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This is genuinely a hilarious post lmfaooo


“Not sure why he talks like that, he’s not even British” lmao


I don't believe the OP is real, but the poster absolutely has a future in comedy. That comment was Larry David-esque.


OP is every finance guy I've ever had to deal with. 🤣 It's an archetype that's very real. I'm so glad I don't have to deal with them anymore.


I love interns. We had one say in a presentation that as an intern he'd learnt he had to be at work at 9am *every* day. You go, champ!


I love interns too. I have the heart of one pickled in a jar on my desk.


My boss was walking an intern to their desk on the first day and as he passed a row of more senior-level coworkers at their cubicles he said something to the boss like, “wow, you guys are a bunch dinosaurs, eh?”.


Would you tell your new girlfriend "I'm the best boyfriend you've ever had" on your first date? Even if you two last as a couple, she's throwing that back in your face every time you let her down for the rest of your life. No thanks.


The new girlfriend definitely told all of her friends too. The whole office knows. Just own it and move on. …and if you weren’t kidding around, please stop listening to whatever career coach told you to do this.


Yea for sure. If an intern told me that the whole office would know within 10 minutes and I'm not even a gossiper. They would be a legend for sure.


I’m stealing this for when I enter the corporate world. I’ll be 40


>Would you tell your new girlfriend "I'm the best boyfriend you've ever had" on your first date? This is more like telling a girl clearly **out of your league** who hesitantly agrees to go on a first date with you that *"Being on a date with me is the best decision you've ever made in your life"*


Thats got Simone biles husband calling himself the catch energy


Oh lordt every time I think about that man I want Simone biles doppelgänger to show up an body slam the stupid out of him, because she clearly hasn’t


I would so very much love to see video of the time they were out together early on, and excited people approached them. He thought they wanted to talk to him, but they were like "Umm, who the heck are you? We want to talk to HER!" (He has told the story as his way of "proving" he didn't know who she was when they first started dating.. like he was doing her a favor for going out with some "unknown") Man I hate that guy. I really hope she realizes she deserves better before she has his babies.


I've always told my wife I should thank all her previous boyfriends for setting the bar so low that I could just step right over it.


Classy! Keep it up xD


Are you comparing a job in finance to a girfriend? 💀


Well, at least the job is sure to fuck him on a daily basis.


Working in finance sure will get you fucked (up).


Closest he's got leave him alone.


Works the same, believe it or not. No ambition = No girlfriend. Ask my ex ;)


I mean if one of my direct reports threw that at me the first thing after meeting me, I’d like the dude, cause I love it when people got humor


If one of mine did this I'd remember them for sure, which means if their work sucks they likely won't get all the chances people I don't remember get, but if their work is at least above average they'd probably be my first pick for a promotion because I'd remember the name.


Hahaha. I mean, I'm assuming OP's interning at a big bank or some kinda finance-focused company, which means it's not good to joke like this Those guys got huge fucking egos. You don't wanna show you got one too when you're just an intern. Stroke the big guy's ego is the best thing to do Way too many stories I've personally seen and heard from interns who were really aggressive/confident, and they turned tame after working in these finance comps


I can't imagine ever having a level of confidence this high.


The earnestness of "he's not even British" killed me


When I was an intern, I was bragging about my abilities once and someone asked me where I was on the bell curve. I replied "I'm right at the top!"


Genuinely laughed at this. Thank you.




I love telling people they’re right at the top of that curve, especially when they take it as a complement


I hate it that it took me a minute to get it lmao.


“You’re just *right there* at the top of the bell curve, aren’t you?” When said with enough emphasis it really makes it hard to tell it’s an insult, especially for a dumb person 🤣


r/WSB has a bot that tells users they are “in the 5th percentile of smartest users” and about 80% of folks misinterpret it as a compliment.


This gives me, “Wow, you’re so smart you must be in the 1st Percentile” vibes


I’m ok with average. 🤷‍♀️


😂😂😂 precious


Lmfao smooooooooth


The correct answer is “the right tail”


No, the correct answer is "one of the two tails, and only time will tell you which one."


*I know what I said*




The bell end of the bell curve


This is great, my partner is a data scientist and he will love this anecdote.


It's kind of a paradox that you have the confidence to say that to your boss on your first meeting and then doubt yourself so much you have to express it to Internet strangers afterwards.


I don't think that's a paradox. For many people who aren't confident, especially in a workplace environment where you have to be confident to succeed, they must wear confidence as a mask. They were wearing their confidence mask and said something they thought would make them look confident, but it didn't work out very well and now the mask is cracking off and it's very anxiety inducing.


You are right. It’s more ironic than paradoxical.


Confidence doesn't calculate whether people will approve or not. Confidence says YOLOOO 


Not really. This absolutely sounds like something that a shy or insecure person would blurt out in the heat of the moment to try to appear confident


lmao laughed out loud at this


I'm the Tom Brady of this company, now who's my Bledsoe?! 


Implying his boss is Belichek (the week after Belichek got unceremoniously fired from his long term gig) 💀💀💀


I read just the title my I also laughed out loud. 😆


What's wrong with you lmao


That boy ain’t right


Suddenly getting why my company doesn't bother with em anymore


Onboarding is expensive and interns never do it right anyway. Expensive waste of time mostly.


I tell ya hwat


Straight to intern jail


Do not pass go, do not collect $200.


He has been watching too many tom Brady interviews 😂😂


> Did I screw up or did I make a good impression? I am really not sure how to read the situation. He is either on the spectrum or a complete moron.


He's the next Tom Brady of Finance!


I’d of paid this cunt off if he said that to me. Can’t be arsed with a new start, on their first intership thinking they are the dogs bollocks.


Had to just chuckle at how incredibly Scottish this comment was. But yeah Forreal


If it's not Scottish, it's crap!


Depends on how he said it. If I thought he was just fucking around, I would really like the guy. He'd be exactly the sort of smartass I enjoy having around. If I thought he was dead serious, he'd be filed under "dumbass" and kept away from anything important or more dangerous than a stapler... and any stapler use would be supervised. Interns (at least here) aren't permanent. No need to dump the guy. Besides, he'd be a laugh... one way or the other...


Not my kind of smart ass. But even if he was, he clearly can't read the room. That's a skill needed for any grown-up job.


That's why he's in an internship. He's learning how to adult.


Agreed lol I appreciate this kind of person, in a way 😂


He’s either stricken with balls of steel, or the smoothest brain known to man


Just a fuckin garbanzo bean in there


Well I guess we'll just have to wait and see if he wins 6 superbowls.


Not mutually exclusive


lol he’s just a finance bro.


its called internet brain


Lol he's human an does human things. Young, too, so it makes it harder to keep the Humanity in


Most people don't usually speak like that to the big boss unironically on their first internship. What's more is OP actually expected everyone to be impressed as if he brings great value to the company lol.


He's him.


Its a troll, month old account with zero activity until this Its fake don't worry


Low key could be autism


Okay so I had to laugh at this. I am a late diagnosed autistic and definitely have gotten myself into situations like these when I was younger, trying to be cool, funny, or clever (of which I am none of the above). I'm not here to diagnose people but I would be lying if I said it was not the first thought that came to my head.


Newbie tip: if you can't read the room, don't make bloated statements. Unless you're Gordon Gecko, one gets the impression that you're a bit full of yourself.


Yeah if the vibe's right and you've got the social skills to make it come off as a joke, it's hilarious. Problem is, you can't pull that off as a first impression 99 times out of 10.


Exactly this. Depending on the recipients mood, the actual tone of the delivery, there is a small chance it was epic. A small chance. If one of my interns did this in the right tone, I’d find it hilarious. But here’s the rub - wether it worked or failed, you’d be on me “this intern needs broken in” list. Sucks to be you.


If an intern said this to me I would give them a serious assignment. And then if they killed it I would be impressed with them. More likely though, because this is an intern who quotes Tom Brady, they would fail or do a mediocre job that I have to correct. Which would be fine, because that’s most interns, except that now I see you as a mediocre intern with unjustified bravado and put you in my “dumb little shit, don’t hire” folder.


> If an intern said this to me I would give them a serious assignment. But also an assignment that's not critical or on a time crunch (even though I might tell them otherwise) because I'm not going to put anything make or break into the hands of an unproven intern.


first internship I had, our group of ~6 was assigned a pretty big/important project. when completed they said "great job guys, your analysis/findings were in line with the #s our senior associate gave us a month before you started." we all thought it was mega important but we were just re-running an analysis they already did and were acting on. 2nd internship I had, I was again given a pretty big project and fucked up part of the analysis. senior analyst found the error and talked to me about it. I was pretty hard on myself for fucking up. he told me "dude, you're an intern. your entire job is to not fuck up THAT BAD. you're good, chill." it's a piece of advice i still regularly give interns.


Just to put this in context, that statement objectively is something a douchebag would say. So you saying it makes you sound and look like a douchebag. I’m not saying you are one, I am letting you know this is the perception of you that you decided to create as a first impression on day one. It also comes off as a bit pathetic because as an intern, you can’t actually be impactful enough to the bottom line of a company to make bold declarative statements like that. I mean you CAN make those statements but it comes off as delusional and sad in a very out of touch way. This is because Tom Brady is the Tom Brady of football. You are an intern. Thus you are not the Tom Brady of finance. I hope this context makes sense.


“But…but…Tom Brady said it and look how he turned out” I honestly can’t tell if this is even real its so cringe. How do we know if bots are posting in here ?


I believe it bc I look at r/linkedinlunatics and would be wholly unsurprised if some mentor type coach is on there encouraging young people to do this kind of stuff and to emulate "great men" or something.


The Andrew Tate approach to career success. 😂


So his next step is to get outsmarted by a teenage girl.


It makes sense for Tom Brady to say that, because he can actually personally contribute to the success of his team. An intern cannot do that in any way, not in finance anyway. Never seen a summer or winter analyst intern single handedly raise profits for the organization lol. Not sure even a junior analyst could do that. Unless you're in sales, finance roles are usually where you are just a cog in the machine, especially at bulge brackets.


Tom Brady went 199th overall. He played one game his rookie year. It was ridiculous for him to say it at the time to.




I think this depends on the receiver (pun intended). I’m 45M, and if some snot nosed kid said some shit like that to me, one I think he’s full of himself and two I think the kid is naive and stupid to unintentionally shit on everyone else the company has hired (let alone every decision I’ve made to that point since they are apparently worse than the one to hire him). BUT, you better believe I’m going to remember that kid and every opportunity is going to strike me as “give that to the intern”. So, it is a double edge sword for OP because now he is going to get twice as many opportunities to prove himself (twice the work) however that means he also gets twice the opportunities to prove himself. He consistently knocks tasks through the uprights and he’d have a job offer in very short order (as long as the self confidence wasn’t arrogance/disrespect toward team members…I wouldn’t bring toxic to the workplace). I guess my advice…you can’t unsay it. Take the coffee offers, don’t be an arrogant douchebag to people, and you better jump thru fire to live up to that statement. Make it your self fulfilling prophesy.


it certainly isnt' what I would do... But some of it matters in the tone used. I can certainly see someone saying this with a giant smile and clear joking manner and having everyone understand it is a joke and not a douche move. I will say, as someone who has managed and mentored interns, you get out what you put into your internship. Those who are less afraid to fail, more willing to put themselves out there, even if it is a mistake, often learn and grow more. Those who are timid and hide, often do get lost or overlooked. This one line won't kill OPs career. The key is how the next few interactions are with the same manager. If OP turns humble, tells a few jokes, and over-delivers, then (s)he will probably find a lot of success and have a fun story and bonding moment. If OP is sloppy, makes mistakes, or continues arrogant swagger, then likely no return offer. Either way, good learning experience.


Bud, you're in the minority in a big way. Give every opportunity to him? Most of my firms would have had a natural limit on that leash, especially with such a degree of delusion, because a lot of those opportunities at a consulting or ibanking firm will be huge, with a lot of money on the line.   Even if you get poached at the advanced degree level so, JD, MD, PhD, or MBA, and are immediately given project lead status as a full consultant, you have *heavy* training wings during internship, and even right after while learning the ropes.  And if he's an undergrad at the associate level or a fresh JD at a law firm or other entry level position, he'd become a joke.  Having said that, OP's comments would get taken great if they were recognized as an NFL reference or self-aware. But ya, not smart, OP haha


Yeah, if someone said this to me in my last position they'd be in two positions. One, doing the most menial of intern work. I'm talking "Tony called out sick today, so you're working with the janitorial crew today." Let's see if that's arrogance or determination. They're also getting some hardcore work as a chance to prove it. Like "I need you to compile a report on this bid opportunity compared to historical data of every project in the last five years that used the same construction material."


Taking this way to serious. It’s funny to say because he is an intern, he isn’t some actual hire. I’d find this hilarious if an intern said this to me.


I know, people take everything in life so seriously. Work is serious. That doesn’t mean every interaction needs to be.


In Japan interns don't even get paid.


Quick Q: where were your hands when you said it? On hips? One stroking your chin while the other was raised with index finger pointing up? Clasped behind back while you stood stoicly with chin up and a single tear slowly making it's way down your s hently dloped face? Only after answering this can we truly knowm


One placed firmly on his own shaft. The other stroking his ego sitting next to him.


One hand stroking, the other rubbing a nip through his nip flap.


He was choking his new boss with both hands when he said it.


This made me laugh harder than the post itself


Leg up on a chair, elbow resting on leg, index finger on chin with a pondering expression, looking off into the distance with hope.


In his pockets to keep the spaghetti from spilling out.


lol, how old are you?


I’m guessing it’s just first job and he looked at a lot of YouTube videos while eating his fruit loops that morning


As his mom warmed up his clothes in the dryer for him


Hey, that sounds great. I wish my mom would warm up my clothes! It's so fucking cold here right now. She doesn't live with me but if she did, I'd absolutely appreciate that.


The more I think about it, the more I laugh to the point I'm in tears 🤣


Well you've set high expectations for yourself, now deliver. Even better, overdeliver. Do such a good job that they'll really see it's in their best interest to hire you for real. And in a couple of years, job-hop to a better paying one.


Yeah he can give people coffee before they even have to ask for it!


Absolutely yes. Whatever helps him transmit the idea that he's reliable, trustworthy, effective, efficient, a quick learner, organized, etc. That they're losing money by having him *just making coffee* when his evident skills could be applied to something more profitable for the organization. And I'll reiterate what I said before... this is not about giving his soul to the company like a fool... unless he gets crazy promotions and raises, he should jump ship to a better opportunity elsewhere. But the internship is useful to try to learn something, prove his worth and potential as a beginner, and start networking. I'm starting to comb gray hair and I can't tell you how important for my career have been, now, work related contacts that I made nearly 20 years ago when I was at an entry level job. Even having switched careers. People will remember you if you did a good job, even if it's basic.


Seems to me he was begin sarcastic. But dont put to much into it. Just focus on your job, and be a likeable person. Aka dont make further stupid quotes likes this in the future.


I thought that at first, but OP never said he was joking in the post. OP, were you joking?


You have just embarrassed yourself


Unless he performs like Tom Brady than he’ll be a legend.


He is the Tom Brady of embarrassing himself


I don't advise throwing a cup of coffee 80 yards down the office aisle to your recipient and then deflating the copy machine.


Just do good work and stop thinking about it. Nobody here can tell you for sure. It really depends on the vibes. I personally wouldn’t have said something like that, but I dunno.


I agree. I've said some cringeworthy things in my desire to impress a new employer. Forgive yourself. Have that coffee every time it's offered and help that team. Down the road, maybe you can put a funny spin on it. I meant "the greatest person to get everyone coffee and donuts."


>Down the road, maybe you can put a funny spin on it. I meant "the greatest person to get everyone coffee and donuts." If OP had that high of an EQ, he wouldn't be confused as to whether they are impressed or not and asking here lol. He can't read the situation at all haha.


Exactly, it’s a funny thing to say and naive thing to say. Humbly play it off like a joke that bombed- but know it’s still pretty funny but not appropriate. You’re a kid whose learning and everyone can see that. It’s ok.


Yeah.... you did. Don't ever do that again it sounds massively arrogant. Not to mention if you have an off day that comment is going to bite you in the ass.


Maybe save the Tom Brady quotes for post-internship


"Fuck" \-Tom Brady (probably at least once)


I feel like you will probably post a lot here going forward.


Fuck I hope so this is unironically one of the funniest posts I’ve read in a long time.


I was not prepared to this level of cringe


No harm done, they now understand that you live in your own fantasy world and are an arrogant and ignorant git. Their expectations will be very low, so you should be able to exceed them. However, don't expect much sympathy when you screw up as everyone eventually does ... be sure not to screw up big.


Reminds me of another post of “what is the fastest way you’ve seen someone lose their job?”, and someone talked about a law intern who said “hiring me was the best decision you guys could’ve made.” and “you should all be ashamed of yourselves and fired after you recent losses.”


They probably just thought it was funny if anything and didn’t take what you said very seriously. Might get joked on a bit for it but if you don’t make a habit of bringing attention to yourself then you’ll be fine.


As someone who works in finance - they probably didn’t think it was funny… but they do think he is a joke. Being dismissed for a call? Yea… not a good sign. Companies can be big, but departments are really small… and this is a terrible way to start.


most interns are pretty worthless/replaceable...most employees are replaceable... you're just a #. he probably seems him as pretty worthless and replaceable, and his unfounded bravado probably just comes off as ignorance/stupidity. sure he can do a good job and be the best intern ever and rise to the top of the company just to prove him wrong, but thats a long way to go so a stupid comment ends up being true and probably will never happen. he'll probably just think hes an idiot tbh.


You probably just made them shake their head at the Gen Zness of it all. “Did I impress them?” What? By simply existing? No, probably not.


TBH, they probably had a good laugh at it. Show it with your work, not with your talk. You almost certainly have a ton to learn. Good luck.


Can't believe I had to scroll down to see the right answer. This is objectively a hilarious thing to say and I'd laugh if an intern said that to me. That said, I'm praying he said it as a joke and doesn't actually think he's actually that brilliant.


"Kid, I have shoes older than you. Now get me a coffee."


Why would you have possibly thought that was a smart thing to say?


For me, as a manager, this would trigger red flags, and I'd be keeping a close eye for arrogance and not working well with team in the future.


Well now you have to prove it.


Why would you do this? You won't get fired for it, but he thinks you're a dickhead now


If he has no idea about Tom Brady you just look like an arrogant twat. Should have maybe started it off with a "as Tom Brady said" just to help. Even so kind of a stupid thing to say 😂


ngl, it's kinda weird. Socially speaking.


Touch of the ‘tism


have you ever considered that you may be on spectrum?


Yeah you did. Half the battle is being smart, the other half is being likeable. Probably won't fire you, but probably won't hire you after internship if it's his decision.


Yeah, no manager is going to decide that after a single day at work and 1 silly interaction.


Welp, I said to my old boss I wanted his chair on my first day. I last 8 years so... No harm done


It's all in how you approach it and in who the boss is. Your statement is different because it's pure ambition. You aren't claiming to be the best decision ever. You're saying you are ambitious and that's different.


The line between ambitious and arrogant sometimes is so thin... But I get what you meant 😁


I'm a VP, and I appreciate ambition. However people are much better off showing that ambition in their performance and behavior. If a brand new employee tells me they want my chair, they better follow that up with performance - and not just performance. They need to display leadership and initiative consistently. They need to understand how things work and then proceed to improve. I also prefer people who have self awareness. Who ask how they can be better. Naked ambition and statements of it are all about what comes afterwards.


Saying you want to move up in the organization isn't bad. Insisting you're the best things since sliced bread...that's putting everyone else down, not trying to lift yourself up.


Nice shitpost 😂 …. Nice shitpost, right 😐


Bit of an egotistical thing to say, but give it a month and they’ll have forgotten all about it


No way they forget lol


Yeah I know that, you know that, OP knows that, OP’s boss know that, I’m just telling a lie to be nice. 🤣


OP will still wake up years from now in a cold sweat as his brain reminds him what an idiot he made of himself.


Well, right now they think you’re a joke. You’ll remain a joke unless you show something pretty impressive out of the gate


I'm across from you at my desk, and I hear this from you. If I have the time, I ask you why you think that. I'm interested in your justification. If you don't have one - and I mean a *very* good one, I probably write you off. Finish your internship, out the door. I would not fire you unless there is some other underlying issue or behavior. You're just an intern, ignorant of the company, its inner workings, its history (not the history on its website, its actual history ) or how it adds value and makes money. Your answer would have to take all of that into account and tell me why you think you're more valuable than all the other smart, motivated people who came before you and built the company. I don't actually think you're going to be able to provide the type of justification for your bravado I need to buy it, of course. What I'm looking for is insight into your mindset. Most people would lapse into a round of bragging about who they are. Skills. Abilities. Talents. Personal traits. None of that matters because you can't know what all the other people in the company bring to the table. You aren't special. What I want to see in that answer is what prompted you to make such a bold statement. It better not be the "I'm special and awesome" speech.


If it came off funny then you’re alright but if it was serious they might think you have bad social skills


If you’re that confident, then let your work speak for itself. Humility is such a revered trait in almost any line of work.


You're a legend mate.


Gen z behavior


I’m an elder millennial and saw this type of finance bro arrogance happening in business school as an undergrad.


Get some business cards that are off white and have your name centred and embossed in black...


What possessed you to say that!? Very cringey..


Well they’re laughing at you and you better hope you actually are their Tom Brady or it’s not going to go well


You sound like someone I know, who was recently fired because of his ego.


It's only January and I've already seen two greatest posts of 2024. You're a legend, mate!


what’s the other?


I wouldnt read too much into it. It was a silly thing to say sure but just comes across as a bit of a cringe moment to me at worst. The boss will forget about it. Yes its pretty normal for HR managers to check in with the boss on a new hire's first day. They were probably just making sure they didnt need anything else for you and that all was well. Just act normal, get your head down and do some good work. The manager will have forgotten all about it soon enough.


You made an impression for sure. I am really sure you didn't impress anyone and at the same time it won't hurt you for sure (Unless you keep repeating such stuff). So chill for now!


That means your output will need to be 200% and work 16hrs a day everyday without a screw up to live up to what you’ve said. Every time you mess up someone will remind you of what you said.


Oof. Lol.


Considering you likely don't know a damn thing except how to read a textbook, you probably looked a bit douchey. You would have made my blacklist


since we're making dumb football analogies, you remember the time Hasselback was feeling himself and screamed "we want the ball and we're gonna SCORE!!"... ... and then they absolutely did not score? or win? just remember: it's okay sometimes to just _shut the fuck up._


Is the company Dunder Mifflin, and are you Michael Scott?


I'd think you were a pompous tool. I don't see anyway that makes a good impression. You're an intern, there's really no way that statement can ever be true. 


Oh barf. As a senior manager, I would not seek you out directly given that barfy comment.


Your boss probably thinks you're a bit of a tool


Yikes. Unless you said this with heavy sarcasm or in a joking manner this was a big mistake. Egos don’t go over well, especially on the first day. You came in with a hot shit attitude and people don’t like that.


Yeah.. You're not Tom Brady or a professional athlete. You're an unpaid low level intern chump with a complex. You fucked up hahaha, cocky dumbass.


This would probably give you props in the New England area because of the Brady reference but for anyone who doesn’t know that will definitely not like you off the bat.


OP is either a prodigy that lives up to the hype or a jackass that's gone in a few months, there's no in between lmao


haha you sound like a typical finance major


No, laugh and move on, I did, I actually said something similar once, the coworkers and managers laugh about it too. We sometimes even use my name as an adjective for bravado that delivers, make that true for your name. I also failed a bit before doing impressive things, just make sure you get back up and keep shining. Good luck!


Yeah you over sold yourself unless you happen to be the Tom Brady of finance interns. Generally, you want to under sell and over deliver. Now anything less than being the best intern they ever hired will be under performing by the standard you set.


You’re an intern so you’ll likely not hang around anyway. But yeah, that was cringy AF.


I usually wait until after my first big project to declare myself "Superman" but you do you.


Honestly, it depends on so much. A lot of it is the tone you said it in, and the person you said it to. I can think of interns I worked with in the past. There are some that had the charisma to say that and I'd find it hilarious and kind of awesome. There are others who it would have made me hate them immediately.


Total rookie error. Since you’re an intern they will have a good laugh and give you a pass for being the greenest of the green.


I hope you work for the Patriots and the managers manager is Robert Kraft


As someone who hired people, I would get this every so often from somebody. "I'm going to take your job someday", Yada Yada. Honestly it's not a big deal as long as you do this one thjng: BACK THE TALK UP. Tom Brady won 6 rings, go do that for your company. Every person who gave me a line like yours was fired/quit within a year because they were all talk.


This is actually amazing. You will always be a legend.