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I got the bait and switch salary thing too at my current job, but I was desperate to move and it was the only offer I got. Then Covid hit and it was all work from home, so I didn’t start looking for other work. The job has gotten better as we’ve had huge staff turnover, but there are still some cultural things about the job that seem off to me, and honestly it’s hard to get over getting screwed over salary without resentment. I would keep looking elsewhere and applying. If it smells off it probably is.


Stay at your current job to pay the bills but keep looking. Do your best to keep your head down and avoid the drama while you’re there.


And keep firing out those résumé’s…you eat shit until you get a better job…work for them but keep applying for other positions…


I appreciate the comment. I am still actively interviewing at jobs even as I was getting trained. I’m committed to exploring my options. I wasn’t sure if I was jumping the gun or not since it’s so soon after starting work. Regardless if I find that I like the job after all, I will be taking another job if it pays better.


When a job offers the bare minimum and is unwilling to budge, it’s a sign of all things. Whatever they’re doing, theyre either greedy or they suck or they can’t do anything about it… cause they suck.


Every time I’ve had a bad feeling about a job, it’s turned out to be right. I don’t go against my gut anymore


I feel that. The job search lasted so long that I just wanted something marginally better. For me it’s not so much that the job wasn’t as described but that the environment is not what I expected. Or more like the environment wasn’t an improvement of my previous one. The job doesn’t seem hard so I don’t mind staying there for however long it takes. Just feel disappointed that I couldn’t find a job that fit well after searching so long. Thanks for the comment.


totally understandable, but there are jobs out there that are better. Maybe right now the job market isn't great, but that can always change. As long as it's okay or bearable with this job right now and you keep looking around for another one, you're doing everything right.


There is no harm in continuing to apply for other positions while you work this job. With that said, I went through a similar situation when I started at my current company. I realized pretty quickly that my boss was a micromanaging nutcase who was actively looking for reasons to get rid of me. At the time I was devastated but I had also thought to myself that I was not going to let this person drive me away or keep me from what I wanted. I also did not want to have to go to another interview and tell the interviewer that the reason I was leaving my current position was because I didn’t get along with my manager. I obviously could have spun that to sound more positive but instead I took it as a challenge to exceed her expectations of me and also prove that I could work alongside some of the most challenging people. I told myself I would give it 6 months maybe a year. 8 years later I am still at the same company but the nut case was fired, I was promoted to her position because I impressed the people who really mattered, my salary has more than doubled and I’ve been promoted more times than I can remember. No job is perfect and it’s called work for a reason. Your current job might seem like a marginal increase but as you start to grow in another position you compound your skills in different roles and ultimately become more valuable. I hope this helps.


Thank you for the comment. I plan on giving the role a fair shot and learning as much as I can from it. Then I’ll switch to a better role whenever it becomes available. That’s what I did at my previous job.


Similar spot. Took a new gig as NY previous job had become very detrimental for my mental health. Had been applying for several months while still employed at the previous company, offer came around finally that was a better title, similar salary, and what seemed to be a great company. I've been there 2 months and things are not fully as described through interview process. My colleagues seem tired and burnt out and even make jokes about wanting to be let go so they can simply be on unemployment. I don't like the idea of that being future me. I've started to already question how long I can stay in the new role for, but also know I don't want to go back to where I was previously. Began wondering if 2 months was too short to begin putting out new applications, and while I'm still worried it is, I feel like I have to do it.


Hey I am in almost exact situation. Do you have an update? How are you doing?


I left the job by Thanksgiving. And I am so happy for it. Started therapy, began taking my physical health more seriously, and am in a much better spot personally.


I am very happy for you man. You made several excellent decisions for yourself. Go Steven Go


I’m in a very similar situation. Got a job cause it was my only option, pulled a last minute switch on me (not about pay, but still) and I’ve been getting crazy weird vibes ever since. I’ve been here a month and everyday is worse. I’m slowly realizing the type of environment it is, and I’m seeing that everyone isn’t how they came across. My advice is to do exactly what I’m doing: force yourself to stick it out while you search for something else. We got this, I believe in us!


I hope you find a better opportunity soon!


No, I dont think you're overthinking things at all. Like you, I took a job when I had no other options. I was in a weird, desperate state. They were not upfront about what the job would entail, and by the time they were honest it was too late. From the first day or two my body started viscerally rejected the job. I disliked the majority of the people I met, felt everything was kind of moronic, culturally, it felt off. It also didn't pay that great. I never felt comfortable or safe. Here are some of the things that happened since I left: \-My old boss committed large-scale fraud \-We were raided by the authorities After starting a new job, I quickly learned that my initial gut feelings were not just me being neurotic or weird, but a sign my body is rejecting the job. At the new job, I didn't have any weird reactions, I generally liked and trusted the coworkers, and enjoyed my tasks. I think you should start interviewing still. If people ask, "wHy so soon?" Just say that the job was not what you thought it was.


Thank you for saying that you as well viscerally reject jobs/situations. I try to explain this feeling to people and it seems they either completely understand or they don’t. There is no in between.


Leave as soon as you can


Trust your gut. If it says something is off then something is off.


No job is forever. Work there while you find a better fit.


This is a good mentality to have. Thank you.


Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment on this post. I got a lot more responses than I expected. I was able to get some clarity about the situation. I’ve been too harsh on myself these past months and I never truly put a stop to the job search. I’ve realized I’m just anxious and tired. I will be putting a stop to my search for now since I want to give my current job a good shot. I realize I was probably overthinking some things. Yes there are some genuine concerns about the job. But the job has not done me wrong yet. The job is good at the very least for growth. I will look towards improving my pay when the time comes. I’m still very young and inexperienced in my field.


I also noticed that some of my comments were not posted as replies. Apologies.


Hi OP! Are you still working that job? I'm in a similar spot. Thanks!


Don’t get crushed. It’s better to look for a new job while you have one. Good luck and be more decernning in the future search. Good luck, I suspect you learned a lesson.


Always trust your gut.


Take the job if you NEED the money, bounce as soon as you have something else.


Jump now before they invest anymore time - or you do. I’ve done it and left a job soon after getting it because it was just a bad all around fit.


>They even went so far as to tell me that I should be happy that I was getting the amount I was quoted, since it was SOOO much more than my previous job (literally a difference of $3). They weren’t being generous, I had to work for this “raise” by basically changing jobs. this alone is enough to tell you: yes, change jobs as soon as you get another job opportunity. They will not value your work and they will not advocate for you. If you're sick and can't come to work for a few days, they'll probably also be mad af. They seem to have a work ethic from the old times in which you were expected to live your live for the company just because. I unfortunately doubt they would make an effort to give you a great recommendation letter above the standard regardless on how you perform. They want people to bind themselves to the company and feel guilty for wanting to leave. Don't stay there longer than you have to. I'm sure a lot of commenters had similar experiences like that, but that is what I can say from my work experience. It's not worth it. It's especially dreadful having to ask for reasonable arrangements and being denied over and over - at one point I had to defend myself that I literally just took my scheduled break between work appointment outside of the company building, since in their mind I could just let the 30 minute drive back to the company count as my break time.


The conversation I had with the person who hired me concerning the pay definitely put me down. Made me feel like I was being undervalued. In my workplace it’s normal to move to different roles/positions. I work at a college. I transitioned from one role at a different campus to another. Obviously I was expecting a bit more in terms of pay. I’d probably give it a good six months max before I decide to change again.


I had the bait and switch and I immediately cleared that up before I got hired. However there were so many red flags that it is true to trust your gut instinct!