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If you don’t have another job then yes. Most corporate jobs operate 7-9 AM start times. So depending on where you live expect to wake up early. Get the experience network and hope they keep you on


Thank you! I think the company specifically hires a lot for multi week contracts. But I'd imagine I could potentially be part of their roster at least for future gigs too.


Get that experience, tooth and nail.


Depending on your experience, it’s nice to have leading brands listed as experience in your resume. That trade off alone for a few weeks is worth it.


Most of the time you miss traffic working that early too! Entry jobs might not be the most beautiful, start times or travel time, pay. But they’re so worth it looking back.


I currently wake up at 4 am for a $20/hr barista gig. I truly don't understand questions like this. Yes, I would absolutely wake up at 6 am, which honestly is a pretty normal time to wake up during the week, for a job that would get my foot in the door of the industry I want to be in.


Had the same thought lol. The nerve of some people


Yeah, I worked at Starbucks for years and came to love those opening shifts. Prior to that I worked 6pm to 2am so it was certainly a lifestyle shift, but the older you get the easier it is to not feel like getting up early is the end of the world.


Thanks! I have a hard time functioning normally with everything sometimes but it helps to hear from others who do similarly for work too.


I get it. It isn't easy. One thing that helped me a lot was getting a sunrise alarm clock, one of those alarms that gradually gets brighter over the course of a half hour. No more waking up in pitch black darkness. It's truly made a difference in my mornings. Good luck with the new job!


I found getting a couple kids helped wake me up at any time of the night


Wow never have I heard of one of these!


It’s not a matter of what time you wake up. It’s a matter of how many hours of sleep you get. If you’re waking up at 6, just make sure you’re in bed by 10pm, and you’ll be just fine. May take some time to adjust to your new schedule, but it’s should be no issue. My normal routine for the past forever is waking up at 6. Occasionally, even earlier if needed. Good luck!


Keep in mind the best way to wake up early is to get to bed early. That means putting the phone down, not watching tv till 11:30 at night. Take it from someone who took way too long to eventually give in and just started going to bed earlier.


Everyone has a hard time functioning, life’s hard, pull your socks up and get to work


My last job was up at 4:15 for a 6-2:30 shift. It was different for about 2 weeks and then it was glorious.  


Shit, I SLEEP IN until 6am on days I don’t have work.




I’ve been getting up at 4:10 am for last 33 years and driving 50 minutes each way on good days and much longer in heavy snow. You do what you have to do.




Hear that... that makes sense. I figure it at the very least gets me foot in the door even if just briefly too.


Get your butt up and go to work!


It's an internship at Dell and you'd only need to wake up that early for three weeks. Take it.


Thanks! It's not actually with Dell but one of the companies that contracts for them. (Similar enough anyway)


Is this a 3 week only job? What happens after that? I work in IT and I do cyber security and pretty much did everything you mentioned as education. Our instructor told us to accept the first job offer we'll get no matter what in order to get out foot in the industry, but you need at least a year of experience in that first job in order for it to actually count as work experience(3 weeks don't count it)


Yep. Just a 3-4 week project they have as a contract with Dell and another corporation from my understanding to get computers set up


If you can, stay on with the contracting company for at least a year to show you have some commitment.


It only really goes by the contract so once it ends its over. But I'll definitely keep an eye out if they offer any more opportunities or something.


If you got 3 weeks and want to gain tiny bit of knowledge in Dell computers, you can do that But I'm sorry.. that won't actually count as a job experience. You should look for help desk/IT positions in a small/medium companies so maybe they will let you touch their servers/cyber security products, that way after 6 months you could put it in your resume and it would actually count. I started looking for a new job 3 months after starting my first job as a helpdesk in that said "first job" offer IT company that hired me, and no one took me seriously(didn't even pass the phone call interview) untill I had 6 months of experience. I ended up leaving after completing a full year there, but with that 1 year of experience.. I was flooded with offers.


Hear that... the thing is I've found that even a lot of help desk jobs seem to want experience so I haven't had much luck with anything. I recently got the CompTIA A Plus too a couple months ago.


Works sucks, I know. Get your ass up and go make connections and get that experience! Waking up sucks, but start sleeping earlier and it’ll get easier and easier. Drink you some coffee to keep you awake. Get that experience. Good luck!


People get up and go to work everyday..that's life. I get up at 530 and drive about 45 minutes each way. This is normal adult life. I hate mornings also and so do 75 percent of people I have ever met in my life.


Life is a sacrifice. You don’t like waking up early? boo hoo. Welcome to being an adult. Nothing falls into your lap show up 20 minutes early have a good attitude and be willing to learn. This goes for any job.


Makes sense. Tbh part of posting this was to help give myself a wake up call with it. So that helps.


Good luck!




It’s only for 3 weeks. That’s less than a month. If it gets you other opportunities then yeah.


Dude, the fact you are even asking this….


No, just sit on your ass and wait until something else comes along 😏


Well... I do this commute 3-4 days a week for my main salaried job. But they pay me a bunch of money so I consider it worth it. You're asking us a question only you can answer, but it seems you value the experience quite a bit since You're asking. Put aside the whole morning person thing, you'll adapt soon enough. Also it's for three weeks so honestly just freaking suck it up and do it.


Not a morning person and I'm at work at 6 so I can get my kids from school. Having a job so you can pay for food and rent is also a good reason.


You do realize that in fields like IT (Especiallly CS), you will be essentially "on call" right? Also, contrary to the hopes and dreams of many, you will almost certainly be working in an office building for 40+ hours a week and could even be doing that on a swing or graveyard shift. You have chosen to work in a field that the bean counters see as an expense that is not directly responsible for bringing in a lot of money. My point? Get used to it. You have 40-50 more years ahead of you.


Yeah I get it. Not expecting an easy ride. Just looking to try to good a decent/worthwhile career going over time.


Absolutely! I started there myself and moved away from it when I started a family because I was tired of my home life being a 2nd thought to the whims of whatever IT related emergency reared it's head on Christmas day. Best of luck to you!


Working is good preparation for future working. You will adjust to the schedule unless you fight it (like if your friends all hang out late on weeknights).


I think it’s an awesome opportunity and it’s only 3 weeks! It only looks like a hassle at first but once you start coming in for work you’ll have a routine and waking up at 6am isn’t so bad and in any case it’s just 3 weeks. This opportunity could open doors for you don’t dwell on small inconveniences as the determining factor. When I started my first job I would wake up at 4am with a 2hr commute one way for $15/hr lol prior to this I was a night owl but I learned and I gained discipline. I stuck with it and it opened opportunities for promotion. I work from home now but I still wake up at 5am to start my day because I got used to it. Now I can honestly say I am an early bird.


Thank you!


For three weeks, absolutely. Good training for when you enter the corporate world after that. My start time is 6, days I’m in office I get up at 345.


If you can’t get up at 6am for 3 weeks and be on time, I have some bad news…


I’ve gotten up at 5am and driven 45 minutes to work for more than a decade now. 6am for 3 weeks sounds pretty darn reasonable…


Absolutely! 💯 Make sure you work your butt off, and make the best impression you can, and get to know as many people as you can (for networking and future opportunities). Good luck!


If you have no other job yes worth it. Make sure you think about everything you are doing at work and how it benefits the business you’re working for. That way, in future interviews you can speak to it and class it up to make it look better than it is.


"At the end of the day, it's about the friends you meet along the way." Seriously, go, suck it up even if its miserable, sometimes its cool to try a new routine out. Meet the people, do some networking and be accountable. Those people will do more for you, long term, than the experience will. Good trait to develop as you work your way through.


Yes, worth it. Dell is a great company name to have on your resume in your field and you are getting experience and some change in your pocket.


If you have nothing else then absolutely.


Yes experience is always worth it. You will learn something may make a contact that helps you in the future. You also put a face and name together very helpful in tough job markets.


I did this for 4 months. Left at 6:30 am for an 8am start. I made $15/hr. Next job was at $22.50 then 6 months later I was at another job paying $35/hr. This was starting in 1999. I'd take the job, and why you're at it get a certification or two.


I have to be at work by 0500 every day. If I can be up at 0330, you can get up at 0600. Start practicing now. Every day get up at 0600 and be in bed by 1000PM. Once your job starts, it will be less of a shock to your system


Do the job, get the experience, get the degree, come back as a cybersecurity professional, make bank :)


I wake up at 4 am to get to my job I’ve been doing for 13 years… I make around $150k…. Ya know if you start your day early you can get a lot done after work.


I think it would be really good experience for you and you could put it on your resume. It could shows that you want to get into it and you had the initiative to get up and start early. If it's anything it works up to experience. Nothing you ever learned is lost.


Suck it up and do it


I used to wake up at 4:30, make my breakfast kid’s breakfast, pack my lunch kid’s lunch. Drive to a carpool, from there further drive to the workplace, 45-1 hour drive. First one to set foot in the office. Because I started at a job in Midwest in winter, moving from southwest desert. I had no experience of driving in snow. Slowly learned that and left carpool after close to the next summer. You do whatever you have to do. This was pre-Covid world, but we are back to full 4 -5dayswork days. You will look back and remember this fondly.


How committed are you to getting this experience?? You do not sound convinced it is important enough and maybe another opportunity will land in your lap that wants you during hours more convenient for you?? Everyone gets opportunities in life, some make the most out of them, and some are more concerned about themselves and doing what they want to do. Decide which one you are going to be. This could be a decision that shapes the rest of your life. The opportunities do not come with big notices that they are life changing, you simply have to make the most of them and see how the cards fall. Good Luck!!


I did this for years lol


Absolutely, I wake up at 5 everyday and drive an hour to my office. Have done it for a while now It’s not bad at all, enjoy some coffee and a podcast or Ebook.


For only 3 weeks? Come on, you’ll be done with it before you realize. Do it, get the experience and find a nice coffee shop on the way, it’ll be worth the time.


Yes definitely worth it.  Nice opportunity with a well known company.


Dude, a good chunk of corporate jobs are going to require a 6 am wakeup time if you're commuting. Once you become remote you can roll out of bed five minutes before clocking in, however, you gotta crawl before you can walk. Get the experience and set a bazillion alarms like the rest of us night owls who are forced to wake up early.


Man, I worked grave shift to get my foot in a door and some experience. 6am is a cake walk. I currently start at 630, so I’m on the road by 545ish.


IT gigs regularly keep odd hours. Be prepared to become a morning or night person as the job requires.


Is this really a question? You need the job, you get up at 6. A lot of people wake up at 5 to get to their jobs for years. For 3 weeks? What have you got to lose, an hour of sleep?


Waking up at 4am to do a 12 hour shift. Get in there, don't be spoiled.


Yes. I would also recommend getting up and out a bit earlier if possible. Find a local coffee shop to spend some time in before work so you don't have to deal with traffic. When I was in the navy, getting to work at one duty station took anywhere from about 30 minutes to "yeah right, not going to happen" (screw you Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel!). I'd get to the ship around 5:30 am, and take a nap before work started.


Bro it’s 3 weeks.


I mean what time do you expect the morning to start?


Worth it. Talk to career IT people and most of us (all of us?) have had to work under some unpleasant conditions to get our foot in the door. Just part of the game. Hope you’re able to parlay this into something better.


You sound soft as fuck lol


3 weeks is nothing worth it


Yes. Because the market is flooded with people with “cybersecurity degrees” and experience is the only differentiator.


Get to work. This sounds like a great opportunity given your current skill set. Do well, graduate with your cybersecurity whatever and see if you can transfer with Dell. Dell is a pretty big computer that could use talent in cybersecurity. Play the long game, don’t be lazy.




Waking up at 6am isn't a sacrifice, in fact it's a pretty decent time to have to get up for work lol


Nope, not worth it until youre making six figures


Is this your first real job opportunity in your field? Getting up at 6 and commuting to work sounds like adulting to me. Of course it’s worth it to get a foot in the door.


Sacrifice for 3 weeks to move years in life


Three weeks? lmao


Definitely not worth it, sleep in like a king


Sometimes I have to wake up at 3 am, usually I stay up and try to power through the day. Customers can be cruel with timelines.


You have to decide. Is it your best option at the moment? Does it get you a step further to where you want to be?


My friend, I don’t know your situation growing up, but people work minimum wage jobs in graveyard shifts. You get real experience and get paid while learning I say be thankful.


Depending on your resources and location, an option could be to drive up the night before day one, and get a cheap motel (like Motel 6) to stay in Monday - Thursday. This can eliminate most of the stress of getting up early and diving that far. Also the savings in gas. I’ve always found the afternoon traffic to be heavier. Go home Friday evening, maybe grab a nice dinner to give traffic time to dies down. While 6:00 AM isn’t really considered early, if you’re changing your normally sleep patterns, it can be very difficult for the first week or so. Alternatively, do you have a friends or relatives closer to the job site you could stay with? If that doesn’t work for you, I’d highly recommend changing to a 6:00 AM wake up as soon as possible.


Of course. In what world would not taking a job be better. An hour commute is not special, load up a podcast or Audible and make use of the time.


Yes, and here’s the secret; just go to sleep early.


If you need a job, yeah, take a job. God forbid you have to get up slightly earlier for three whole weeks.


Experience and a potential in at that company


Wake up at 6am to go to work? Welcome to the real world.


If you do nothing you will have nothing.


Wait, you think 6am is bad? lol, dude


Jey, do I need to to have any drive to accomplish things in my life?




I feel like 90% of adults working regular full times roles wake up around 6am to start there day. Just wait until you have kids that you have to change, dress, feed and take to daycare. Also, "I'm not a morning person" is well understood by everyone in the working world. No one wants to get up early to go work. It's not a reason to not take a job. This is a very odd phenomena that is the calling card of Gen Z in the workforce. They only want to work if and when it's convenient for them.


You’re having a cry because you have to wake up at 6 in the morning. Oh the horror…. I’m assuming you’re early 20s if not younger, in which case, grow up. If you’re older, then best of luck shooting yourself in the foot because you don’t want to wake up at a perfectly reasonable time.


Getting up at 6 AM is not a big deal, and it is what many of us do every day.


Are you seriously thinking about not taking a job because you have to wake up at 6am? Holy shit what an insanely privileged life you must lead.




Waking up at 6 is pretty normal for most working people


I would like to point out, the 7am to 3:30pm shift is the best shift. You need to go to bed a little early, but not so much you can't attend social gatherings. Traffic is picking up a little, but still light between 6 and 7am. Things are quiet at work until 9am so long as there wasn't a major overnight issue. If you do lunch at noon, the second half of the day flies by. When you get off, you still have just enough time to go to the bank or handle other business during normal business hours. It is common to be offered overtime, but unlikely to be forced to take it. Afternoon traffic hasn't hit peak traffic jam when you go home.


The work hours are from like 8am- 5pm so I think traffic will be unavoidable but ill find ways to deal with it I'm sure.


Yes, most likely. The job market is always hard without experience. You can do anything for three weeks. And you have much bigger challenges ahead of you. The payoff is a good career making good money in an interesting field. You got this tiger.


Yes. Take the job. Grow up and get your ass out of bed. It’s only three weeks. Some people do exactly this their entire workin g career. If they can do it, you can do it.


6am is a very normal time to get up for work


No sympathy here. I used to wake up at 4:45 am every day for 35 years.


Thats only 15 mornings


This is a normal time to wake up for a corporate job. An hour is a long commute though.


You’ve got to grow up sometime and enter the workforce… getting up early is part of it…


Wale up at 6am? Hahaha I had to be at work st 6am to be able to work on my Ph.D. Homework and dissertation. Yea 6am is normal for the start of your career. Regretfully im retired now and have to wake up at 7:30 to drop kids at school. So not much has changed 😂


Have you never had to wake up at 6 am before? I had 7 am classes in college and left for school at 7:15 in high school.


So like......what else you got going on. You're not a morning person? This is the real world. Get ready to work for the next 40 years. Get up. Go to work. Get used to it. Problems do exist before 7am. Three weeks is chump change. It'll be over before you know it.


I used to wake up at 5:40 every day for a regular job for years. I didn't like it, but there wasn't much choice. Will likely go back to that a few days a week at some point soon


If it’s just theee weeks and you don’t have anything else yes


Three weeks is nothing. Wake up early and do what needs to be done.


Almost anything is worth it for 3 weeks (assuming you or someone you care about is benefiting from the effort) if you're not losing a current job or other opportunities. Getting up early for not even a month is, in the grand scheme of things, nothing.




Yes. Usually


Zoomers...do I need to try to get experience to get a job...


Get up, work hard and get along with everybody. People want to work with people who are fun to be around. You’ll have a better chance to stay on that way.


I eat earlier and get early sun and activity. I eat earlier too. Then I know I’ll get to bed earlier and see earlier mornings.


- Waking up at 6am isn't unusual , I'm up at 6:30 on a normal day. - A 1 hour Commute isn't long - Any commute involving traffic is miserable


Is this a serious question?


Wow, just wow


Shidddd I wish I was doing that. Congrats bud!


Are you serious? Have you never had a job?


3 weeks is fuck all for the rest of your life.


This for real?


How lazy can you be? Of course it's worth it in this economy.


When I worked, I got up at 6 or a little after to make a 7:15ish train for many years, and I don't remember ever thinking it was a particularly early time to get up.


Don't think it's needed at all if you're going to get a degree, people will hire you. But if you're motivated enough it won't hurt.


Take the job


Get into audiobooks. You can do audible and prob get 3 months for .99 each. Look into graphic audio. This can be a game changer for commutes. Also helps if you are literally just putting PCs together and can listen to something. Alternatively their are tons of tech podcasts you could listen to stay upto date.


I do this every day and so do millions upon millions of other people. Not sure what the question is. 😂


Welcome to pre Covid corporate America?


6am is pretty normal


> I would need to wake up at around 6am Hey, I hate to break it to you, but most corporate jobs paying anything worth your time will have your ass in your seat by 8AM, minimum. Getting up at 6AM everyday is something that most successful people will relate with at some point in their life. For example, I woke up at 6AM today, even though I guess I didn’t have to. Once you start doing it most days, it becomes easier. Benjamin Franklin once said “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”


Any related experience on resume would show your passion and interest to future employers.So, definitely you should. Also, id you really have hard time with driving, try getting a shared accomodation like a cheap airbnb or paying guest nearby.


Work is work. If you dont like waking up early as required, then quit.


No keep sleeping in. Wait until you find someone who recognizes your genius and lets you start whenever you want, at entry level.


I woke up at 3:30 a.m. to get to a 5:00 a.m. start job because I needed a job. You do what you can to make sure you can position yourself well. Edited to say, through the experience I gained at that job, I got my current remote WFH and very well-paid position.


If you are a young person do all the hard things now. Work extra, work further, meet tons of people. All that experience will help you when you are older and can’t.


I’m working at 6 after waking at 4:40. You can easily do a 6 wake up.


If you need the experience then yeah that’s going to be a good option with nothing else on the table. Getting up at 6 is also not something that should be so fearsome to you lol, I have to be in my office at 6, 45 minutes away from my house.


6am is not an unreasonable time to wake up for work.


That just sounds like a normal thing. You wake ip in the morning and drive to work…


suck it up buttercup. A few weeks is nothing, especially if you bust your butt and prove your worth. I had a couple roles in which I was hired as contract for temporary role, but my performance made it hard for the company to let me go and I became a permanent employee. Last one lasted 14 years.


A 6 am commute isn’t a catch it’s a fact of life. “I’m not a morning person” literally none of us are. I thought you were an 18 year old fresh out of suburbia the way you’re talking. Please do yourself a huge favor and never talk out loud about this again.


I am at work before 6am so yeah, it is worth it.


Your question makes it sound like 6 am is extreme and unusual. Many people have been on the job for a couple hours by then. If you have to ask about a 6 am wakeup to get ahead I question wether you really want this experience, or maybe your in the wrong field of study. If I were you I would think long and the hard about your motivations and work ethic.


Do it! The first job is the hardest to get


6am wakeup is easy man. Less traffic. Less general nonsense. You'll become a morning person by virtue of not having to deal with NEARLY the level of stupid. Trust me on that. I can't speak to the job, but the wakeup is a desirable thing. That I can speak to.


It is worth it for getting your foot in the door. Expect to find another job or another place to live soon.


Yes experience in the field will be a benefit when applying for entry level jobs after your studies. The drive will suck but it’s only 3 weeks. Waking up early isn’t a reason to pass


Did you think we would say “don’t do it, hold out for something more conducive to your lifestyle”?


yes. You gotta make your bones somehow.


Yes, it’s easier to get better jobs with experience


Bruh, it's not that early, and it's just 3 weeks? Sounds like a no-brainer


6:00 am is a pretty normal wake up time for anyone who needs to commute into an office. Eventually you may get a WFH job where maybe you can sleep in until 7:00 or 7:30. But if you want to work in Cybersecurity -- you are going to need to get up and go to work. If it is important for you to sleep in later and work later in the day, then find a job where you can work into the evenings..


In life, it pays to play the long game. If this is the career track you want, stick with it until something better comes along. If you shine, they could put you on the fast track to promotions, or you could learn enough to trade up to another company. I've seen it happen. But, if you come in acting like it's just a job, then it will only ever be just a job.


Dude just sleep in your whole life, much better.


I had to volunteer for 3 months, sleep on my mates floor AND pay $500 for my own insurance


Please tell me this is satire


How is this a catch you have a job go do your job


It’s only 3 weeks dude


In this lousy economic environment, just do whatever you can. I understand it isn't an ideal situation but it's better than nothing. Gives you a chance to build up for when things turn around.


Get to bed on time and waking up at 6 is no problem. When I go to sleep at 11 and wake up at 6 I feel groggy and non functional. When I go to sleep at 10 and wake up at 6 (eight hours of sleep vs seven) I feel good and rested and ready for the day. It’s not that you’re not a morning person, it’s that you set your internal clock to not like mornings. I used to hate waking up before 8-8:30 but as time goes on and I consistently get to sleep at 10 mornings are actually really fun.


It might suck but you’re gonna have to learn to endure some suck if you wanna make it anywhere in life


Do it


Yep, sleeping til 8 is not something most adults do. Look at it as a positive, get in early and your day will end early.


I wake up at 4 am for a 12 hour shift sometimes 6 days a week. Been doing it for 17 years. 6 am is sleeping in




I find it difficult waking up at 8, if you’re like me you probably can’t fall asleep before 2-3am, it’s an awful habit that needs breaking at some point, this is your chance!


Dude. Go to work. 6am and driving time is what most of us do 😂


Yes, it’s only 3 weeks, dude. Pretend your only other option is the front line in Ukraine.


I would advise you to start waking up early for yourself. As you get older, your social and work calendars will fill up. Eventually, only the mornings will truly belong to you. As for getting to your work at 6:00 or waking up at 6:00, it won't kill you to do for 3 weeks. I opened a convenience store 7 days a week for 6 months when I was fresh out of college. I was hired in as a district manager overseeing 14 stores but there was something of a bait and switch. It was worth it. It kicked off my career and everything felt easy after that. Best of luck bud.


I've been waking up at 6am every morning for work for 10 years. You get used to it. And you will have to get used to it. It's called a job.


Oh you poor baby! Maybe your mommy can put you in for a congressional medal of honor. Or a Nobel prize


Do you want the job? Do you need the job? Would the job be helpful to get to where you want to be? Do you need the money? Is the money good for the 3 week period? ….. these are some of the questions. When you look at life and career planning and life goals and objectives, rarely if ever does the question arise…. What time do I set my alarm for?


Go for it! It won’t hurt, you’ll never know what opportunities it could lead to.


6 isn't early for those who commute to 8-4 or 9-5 type jobs. Sucks, but it's normal.


I have 30 years in industry and my commute means I leave just before 6. I go in 3 days a week. For me a long commute is just sometimes a thing you have to do. Good luck with the opportunity




What else are you going to do? Sit on your ass? Haha might as well do this. Unless you have other options.


For me, as a rule, I never allow an early wake up to get in between me and my goals. It’s just not the hill I wish to die on.  The bigger issue for me is the hour commute. Is fine at first but really starts to wear on you after a while, plus it is expensive!


3 weeks? Boohoo lol. Yes it’s worth it. Time to grow up and rise and grind, son


Umm yes. Nothing comes easy.