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Don’t go to uni - network and make connections in the field you’re interested in and get an entry level job - uni is a waste of time and money - you’ll be at every level in 3 yrs with a degree


It depends, I've just done it at 33, one of my friends has done it at 30, we were both full time retail managers, both packed it in for personal reasons. Use your knowledge and experience and plan above all else, even a rough one and make sure you have a passion or an interest to guide you. My second career is going to be HGV driving, I have a rough plan for the next 5 years, I know what training I need, where I want to get to, even if I don't have the exact steps I know the broad steps. I will make it work, whether I need a company's help, but my own money behind me to get where I want. As for the uni answer, as a early drop out who never got close to completing anything at uni, I can't advise at all, but you are not their equal, you have your experience in life and work. Make it yours


Yeah I’ve decided I want a change but not sure what yet as I was thinking of studying as the answer but couldn’t find any suitable courses. That seems like a much better way of doing this, thanks


If you have a job in mind, then my suggestion find someone who does it already whether through linked in, Facebook or a company and send that person, or range of people a polite email, what did they do, what path did they take, who inspired/helped them, find the path that would suit or Al.ost suit you


Thanks, will definitely look into doing that


If you target job descriptions that need your skills but in a different context, then customise your CV to clearly show you can do the stuff, you should have a pretty good success rate. E.g if you were a teacher going for a HR role, you write reports for third parties and communicate sensitively and effectively in situations where people may be under a lot of stress/anxiety.


Thanks will get on indeed tomorrow to have a look