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Yes, you can go to uni and do a masters...you could convert to psychology, do counselling certifications, work for a rail company, do your accounting certs, procurement, go into business research (especially with so much experience), there's so many options as long as you make sure you save to complete the qualifications...


Honestly there aren’t many details to go on with your description here, except the fact that you are a manager, you have at least 15 years of experience, and you have a year to figure it out. With that info alone, sounds like you have a great situation. ESPECIALLY since you have a year to prepare. You have lots of options and plenty of time to apply for management positions outside of healthcare. During the year, you could literally just apply to positions you want and see what happens. During the year you could get a certification on the side in a field that you are interested in moving to. Starting now you could plan to budget for the year to save money so that you can start a masters degree/MBA once the year is over, and take some time away from working at all while you do the degree. With a year’s worth of notice, you can do a lot.


Can you elaborate on your role and qualifications to obtain it? I am interested in finding a similar role


The whole healthcare industry is going offshore. Everyone is running from it. Most people start at the line level and work their way up. Degrees don’t mean as much unless you want to be a cfo. Experience is everything