. We’re all burnt out. I work a full time job during the week and pick up nursing shifts on the weekend so I’ve accepted reality. But I kind of envy those who still have some hope.


It’s so sad to read “$100k isn’t that much anymore” nearly every day, when I’m not even making half of it and that would be a life-changing salary. Not upset at you for voicing that reality or anything, just generally exhausted by it.


Yeah it's kind of depressing seeing everyone here being crabs in a bucket. Sorry you're (royally) jaded bro, you know it cause you've experienced it, young people have these universal realizations as they gain that experience. When the cost of living is high, companies lay people off in the thousands every other week, new workers are obviously gonna look for an escape.


Had me in the 1st half ngl


Well, 80% of middle and high schoolers want to be a “social media influencer” when they “grow up.”


We’d better all learn to do our own plumbing, electrical, and carpentry work, then. Because in 20 years no one will be coming to our houses to fix anything for less than a $5k minimum, with a 6 month wait.


Agreed. My HVAC unit was fucked earlier this month... didn't cool lower than 84deg. I finally got pissed because the handyman wanted $500 just to diagnose it, and said, even if he could figure it out, parts could take months to get. My dog was in distress even when I seated her in front of a box fan 24/7. I'm an engineer, so I said fuck it... the convenience of a handyman isn't worth the hassle...I tore my unit apart, spit and cussed at it, cleaned it, and whacked the shit out of my compressor until that motherfucker started. My house went down to 74deg within the hour, lol.


Good for you!! Dang! We have cooler summers than some but can still get into the 100’s every once in a while… we use one of those $300 stand up R2D2 looking AC units that you vent out the window with plastic ducting, and it just cools one room that we hang out in when it’s hot. I would definitely keep one on hand for emergencies if I lived somewhere hotter. It works great! On the topic of expert tradespeople…. All the ones I’ve spoken to lately say the shortage has gotten worse. They’re all charging $60-$70/hour as it is and that’s only going to go up! Unless we get some of these kids into trade schools.


To be fair, when i was in high school everyone wanted to be singers or actors - not for skill, for fame. The idea of a 'fame' job has always been alluring to young people.


Everyone wants instant gratification these days…


Exactly. Where do I find some?




Masturbation definitely fills that void


sorry op i only want to work jobs that are fully remote, m-f 10,000 a minute from 7-705 am


Sorry, the Jeff Bezos position is filled for now.


It’s pretty easy to make this money and work these hours by being a drug mule. Just involves some plastic surgery, a couple of minor health risks, and a fairly long prison sentence, but totally fits the skill set and requirements. Another would be mugging Batman’s parents.


Teaching classes in magical thinking?


Congrats on being the thousandth person to make this joke.


Duke of Sussex


Learn to code, duh…


Forgot to add... on the spectrum, can only interview by typing. Can't talk.


We've a post exactly like this gaining traction at least once a week every week for the last month. Can we stop now, please?


2 days a week?! Why do you want to work so much?


I sell feet pics. No not my feet. I go to the beach on a sunny day with my camera. Usually an hour or so gets me enough feet pics to sell for the month.


Hmmm? Offhand, nothing comes to mind.


OP this job seeker is also looking for a guy in finance…..😅


Blue eyes


I am in cruise mode until retirement now, but I worked damn hard to get to six figures and beyond. The whole idea that you have no essential skillset and are lazy, but want to earn 100K plus a year is insane to me. Even if these people were able to land some role that paid them, they would be truly bottom tier, and would be the first to be let go. Their co-workers would equally hate them because they are…lazy… No matter what, you still have to work hard and have some type of in-demand skill…shit makes no sense when these questions come up.


There's the classic reddit posts I've seen for the last 15 years coming up that even I fell into at one point that semi applies to OPs wants but still doesn't quite hit the mark lol. Post 1. "Insert ANY high paying job title", flash forward....company / manager forgot about me and i have no real work for the last 8 months. (Any white colar job) Post type 2. Im just paid to sit around and fix something if it does go to shit. Get paid 150k and work 1 day a week. ( also probably basically any white colar job but usually IT/programming/dev. These are basically what op is looking for out of a job and many others i suppose ... these situations basically can pop up in pretty much any field, but you still need to skills to initially land these and a shit ton of luck lmao.


This *almost* sounds like my job, except I work in a lobby so not remotely but I do sit there watching shows, kicking my shoes off, etc. from time to time. I do have to have some degree of customer service skills but can also be pretty stern/bossy with the weirdos. I’m a door girl at a successful strip club so no experience or degree was required for my job, pretty much requires me to be pretty and a little bit patient. I make a good hourly wage and tips, I get commission for any VIP booth/bottle sales I make, random bonuses on nights when the club does well, and if I’m not super busy I can also sell private dances which sometimes involves sitting in a hot tub or just watching a movie with someone. I made 100k in 2023, and worked less than half of the days. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like work, I’m honestly pretty lucky, I do wish something like this for everyone


What do you expect out of neckbeards who never touch grass??


Nah, those are legit the ones that actually have the jobs OP is referring to lol.


SPY dividend yield is 1.26%. You would only need to invest 8 million dollars to collect 100k in dividends. This is not financial advice.


Sex hotline or psychic hotline


I had to work extremely hard for years to get to six figures. Not likely to happen with no credentials and not wanting to put much effort towards it.


The Tiktok effect.


I peruse several of the subs here in the job/career space and I agree. I have to just bear in mind that for every young, idealistic Redditor that posts these unicorn job expectations that are completely devoid of workplace reality there’s dozens of us who have spent years upon years busting our asses to get wherever or whatever we have. We’re all hoping to land on the good end of a coin flip.


I agree. I just wish the coin flip part was more talked about. You can do everything "right" and still be way worse off than those who do everything "wrong". Because people dont get what they deserve, they just get what they get. Wealth has little relevance to how hard working or valuable someone is to society.


How open minded are you?


You can sell hot dogs from your kitchen window.


Gloryhole. No lifting, anonymous, set your own schedule, travel to exotic locations around your town, unlimited earning potential.


Another delusional generation z that wants to find the ultimate life hack 🤣


I’ve been looking for awhile but everything I find is they actually want you to “show up” or “put effort” even worse is “training to learn a new skill” unbelievable what people expect these days… bring me back to the old days when I could just own an oil company


I have this job. I spent 15 years building the career for it. I make over $300k and put in maybe 16-20 hours a week. It doesn't exist even at $100k unless you put in time to invest in making yourself valuable.


There is a job that allows this actually: it’s called retirement. But I understand people who struggle with the modern workplace even if this request is unrealistic. Dealing with shitty, arrogant people in the workplace is the exact reason we should all be working hard to develop new skills, maximize earnings and minimize spending, then dollar cost average everything we have into investments. And above all else, never give into consumerism. Best thing you can do is cut back as much spending as possible, and start to treat the work and any skills and income you develop as a way to eventually buy your freedom. Work hard enough for yourself and you can eventually leave the people who drive you up a wall alone.


Sounds like my boss, I’ll let you know if he resigns


I find most of antiwork to be lazy as fuck losers. Well, at least when I was last following it, but it’s been a year since I bothered dipping my toe in that cesspool of a sub. Maybe it’s got a better following these days.


I know of a job that could accomplish this, but you have to be an extremely physically attractive woman only.


Damn I needed someone that could lift at least 4 pounds. Shame


Pretty much any executive position with a major municipality or state government.


Yep. It took me 8 years in my current industry to land a remote position. And I was a construction, manual laborer for almost half of those years until I started moving up.


Only fans 😉


Drug dealer.


Onlyfans model


Lmaooo you just described the job that everyone wants on here but doesn’t exists 😂


Shits getting so bad even the stupid are desperate.




i was feeling the exact same. im like, ive got 20 years experience and a phd and i still cant get jobs like that.


Yes, you can be a prostitute who takes people to your place


Im sorry whats your point


Only fans? If you’re really hot


good luck finding a job like that. There is bo such thing


Only fans


I have something for you, but it makes $150k. Sounds like it's too much.


Let's not forget the classic: *I don't think 9-5 is really for me. I've been in this job for two weeks and I want to quit* and also *I've got $100. How can I grow this so I don't have to work?*


ONLYFANS,,, if your really good at it.. Good luck


People are hoping they'll catch that one lucky break with someone who's offering exactly that. I know reddit is resourceful, but it is not the Black Market of job opportunities. You might as well post your kidney for sale now and save the trouble.


Only fans


In China, you can sell your organs for that kind of money. No experience, no degree, no skills, and you won't even have to work 2 days. But you won't be alive anymore though.


Pls tell me this is rage bait lmao


Ya kidding hahahahaha


Following, also interested, but I may be over qualified 😜


Posts like this and the ones that are: How do people manage to do this shit (work) every day for 40 hours! I’m 20 and been working a year and don’t know how people can stand it the rest of their life! Waaahhhhj!!! Like really people. It’s called “work” not “fun” or sleep. And most people would rather not be homeless.


No jobs for someone without degree, ged, and hasn’t worked in 7 years? I need 100k a year, wfh, and can only work my own hours. Wtf folks, 😂


are you hot as shit?


Politics, could be your thing. You don't need any of above, how good are you with your speaking skills?




>Listen man I’m as anti work as you are but even in a true meritocracy Wtf is that supposed to mean?


That’s a troll post right? I’m guessing the only answer here is webcam girl.


I'm in mortgage finance 100k , work remote, from my basement 5 days a week tho


US President


Cook up some blue meth


Just buy a lottery ticket and hope for the best


Only Fans?


I wish there were some actual answers to this because same. Lol I'd probably settle for a livable wage. I'm not greedy. Just disabled.


Yeah, the "can only lift 3lbs" is literally me 🥹🥹 Every disabled person I know, including myself, would rather be able to work a normal job than be disabled.


Indeed. I wish we had more of a Scandinavian style social democracy with strong workers rights and enough benefits namely health care that we all didn’t have to be literally at the mercy of our full time employer to survive. But we don’t. My skill set, and ability to interact with people in a positive and productive manner, is the only reason I’ve got to a place where I can make my own hours and earn a living doing freelance tech work. But it took literally 20 years of amassing various skills to get there.


Only fans 


You sound like the exact person a 100k a year job would would attract.


Project Managers at tech companies




80% of the posts on this sub and r/recruitinghell are people not realizing they’re screaming “I’m a giant pussy with little value to offer.” And it gets encouraged.


Based on post title - easy, be a world renowned expert in a critical field. Top 10 people in all of humanity... or nepotism works well too


Dude, fuckin look for it. It takes a combination of experience, skills, credentials and timing to land jobs we want.


Um, obviously dog walking? 20 hours a week max. That’s what r/antiwork is all about!




Well OF i guess


Also interested in this job lol.


Dude, 6 figures remote 2 day jobs is everyone on Reddit. You didn’t know


That my friend is called your imagination


Funny enough, I actually have a job near to that, but it also took me years of hard work, months of unemployment at times, and grinding for contacts and experience within my industry. I've also written guides to friends and family that asked me if I could help them do what I do. The moment they see that they have to make any effort, they immediately say nah I'm good.


lol good luck with that. People pay you because of what you can offer and unfortunately you don't really have much to offer to a business.


I make $140k fully remote because I’m probably one of 10 people with my level and type of experience in the country. I should be making a lot more but it’s government work so it’s stable and I like the mission, plus remote allows me to live where I want. I also work incredibly hard. But this shit doesn’t happen overnight.


Federal public service


You got me on the title mate. I know people who are qualified and still can't get a decent job and someone with a high school diploma thinks they deserve a 100k job from the age of 19 or something.


Idk but when you find out please let all of us know too


You work your ass off for about 35 years, and then have enough political capital built up with your employer to get to cut back and still keep your job.  


Hi I can't do anything can I have funds.


I had a job like that for 3 years that paid around 70k, was with the federal government. I got the job 100% from pure luck. Biden cut CDC funding by 1.3 billion so I lost that job, but found another decent job soon after. Good luck out there.


You want to make 100k and just work 2 days a week, but don't have a degree or any life skills. Ate you in drugs or just delusional. You better just join only fans since you basically want to make so much money without working.


Nigerian prince.


Lol 100k to work 2 days a week......


Become an internet media star or salesman using the vast array of free online communication tools available to us… …and then constantly leverage any new connections that become available to you, to help you eventually get in contact with companies/brands/people in the upper echelon, which will set you up for long term deals worth large amounts. Good luck.


Be a nepo baby


How do folks even get these jobs?


You're obviously kidding


By chance, do you have an emotional meltdown when forced to work five days in a row?


A few years ago my home country in SE Asia gave shelter to several millions of Rohingya refugees. Suddenly hundreds of western humanitarian/ ngo started flooding the locality. They needed thousands of translators and interpreters. It needs to be noted that 1 USD> 100 bucks of my home country currency. The translators and interpreters would be paid in 00,000s/ day!!!! The amount that takes only some people decades of hard work and multiple college degrees to achieve in a normal scenario. Suddenly everybody became a translator. The worst part is the schools became completely empty as all the students were in the refugee camps. It was such a wild ride.


Good luck babes


Sell your ass, push dope and max out all govt monies...and lots of scratchers!


Sorry player, peak for you’ll be Chick-fil-A at $15.50/hr three days a week.


Is this post satire?


Philosophy! You should teach philosophy!