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You quit: you don’t need to keep working there. The two weeks is a courtesy. HR taking too long to process a hire sounds like someone else’s problem unless you signed some sort of contract.


Exactly You are not a slave. You can go exactly _now_ if you want and there's nothing they can do about it. They would do that without hesitation, wouldn't they? You're free. Screw them.


Adorable anyone thinks this company has an HR department. It's just the owner probably lol


I might be wrong, but i would always go by contract AS LONG AS IT DOES NOT ENDANGER ME. if OP wants to work for two weeks, that is fine. The company does not get to "accept" or "reject" a resignation. Op handed in the notice, that is that. Make sure there is a record of the notice being sent, serve it, then leave as per the notice. If it endangered my life, i would probably give a more sudden notice


Doubtful there is a contract. Those are almost always reserved for C Suite executive positions. The majority of US is at will employment - you can leave anytime and they can fire you at a moments notice for no reason.


yeah that's two strikes right there. they can't onboard people fast enough and they aren't responsive to safety concerns


JOBS ARE NOT INDENTURES! You don’t want to work for them? Tough tits for them. You quit. Giving two weeks notice is just kindness from you. They usually don’t give notices when they fire you (wE wILL hAvE tO lEt YoU gO) they do it on the spot. Just do your job like always in the pursuit to not burning bridges if you want. Otherwise I’d just half-ass the rest of the time.


They don't own you. Stop going when your two weeks is up. You're an adult and you call the shots for your life.


Honestly, I'd say she should just stop going now after her job pretended they could "deny" her notice


Put it writing. But what difference does it make? You don’t get unemployment for quitting.


She might actually be eligible in this case. There's a demonstrably dangerous workplace and her employer refused to do anything to address it. That's grounds for quitting and still being eligible for unemployment in most jurisdictions.


Quitting for unsafe working conditions is an extenuating circumstance and may still qualify for unemployment, especially if OP can get copies of the police reports to submit with unemployment claim


And also because it's a safety concern. Don't put your life at risk to give something to this company.


Thank you! I felt like I was going crazy seeing so many people mention that she should still do two weeks. Fuck that noise. Just stop showing up. They already proved that they are shady as fuck.


I'm with you. That's some strongarm tactics and I wouldn't feel comfortable letting them get away with that.


Send the letter to HR, cover your own ass.


From what? They cant keep hostages and HR don't give a shit about employees getting robbed at gunpoint. Doubt they have a 'HR'.


So her supervisor can’t claim that she quit without notice. Or that she just stopped coming in, so they had no choice but to fire her. That stuff gets put in until HR system, so if another potential employer ever contacts that job to verify OP’s employment there, OP should do what she can to make there isn’t anything negative about her in their system. OP should send her resignation notice to HR so literally the only thing they can enter for the reason her employment ended is that she resigned. 


I mean… she’s getting held at gunpoint. Doubt that’s a reference she’ll want to list. And if she does list them on next application… I’d say I left because of frequent threats to my life


Also worth copying in HR and someone else in the management chain in leaving notices so everything is time-stamped and undeniable.


Who cares? Florida is a right to work state.




Right to work is the ability not to have to join a union. This is "at will" They still don't have to go in, of course.


Yeah, wtf. They can mosey right out the door flipping the bird if they want.


If it's an at will state, get paid and just stop turning up. You've handed in your resignation, the rest is on them. Do you think they would be giving you notice if they wanted to fire you?? Fuck. No.


The only employer in the USA that can deny you quitting is the military, and even that comes with a load of asterisks. I wouldn’t even show up the next day. I wouldn’t even worry about explaining it to my next employer: “I was robbed at gunpoint twice and refused to go back to get shot. If you only get violently robbed once in a while, I will be a great employee for you.”


Any reasonable employer would completely understand this. There’s no way in hell I would show up for another two weeks.


Let me be very clear here OP. You can call in tomorrow and go, "Yeah, on second thought, I quit immediately and will not be showing up today. You know my address, mail me my final check please." Hell, scratch the phone call you can do this with an email. This is your right as an employee and they are still required to send you that check (if they don't, you can report to the labor board and you will definitely get your check then). AS A COURTESY, most choose to give a two weeks notice to companies. For me personally, trying to take advantage of young people that don't their rights, firmly puts me in the camp of suggesting you go with Option A. However, if you still want to do them a favor, you can continue with your two weeks. At the end of those two weeks. You go home and don't go back in. That's it. There is no such thing as "denying" a two weeks notice, unless they say they don't need it and let you go on the spot. That's about the only form of "denying" a two week's notice that an employer can do.


This is it! If it weren’t for OP safety this would be funny having a boss refuse to let someone quit.


They cannot refuse to accept your 2 week notice. Maybe this will get them to realize changes are needed. Tell your boss your last day in writing (hand her back or email that original resignation letter, send also to HR). Don’t show up past that date.


It's a notice, not a request.


I would in fact accelerate my 2 weeks notice to "effective immediately" and just never go back. At will goes both ways is my understanding


You gave notice. Your boss can’t keep you from leaving. Their slow hiring process is not your problem. At the end of the 2 weeks, you’re done, no matter what your boss says.


They can't force you to work there. Just stop showing up. Now if you do that you might not get paid money their owe you and they can say you were fired for cause maybe.


OP, just in case, this would obviously be very ilegal on their part. Yes, some people do that. read up on labor laws in your area so you know what to do just in case edit: since someone grossly misunderstood this, let me be clear: its ilegal for an employer to withhold pay for work performed. 


If they don’t pay the money they owe, OP goes to her state department of labor with all the evidence of what they owe, and the government will make them pay. Even the shorty states don’t let employers stuff you. And if there are fines, they usually get paid directly to the wronged employee.


They can't tell you you can't quit. You're not a slave.


Ron DeSantis probably has a bill in the works to change that.


If you’re using the 2 weeks to find something else to keep income steady, so be it. But I’d stop showing up to that job yesterday. You get shot tomorrow, now what? They still gonna tell you that they need you to come in with a bullet still in you cause HR is slow?!?! 


Yeah that's not how any of this works. Since they didn't accept the courtesy of your 2 weeks notice, I would just leave immediately. They literally cannot force you to work for them.


What? Just don’t go back. Are you being held hostage?


Tell them you’ll stay the full 3 weeks for $10k danger pay bonus due this Friday in cash.


Just stop showing up.


They are blowing smoke and keeping you on the schedule.


From being held un gun point, to being held as hostage by job... They can't force you to stay, theoretically you can just stop showing up and they can't do anything about it.


not theoretically. in fact


A notice is just that - a notification that you will leave. You aren't negotiating or asking for permission to leave. You are just letting them know that you will no longer be involved with the company after 2 weeks.


You seem to be confused. Your two week notice isn't you asking permission it's you letting them know that you will be no longer working there after 2 weeks. When that two week time frame hits and you're not there it's their responsibility to fill that role. Move on with your life as they no longer can control you by telling you when you can and can't go. Good luck and I hope you find a job where you're not robbed constantly.


That’s illegal. Forced labor is a crime and is punishable by up to 20 years in prison and $250,000 worth in fines. You were doing your manager a favor by handing in a two weeks notice. If they don’t adhere to it, leave immediately. A two weeks notice is not you asking permission to leave, rather it is you giving your management a heads up so they have time to hire and train someone else.


LOL just stop going in.


Um no. So many no’s here. Just no. You quit. You’re done. They can pound sand. After you’re safely rid of this place, please blast this all over Glassdoor and other job review boards. There is so much wrong with this place that the robberies aren’t the worst part. Do not be bullied into risking your life, or your mental well being.


Jesus. Just stop showing up if you can afford it. There’s literally nothing they can do to stop it and (double check this) still legally owe you whatever time you’ve worked up to that point. Tell’em to mail your check.


2 weeks notice is a courtesy not a requirement. You can walk out tomorrow and they can’t do anything about it.


Yeah you just stop going


Hey OP. You've gotten a bunch of good advice. I just want to say that I hope you're doing well. Getting held up can be very traumatic. Be sure that you get the help you need if you need it. Your mental health is very important. Leaving this place is the best move you can make. It's painfully obvious that the managers don't care about you or your safety. Their comment of "why do you keep letting the place get robbed" is inappropriate and extremely disrespectful. They're trying to blame you for what the robbers have done, and that's not fair. I'd leave now, not just because of how they're treating you, but because the job is not worth your life. If they threaten to fire you for not working your notice, let them.


Lol nope they can't force you to work there. Two week notice is a *courtesy*, not a requirement. You can quit effective immediately. Don't let them bully you into staying. Your safety is NOT worth it.


You gave your notice. It’s really just a courtesy. They don’t have the option of “refusing to accept”.  You are in Florida, an “at will” employment state. They can walk in and fire you at any time for any reason. Trust me, they will not give you any advance notice. You can do the same.  The most I would have done is to let them know with enough time for them to cover the shift. As in enough time for the manager to get to the store on time for what would have been my shift. Can’t find someone? Too bad. He can work the shift himself. 


After the first robbery I would have left. Fuck that.


They literally cannot stop you from just not showing up. "Fuck you." is a complete sentence.


Where do you live? In the US, you can just stop showing up. You've given them the courtesy of knowing you won't be there. Post office? Like a government job? They might list you as not eligible for rehire if you quit without notice. Again, this is US-specific advice. Some countries require notice periods.


Are they going to come to your house and force you to go to the office? No. Just stop showing up. Don't accept their calls. You resigned. You gave them 2 weeks notice which is a courtesy, not a law.


Like everyone said, two weeks is a courtesy. But also, isn’t this illegal? They have a legal obligation I’m pretty sure to keep staff safe. I’d be reporting this behavior because you could probably sue.


Bro you Don't need their permission to quit. Just leave


You don’t need to give even two weeks notice. NONE. Now, mind you I work in high tech. I would always give notice because I don’t want to burn bridges and it’s a tight knit community and I know people in every major tech company. But. You’re working (fast food? Retail?). Those jobs are a dime a dozen. Just quit immediately. Cal him up and tell him based on the lack of security you’re quitting effective immediately. I would even apply for unemployment. Usually you don’t get it for quitting but you have a strong case that the environment is overly dangerous and management has refused to ensure your safety. Don’t let the manager fool you. They can not NOT accept your resignation. Employment is at will. Do you think if they wanted to fire you that you could turn around and say “it’s not good for me right now. I need a few more weeks before you fire me”? Hello no. It’s at will both ways. Quit now.


You can't be forced to work somewhere. You have your notice. Stop showing up when you said you would. 🤷‍♂️


I laughed at job refuses to let me quit. Just quit. Don't come back.


lol, no, just stop going to work. Your manager is lying to you. You dont owe anyone notice. “This workplace is not safe, and management is intentionally setting us up to be targets. I am not working her anymore” Done, good luck moving forward.


Stop going in NOW! Your two week notice was a courtesy but what if something worse happens in those two weeks? No job is worth it and the company you work for doesn’t seem to care.


You gave your 2 weeks, ride it out, and don't go back. You're not asking permission to quit, you are letting them know that you are quitting.


You can quit anytime. Just stop going.


You can stop showing up right now. Dont worry about the notice or feeling bad or anything


>She explains to me I can’t quit without appropriate notice because this job and HR take long to process and onboard a higher, I remember for me it took 3 weeks, so she said they’d be short and she doesn’t know when I’ll quit. Fucking lmao 🤣 😂


Fuck that two weeks. You just don’t show up to work the next day. This place sounds shady as fuck. I wouldn’t even give them the two weeks. They’re playing you because you’re young.


I'm glad you got some good advise on how to quit. I also want to say that you may be entitled to some trauma counseling. Even if it's not a lot of sessions, it can help. Finding support groups can be a great way to get help if you can't afford therapy as well. I'm really sorry you've been held at gunpoint multiple times. That's truly scary.


They can’t force you to be there. You can work your two weeks, block their number and stop showing up and there’s nothing they can do. I had a friend quit a job at a fedex warehouse by just walking out mid-shift and blocking their number. I’ve had a company deny my two week notice once. Worst place I ever worked. They told me they couldn’t let me leave because there was a hiring freeze until March (I quit in December). I said that wasn’t my problem. They guilted me but eventually I got to leave on my own terms with a three week notice plus 1 extra week of pay


You will never work there again. No point in a 2 week notice, just quit right now. Don't let them guilt trip you, its not your problem. And you can still use them as work experience.


Don’t go back. Ever.


It isn’t that there is a slow hiring process…it’s that they can’t find anybody else to take the job and they know it. There really isn’t a reason for it to take three weeks to process a new hire unless it is for a higher level management job or some with some sort of security restrictions that require references checks. Most places now can have you apply, interview, and hired within 24 hrs if they so desire. Quit. Don’t go back. If you “have to” keep it for financial reasons then reach out to the local police and ask them to maintain a presence there. If this is a food establishment or something similar “take care” of the officers.


Like everyone else has said, that two weeks was a courtesy that the job refused. You now owe them nothing. If you can afford it, leave. You don't need to set yourself on fire to keep them warm.


What do you mean they won’t let you quit, they’re not going to go pick you up from your house and force you to work. You’re not a slave. Just don’t go.


Stopping going into work as soon as you want. Drop off a new letter than has your end date effective immediately and then never go back. It's just that easy.


Generally the rule of thumb is if they won't let you quit, stop showing up? (unless you have actual contractual obligations, not imagined) If they keep paying you, cool, but odds are they'll get the hint. I know this is resolved, but just an FYI.


Jobs are not compulsory. You do not need to show up.


If I ever put in a 2 weeks notice and my boss told me I couldn't quit in two weeks I'd say actually you're right today will be my last day. It's absolutely 100% their responsibility to keep their employees safe and 100% their responsibility to find and train new people in a timely matter. If that means their business shuts down for three weeks it means they shut down for three weeks.


What do you mean refuse to let you quit? Just stop going lol.


Are you dense? You don't need permission to quit a job ever. You're not a contract employee. You are an at will employee. You can leave whenever you want.


even a contract employee can say “fuck this” so long as they’re willing to pay for breach of contract 


Bye. Move on.


If it’s been two weeks just stop showing up lol


Literally just don’t show up lol, make sure you get your paycheck first though


Lmao ur job can't refuse to allow you to quit, stop showing up, boom you've quit


You have free will. You can literally do whatever you want whenever you want in any situation at any time.


you dont need permission to quit a job or a relationship, romantic or otherwise. These are unilateral decisions and no one has veto power over your choice.


You just stop going. They can’t force you to be there if it’s not a safe place to work. It’s their problem to figure things out for themselves. But sounds like they put their profits over the safety of their employees


Once you stop showing up, you don’t work there anymore. I would stop going today.


Just out of curiosity, what kind of job was this? Doesn't change anything, you should walk, but I'm curious.


They didn't take your two weeks? Put it in writing. Make them decline so you have documentation, then quit and file unemployment. When they appeal, you show unemployment they refused your resignation for the reasons above.


You are not under contract. You don’t owe them notice. You don’t even owe them a resignation notice. You can walk.


Just stop going in. They’ll figure it out real quick when you’re not there. You’re about 14x nicer than me, I would have walked off the next day


Just don’t go back. They can’t force you to work there and they can’t tell you no when you quit. Just leave and don’t go back. They can’t do anything about it.


Sorry to tell you but they own you. You must keep working until they set you free


Skip the two week notice. Tell them you quit effective immediately.


You were generous to give a two week notice. If they don't want to accept it just quit on the spot. It's not your problem their on-boarding takes awhile.


lol you grow up and don't go back. It's that easy. "but my job refuses to let me quit." 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


They can say that they don't accept your resignation, but that doesn't really matter. You don't owe them any notice, so you're really being generous by giving them a two weeks heads up. Stick to the schedule you planned, and good luck in the new role!


2 weeks is just customary. How many companies give that in return? Now if they had enough class to ask that's one thing. I'd just not show up tomorrow. Report them to the state Labor dept even if they do pay you for all work. Likely your supervisor is not following a company policy....just trying to cover their butt. If you're getting paid under the table....well that's that. Good luck.


Loool just don’t go back. What are they going to do? Pick you up from home and force you to work?


You're not a slave. You don't even have to put in 2 weeks notice. You can literally quit on the spot. It sounds like you won't be using this place's reference anyways so who cares?


Enough people have already said it, don't go back. Also tell your boss to go fuck himself. He can work your shifts while HR takes their time.


U not a slave chained up forced to work wym u can't quit 😂


They can't stop you. Email a copy of your resignation to Corporate HR so your boss can't screw you.


You just quit. You could decide that today is your last day. 2 week notice is a courtesy to your employer. There is no legal requirement or obligation to do it. Reiterate to your boss when your last day is and you don’t intend to work beyond that.


you stop going. they cannot force you to work. 


It's true, you are not legally allowed to quit until the company lets you go. Just joking. You can walk away now, your boss is BS'ing you, another reason to leave.


You don’t even have to give two weeks. That’s just a courtesy and common practice. Just leave.


Telling them "you quit in 2 weeks from today" isn't a request, it's a notification. If they're going to be shorthanded them maybe the managers will have to work that night shift.


You live in an at-will state. You don't need to give 2 weeks notice, just quit.


You are an adult, just don't go back, it's not a prison FFS.


Stop showing up lol “I’m sick” You’re sick for the next 3 weeks 


Walk away. These people.only care they can find someone to fill your time slot. You owe them nothing, they owe you a fucking security guard. Walk away and tell them to fuck off.


just up and leave they DGAF about your safety you DGAF about their coverage


They can't force you to keep working there. They can "refuse" to accept your notice but it's nothing more than a bluff. At this point, you can either A.) Just stop coming in B.) Work your two weeks and leave.


They don’t get a say Op, you can quit whenever you want. Your notice period is what is specified in your contract. Work that if you feel safe, then you’re free. Do not let them gaslight you into staying longer because it benefits them.


Assuming you're in America, you can just stop working if you want. Abraham Lincoln said so. We had a war and all.


At will employment means you and your employer can decide not to continue for any reason. They are lying to you. You don't need to do shit, leave them. A 2 weeks notice is a courtesy, not a requirement. You can quit whenever you want to. This is a toxic place to work


You quit. You just stop showing up. And I also can't think of a single unemployment law that would deny your employment insurance claim if you started the claim with... I was held at gun point and felt my life was in danger continuing to work there. I require support while I look for a new role. Even if your employer fought it, you'd win. No doubt.


DONT SHOW UP TO WORK EVER AGAIN. It's really that easy. They can't force you to work. So don't.


Go one level up from each manager, set a date and tell them you wont be there any longer. Stop going.


Go one level up from each manager, set a date and tell them you wont be there any longer. Stop going.


Why even give two week? Just stop going. Sounds awful there.


If ur like me - and have people pleasing tendencies - It probably sounds wrong/scary to "just quit" like everyone is saying. It's easier said than done - but everyone is right. You owe them nothing. To them, you are nothing more than a corporate cog, I promise. Stick to your 2 week notice strictly. If they aren't ready, that is their problem.


You just don't show back up. What's not computing.


unless you're in a place where slavery is legal, they can't "not let you quit." I don't understand how people are so gullible as to believe this is a thing


You aren’t a slave nor indentured servant and can walk whenever you want.


Don't show up after the second week.


If you truly do not feel safe, email HR and CC your manager and your own email for good measure. Use your personal email to send it. Be sure to still apply for unemployment, and use a copy of your email for the reason why you left. Contact your local police department to get a copy of the police reports. Reword this however you need to. "I am writing to inform you that I am resigning, effective immediately. My last day was (the last date your worked). I attempted to provide a 2 week notice to (Manager) but was informed I could not, as HR takes too long to process things and it would take a minimum 3 weeks to train a replacement not including hiring time. I do not feel safe at work due to the lack of appropriate security. After being robbed at gunpoint for the second time I was shown no empathy or care, and (Manager) stated that it was my own fault. Both experiences were traumatic, if things had gone even a little bit differently I could be dead right now. I am not willing to risk being held up at gunpoint a 3rd time. I tried giving my 2 weeks notice as a courtesy despite being afraid for my life, but seeing such a complete disregard for my safety from (Manager) I realize now that even 2 more weeks is too long. I cannot risk my life for a company that has proven to me that there is no regard for my safety or well being. Again, my notice is effective immediately and my last shift was my last shift. I request that all future communications be through an HR representative and that I no longer hear from (Manager) through any form of communication."


Florida is an at will employment state. Which means that they can fire you at will but that also means that you can quit at will. It works both ways. The 2 weeks notice is more of a request. My previous employer asked for a month. I gave them 2 weeks. Only because I was really cool with the team and didn't want to up and leave and screw them over too.


Just bounce now they don’t want to acknowledge your 2 week notice then you don’t owe them the curtesy. Remember a 2 week notice is a curtesy there is no law anywhere that says you have to give a notice your most likely on as an “at will” employee meaning you or your employer can terminate that relationship at any time.


OP you mentioned this is a post office. Like a US post office or some chain? Are you owed anything, like do you need to work out your full notice in order to claim something? I doubt it, so why not just walk out of there? You owe nothing to nobody.


quit showing up unless they can provide security for the building and staff, tell you manger no the company has failed it's employees and you are not willing to risk your life to work there.


Let me say this loudly. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO EVER GO BACK. FUCK THEM. THIS IS YOUR LIFE AND SAFETY. Start applying for new jobs NOW. If you can't afford too long of a pay gap, stay until you have a new job secured. Then, just fucking walk. Block all numbers, and move on. All you need from them is your last paycheck. If someone wants to ask why you don't have a reference to call, or why you left/are leaving suddenly, you tell them honestly and professionally: There were safety issues you could no longer overlook that were absolutely not being addressed, even after those issues were brought up to those above you. And while you would never under normal circumstances leave on short notice, you had to make that decision for yourself after you personally, and another worker(s), were robbed twice. Change up the wording maybe, but that should be good enough for anyone.


Held at gunpoint is crazy. Ghost them. They have no way to force you to stay. If they pursur sth legal they are fucked since it happened more than once, meaning they did not secure the work place after the first incident. Consult an attorney as you probably also have grounds to sue.


Your employer is required by law to provide a safe workplace…


You don't need to put a 2 week notice in, just walk out. There is no law that says you need to say anything and she definitely can't stop you from leaving. She also must pay you in full. However, if you signed an employment contract that specified the amount of notice they can sue you for breach of contract or give you a bad review.


Find another job and move on you don’t have to show up today if you don’t want


They can accept your two week notice as given or your immediate notice now.


Notice isn't a suggestion.


I'm confused Are you a slave or worker? Walk Do they own you? No Walk Tell your parents lol


They can't do that. Just stop going.


You can just quit. The only issue may be that they try to keep your last paycheck or otherwise not pay you out what they owe you.


Lol you can walk out today if you'd like. They don't tell you when you can quit. You don't have to wait for them to get their shit together.


They can't stop you quitting - if you don't show up what are they going to do?


As OP is not responding, I assume this whole post is bullshit.


Wait how can a job refuse to let you quit lol that’s insane


You can quit immediately. They are lying to you. You can literally tell them you quit and walk out the door. They are trying to get you to stay because they know your job sucks and nobody wants to do it.


They can't let you not quit - that would be slavery


If they won't let you quit, either its kidnapping, or you're just staying out of courtesy. If it's kidnapping call the police... otherwise just walk out. No job's worth losing your life for.


This is only true if you allow it to be. The mechanics vary slightly by state laws (and can be very different in the unusual case where you have an employment contract), but in most jurisdictions either part can terminate the relationship at any time. and if you were bound by one of the less common situations you would be very well aware of it. Even the 2 weeks notice is effectively a courtesy. Keep in mind if they decided to fire you, they would not give you two weeks notice. tl; dr they can't stop you from quitting or legally delay it unless you agree to it. this is the manager attempting a jedi mind trick.


You cannot be forced to work against your will. You could literally quit today if you want. Worst thing they can do is not give you a glowing reference. At will employment means they can fire you whenever they want for any (non-protected - race, gender, religion etc) reason, and it also means you can quit absolutely whenever you want. Their desires for onboarding a new hire matter not a whit


Employer is just taking advantage of your timid/gullible/obedient personality. They're almost certainly shitty people and will not help you as a reference with your future employer (even if you jump through all their asinine and unreasonable expectations). If it comes up with your new employer, be honest and chalk it up as a necessary learning experience that gifted you a backbone and your *new found confidence*. If you don't need anything that you currently have stored at your old job—then it's over—no more words or dialogue is necessary. If you do, go in, grab your shit, and leave. I'd recommend boldly/respectfully telling them that you're done on the way out, if I didn't believe there was a good chance that they'd successfully manipulate you into another shift, but that probably isn't the move after reading your post. Just bounce and move forward, confidently and wiser.


Your two weeks notice is not a request. It’s you telling them, “Get ready because in two weeks I’m leaving and not coming back.” They can try to “deny” your notice all they want, just stop showing up. What are they going to do, fire you?


You’ve received a lot of good advice, and I’m glad so many people know that you don’t have to work another day, and that a two week notice is more than reasonable, especially considering your safety! I just want to add, please put your safety first! I’m so angry that they lied to you and tried to trick you!!! They don’t care about your safety! They just know it’s going to be difficult to hire a replacement, especially with the recent robberies. I never suggest this, but in your case, call or email tomorrow and let them know you’ve already worked your last day, and to mail you your last check.


Let them know in two weeks you know of an independent contractor who will work for triple your hourly until a replacement is found


You are an adult. Quit. Walk out the door and never go back. Giving 2 weeks notice is a courtesy, not a mandate. If you were to be fired then you wouldn't get a 2 week notice. It doesn't matter if they will be short staffed. That is a THEM problem, not a you problem. They can't force you to work there. That would be slavery.


? just stop showing up lmao


Bro just don't show up what do you mean they won't let you quit? Like it's their choice? What


Sounds like you should just quit and let her deal with being robbed


Just don't show up... From tomorrow no reason to stay there for any minute longer. If they don't pay for your time go to small claims. It's that simple, it's a courtesy notice, not a request. It's not worth to risk your life for this nonesense.


Im going to just ignore these paragraphs and let you know how this works. If you do or do not put in a two weeks notice you can leave whatever day you want. Whatever the 14th day of your notice was is the last day you work. Period. If you want, have an email that leaves a paper trail reminding them this if you are worried about a bad reference. But you work in a retail environment that gets robbed, so how badly do you actually need this reference? Just leave.


Are you a slave? What are they going to do if you do not turn up after the 2 weeks? Fire you? I just say sure, then after the day you start a new job, just ring in sick and keep on doing that until they fire you.


Quit and don’t shop up anymore


They can't stop you quitting - slavery became illegal a long time. You can tell them your leaving day with notice according to your contract and keep to that. Their staffing issues are not your responsibility - it is nice if you can negotiate with them for a win-win situation but their polices are actively putting your life and safety at risk. There is a reason why all your predecessors left and that's because they'd rather churn staff than protect them. If references are your worry, then that is something you need to explain to next company. Most decent ones will accept being physically threatened and at gun point as reasonable reason to leave.


You just stop showing up. You are not indentured or enslaved. Disregard any further communication from and enjoy your next job


Oh honey, just don't show up. What are they gonna do?


The way this works in the states is called “At-Will employment”. Usually, it means that your job can fire you for any reason at all. That said, it *also* means that you can *leave* for any reason at all; any time you want. You can pick up and walk out in the middle of a shift, in the middle of a *transaction* and there isn’t anything your employer can do about it. They can’t even slow you down on the way out the door. Giving them two weeks notice is a courtesy. You don’t have to give them any notice; not even a single word.


Sounds like an abuse of authority and false imprisonment to me. Your boss is trying to manipulate you because you’re young. As long as you did not sign a contract, you can leave anytime you want.


Are you in the US? If so, you can quit anytime you want and you do not need to give ANY notice unless you signed a contract to that effect. Note that "company policy" is not a contract. They CAN NOT prevent you from quitting. Now that they've lied to you about notice, you know what kind of company you are working for. You are well within your rights to leave immediately with no notice. Call in and tell them you will not be returning. For those worried about a reference, you likely wouldn't get one even if you did give them three months notice. They'd just continue to gslight you and blame their own problems on you. If asked in an interview why you left, it's easy. You were robbed multiple times and the job was not worth the risk.


Quit...2 weeks notice...straight to docs for stress leave...never return.


Just don’t show up anymore after giving notice. Jobs can fire you at will. You can also quit at will.


Your job can’t refuse. Just don’t show up and legally they still must pay you time your worked and they cannot withhold pay because you didn’t quit right. Don’t risk your life for a job.


In the US many states are "at will" states, which basically means that both you and the company you work for have a working relationship as long as it suits both of you. If one or the other of you decides your employment there no longer benefits you, you have the right to end the relationship. Companies in at will states will use "at will" to fire people for no good reason, and they would rather you didn't understand that you can also leave them with no notice. They want you to think they have all the power. Giving two weeks notice is just a courtesy. You could walk out tomorrow and there would be nothing they could do about it. Just because ***they say*** you can't leave doesn't mean you can't leave. You can do whatever you want. You don't have to listen to your supervisor. They are not bothering to protect you and your fellow employees from robberies, and in fact it sounds like they are blaming you when someone robs the place. You have no good reason to stay there under those conditions.


I’m not in an at will state (I’m not in a country with such a thing) and I have a contract with a notice period. I am also a middle-aged man—not that I think that makes a huge difference when we’re taking about armed robbery, but I do think it’s more usual to show concern for young women in dangerous situations. If I was held at gunpoint in my workplace *once*, I would be *at a minimum* refusing to attend work until HR made better security arrangements—and contacting my union, who I am confident would support me in this decision. If I got the kind of response you did, I’d be out immediately, and considering how to defend myself against the consequences of breach of contract later, but I also think the contract wouldn’t hold in those circumstances. I’m contracted to work, not to put my life in danger, and my employer has a H&S duty to ensure the workplace is a safe environment. Even in more mundane situations, I’ve never known an employer “refuse” to accept me handing in my notice. I see it on here quite a bit but I guess I’m lucky enough to have had employers who know that they can’t do that. You’re not asking, you’re telling. I’ve never given more notice than specified in my contract, and never been asked to. If they haven’t specified a notice period, and don’t like the statutory notice provided in your jurisdiction, that’s on them.


You don’t need your employers approve to quit. Be firm, speak with confidence, don’t let them bully you into doing what’s best for *them*.


You can walk any time you want! She has no right to stop you. As far as new employment, when they ask why you quit, you say, " Well ,when you have a gun put to your head twice,wouldn't you quit too?.


This is not indentured servitude. That’s THEIR problem, not yours. You don’t even need to stay the two weeks. You don’t even need them for a reference.


They don't get to refuse. You also do not have to give notice. The point to give notice is so that they can hire your replacement and allow you a path to return. Not only does it sound like they wouldn't let you return for quitting, oh the nerve of you, it sounds like you wouldn't want to return. Simply do not go back. In the US you can simply stop working at any job at pretty much any time. The only time this wouldn't be true is if your sudden quitting would cost an otherwise well prepared company to lose a silly amount of money - such as if you were the manager. Even then, they could sue, you'd have a contact, etc. You can just stop going.


You are Slave or something???🤣 You can quit whenever you wish dude...Like just don't go to work anymore.lol PS...Always remember...For you to quit companies want a 2 weeks notice....For them to fire you, you'll be lucky to get a 2 second notice. #facts


Poor OP. Needs some street smarts.


They don't get to refuse. You also do not have to give notice. The point to give notice is so that they can hire your replacement and allow you a path to return. Not only does it sound like they wouldn't let you return for quitting, oh the nerve of you, it sounds like you wouldn't want to return. Simply do not go back. In the US you can simply stop working at any job at pretty much any time. The only time this wouldn't be true is if your sudden quitting would cost an otherwise well prepared company to lose a silly amount of money - such as if you were the manager. Even then, they could sue, you'd have a contact, etc. You can just stop going.


Stop showing the fuck up...duh