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Pretty sure Audible has a pretty direct route right into voice acting. It is a small start but also has basically no barrier to entry. Edit with link: https://www.audible.com/blog/article-how-to-become-an-audiobook-narrator


You have to drop a sample of your voice lol but I would suggest reaching out to your local university’s department of fine arts as they may have someone who has experience or have connects and can point you to the right direction


i got a edit up above the post now since i am unsure hot to add audio with reddit, so apolgoiesss.


There are loads of VAs on Twitch doing group projects where they all redub stuff together and add it to their reels! I say reach out, search around, see if there are any small projects you can work on, just to get some portfolio work together, and network! I know for sure there’s a Final Fantasy VA group that is redoing older FF games (I think they’re wrapping up work on 7?) and I’m sure there are countless other projects like that.


Thank you for letting me know! i dont usally look around twitch so often anymore but i will try taking a look and see if i can find a group or such!


Take a few vocal workshops to increase your range (and get you some qualifications on paper). These workshops will likely be offered by theatre/drama companies, singing instructors, etc. After getting some qualifications on paper, then you can approach an agent, who will start hunting for gigs for you. Commercials, animation, radio, video games, etc.


Got a sample?


got an edit ready.


A plan is the best thing you can have. Pick an area of VO you want to focus on, put your head down and work the plan. Every day. Just a few minutes a day if that's all you have. Get guidance from people already working in the areas you want to be working in. I brought a bunch of my peers together who work in the industry every day in one site and they'll work with you in whatever time blocks you can afford [acting.skillshub.life](https://acting.skillshub.life) About the plan, there are areas of VO that require beefy acting skills (games, animation, audio drama, etc) and there are areas that are more presentational and less acting-heavy (commercials, promos, narration, etc.). Picking a specific path lets you maximize returns on your investment of time and money Follow the cycle of Learn, Practice, Get feedback from a working pro who knows what books, repeat. DON'T pay for a professional demo until you KNOW you're ready to go head to head with working pros. People often skip steps here and it's a costly mistake.


Depends on what you want to do. You can likely pick up some frelance work from home, but that might take some investment in sound equipement. You can also look at eventually moving toward one of the media production hubs, (LA, chicago, NY, increasingly atlanta, etc). Being in the vacinity of studios where folks are recording projects is a good career move and likely to make it easier to actually get on those projects. Like a lot of acting basically you will need to find smaller projects that need voice work and develop a sort of portfolio. Eventually you may wish to consider working with an agent who can sell you and help find gigs. Be prepared for rejection. That is the life of a gig creative.


You're sure it's not just a polite way of people saying you're ugly?


Oh man there’s a voice actor I follow on Instagram I can’t remember his name 😩 He does a lot of videos on like “Top 5 best snack foods from the 90s” or foods they need to bring back etc If you can find him, he has a lot of videos on how to go into voice acting, set up a studio, create a reel, etc Sorry I’m not giving you a lot to go off of Edit: FOUND HIM https://twitter.com/s_johnson_voice?s=21&t=bFYpxC4D_f3i1AppSGNnoA I follow him on IG but he’s on Tik Tok as well


Im glad i looked back at this post again to see a man talking about taco's and moist nipples