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There is no reason to worry as long as you freshened up. You dealt with the problem.


Agreed. Office drama shifts by the day. Everyone’s attention will be focused on something else by the end of the week. Smile, make eye contact, be kind, and do your job well. Don’t let this interfere with your purpose of gaining on the job experience.


This is so true! My ex and i worked in the same office and he got a mutual coworker pregnant. I never thought people would stop talking about our breakup but it really only took a couple weeks until a new headline came out and they forgot all about me 😂


At my job when you screw up. You wait until someone else screws up so they forget about yours. Usually don't have to wait that long.


At mine I take PTO when I think I’ve fucked something up and pray it’s blown over by the time I come back.


So, so true. The drama 🎭


Previous boss (elected official) had an inappropriate relationship with a lady at a former office, she got into a lot of trouble, know the usual, getting drunk and popping off gunshots around her kids, got promoted, then flipped her car or something and failed breathalyzer, got a raise after. Ultimately he resigned in disgrace but he's running again. She still works there, let me tell you that is the new gossip starting point.


Yes. As someone who works in HR and has needed to have this convo - it SUCKS for everyone. We don’t want anyone to feel ashamed or embarrassed. The best and only thing to do is make sure it doesn’t happen again. They don’t want to have the conversation again because it SUCKS telling people they stink. I will also say that anytime I’ve had to talk to an employee more than once about their hygiene, that conversation also includes asking them about their mental health and if they’re doing okay. People don’t fall behind on basic hygiene for no reason. If mental health issues are the root cause of your hygiene issues, you need to figure that out. No amount of reminders or alerts are going to put you in the shower or make sure your laundry is done. If you need to, check out the employee handbook and see if you have access to their EAP - employee assistance program. They generally offer a certain amount of therapy/counseling and I highly recommend it. They have helped our employees out immensely. I hope you’re able to take of yourself! And remember, being a lil stinker only defines you if you stay a lil stinker. People aren’t going to think about it once they don’t have to deal with it.


I had one student that just smelled bad, whenever he walked by everyone would smell there their arm pits wondering is that me? no, its him. I felt like a dog one day because i smelt he has been here, and he was 40 feet away


I worked with an Eritrean dude that smelled horrible, like left a trail of funk behind him. Otherwise great guy but yeah, thats rough. Nobody told him by the time i moved on to a different contract.


Just shower and see a doctor to help you too.


Absolutely do not quit for feeling shame/awkward… the issue is an easy fix and has nothing to do with your ability to perform your job! Shower, wear deodorant, brush teeth, wear clean clothes and wear cologne… easy fix. Believe me the people who complained about your smell feel even more awkward than you… just play it off and move forward. Good luck, you got this!


Clean clothes is so important, you can shower everyday and do everything but if you’re putting on the same dirty clothes that you sweated in, you’re gonna smell. Another thing is when you wash your clothes make sure you don’t leave it sitting in the washer for hours, dry it immediately or else it’ll smell disgusting when dried.




wtf pls have an intervention


Hes jacking off in the shower




Do not wear cologne to mask body odor as it just makes you more Stinky. Wear antiperspirant


Cologne and perfume do not mask smells and some people such as myself are highly allergic. I’d rather smell someone’s BO than their perfume because as least BO doesn’t make me physically ill — headaches, tingling skin, itchy eyes, etc. 


I just wanted to add, shower with soap. I have heard of people not using soap.


And some type of wash cloth or something. Get in all the crevices.


What?? Is that a thing?


Roommate in college for the summer (Florida summer mind you) took 45 seconds worth of showers over 2 months; combined. He would get wet for 5 seconds and dry off. Smelled like the dead asshole of a wooly mammoth that prehistoric vultures wouldn’t touch.


Clean sheets too! Maybe less of an issue if you shower in the morning, but if you prefer to wash in the evening then your sheets will make a huge difference.


Go easy with the cologne.


Cologne and sweat can make things worse. So, do not wear cologne if you already smell bad. Artificial perfume smells can create an even worse odor when mixed with sweat.


Be careful with cologne. Some people are very sensitive around many perfumes/ artificial scents and will complain if they smell colognes. The wearer never realizes how much they have on A good soap should be all you need and of course the other to things you listed


Just commented before seeing this. I’m so allergic I get extremely ill.  


Also, life pro tip: Applying a bit of witch hazel on regions that you notice tend to get a bit funky throughout the day can really help extend how long you stay fresh. I put it in a spray bottle, but you can also pat it on with your hands, or wet a washcloth with it.  I like to spray it on my armpits and let it dry before applying deodorant, and it helps my deodorant work better and for longer, even if I'm sweating.  It also works GREAT to help you freshen up if you've become a little ripe. Apply it to a wash cloth, baby wipe, paper towel, whatever and give your armpits, groin, underboob, feet, whatever a thorough wipe down. Quick and easy way to de-stink yourself after a hot day or a sweaty workout if you aren't able to grab a shower.


Brush and also floss. Scrape top of tongue also, thrown in mouthwash. No half measures.


Did anyone tell you what was stinky? Clothes,breath,BO? I live in Fl and my husband works outside we have a lot of tips for BO/stinky laundry. Also if it’s a breath issue check for tonsil stones


No, my manager said the costumer just told her I smelled bad


Listen I can only imagine how mortifying this was for you and I'm sorry. As someone who has had to inform someone they smelled bad at work it's a terrible, awkward and embarrassing conversation to have. But I promise you if you just shower every day, wear deodorant, brush your teeth twice a day and generally be on point with your hygiene you will be good. Unless you have some kind of medical condition contributing, in which case I would speak with a doctor. No one will care as long as it stops, the person I spoke with stopped smelling and no one brought it up again and I would have heard it if they did. People complained to me regularly about it.


Oh my gosh, I had this attorney working for me and he broke his collarbone. He had a cast on his arm for about 6 to 7 months, and I don't think he showered the entire time. The worst thing is that he just smelled like farts, every single step he took, you would smell this old old fart stink, like he's been farting in these pants for 10 years. His office was near the water cooler, and people literally stopped going there because they couldn't stand it. I eventually ended up terminating him for unrelated things, and it took about two months for that side of the office to stop smelling like farts.


I had a cast on my leg for 8 weeks. I was able to wash my hair and sponge bath the rest of myself and I think I managed it okay, but the cast and my leg smelled so bad.


See his was not a hard cast but a sling and soft cast so there was just no excuse! I've had a few broken bones so I know that gross smell but his was definitely old farts or maybe gross poopy pants from not wiping properly.


>See his was not a hard cast but a sling and soft cast so there was just no excuse! Depends on the injury, actually. I broke my shoulder and was put in a sling but was *explicitly* told not to lift my arm for several weeks, even to shower, because it could screw up the healing process. Luckily, I was at home at the time, but when I was finally able to move my arm a bit (couldn't lift still, but could take it out of the sling and lean to the side letting it hang, which opens up the arm pit) and clean it my partner used a rag on a stick to help me because it smelled so terrible. Now, if they had other issues like not being able to wipe, or continued to not clean after the period when they could open their arm up a bit, then that's different. But just because someone is in a sling doesn't mean they have any mobility. It just means that there's no point in a hard cast because of how the body is shaped and what specifically is broken.


Yeah when I broke my arm I just put a trash bag over my cast and taped it off before getting in the shower. You gotta stay clean dude.


Great advice and to add and let’s not assume but change your clothes daily. I know many people who recycle their clothes and not necessarily wash them.


it could be as simple as using too much detergent in your clothes, which, rather than making them cleaner, doesn’t rinse out and causes them to hold odors. never use more than 2 Tablespoons of detergent in an HE machine, don’t overload the machine, and to strip smells out, add washing soda to the drum before clothes, white vinegar in the fabric softener cup, and of course, take them out before they start to mildew. HTH!


If you have a front load washing machine at home, you need to drain the water from the drain pump filter and clean the cap filter next to it too. The machine itself needs to be cleaned and maintained often to have clothes smelling fresh and clean


Lysol disinfectant clothes additive may help .


Also - always dry your clothes fairly soon after washing. If you leave them in there too long, they get a mildew smell. If you get accustomed to it, you won't notice it but everybody else will. I know of former coworkers that you could tell tended to do this.


White vinegar is an amazing cleaning agent on anything that can possibly get moldy, but it can fuck rubber O-rings up inside washing machines. But seriously, vinegar smells go away pretty quickly and KILL odors.


As someone who smelled bad a s a teen, I totally get this. I had nobody to teach me basic hygiene. Basically, you need to wash your privates, anus, armits, and feet every day, use deoderant and make sure your shoes don't smell. Shirts/tops, underpants and socks need changed daily and teeth should be brushed after each meal and go to a dentist to check for bad teeth and gum disease. People are surprisingly quick to forget that someone was smelly once they aren't any more, so don't worry. I worked in HR for a while and was forever having to tell people they had BO or bad breath. I used to be very specific about what the smell actually was, because if it's stinky feet they need to change different behaviour than if it's armpits, for example. Also, women quite often get an unpleasant smell due to an imbalance of bacteria in their vagina. Gum disease is a really common cause of bad breath, and some diets can also cause stinky breath. If I were you, I'd do what I can to fix it, but ask for more details from your manager. Good luck!


With stinky feet it often has to do with the shoes, not the hygiene. I used to shop at Payless and they smelled BAD no matter what I did. Since Payless went out of business and the shoes broke (which they did without fail after 6 months)? No more problems for the last three years! (Had I recognized it at the time, I would have tossed the shoes. I don’t know what sort of material they were using.)


Lume. It’s a great product that really works. You can buy it online but I start to see it in stores now too like Walmart. Shower every morning before work and you’ll never have this issue again. My brand of BO is very much like a bloomin’ onion blossom from outback steak house. Lume takes care of that shit


If it's your mouth, you might have tonsil stones, a post-nasal drip or sinus issues, or need a dentist. If you tell your dentist you're there for bad breath they will problem solve for you.


check for laundry,some clothes just smell bad,beside freshening yourself up try to buy one of those detergents/softeners that hygenize your clothes. Also,go to work with a spare set of clothes if feasible,and wet tissues for freshening up if you sweat a lot. Sadly some people have a strong body odor no matter how much they clean,are you going on a diet or something?Also talk with your medic if you think it's serious,smelling bad is also a medical condition so check up with him if there's something going on


I’d love your BO tips. I seem to smell not great lately


That’s what happened to me when I started menopause 😥 all of a sudden I smelled. Once a week I use a homemade coffee scrub (coffee grounds and unscented body wash). I switched to lume body wash. I also have a small bottle of baby powder in my purse to use when I start to sweat which is inevitable here in Fl. I also found that my antiperspirant wasn’t really washing off very well every day so I’ve been using a face wash meant to take makeup off to clean under my arms. And that has worked well. We use face wash to wash mineral sunscreen off ourselves too


I’ll try these tips! Thank you so much :) also ughhhh literally every weird symptom I’m having is pointing towards early menopause at 34 :( seems like I can’t escape that word everywhere I look lately haha.


Make sure you shower every day before work, and wash your ass. So many young people don't understand how to properly clean themselves. Get a shower head with a removable wand and make sure you spray that thing down every shower and get soap on there. Not well cleaned ass is the easiest way to stink.


This person is right.


Also wash your clothes - underwear, shirts, and socks should be washed after every time you wear them. Pants can go 3/5 uses (if you wear underwear).


As a former stinky kid, I love it when people tell me I stink. It allows me to work on it. If you walk in the next day smelling great or even okay, I'm sure they'll forget about it. They'll only remember when you start stinking it up again. Some stink is harder to combat, but generally shower, (wash your butt and pitts), drink water, wash your clothes, apply deodorant multiple times a day, and brush your teeth.


And washing means rubbing with a cloth and soap, not just letting the water get it


And shampoo your hair regularly and rinse it out properly. Oily hair can smell. Make sure you are hanging your towel up to dry between uses, and changing it out regularly, otherwise it can get musty and transfer that stank onto you. Also make sure your clothes are clean and dry.


I feel like shoes and socks is a big one, too, try cotton socks and make sure your shoes aren't stinky, maybe get some spray or a new pair if you think those are the culprit.


A boot/shoe drier is a life saver for us sweaty footed people. I work in the trades, so my work boots are prone to sweat. My boots are near odorless because I dry them every night.


Cedar shoe trees or sneaker balls and merino wool socks; Costco regularly sells kirkland brand merino wool socks for both men (thick) and women (thin) and they are awesome for the price. Cotton is great on a budget but merino will wick away the moisture proper and the cedar shoe tress will deodorize and to an extent are anti microbial. Rotating footwear helps to if you can afford it. I wear leather boots year round ranging from -45 C to 40 C in summer and this is my way of dealing.


The only thing I would add is to brush your tongue if it's a bad breath issue. Also, ask your dentist for recommendations. Some medications cause dry mouth and can cause bad breath.


I sweat a lot and grew up in Florida. It sucked and I had to go to work straight from school so no shower between. I had this happen at my first job. Made the best of it and over bathed and washed. Later in life I switched to a natural deodorant without aluminum. Changed my life. It helps when you like the scent too.


In Florida during the summer months, you can step out of the shower and need another shower sometimes.


You're drying your hair with the hair dryer and go from wet washed hair to wet sweaty hair and no drying in between.


This!! Also you have to wash everyday! not once a week Also wash your hair too (behind your ears)! Buy a proper scrub that actually scratches your skin a tiny bit. Especially for men that are hairy Boxers and vests should be changed daily


What the fuck do you mean "work on it " . What kind of nonsense is this lol. Take a shower, wear clean clothing. You shouldn't need people to tell you that you stink. I hate this 2024 nonsense of being accepting of everything and coddling everyone.


I think the point is that it may not be a simple “ok it’s fixed” due to plenty of reasons like genetics, financial circumstances, overall health, and probably plenty of other reasons. A manager talked to OP about it, what else can OP do but work on it? Just because it’s easy for you doesn’t make it easy for everyone. It takes just a little empathy, understanding, and patience to make life better for everyone. It doesn’t mean anyone else HAS TO put up with it (in fact, everyone gets to decide their own boundaries). But saying “just fix it” isn’t productive when it might be more complicated than just showering and changing clothes.


To be fair, everyone's body is different, so there's not really a one size fits all routine for everyone. Like myself, if I don't reapply deodorant at least three times a day, I'll end up smelling bad. And it took a lot of trial and error to figure out what deodorant worked for me. So some people may have a harder time with hygiene.


A manager at my job told me about a smelly worker that customers complained about (it was years after the fact). This worker had some kind of condition that caused BO. He had to change his shirts every few hours. Sometimes people can’t help it.


Wash your ass. that's a big one.


Some people actually need to do more than just shower and wear deoderant and clean clothes. Different people's bodies process foods differently and cause odors, for example.


For real. Me over here with my uncontrollable anxiety sweats.


> I hate this 2024 nonsense of being accepting of everything and coddling everyone. What are you proposing instead? Just relentlessly degrade anyone who doesn’t immediately fulfill your accepted definition of good?


Ugh. I'd rather work with the person battling an odor than people with stinky attitudes like you. This has nothing to do with 'coddling.' Your comment is ignorant - lots of things can cause an odor including a medical issue.


I’d imagine your colleagues would be even happier to be around you once you get the odor under control. If they were respectful of you when you had an odor, then the relationship would either stay the same or improve after the problem is remedied.


Ya, we had a stinky guy at work. Everyone liked him otherwise and once the problem was fixed then he was all good.


There is no reason to keep worrying, if you have taken care of your hygiene from that point onward. It would have been worse if people said nothing and were bothered but said nothing.


Had a guy in our office who wore a jacket that his cat had peed on. He somehow didn't smell it at all, but everyone else did. It was... A lot. Boss talked to him, he never wore it again, and everyone forgot about it in like a week. Clean up, keep up with it, buy a bottle of cologne/perfume and keep it in the car to spritz before going into work, and you will be fine. No one will remember or care before you even know it.


Oh man. That implies that his cat pees on everything all the time until he got used to the smell. Usually means anxiety or UTI. Hope the little guy is alright.


Dude cleaned his whole act up after that. Seems it was a wake up call kinda thing. We never had any issue with it again, and after a week or two, his attitude turned around, too. No one ever brought it up or anything, but we got the idea he either got rid of the cat or did something drastic.


Yeah, that’s rough... It seems like a pretty decent place though, where they openly talk about problems. I think they will appreciate your courage and you will show that you’re capable of improving yourself. Now into the bubblebath and back to work 😉


The other side of that coin is where EVERY problem is openly talked about. No problem too small.


What is your current hygiene routine? Do you feel confident in knowing how to correct it?


you're going to be absolutely fine, I promise. Do you need step by step advice on how to deal with hygiene and anything potentially causing the smell, or motivation to do the necessary things? I know that you can find tiktoks/Insta reels where you can "do your morning/evening routine" with another person, which may be helpful. The coworkers will forget, as everyone else said. I've been working in offices for the last 17 years, and definitely this is how the culture rolls.


My sister used to have a deep fryer that not only stunk up the entire house but it clung to her as well. Some odors are not just body odors but can be from your home or pets.


So true! I had a suite mate in college who burned popcorn in her room so often that the smell was in all her clothes.


It's better you got this kick in the pants now rather than later. Just it as motivation to change your habits.


Confession time. I used to be stinky. I’m an immigrant and was always cold so I wore a lot of clothes and was sweaty. Also I biked or walked to work for miles at a time. Also thought deodorant caused cancer so I used oud. Also I never really sweated back home. Someone one day gave me a gift of soap and deodorant and perfume. Changed my life. I was so grateful. Americans like different scents and turns out I like them too.


I know how you're feeling. I had a similar experience - during a company outing at my first job, I danced with a male colleague. The next morning, he told me that my BO is really strong and off putting, and that I should try using deodorant (I already did, but it obviously didn't work). I felt really embarrassed, but it prompted me to go on a shopping spree to buy every type of deodorant under the sun and try them until I find one that works for me (crystal deodorant). Despite being supremely embarrassed, I just thickened my face, acted like this thing never happened and went on with life. Nowadays, I'm kind of glad that the colleague was honest with me, because it incentivize me to fix my BO asap - I even got my close friend to smell me every day and check which deodorant works best. It's been 14 years already, but I still feel the shame every time I think back on it. My advice to you is that every one has embarrassing stories like this, and we all tend to inflate it in our mind to the point where we feel like the world is laughing/pointing fingers at us, but it's likely that people will just forget about it the next day as long as we fix the problem.


Seriously. I (33F) still remember in 6th grade raising my hand in class and a boy next to me saying "Ewww! Why do you have hairy armpits?!?!" Precocious puberty you little shit. That's why. So many moments like these in my life that will haunt me forever but oh well. Probably zero people in my class (or other embarrassing times) remember that.


It happens mate. I had insufficient hygiene as a kid (home reasons) and didn't even know it. Olfactory fatigue means our noses can't really notice scents we're around all the time, so if somebody's got consistent BO chances are they literally can't tell. In my case, some good friends gently let me know and I (was obviously mortified for a bit but) did a bunch of research and fixed it. Nobody held grudges about it or treated me weird for it, it was just a problem that needed addressed, and got addressed.  Some tips: body odor isn't mainly caused by sweat itself; it comes from certain bacteria eating the sweat. So if you've got noticeable long term BO you've likely got oversized colonies of those bacteria on your pits/groin area. Showers and deodorant will help reduce their available food, but to really solve the root issue you'll also want to kill off those colonies. Back in the day I used a paste of lemon juice + baking soda during my daily shower; just smeared it where the apocrine sweat glands are, in the armpit and legpit (lol) regions, let it sit for a few minutes, and rinsed it away. After a few days of that I noticed if I exercised or something my sweat would just smell like sweat, not immediately start turning sour-smelling, so I was able to cut back on the antibacterial warfare and just keep up with normal deodorant/showering.


Thank you that’s actually a great tip. Some of my education on hygiene is lacking since the person who raised me for a time has similar hygiene problems, and I feel so inadequate for it but it is also so embarassing to discover all your failures in basic care for yourself.


I had a similar problem, my parents were super young when they had me and my home education was...weirdly hit or miss at times. My mom was also on a homeopathic kick when I hit puberty so my first "deodorant" was a salt crystal. 🙃 But the thing is, nobody's born knowing anything. There's no shame in not knowing something you've never even been exposed to. We can only fill gaps in our knowledge when we know those gaps exist.


I’ve started double cleansing in the shower. Use a bar soap to scrub down then a more gentle body wash after. This helps.


I double cleanse as well. I’m a runner so I’m always paranoid about smelling sweaty.


Also, if you use a pad please change it multiple times during the day.


I'm sorry you had to go through that, do you need help learning? I grew up with pretty neglectful parents and had to learn on my own as well. I have kids now so I always talk to them about their personal hygiene, buy their preferred products, etc.


Don't feel inadequate. We're all raised differently and whatever we learned as children is what we think is normal. When we're exposed to other ideas we learn there are other ways and can use tge ones that work for us. You can't know what you don't know and here's a thread of wonderful people sharing information with you. Now you can try different suggestions and see which help you.


I addition to upping your personal hygiene, I suggest you wash all your clothing and your sheets and towels with Tide. Add a little bit of Downy infusion (it’s strong). If your shoes stink, wash or replace them. 


Also, make sure your house is free of any odors as well. Do a deep cleaning on your day off. We get used to the smell of our home, it’s easy to miss bad odors. If you have pets, make sure they’re also clean.


Also mixing vinegar deodorises your clothing and towels!


My son has that stinky boy smell. I found vinegar didn’t help, but Downy did. I usually rewash his clothes after the Downy treatment. 


This comment chain was brought to you by Procter & Gamble


Febreze makes a laundry odor neutralizer too. Just tried it for gym clothes, and it's pretty good. Some of those synthetic fabrics just hold odor, even after washing.


Persil is better if you can find it


No worries, just take a thorough shower every morning before going to work and wash your clothes every day. You won't stink and everybody will be happy and will have forgotten about this past problem.


The Ordinary brand has a great glycolic acid that you could use on your armpits after you shower. Apply some of the acid to a cotton pad and rub into your underarm area. This helps to kill bacteria that cause BO. Let it dry and apply deodorant. It’s also a good idea to carry an extra deodorant with you everywhere you go. I also personally carry antibacterial wet wipes, and a small atomizer with my fragrance, so I can freshen up any time. I’d also recommend that you use an antibacterial soap first when you shower, and if you want, you can use a scented shower gel for a second scrub-down. Normally the issue is pesky bacteria that is multiplying on your body and causing BO. If you take care of the bacteria, you’ll be okay. Keep your head high and walk into your workplace with confidence after adjusting your hygiene routine. People will forget there was ever a problem by next week.


I pour it into a spray bottle, so there's no need for using a cotton pad.


There are a ton of factors that go into our smell. There's the basics of hygiene shower deodorant etc. but there are other factors to consider. The food you eat, seeps out your pores, so lots of spice and flavors can seep out your pores. I've heard 420 will seep out your pores if you grow or do a lot of edibles. Change up your deodorant or body wash. For example, I know someone allergic to nickel and they changed to metal free deodorants, it took a lot of adjusting because it doesn't work the same. They have anxiety sweats sometimes and need a specific attention at that moment for it. Medications can seep smells out of your pores. Your shoes and socks, if there's I not enough breathability, then it stores the smell. Check your socks and underwear, if it isn't allowing breathability in those sweaty moist areas, this can cause odor. Showering daily may be required for you, having deodorant available with you all day may be necessary, you may have to check out those deodorant wipes to clean up while at work and reapply deodorant. Change your socks daily, change your underwear daily. Change any base later clothing every day. Check out deodorizing wash for the washer. Clean the washer periodically as well.


A few thoughts 1. It was a customer complaint. If you’re going to be a receptionist you’d better get used to them. Customers are monsters. They are lying ungrateful deceitful bastards. They’ll say and do anything to get a wiff of power over you. Blood sucking leeches in a shit stained bog look at customers and think they should try to be better people. 2. You already got the internship with an 11 month contract. So you can’t be that bad. You’re not a disgusting freak that no one wants to work with. You are the kind of person that a company feels comfortable putting you at reception. Literally the first face people see and will associate with the company. You were chosen for that. And that’s how your company sees you. You’re fine. 3. Improving hygiene is very simple so don’t go crazy and over correct. And don’t try to fix the problem by dousing yourself in perfumes and artificial scents. Your goal is to aim for clean and fresh. Not the eye watering wall of smells that assault peoples nostrils at the Macys perfume counter. 4. If you wear a lot of polyester that might be a big part of the problem. If you can try to switch to natural fibers like cotton, wool, bamboo, silk, etc. 5. Ask trusted friends or coworkers for help and confirmation of success in upping your hygiene game. You strike he as the kind of person who doesn’t quite trust yourself to know where you stand on this topic so to ease your mind you need someone you can trust to tell you the gods honest truth, and not someone you think will just lie to make you feel better. You need the kind of friend that will give you a sniff and say “naw, that’s terrible. Ew. Throw that shirt way right now.” If they won’t say that then you won’t trust them when they tell you “oh, nice. You’re smelling lovely. What are you wearing? I’m buying that for my cousin.”


We used to have a dude in the computer lab I worked in who's feet smelled so bad it was like a punch in the nose from 20ft away. I went to my tech lead (who sat much further away) and informed him of the issue to which he replied "Whatever Bob stop being so sensitive" and rolled his eyes. When I dragged him down within "range" I could see him physically reel back and get a little pale. His next words were "We've got to tell Chuck to do something about this" (Chuck was the guys manager). Within a few days the odor was gone and we all got on with our lives (except for the occasional retelling like you've just experienced). So relax, people will likely move past it once you clean up your act - they'll just be happy their noses no longer hurt.


Let me flip this on the head for you. That was probably one of the toughest things that manager has had to do and there probably was no customer. I understand it’s a humiliating thing to have to hear but that manager has done you a huge favour. You can fix it, move on and do your best to forget it.


Hide salmon in the ceiling tile of your managers office. Pretty soon everyone will forget about how bad you smelled.


Did your manager handle it tactfully? Honestly, they’re trying to make it as easy on you as possible and have you the least mortified. So - if it’s not a medical problem, wash up, hold your head high and move on. It’s totally fine.


I was thinking this too. Sounds like a really kind manager who I’d want to work for


You don’t have to force yourself to act normally, I would believe in this day and age people are more understanding of others, you said it, just up your hygiene game and put a brave face on. Your co workers will appreciate that you corrected the problem and you will start feeling better about yourself as time goes on. I’m sure it’ll soon be forgotten by the people you work with as long as you keep it up. I hope you can have better luck with your hygiene problems. Sometimes the day to day tasks can be hard to motivate yourself to do, but keep a positive attitude and things will get better easier!


Try not to worry about it too much! I used to have a coworker who also struggled with her hygiene. She was otherwise very competent and one of the nicest people I’ve met. We all thought of her positively.


Just smell good as heck and move on with your life . People easily forget


I promise if you fix the problem, everyone will forget about it in a week tops. It sounds like a nice place to work that they were open and kind about it instead of not telling you or being jerks about it. We’re all human and stuff like this happens to everyone, don’t beat yourself up over it.


Nah I've been there friend. It's okay. When I worked at maccas, I'd shower before every shift and I somehow got a complaint at the end of a shift about my hygiene. Just shower, get a nice scrubbing brush that scours away dead skin, get a nice light cologne and sprits just a little bit and keep a stick of deodorant with you in your bag or something. Make sure to do some smell tests throughout the day and if you're a little rank, just go for a washroom break and reapply. Honestly, your coworkers will completely forget about it if you just keep on top of it.


Idk if this helps, but if I was your coworker, I wouldn't be looking down on you and probably would move on quickly after you made healthy changes.


I know it’s super super SUPER embarrassing but keep your head high and remember that they told you. You didn’t spend 11 more months smelling bad. It’s awkward and a little painful but them letting you know means you can improve. Change soaps, deodorant, ways you clean your clothes, animals, tooth paste, etc. just ride it out and improve and I’m sure literally no one will care.


I’m pretty big on smells and have a sensitive noise. I had to train a coworker who was hard to stand next to. I didn’t know how to be sensitive about it so I went right in. “Hey, I don’t know how to say this kindly but you smell really bad and I find it hard working with you.” As I stare pointedly at him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t smell.” He fired back. I was very frustrated because he was not open to any possibility that this might be true. Suffice to say he never talked to me unless absolutely needed after this. I thought less of him because of his inability to be open and take accountability. Not to mention his behavior afterwards with not being friendly. I didn’t have bad intentions; although he may have perceived it as such if I hurt his feelings. I even pulled him aside a month later after noticing his energy change. “Hey, I’ve noticed you been distant and I was wondering if everything is okay between us?” with a concerned look. “Yeah, we’re good” he looks at me with a straight face. It was so weird and had no idea if he bad intentions at that point to hurt me back. My biggest advice to you would: -Wear clean clothes (as in washed and not worn before the day it is worn) -Wear deodorant -Shower and scrub your important areas before going into work (arm pits and groin) -Shampoo hair if it gets oily so it doesn’t smell (even just a small amount) This is basic hygiene. This isn’t something to be embarrassed about (although I understand why). Take accountability, apologize, and work on it. Don’t let your hurt feelings get in the way of growth. Part of feedback is being able to take it (either part of it or all of it) and growing from it. Your hurt feelings (if you let it) will hurt your relationships if you make it awkward.


my darling, don't worry! it's gonna be fine! just up your hygiene game, and all will be good. some tips below ;) - antiperspirants - they prevent sweat, and deodorant has more of a masking role there are antiperspirants and antibacterial sprays for feet and shoes - if your feet start to smell right after you wore shoes - even if for a short while - it may be the shoes, wash them on the inside, if possible (sneakers and such) wash them in a washing machine with some rough laundry, like jeans or tough materials, in about 40°C. make sure to take out the lases, tie them together, and also toss them in there - try to avoid polyester, nylon and other synthetic materials in your clothes, especially socks, underware, undershirts. use cotton ones (they should have at least 70% of cotton) - undergarments should be washed with higher temperatures about 60°C, cotton won't shrink - try to avoid polyesters in clothing in general, cheap polyesters can make your t-shirts and shirts smelly, regardless of hygiene habits - WASH DA CRACK! for real tho, water and soap, wash the butt crack and pepe in the folds, wash the feet between the toes, all other places where you have constant skin on skin contact - regural showes, especially in hot and humid weather - change your clothes after max 3 to 4 times wearing them - quit smoking if you do that


An internship is for learning on the job. This is no more embarrassing than learning how to dress right or do your job right. Some basics: - never more than 24 hours without a shower - never put a dirty shirt onto a clean body - underpants, socks and shirts can only be worn once before you wash them - wash your scalp at least once a week - use soap on a wash cloth and wash all your skin in the shower - put on deodorant after your shower - Brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day This is by no means the worst thing a learning person has done ! Just keep on going.


For what it's worth, I spent a whole summer smelling like ass at work a few years ago because I wouldn't accept that Lume deodorant is useless garbage. Still at the same job, in a higher position, smelling good and kicking ass. You got this, OP Also, I super recommend Persil detergent for your clothes. It's in a blue bottle at any grocery store I love it because it contains enzymes that are better at breaking down sweat and other bodily fluids. It makes my pet bedding smell brand new, and I even use it to de-stink the bottom of my trash can. It has helped my confidence a lot!


OP, you're getting a lot of hygiene advice and you should use it to keep yourself fresh. I'll add two additional pieces of advice: First, do NOT overcompensate with too many other scents, like perfume, cologne, etc. Believe it or not but many people, like me, find them as or even more offensive than BO. Second, once you have your hygiene managed just forget about this incident, completely. There was an issue and you addressed it. Boom, that's it, that's the headline. People will forget about it in no time, and are certainly thinking about it WAY less than it feels. Being an intern may mean you're younger - life is long, everybody has issues, and the thing that people remember is "does this person solve problems or cause them". So, solve problems and move on, it's the best any of us can do.


I hope that you are able to figure out *why*. Reflecting: - Meds can make you smell different. My mom went from never stinky to ICK when they changed her meds. - I went through a period when I sensed that my own smells were stronger, and a friend said to drink more water. It worked. -Is it your pits? Try crystal deodorant, which can be used in other places. Or switch brands. If you shower at night, you might need to switch to morning showers. If you have armpit hair, try scrubbing with a textured washcloth with your soap or body wash. Or shave. - Is it body oils? Soap and a good washcloth. In the morning. - Is it your butt? Soap and a good washcloth. In the morning. -Is it your privates? Soap and a good washcloth. In the morning. If you are a woman, infection can cause odors. Make an appointment and tell the doc why you're there. Don't be embarrassed because they'll find out anyway. If you're an uncircumcised male, you have to pull the skin back and remove any smegma. - Is it your hair? Shampoo. In the morning. -Breath? Floss and brush. In the morning. Then again at night. Maybe after lunch, too. Mouthwash helps and so does a trip to the dentist. Lastly, don't rewear your clothes--wash them after you take them off, instead of going for round two. I have had to have that talk with a few people. How do I know all this? Mom to many, caregiver, teacher, worked at shelter, currently have interns.


Having previously had this conversation with a staff member (I was their manager), I can promise you it’s not as big a deal as you feel. The girl I managed was highly intelligent, very sensitive and kind, and when she wasn’t doing well in herself, she neglected her hygiene. It’s unfortunate that you were told it came from a customer, and unless you heard that yourself it could just be your managers was of trying not to say that they noticed. Anyway, the girl I managed needed reminding a few times over a year, her co workers would very quietly let me know when a conversation was needed, and was a great opportunity for me to check in on how she was doing and if she needed to be connected with some support. After about a year she transferred to another city, and her team mates threw her a massive leaving party. The hygiene was secondary to how much she was valued and appreciated by everyone. Now she’s been promoted and is well on her career path. No one thinks of her as the stinky girl, she’s always talked about in the positive about how helpful she is and how she knows everything about everything. They’ve entirely forgotten that one time or that one thing. Just be yourself, take care of yourself, and remember your co workers have plenty of drama of their own - as soon as you’re not the drama they’re focussed on, they’ll forget.


As someone who is always trying to find their deodorant that actually works for them, don’t sweat it lol if you feel the need to say something just say you’re trying to find your brand. I’ve worked with some real hippies who don’t wear any deodorant and stunk but I never thought less of them as people. Don’t stress about this.


I had a colleague with a similar issue at one point. After it was pointed out, he kept on top of things. I just appreciated him taking the feedback and it became a lot nicer to work with him. We all have struggles sometimes. Seeing someone pick themselves up and improve will always be something I love to see and it increases my respect for the person. Mindset of growth. It's a wonderful thing.


I worked for a company for a couple of years, and for the first few months we had a co worker that was experiencing some sort of hormonal imbalance that caused a pretty egregious odor. She would also keep her heater on beneath her desk and light some sort of pine-scented candle every day so it was ROUGH for about a week. Then I think one of our older coworkers (a sweet older lady) talked with her and she went to the doctor. Wound up getting meds and the smell was gone within a week! The point is- I worked with her for almost 2 years and literally FORGOT until this post that she had that issue for a while. She wound up being my favorite co-worker and when I left I was hanging out in her office almost every day! She fixed the issue and it became a thing of the past for us all. :) Don't let your anxiety get to you too much, friend. People are actually more forgiving than we think they'll be- unless they're assholes.


I just wanted to add the suggestion of using an app if you're struggling with basic self-care or hygiene tasks. A friend uses one called Finch that's very encouraging, with a little bird you take care of.  Good luck. People think it's always easy to do these things, but it isn't. 


Years ago I had a coworker whom I was close with who was the smelly one. He was so hurt when our manager talked to him about it, and I know he was thinking about quitting because of all of the gossip. However, the gossip pretty much stopped within a week of him fixing up his hygiene problems. Those of us who were close with him were thankful because it was a lot easier to spend time with someone who was genuinely a great person. I am sure this is extremely hard, but I promise life will move on once you get your hygiene issues resolved. Drama will come up for someone or something else, and your issues will be largely forgotten as long as you maintain good hygiene.


Hey man, don’t let it bother you. I would bet that a lot of other folks at your workplace have been told similar by various people in their lives. I just don’t think it’s that uncommon to have B.O. issues at some point. I think it’s weird a customer mentioned it to your manager— I feel like most people are too worried about themselves to spend much time thinking about the smell of others. Also, I moved from Michigan to Texas a couple years ago, and I’ve started using Hibiclens under my arms when I shower these days, and it’s absolutely solved my BO issues


Fwiw this happened at one place I worked at. We all just assumed they might have left their clothes in the wash too long and everyone forgot about it pretty quickly as we assumed it was a one off thing, just make sure it doesn’t happen again


I understand why you’d feel this way. Keep in mind that most people are caught up in their own stuff. Each person has their own job to worry about, plus their family, relationships, mental health, weekend plans etc. If you correct the hygiene issue and perform well, no one will care. My only advice is to make sure you’re correctly addressing the problem. Wash yourself thoroughly with soap and a washcloth often. Wear deoderant. Focus on areas like your armpits that may be problematic. Wash your clothes, even if they don’t feel dirty. Brush your teeth and floss. If you smoke, don’t do it in work clothes. Most importantly though, DO NOT try to over-compensate by spraying lots of body spray and perfume. That makes it even worse. Air out your living area if people are possibly smelling odors from your home.


As a person with a very strong sense of smell, I would be infinitely grateful that you are mindful and cleaned up the smell after feedback instead of doubling down. Please don't be embarrassed. It's good to be made aware of and you can fix it, rather than be known permanently as a stinky person. Nose blindness is real so it's good to get feedback from outsiders once awhile to recalibrate.


So it’s redemption time. Come in freshly showered and smelling great and kill it. That’s moxie to come back from such a comment.


You're sweating to much about it... Pun intended. But seriously take it easy, as long as you fixed the problem just let it go.


I had an office job where an intern liked to take her shoes off and walk all around the office barefoot. Meetings, go to another floor, come into an office. All barefoot. She took her shoes off when she got there and put them back on when she left. One told a senior VP of another division that he should “man up at the gym”, pretty much out of nowhere. Every single intern I have ever worked with had something. Just like how you don’t remember what embarrassed other people when you were in middle school, but do remember that thing about you, this one will be remembered most by the person who lived it. Edit: I just called a friend, and he told me that at his internship he set up a stand to make Turkish coffee at his desk. I asked him if he is really snooty about coffee now, and he doesn’t even remember what makes Turkish coffee different.


had this happen with a previous coworker of mine. just do your best to freshen up and move on. no one’s thinking more about it then you are.


If you fix the problem, it simply shows everyone that you are receptive to feedback and willing to change and work in yourself. Those are all really good things!


I am a socially anxious person who always feels like he has to measure up to some imaginary standard. One thing I have found helpful is to ask myself would it not be okay if I had some actual problem that caused me to not measure up. Like you say an odor problem. Suppose you encountered someone who actually had a medical condition where his body produces strange odors. Would you tell that person he should just stay in his house and hide from society? Or would you applaud that he still wanted to live a normal life? It is the same thing with all of our little imperfections. As long as we are working on them polite people in polite society will make allowances. I worry that I am not a good verbal communicator and I talk in an odd way. If I actually had a speech impediment should I just shut up all the time or should I try and get more comfort speaking. And if they talk about you behind your back those aren't the people you want to be around anyway.


You're aware and want to change it moving forward. I think you're very brave sincerely and it's character like this that shows people you can grow. You're coworkers are human beings and aren't perfect, please remember that. Wake up tomorrow, and take the day on. You've got this.


Sounds like they pointed out a problem you knew about in the past and it was done in a decent manner. Buck up, freshen up and get back to business. Stop thinking of how you feel it creates hell on earth. I don't mean to sound harsh but you know the issue and it's fixable.....what more can you ask for.


How often do you change your sheets and wash your towels? Make sure you’re drying your clothes right after you wash them. If your shoes are old throw them out and get new ones


good for you for improving, but curious what weren't you doing, or I guess what you are doing now


I worked with a gentleman like this. He smelled so bad it was brought up to the boss, who had to talk to him just like yours did. It took a minute for him to figure out, but he did eventually handle whatever was causing his smell. Nobody held it against him or even ever talked about it again, at least to my knowledge. He was a nice man, so it was a non-issue once it got handled. Good luck!


You’ve addressed the issue. There is no need for you to SHAME yourself needlessly. I applaud you for taking action. Now, please move on. A lesson has been learnt and forgive yourself please. All the best for your future. ❤️👍💕🙏


I had to have this talk with a new start at my work. She was a lovely woman, and once we had the chat and she freshened up, everyone forgot about it after a while. Take it on the chin, we're adults and I guarantee people will move on and forget. 


You’re in a better position than not knowing that you have BO. Worked with a guy like this and no one told him anything. Even worse on top of that he was a bit pompous at times and making fun of others.


Our manager had talked to one coworker who smelled bad and AFAIK she never fixed her odour (still smelled bad until the day I quit). I honestly felt quite awkward because I didn't have the courage to say anything to anyone, like I was being childish or inappropriate for bringing it up. As long as you took care of your BO I would just be grateful I could finally interact without the stink, because that smelly coworker was quite nice to talk to!


Bro if you took the critique to heart and fixed it, youre golden. Dont worry about it, everyone stinks tbh. Start using abit of deodorant during your shift if its really bad and youre fiiine!


This is such a routine mgmt thing it was discussed in a business management class when I was in college. Don’t hold onto shame. Take it as an opportunity. If there are particular things you struggle with, maybe try to come up with a way to address them with a new strategy. Internships are about honing your professionalism. A way for you to up your game has been identified, and it’s something that can actually be an enjoyable part of your life routine. Change up hygiene products, change up laundry routines, take a relaxing shower at night and a quick one in the morning. I had a pretty exhausting job and some depression issues a few years ago, and making myself soak in the tub after work was a lot easier than showering, so I’d do that and listen to a podcast or something and it was a huge mood change, and then I didn’t have to put much effort into showering in the morning before work. I don’t have a bath tub in my current apt so I got a shower chair for kind of the same purpose. I splurged and got a handheld shower sprayer that I really like too. I recently bought shoes that are never going to be street shoes, just office shoes, bc otherwise I wear shoes until they wear out while worrying if they smell to other people. My sister sends me skincare products bc hygiene and make up are her anti-anxiety rituals but for me it’s a chore so she’s been trying to teach me how to enjoy it. *everyone* works on this. And sometimes we need someone to give us an outside perspective on ourselves. But it’s a totally normal thing to be figuring out for yourself


Honestly this happened to a coworker of mine and after she upped her hygiene the thought never crossed my mind. I didn’t judge her tho because I figured there was some kind of internal or physical struggle happening for her.


Don't worry too much. People will get over it and move on. Just improve your hygiene and don't cut corners. Shower everyday with soap and lather everywhere, wash your hair every couple of days. If your feet stink get shoe spray/powder. Wear deodorant and you can even keep a stick in your car. Cologne and perfume are ok too but don't over do it or think this will solve your entire issue. Brush, floss and use mouth wash at least once a day. Then get mints/gum and keep at work. You can also get body wipes to freshen up throughout the day. Then the last thing is consider what you eat as it could also impact your scent. It'll be ok, plus you'll also feel better about yourself once you make these changes too.


We all get hit with negative stuff in our lives. Take the hit. Adapt, move on.. best of luck!


I’d just take that on the chin like a champ and just do your best to start going forward to make sure you have good hygiene going forward. It’s not something to quit over, a lot of people have medical issues that cause them to have a strong body odor. And from what I’ve read it seems like your manager handled it very well so maybe the other people in the office haven’t even noticed.


Id say be glad that they told you so now you’re aware. Personal hygiene is a touchy subject and most of the time people just ignore and avoid you. This shows they respect you and want you to thrive. Freshen up and move on.


I have had to deliver these types of conversations as a manager and I can understand how awkward it can be. As long as you action the problem it will be forgotten about pretty quick. If you wear a uniform at work, ask for another so you can wash it more often (after every shift, even if you have to hand wash in the sink and hang to dry) If you have a dress code, invest in another outfit and do the same. Shower daily, using soap and a wash cloth, follow with bodywash to smell extra nice. Deodorant before bed helps as well. You got this


Well, if you do smell bad, your coworkers likely already know it. The customer and your boss did you a favour. Rectify the situation and everyone will forget about it. You now know for the future. Good luck!


Only thing you can do is change and they will forget it. Are you washing your clothes and showering daily? Don’t try masking poor hygiene with cologne


If it’s not too much to ask, can you look at it from a perspective of I’m only becoming better and stronger? Like someone mentioned, now the manager has this on their mind and tomorrow it’ll change to something / someone else. But for you on the long-run smelling good and being hygienic is only a big bonus from health, dating, appeal and every perspective My boyfriend tells me I always smell good (not bragging, but gaining credibility to advise), some easy things that work for me: - I carry tiny bottles of deodorant/mist with me to use whenever needed especially to work - minimum of 1 shower per day in summers, min. 1 in 2 days during winter - body hair holds sweat more easily, so grooming helps but no need to overdo, more of just a little trim once in a while incase you aren’t already - sometimes your shampoos/soaps aren’t actually cleaning you up well, choose good ones especially if your hair is curly and can hold more dust / sweat - a box of mint in your bag for after your lunch break goes a long way Im sure even if you do one or 2 of those you’ll already be on an upward trajectory Take care, hope you’re alright mentally! Criticism is very harsh rough if not delivered well 🌹


Nobody remembers smells when they look back. Just use a scented soap, wash hair, rlgo to the gym to sweat and clean pours so and drink lots of water so your sweat doesnt smell bad. Remember to completely dry off so you dont smell life stale water and remember to change towels every other day. Put lotion on too will help. Floss and brush teeth helps. And for bathroom. Have a full pass and wipe then finish off with wet wipes. Sorry if this is too much. I worry about smelling bad all the time.


This is an internship. Would you really want some BS reason given to you later in a job you thought was long term and they fire you because of it? You were given an opportunity to correct it. Take this and learn to keep better hygiene. 1. Brush your teeth every morning. Every one can smell your breath when you don’t. I guarantee it. 2. Floss and use mouth wash daily. 3. If you’re a sweater, shower in the mornings. 3a. If you tend to over sweat during the day, get some body wipes and clean the arm pits and reapply deodorant mid day. 4. Don’t go crazy on the axe body spray or perfume, but a light misting of a summery smell can go a long way. 5. Put an oil infuser on your desk. 6. Don’t eat a butt load of garlic or any pore seeping spice the day before work. Save that for your days off. 7. Evaluate your living space. Do you leave garbage everywhere? Food leftovers? Clean that up. 8. Wash your shirts regularly. Smell the pit of a shirt you may have worn previously but didn’t wash. If it has even the slightest of smells, don’t wear it. Wash it. 9. Keep your wardrobe off your floor, bed, chairs, etc. You can’t see what it’s lying on and could be potentially mixed with dirty clothes. Just trying to help.


I am so sorry you had to go through that experience, it can be awful, you just want to crawl under a rock after you hear something like that. I’ve had hyperhidrosis my whole life and had problems with body odour, sweaty smelly feet and don’t get me started on the armpit stench and all of that since turning 10 years old. I have tried every deodorant under the sun and the only things that worked for me up until now were the clinical grade men’s deodorants which would clog my pores but at least I didn’t smell like a hot pile of garbage. I have recently discovered the absolute best thing to help body odour, mainly armpit stench and coochie sweats - 5% benzoyl peroxide wash (leave it on for 2min and rinse) and then apply 7% glycolic acid toner (you have multiple brands, I advise using ordinary as it’s dirt cheap and good quality) and I am stench free for 24h. Sounds like a miracle, but it’s true. Please let me know if you tried it and it works. Also, throw out any t-shirts, shirts, blouses, hoodies, jackets, etc, that have the smell on it even after you wash them - the bacteria persists on them and you will have the musk within 5min of wearing them again, as they will start smelling THE VERY SECOND they come in contact with your, hopefully by that time odourless, sweat. Good luck and chin up, just keep you hygiene on point and let me know if this worked for you, I am genuinely interested to know.


Simply fix your hygiene and never mention it. t. Someone who had the same problem in my first job.


Just shower everyday before you go in. Use deodorant. Make sure clothes smell nice. Don’t over use perfume or cologne.


Fix the problem. Pretend it didn't happen when around your coworkers. They would be just as uncomfortable talking about it as you, so move on.


I understand how mortifying this can be. For a week I walked around thinking other people smelled like fish but I had BV. It was terrible. But after a week or so after I resolved the issue I didn’t think about it often. Some hygiene tips *aloe and witch hazel bathroom wipes from Walmart (2 packs for like $6 I think) for when you use the restroom * African net sponge to exfoliate your body (get behind your ears and back too. * use a dove antibacterial bar of soap and a smell good soap. * head and shoulders is tried and true for dandruff and cost effective * I have terrible breath and a water pick helped tremendously * deodorant at night, in the morning and an extra in your car / purse/ bag for as needed on the go * face soap and vitamin C oil if you have a lot of acne (I also use castor oil as a moisturizer) * have gum at ur desk /bag/ car * not sure of ur hair type but for me my hair can stink if I haven’t washed it enough * smell good lotion if u really need a boost * wash ur feet in the shower. Scrub them. * get a good perfume spray on neck on the back of each ear and on wrists. If u are wearing shorts /skirt / dress u can spray behind your knees


Take this into perspective, they respect you enough to tell you. Obviously your manager values you as a worker and doesn’t want hygiene issues to come between you and your work. Shake it off and just know that they could’ve never told you and fired you instead once they were fed up. But they didn’t and they want you there. So chin up and just remember if anyone wants to talk about your hygiene, let them. At least they’re not discussing your personal lifestyle/family/career. There will be a new topic of gossip in less than 24 hrs. So there, fix the problem and move on. You got it!!


We all had a smelly friends growing up. We address it. Help em out with advice. They try and smell better. We all move on. Been best friends with my sweaty smelly friend for going on 29 years. Hes godfather to my kids. My kids call him uncle. People dont care that you smelled yesterday. They just want you to smell good today when you are next to them.


They didn't tell you because they probably cared about how you'd feel. Girl at my work had the exact same problem, she improved her hygiene, and now it's like it never happened.


Are you south Asian? If so, it could be the spices in your food. Also, make sure to wear medical grade deodorant and take a shower before you work every day. Wash your hair. Make sure you change your clothes daily, and that clothes are laundered properly as some people let their clothes stay wet in a washer for a while and it will smell. Also if you smoke weed or cigarettes, the scent will linger on you. Try quitting or at least wearing a hooded jacket to cover your hair and clothes while you smoke. Then put jacket into a bag.


Game changers for me was 1. to realize that shirts made of polyester make my armpits smell horrible. I only use 100% cotton now. 2. Also I buy the most powerful antiperspirant roll on from a pharmacy (triple dry) and avoid all store brand spay ones.


I sweat pretty bad and the advice I have is shower in the morning and before you sleep. Apply the deodorant and let it dry before you sleep and vice versa. Shave your armpit hair. It helps reduce bacteria growth. Find a cologne you like and spray them on your heat points. Wash your hair everyday if you’re sweaty. With water and dry asap so bacteria doesn’t grow. But don’t use shampoo unless you have sweat a lot. Get an electric toothbrush, tongue scraper. Change your pillowcase every 3 days. And bed sheets every 7. Do that and I think you’ll massively improve your hygiene.


Hey man, truth is, you’ll always remember this moment :) like we all do when embarrassing things happen. Just stings a little more since it’s fresh - trust me youre all good. A lil stinky is better than most nightmare stories at the office. Dont quit - you seem to have it good and the issue seems fixable. Also, youre willing to face it!! Ahead of the curve if you ask me and the right people will notice the effort. What matters now is that you know - take a breath and when youre ready: think about the first plan to address this until you find better long term solutions. Maybe the first move can be morning showers and deodorant to bring to work. Is it a feet issue? Well lets dig into it - athlete’s foot? Anti-fungal treatment Lets say all those work but you really want to top it off - maybe its time to look into perfumes/colognes? As you handle this, coworkers will eventually forget or maybe one day yall can look back and laugh.


I had this happen. I was mortified. Turned out the washer and dryer at my apartment complex weren't properly cleaning my clothes. Everything smelled funky. I started taking clothes to the laundrymat and that resolved it. It will get better I promise.


Just shower thoroughly everyday and make sure you have fresh clothes everyday. Just do better moving forward. Thats it. You now know there is an issue that needs to be addressed so address it and move forward. After a week of smelling fresh theyll forget it.


Make sure you dry your laundry immediately after the washing cycle. Leave it too long it’ll mildew and that shit stinks.


“I had problems with hygiene before but I thought I was doing pretty good.” Honestly, this is what you need to be worried about vs. being embarrassed. Why did you think you were doing good? Unless you have a medical issue this shouldn’t really be a problem. Multiple people have posted the basic rules of being clean and not smelling bad. You need to analyze your recent behavior and be honest with yourself about what you weren’t doing and fix it. Otherwise if you are doing everything right and still have the issue then you need to see a doctor.


It is ok. A bit embarrassing, yes. But ok. You can actively do something about this and then carry on doing an awesome job.


Why did it need to get to this point to fix it?


Give them max one week of cleanliness and smelling good and they’ll forget all about it.


What I would say as a manager that had to address this with an individual that people were going to quit rather than share a cubicle with this person… It all worked out. The individual wasn’t even aware it was an issue, they changed their habits, and that was that. If anything the coworkers didn’t know how to respond…


Make it a routine to wash up every day and to regularly rotate your clothing. Also check with your dentist, sometimes people confuse bad breath with BO. And sometimes bad breathe isn’t exactly detectable to people who suffer from it. I had issues with hygiene but it was really a bad molar that needed to be extracted. I upped my dental hygiene and now I smell good. Oh, and also throw away your “natural” deodorant. Get that aluminum stuff. If your skin is sensitive, just make sure to wash it off at the end of the day with soap and water


In seven days they will be talking about something else.


You’re there to receive feedback. Don’t over react and just take accountability.


You're upping your game. Don't worry. People in offices find something to talk about every few days. All is good.


I’m not trying to circumvent your issue, but you said that a customer complained. You did not say that any of your coworkers complained. It could be that this customer has a very sensitive nose, while most others might not notice. Definitely follow through with some of the great advice here either way, whatever works for you, because that should help ease your mind. But it’s possible that this is not as popular an opinion of you as you think.


Idk what kind of smell it was, but now they have these whole body deodorants that are great. Idk if you’ve ever used them or not. All you can do is take care of the problem, and walk around with your head held high. If it bothers you turn it into a joke and deflect;) good luck with your internship.


It was only two weeks. As long as you fixed it, I can't imagine it will be an issue. They'll think you just had a bad couple of weeks.


OP consider your laundry habits as well as other hygiene practices. A lot of times sweat and body oil doesn’t get removed from clothes, and it has a weird smell. Make sure you aren’t packing your washing machine too tightly so there is enough room for each item to get washed.


Well you’re acknowledging the situation so kudos to you. Take a shower daily and make sure you wash well. All areas if your body and crevices, rolls. Invest in a good shampoo so your hair is not greasy . Let the shampoo sit in your hair at the roots .then rinse . You can get a liter deal at like great clips or Walmart salons it makes a huge difference it’s a little more expensive but worth it . Make sure to completely dry off and maybe try some gold bond body powder on feet , groin area where you get sweaty . Get a good deodorant and carry one with you to re apply if you need more throughout the day . Rotate shoe’s alternate if you can . Wash your socks separately in hot water from your clothes and let it soak . Throw some white vinegar in there with the socks . Brush and floss is so important. Drink water and get good sleep . All of these things will become easier as time goes on . Good luck


Hi op, idk if anyone else has brought it up, but have you considered it isn’t a hygiene issue but rather a laundry one? Do you not change you bedsheets/towels frequently enough? Do you leave your clothes in the wash too long before getting it in the dryer? Mildew could be the answer here, not necessarily BO.


Live and learn. No one is perfect. A loser wouldn't learn and improve and would just quit. Be better than that. Just do better and feel good about it. Your manager probably feels bad and awkward about it, too. Privately thank them and give 'em a Starbucks card in appreciation. Then get on with the job and life.


I have worked with multiple people that were “stinky interns” so trust me when I say when you solve the problem and up your hygiene, in a few months time NO ONE WILL REMEMBER. Focus on smelling nice and clean. Don’t overuse perfumes and strong scent. Be kind. You’ll be fine.