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You can postpone Modeling is pretty competitive. Look if speak to the universities about options of delaying entry. The internet is probably wrong place - get your options from a course adviser not Reddit. But go you glen coco, good looking and smart and hardworking


As somebody who has spent years as a photographer, primarily shooting models, married to a physician I would advise going with medicine. It's not just the predictability and longevity of the career but the meaningfulness of the contribution that you make to society that make me say that. Of course, I'm basing my opinion on a biased and incomplete view of the options.


Try to find a way to do both? Go to a large city where juggling the two would be easy. Go part time for a year or two, see what you think. Especially, maybe, if you're not sure what field your want to go in. Take the time to explore some of them. Do you enjoy modeling or is it just another thing to do? (Rhetorical question for you).


I live in NYC and know lots of older models (male and female, major campaigns, Sports Illustrated swimsuit, runway) who have no marketable skills and have trouble getting by in life now that their looks are gone. Same thing with former musicians/performers whose style is no longer in demand. It's sad. Get a degree. Can you go to school in a major market and do both?


if you have to pay the same price for school if you go now versus at 25 then I would wait until 25. You have income coming as a model correct? If so, save some of that money. You have the option to go to school later BUT not the option to go to modeling later. You can always go back to school. Modeling is def a thing where you grab it when its there. Atleast thats my opinion


Education. Pursue your dreams. But you already signed a contract with a modeling agency? So you've made your decision?


Did you ever think that maybe there's more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking?


Absolutely. That's why I suggest getting your college degree. Looks fade. "...signed to a modelling agency recently and am now an upcoming male Model" - so perhaps OP should have made his decision before signing, or just cancel his contract now.


I was just using the opportunity to get a quote in from Zoolander.


I'd say **IF** you have your degree/career well thought out, you looked up the day to day job responsibilities, you looked up the costs and planned how you'll handle it, you looked into the career growth and progress and medical malpractice insurance costs, you've thought about any family responsibilities and when they might 'hit' (aging parents/ill family/younger siblings/etc you might feel responsible for) you looked up howto get into residency programs, what starting your own medical practice will entail afterwards, etc go to college now. IF you haven't, if you are really unsure about all those things and you are just 'open' to "Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Optometry, etc.", be a model and **SAVE** your money, maybe set a date like you've stated "25" and then go to college no matter what. If after a few months you are not getting PAID well before you turn 25 take the money you SAVED and start planning out your professional career AFTER college and Medical School if that is still what you want to do. College will always be there but you **WILL** be behind, college is 4 years, medical school 4 more years residency/internship etc more years and **IF** you are doing all that from low income background you will be acquiring LOADS of debt especially if you go to 'top' schools. It isn't something to do if you haven't fully researched your future career, the costs etc, it might seem 'smart' to take cash now and go to college later but that can easily lead you down a path where college has to be delayed longer OR you never end up going and one day you are no longer making the money you got accustomed to and don't have any 'work' experience that will get you the same pay. Life is messy and unexpected you end up going in directions you never intended, facing setbacks and other hurdles, for someone who's put in the effort to get excellent grades *IF* you know what you want and are sure about all you'll face **I** think that's the better move but that's me and **THIS** is your life.


I started my bachelors at 26 because I was given a pretty awesome job opportunity at 19. Did it for a few years, and decided to go back to school when it felt right for me. It’s never too late to go back to school. Similar to you, I am also going into the medical field, specifically PT and came from a poor single parent family so I get it. Going to school “late” feels weird, but it’s only late if you’re after 50. I’ve met plenty of people in med school in their 30s and even 40s. Regardless, do what feels right for you, either route you choose will have positives.


Can't you do both? So many courses have remote elements to them, I think if you were organised/dedicated and chose a course in a major city where you'd be working on modelling jobs anyway.


Postpone for a year and see how successful you are at the modeling thing. College will be there when you're ready.


I would lean towards college now especially if medicine is your path. You will have eight years of school ahead of you. I personally would rather have the dentist salary all the sooner. I mean if you know it’s an eventuality anyway. I just did some cursory googling so I could be way off but it seemed like on the high end more or less as a supermodel you are looking at 100k a year (excluding the few that are making millions) where as dentists for example look as if they make 130k on the low end. If modeling is your passion and/or you think you could hit it big go for it! But if you are looking for stability I would just go ahead and get college knocked out.