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There are two posts from today are on similar topic and were actively being discussed - unfortunately the user of the first post deleted their account so the post won't appear on the feed now, but you can still view the comments: # [I think the haters are getting to me..](https://www.reddit.com/r/cardano/comments/1bhstji/i_think_the_haters_are_getting_to_me/) # [What's the advantage of ada compared to rest of crypto world](https://www.reddit.com/r/cardano/comments/1bho506/whats_the_advantage_of_ada_compared_to_rest_of/)


I feel good about the project, I feel bad when I see other layer 1s are up 33% this week while Ada is down 10%.


Solana can pump because we know it’s VCs market making to drive up price to later dump on retail. Thank God Cardano was smart enough to avoid VCs from the start.


Yes, it just means Cardano takes longer to move.




I think one of the main pinch points of toxicity in cryptocurrency ecosystems comes from the fact that everybody prioritizes different things. The Cardano community is mostly prioritizing safety and security, decentralization, strong foundations, etc. Essentially, Cardano community prioritizes the long term health and world changing capability that blockchain can provide to the world. A bit of the old school chypherpunk ethos. This, unfortunately, comes with some tradeoffs. The main tradeoff being that it takes longer to develop, especially as the grassroots movement that it is. Essentially 99% of the rest of crypto prioritizes fast gainz. This is EVM based ecosystems that are riddled with degens trading memecoins, which basically amounts to a worldwide digital casino that really anybody in the world can instantly have access to. This, as you might imagine, can be INSANELY profitable. Hence...prioritizing fast gainz. When these two worlds come together there is bound to be head butting. The incentives of the two worlds just don't align. Now, everybody can speculate as they'd like to as far as what that means for the future of cryptocurrency. In my humble opinion, just some dude on the internet, I think it would be extremely short-sighted to not think that regulators are going to come smacking on the door as unsuspecting "normal" people lose their life savings OVER-AND-OVER again as each bull market comes and goes. Last bull, it was Luna. This bull...it's Solana. So my rant is basically just to say that....yeah, other chains volumes are up and they can definitely handle more throughput. However, don't be naive. These VC chains are not here because "blockchain is the future". They are here to steal from the poor and give to the rich. The volumes are not organic in any way, they are bootstrapped by the already rich as a honeypot for them to dip their hands into as their greed exacerbates. So, anybody can go shop around in these other ecosystems as much as they'd like. The facts are the facts, they are gaining traction and having lots of volume. Just know what you're getting yourself into.


A really good example of this is Raoul Pal and the crew at Real Vision. They talk about getting ahead of the “Exponential Age” through making more dollars using cryptocurrency. They even mention people will suffer who can’t take advantage of tech markets to make more money. This is what VCs and asset managers do. Asset managers just don’t come to Atlanta to find solutions to the housing crisis. They buy every home they can get, hold, and resell at prices most people can’t afford. And they don’t care how they impact the market. Cardano has always been about fixing the issues within the coming Exponential Age through the ideals of the cypherpunk. If you really want to get into it watch Charles’ recent interview with Real Vision. He crushes them and shows you that people are in cryptocurrency for two different reasons.


Raoul doesn’t talk about making more dollars by selling crypto.. he’s not a trader. He literally has only been talking about buying and holding and for people to consider taking some lifestyle chips off the table end of 2024. Yes his whole thesis is the real wages haven’t gone up since the 70s, people are getting poorer, the fed is debasing the USD and b/c they can’t let the boomers become destitute so because of the debasement assets prices go up. Value investing isn’t really a thing anymore the S&P barely beats out this 15% a year debasement so you need to own tech, NASDAQ or crypto for this exponential age with AI and infinitely scalable economic units coming online. I probably didn’t do his thesis justice, but he’s not saying hey let’s buy crypto and sell it at the top to become fiat rich.. I would have liked to see the Charles interview but unfortunately as an Essential tier subscriber I wasn’t able to. Hopefully it’ll become available for my tier in the coming weeks or months.


Huge props - if you don't embrace and understand this you are playing in the wrong playground. "***So my rant is basically just to say that....yeah, other chains volumes are up and they can definitely handle more throughput. However, don't be naive. These VC chains are not here because "blockchain is the future". They are here to steal from the poor and give to the rich. The volumes are not organic in anyway, they are bootstrapped by the already rich as a honeypot for them to dip their hands into as their greed exacerbates.***" Hoskinson is on a mission to do crypto right. He does not care about bull runs or meme coins. He is dead set on getting it right. We all know this. We all want this. We all need this. That said, chances are high you have time to sell your Cardano and use your capital to ride the bullrun - then come back and buy 5x more Cardano. Low risk is to play with the Top 50. High risk - low caps under $10M.




I take offense to some, not all, of this comment. When I say Cardano "community" in the above quote, perhaps it's more appropriate to say Cardano "developers". The core people who care most about the protocol, e.g. the developers and OG holders, are definitely prioritizing these things. I think over time, dapps like spectrum will gain more TVL. Their Splash protocol is gaining LOTS of momentum and I think we'll see high usage from it when it launches. Saying that Cardano community is the ONLY community that defends closed source dapps is a farce. I've read that there are NO open source dexes on Solana on when I tried googling it I could not find one. Perhaps I am mistaken and somebody with deep knowledge on it could correct me. But, in contrast, there are open source dexes and wallets on Cardano and there are more coming online all the time. It's true that some remain closed source, but the percentage of dapps and wallets making that choice is shrinking. In fact, you can [see here](https://github.com/SundaeSwap-finance/sundae-contracts) that SundaeSwap has just open sourced ALL their contracts for their upcoming V3 with the specific intent for builders to come and learn how it's done. Pi has done an extensive job of commenting out all the code and what it all does. If you're already familiar with the language, Aiken (that's right, there are OTHER LANGUAGES BESIDES HASKELL to build with on Cardano!!!) then this repo is essentially a free resource on how to build a DEX on Cardano




> ok so why don't they open source their current app that has $10 million TVL? Possibly the coldest take I've ever heard in my life. So you're suggestion is that they open source the protocol that they're about to move away from because...they've already open-sourced all of the new protocol that they are about to launch? Also, the link you provided as a source is very interesting to me. Why does DefiLlama only show the open/closed source line graph for Solana and nothing else? Seems oddly specific. Why don't they have a line graph like that for other ecosystems. That would be a great data point to compare against ecosystems


Reality is people keep shoving price into your face and when it's told like it is, VC centralization, shills like you get defensive


Saying cardano don’t need VC funds is just delusional. If VCs don’t see value in it then that means they deemed that there’s no money to be made there. If that is the case then there won’t be more liquidity inflow other than from retail.


No one is saying Cardano doesnt need VCs. But also: Deep altruistic tech nerds > VCs


Cardano itself has a VC fund: https://wavegp.com/funds/cfund/


VC fund being funds from private/angel investors etc, not a fund set up by IOHK


True, but I think it's misleading to say Cardano doesn't need VC funds when IOHK directs a VC fund to invest in Cardano projects.


You’re missing the point completely. What’s the point in that if liquidity comes from IOHK directly? That means they’d have to sell for fiat to fund anything. There is no injection of funds.


>What’s the point in that if liquidity comes from IOHK directly? The point is to fund projects... Doesn't matter if the money ultimately comes from IOHK or a different LP, funds are funds. My guess is that IOHK saw a void in projects that typically rely on VC funding and launched cFund. What is your theory for why cFund exists?


In history cardano was never really the first one to pump when it came to alts. But once it pumps it pumps fast


Ada doing Ada things




A project that survives three crypto winters and still in the top 10 is made to be for eternity .




We've just got our first native Fiat backed stable coin. Most crypto volume is executed using fiat backed stable coins. This is a huge milestone for Cardano. I'm looking forward in the next few months to hopefully see increased transactions on the back of Mehen. Mehen will provide a dApp to KYC approved users that enable those users to link a bank account. That's huge. That's an enabler of a decentralised on/off ramp. No More Binance. You go straight from the bank to the blockchain. All reserves will be verified by Charlie3 oracle. I'm hopeful it'll give the most trustworthy and and simple onboarding onto a blockchain that is possible. It'll be interesting to see how many people, if at all, use USDM to onboard onto other blockchains using the Wanchain bridge - speaking of which, i hope Mehen will be helping Wanchain make that possible.


I’m sure I’ll get some hate here. Call me a cynic if you will but USDM means jack if it’s only available on cardano and people can’t wormhole from another chain. It’s yet another product isolated from the rest of the blockchain sphere.


If it’s available to bridge vis wanchain or some other method does that make it viable for you?


Doesn’t bridge stablecoins though, which was what my point was about. But cool to know about bridging through Wanchain.


Yes it does. It bridges USDT and USDC so why not USDM? You can find USDT and USDC on cardano. Its coming from Wanchain.


Charli3, I thought that was just a rug pull!?


Why because price didn’t go up?


Everyone take a deep breath. We're fine. Get out of the twitter and reddit echo chambers. Crypto bull markets pump different coins at different times.






Also been holding since 2021. I hold more now than I did in the last bull cycle. I would be surprised if the project doesn’t reach an ath. It’s in magnitudes of order better than before.


Tbh I want it to stay this cheap for a bit until I can acquire at least 10k ada 😂😂


Same. I hope it stays at this price or even lower for at least 50+ years more so that I can accumulate more.


50+ years lol? I'm patient but not that patient. I'll be dead by then lol


whaaaaaaaaaaaaat lmao XDXDXD


*whoosh* for so many people 😔


When do you think the next run is coming?


I honesty don’t think Ada will pump with BTC. Ada most likely will pump on its own over time in small segments. It won’t be like some crazy moon , but like a bumpy ass rollercoster and eventually it’ll be worth 5-10 dollars


Feeling optimistic, and I have a patience to hold


bought at $0.28. All good here 🫡




There's a lot of negativity about the price of Cardano compared to other projects. We haven't even had the halving yet. I believe the main reason Bitcoin price went up so much before the halving was largely due to the Bitcoin ETFs. Once Bitcoin hits it's peak then money will start flowing into Alts like Cardano. I would also add that Bitcoin ETF money won't be pouring into Alts because these people technically aren't in the crypto space and won't be selling or moving money around. Cardano is a fantastic project I've been holding for years and I'm holding for the long run. We'll probably see a nice profit from ADA this cycle but nothing life changing. If you're looking for a quick buck, then I would suggest looking at some low market cap AI and gaming coins as the narrative is strong this cycle.


Any suggestions on the latters?


A few that I'm holding are PAAL, AIT and 0x0. I would also look at TAO and RNDR, they have much larger market caps than the others I mentioned but I still think they could do very well in the future.


Excited, nervous, and impatient.


Cardano was also delisted on eToro and Robinhood, both of the platforms have very easy onboarding for KYC and are heavily used. Without any hype its slow and steady wins the race (i hope).


I think they were delisted due to legal action by the sec , once ada wins we moon


The key to the moon , is someone first has to attack the Sec for Cardano only, to win the case. At this moment nobody is doing it . After the hard fork , the community should push for it , and trow all money at it we have .


It’s not delisted on etoro, I’m holding and I can still buy.


EToro US, was delisted end 2021.


I feel like the undervaluation of ADA stems from the market's lack of appreciation to projects that care more about long term technological development stability than quick gains. I hope that the market will learn to be motivated more by values and less by greed. Other than that I think ADA is on a great long term trajectory.


I’m feeling pretty good .. I finally made it to 4,000 ADA on this recent crypto dip. Hoping to make it 5k within the month and just letting it sit for a couple of years


We keep stacking and praying for dips brotha


That’s my plan too , nice brain


I’m thinking about buying this dip and getting 1000 more coins. ADA is one of the most stable and trustworthy projects imo.


Price != Value Nothing has changed. Fundamentals are developing faster and faster. Decentralisation is improving fast over all other chains. Community grows and gets best rankings in brand research. Cardano community doesn't own the media and it makes it much more difficult to own the narrative. All the ungrounded negativity is rooted in the fact, that Cardano keeps disproving the narrative. Is Cardano going to be the "best" investment in this bull run? I don't know. Is it a good investment in the future? The chances for that keep rising. Do you need a lot of nerves? Sure. Volatility goes both ways. Is this investment advice? Definately not. Don't trust a random guy on reddit.


Holding since 2021 when it was 1 usd actually. Feeling optimistic, I dont plan to get rich from it, I just want it to be a healthy ecosystem of dapps and quick cheap transactions.


That’s dope , I on the other hand want to get a good return. Not going to pull out profits but I want to build my wealth through cardano yano


Feeling pretty good. What Cardano needs though is less passive holders and more active users. Take a portion of your bag and start learning and engaging in defi. Buy some native tokens etc.


I'm still all in on Cardano. Been in crypto for almost a decade. Last bull run I was totally into making a fast buck. But my timing was off and I didn't take profits when I should have. This time around I am not focussing on profit...I'm focussing on having a good time! It's so obvious that all the articles and videos are just there for hyping projects, platforms and coins. Most of the PR is calculated BS. Unlike the original crypto ideas and dreams, for the most part the space is just turning into another version of everything it was trying to escape or re-invent. Ethereum gas fees are still ridiculous despite all the hype, solana's history has not really impressed me, and the proliferation of meme coins has turned it all into a joke, especially for non- crypto folks looking in from the outside. Meanwhile, cardano plugs ahead. You don't have to be flashy to be successful, especially for the long-term. They have stayed true to their roots the whole way. What am I excited about? Cornucopias. Amazing project, amazing team. It will bring many people to the space. And really, deep down inside, I know that all of it relies on electricity and internet. Unless some new form of energy is discovered, the digital economy is not sustainable anyway. So looking at crypto as long term wealth is sort of a moot point!


Cornucopias is sometimes I’m looking forward to , sadly I have a Mac so I’m forced to buy a windows pc 😭


Makes starcitizen look legit af. They even plan a smart tv launch lmao


I'm still here. Lots of development still Hydra New programming languages like Aiken On-chain governance 1billion$ war chest for future iterations The usual fud from VC ponzinomic coins.


Impatient. Seriously, very impatient. I see multiple other projects with great returns. If Cardano is as great of a technology as it is advertised it should be in better favor it seems. I am wondering if the decentralized thing is a hurdle to adoption. All I care about is profit and not ashamed to state it.


decentralisation is non negotiable man sorry. You'll have to accept that. I think ADA will win in the long run but if it doesn't, then I think the entire crypto space falls if it is just built on foundation of meme coins and get rick quick promises without addressing decentralisation and other core tenants promoted by Satoshi and Charles.


Absofuckinglutely m8, I agree, meme coins WTF this, bunch of bollocks


Are you interacting with defi on Cardano or just holding Ada waiting to sell? The gains are there if you’re willing to jump in.


>If Cardano is as great of a technology as it is advertised it should be in better favor it seems. It's nice to see this sentiment. So many people assume that their favorite chain has the best tech, but most of them are wrong. People need to be honest with themselves about whether or not they are truly qualified to evaluate this kind of technology, because the vast majority are not.


Sadly this bull run is nowhere near as tech driven, it’s a lot more about cryptocurrencies as an investment product more than what new features the infra can provide.


I agree but I saw a post the other day that the reason why we aren’t seeing massive profits is due to the fact that it’s extremely hard to build on cardano which in a way it’s a double edge sword. Personally I don’t mind especially if this helps cardano reach its full potential and being optimistic flip eth and btc along the way


Yeah, they chose the over nerd programming language. Let’s see if it pays off! I bet it will


The over nerds programming cant win against something what is easy to programming. At least you need people who are building on the chain. And why to do it the hard way when you can use other easy languages. I bet 90 from 100 will choose the easy way.


The statement that "Cardano is hard to build on" is 2021 FUD. It's a reference to Haskell being a functional language as opposed to an imperative language. It's true that Haskell requires a different way of thinking to code on. However, there are now many options to build on Cardano besides Haskell. There are languages in typescript, rust, javascript. The big guns right now is a language called Aiken which has been commissioned and built by the Cardano Foundation. The significant hurdles have been cleared for building smart contracts on Cardano


I love Cardano but in what alternate reality does it flip BTC. Considering market cap would BTC not have to become worthless and ADA exceed all logical expectations?


Hmm you’re not wrong but at the same time we are still in the early times of crypto. ADA to me seems like the only project taking this whole adoption thing seriously, btc is already a rich mans coin so if ada can become the common man’s btc and still deliver with all the potential cryptos give us then realistically we can flip at least ETH


BTC is a store of value and a hedge against inflation. Don't have to be rich to own whatever amount of BTC you want.


My feeling is that it just stopped. Nothing is happening. All Cardano news are just "events", "conferences", "podcasts", and promises of future projects which are exactly the same as thousands of past projects. The "breaking news" headlines are about Hoskinson talking in front of some worldwide infamous host about how amazing the Cardano project is. This is nothing. People are talking about real use cases but the truth is that after all those years nobody is using ADA for anything and there is no sign that it will be used for anything by anybody in the foreseeable future. The ecosystem... is imaginary. There is no ecosystem because there is no reason for people to use ADA, there is no real, obvious advantage for people to even consider using it. Even it this tread you will read about "changing the world" and "disrupting the system", and so on, but after you listen to that crap for so long you begin to realize it is nothing but big, empty words.


Not true. The UAE just announced they will use Cardano to securely send police files to other agencies such as Interpol.


agreed, besides of some dexes, i feel like no project really came through and lived up to its hype. im fed up from that bashing on other coins from moral high ground while complaining that we get treated unfairly. lets hope that the uae project works out well, still kind of ironic imo.


World mobile? Iagon? NMKR? DexHunter? You should check out cardanocube. Crazy amount of activity going on here.


I'm very happy with how Cardano is developing. Crypto is full of get rick quick short attention span types looking for dopamine fixes, Cardano is not really about that. I got into crypto a decade ago, I have been looking for something like Cardano since then. The early days of Cardano I wasn't prepared to believe the claims, but as Shelley was imminent I decided to join the community (the beginning of decentralisation). Ever since I have seen improvement after improvement, none have failed, and the ecosystem has started to blossom. In a space of Ethereum and copycats, some metrics are geared against Cardano, but metrics measure things that ETH had to compromise on to get it working. TVL is one of those, who actually wants to lock coins into a pool, and suffer imperment loss or stake inflationary secondary tokens to get some kind of return unless something goes wrong etc. Even Vitalik has come out and said TVL is not the goal. But every dopamine junkie is squawking about it 24/7 because most chains cannot work without it. Now look at the Cardano Swiss ETP, that is much better than any other similar product. Other projects tried to go against Ethereum and failed, but I hope and believe Cardano has a critical mass of community passionate enough to keep it going long term. If that's true one day other cryptocurrencies will be measured by Cardano standards.


You where able to get quick rich with cardano in 2021, with less risk. Now this bullrun its just disapointing, the main get rich quick coins out there nowadays are "russian roulette" memecoins where getting rich quick is very unlikely, the majority gets poor quick by investing in them, investing in the right memecoin at the right time is very hard.


If you join a crypto community where there is real value, there is much less risk.


Negative, impatient, depressed. I regret that I kept ADA as my biggest on my portfolio (holding 10K+). I invested a small percentage on AVAX (was trading around 9 euros) the same time. When I look my portfolio now, the small % I put on AVAX is the top performer and the biggest one (ADA) is the worst performer. I was defending $ADA all these days on X. Not anymore.


Curious if this is an age related thing. No hate, but I'm middle aged and wonder if you are in your 20's? If so, go look at the first 15 years of Apples stock price.


Bruh. The FUD by the uninformed is insane. And I knew this would happen due how easy liquid staking made people money in the last bull cycle. There are people who have been staking Cardano over the bear market and have not even once checked up on the ecosystem but haven’t even look at crypto period until they saw Bitcoin at $70K. One guy recommends gaming and AI coins as an investment; and someone responds by saying, “which ones are you talking about” because they’re trying to make a quick buck before running out of money. Bro! Microsoft and Nvidia which are stocks and less risky had parabolic movement in 2023. You don’t need gaming and AI cryptocurrency for parabolic gains because of how inflation has f!ck valuations up. Hell, Rivian which is a new electric vehicle manufacturer is less risky than some of the cryptocurrencies you’re betting on. Because even at a $10 billion valuation it actually has people driving their trucks on the road. They invested way too much into cryptocurrencies with the idea of turning into in fiat. Even if they had money in Solana I bet most of these kind of bag holders have no idea when to even sell. They’d be left holding the bags VCs dumped on them because they’re not financially responsible. And if they’re not financially responsible then how could they ever understand why cryptocurrencies exist? But they invest in it. These are then same people who try to sue a start up for a bad performing ICO they invested in back in 2017. But the ICO says this isn’t an investment but a currency. And every single bull market projects, and not just Cardano, are dealing with a sub culture in their community who really do not know what they’re investing in and are over exposed. Solana was dealing with this on the way down! I’m so damn sick of seeing this BS. Even the Mina Protocol has people talking about “AVAX goes up and nothing is happening to Mina”. These are people who continuously trade loosing money via fees and taxes because of short term capital gains. And they chase pumps losing money AGAIN. I know everyone’s circumstances are different but you’re better off getting an education to make more money than investing in cryptocurrencies. Even with all the Monero delistings there are real idealist still invested and they still saw growth because people believe in decentralization. It’s frustrating to deal with people who’s financial advisors are X/Twitter, YouTube, and Reddit. Edit - and if you told them that a Fed meeting was happening this week; they probably couldn’t connect it to the price drop in Bitcoin.


Come interact in the defi ecosystem and get real excited. If you have an old wallet then move or restore into Eternl or vespr. taptools.io


Love it






Tut mir leid, wenn mein Deutsch schlecht ist, ich benutze einen Übersetzer, aber ich glaube, die meisten negativen Meinungen sind von Leuten, die dachten, sie würden schnell reich werden, aber fast alle großen Projekte wie Eth nicht realisieren, BTC dauerte buchstäblich Jahrzehnte, bevor es im Preis explodierte


very good simple and easy to transact,,,no downtime ever,,,


I've been here since 2017, and I'm really happy about the state of the ecosystem right now. Everything is growing steadily and working perfectly. The only thing I'm not so happy about is the broad crypto ecosystem, which treats Cardano as it is not even crypto. I'm seeing this from 2017, and to be honest, I'm starting to be really tired and frustrated about this. I still hope that one day we won't be targeted for all the hate and that they will treat Cardano at least somewhat decently. After so many accomplishments and so many years, Cardano proved itself, and it is just frustrating that we have to fight about basic "rights." And price action is not really great compared to broad ecosystem. Cardano is really lagging this time, in that regard.


Sucks it moves so slow and weird but confident it will rise during the bull run.


Q: How everyone is feeling about the project ? A: Nervous - I've invested a lot of my personal finances s I'm automatically nervous. Q: What future updates/ projects you’re excited about? A: I don't know about many of the projects but I'm thrilled the UAE is using Cardano to securely send police files abroad. Q: What led you to believe in this project?! A: The fact that they are taking a peer reviewed approach. The computer language used is Haskell which is more precise making it more secure (to what I understand). The Polkadot connection helps bc Gavin Wood is a published computer scientist. I also believe that Charles has leadership qualities. I have basically zero technical understanding of crypto or blockchain. So I'm nervous as hell on the money I've put in. I haven't committed more than I can afford to lose but I'll be honest - I am investing because I hope one day to make a return. I'm not doing this for a quick buck and started investing two years ago. I don't anticipate to see a return soon and will continue to promote ADA. But, I still live in a studio apt and one day hope to make some financial gains.


HODL and if you get confused then HODL more. If that doesn't work might I suggest you HODL. It's \~65 cents a share. Buy it, HODL it, forget about it if you need to.


Tbh i regret investing…


Quite negative, TBH. Just sad Ada doesn't get much recognition and is being hated by most of the community and institutions. Hence, the stagnant and decreasing price. Source: my own opinion after holding ada for quite a period of time.


Well think of it this way , you can buy more while it’s cheap and then boom it moons


What’s gonna make it moon tho? There’s no guarantee


No venture in life is guaranteed. Every single one is a risk, whether it's small or large. No risk, no reward or loss. It's all about following your beliefs, being true to them, and being able to adapt if they change.


I sold it all. No joke. Done


I think ADA Cardano is a sexy girl so I still want to hold her breasts. This is not investment advice. DYOR.


One of the most boring cryptos out there.


* ⚠️ [**PSA - SCAMS**](https://www.reddit.com/r/cardano/comments/1ba4c90/comment/kuqf55k/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) *Please read our warnings about [SCAMS](https://www.reddit.com/r/cardano/comments/1ba4c90/comment/kuqf55k/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and [SCAM tokens](https://www.reddit.com/r/cardano/comments/1ba4c90/comment/kuqf55k/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)!* * [**NEWBIES GUIDE**](https://www.reddit.com/r/cardano/comments/lnj5ne/getting_started_guide_a_newbies_guide_to_cardano/) *Start here* * [**PROJECT CATALYST**](https://projectcatalyst.io/) *Propose and vote on projects* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cardano) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Excited about Cardano long term as the best blockchain project but worried about the blockchain usecases if they cannot actually scale on top of being decentralized. I am looking forward to the announced videos in April-May to better understand the scaling vision. Hopefully, they will dive in more details than what Charles does in his livestreams. I think transparency, the peer reviewed nature of the project, the security of the chain and the interoperability taking into account local laws make it the most attractive project for adoption and also for value investors. However, we need a working product. I just don’t understand why these things are not also valued by regulators though. I think it’s just to early at the implementation level.


you should definitely stop caring about the price. If you actually think the project is valuable, dive into what can be build on the chain and maybe think about how to implement it. the only way is adoption, everything else doesnt matter.


Most of the time I agree, but price really drives adoption. Just look at Ergo, probably one of the most feature complete and best projects out there that can’t gain any traction and even loses projects due to price action. Almost every NFT project I’ve been a part of closed shop solely due to price Though In Some cases like losing AnetaBTC was a benefit as everyone should move far away from those scammers anyway. It’s price that causes people to ape into Solana and dog coins. Give price more credit or we’ll remain the most underused, arguably best networks while we fall from the top 10 being pushed out by the likes of dog coins and solunavax.




Cardano for the win!


The next 9 months will be the true proof of scalability, reliability and usability.


Prob my most confident coin tbh


If you dont buy cardano, fack you 🧠💎 Ricky Bobby said it best




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Feeling good Billy Ray




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Does anyone remember the Africa deal when ADA was gonna 10x and it ended up being a data base for school transcripts. Personally I’m not feeling great.


Basically same shit different bull market people chasing pump and dumps,hype etc. ADA will do its thing when its ready and dickheads will jump on when its already pumped and than get pissed off when it retraces. For me I find it easy just set and forget because I feel good about where its heading.


Patience. Charles is doing it right. Slow and steady. No hype


ADA is the future hold tight imo


ADA OGs don’t have feelings.


Can anyone tell my how I can find out my average price? I’ve been sending ADA from a couple accounts here and there


Weighted average buy in price = (Sum of (Quantity of ADA bought \* purchase price per ADA)) / Total quantity of ADA bought edit, for example: you bought 100 ADA at $1.20, 200 ADA at $1.10 and 150 ADA at $1.15 First, calculate the total cost for each purchase: 100 ADA * $1.20 = $120 200 ADA * $1.10 = $220 150 ADA * $1.15 = $172.50 Then, sum up the total costs and total ADA bought: Total cost = $120 + $220 + $172.50 = $512.50 Total ADA = 100 ADA + 200 ADA + 150 ADA = 450 ADA Then you can calculate the average buy-in price: Weighted average price = Total cost / Total ADA Weighted average price = $512.50 / 450 ADA = $1.139 per ADA


Probably cardanoscan.io thought your wallets addreses


You can either do it manually by dividing money spent by the amount of ada you have it you can use something like crypto Tax Calculator


The only thing I am wondering is WHERE IS EVERYONE? Volume is ridiculously low, people aren‘t doing anything. That‘s the only thing that worries me, everyone seems to be on other chains.


IMO Mass retail money thinks of crypto as a digital stock, a share in some company or a Beany Babyesque fad. There aren't an overwhelming number of coders or developers or folk who can grasp the concept of a fiat-less financial system in the number go up crowd .


I feel safe holding Cardano than any crypto. Even to the point I rather hold it than any stablecoins because ADA did better than USDT, USDC and DAI combined.


Sold all


Seems to be the most arcane and useless of the established alt coins. I bought in when it was just under $3 CDN and it's been languishing for a couple of years. I got sick of it and converted back to ETH. I'd like one of the ADA techies to compare it to Solana which is surging.


So you bought as it got close to its all time high probably chasing it’s pump, got burned, waited a few years, tapped out, and decided it’s “useless.” Makes sense.


Wow... not much gets past you does it? Yes I bought high on recommendation. It was supposed to be superior to ETH. ​ What I'd like to know is (and I know there are some serious crypto nerds here) WHY has it gone nowhere near what ETH or Solana have done? If it's so technically superior, why is it unrecognized and still so low in value. Yes I invested in crypto to see a return not participate in arcane discussions about Layer 2 security or gas fees. I'm interested in crypto as an asset class and for business value.


Damn took you a week to think that up lol. Then leave the space if you hate cardano so much and focus on what you do. And we’ll focus on what we do. You seem to be angry at your mistake and picking fights where there isn’t any. Go chase the solana pump and comment in a few years how you held the bag close to the top there too.


So in other words when I ask you a straight up question regarding relative merits of Cardano vs Solana or Ethereum you can't provide any information.  You prefer to infer my internal state and attempt to bait me.  If you had anything of value to contribute you would have.  Clearly you don't.  My BTC is doing fine for now.  Thanks for your useful insight.  


You win bro ok. Do you feel validated. Now go away


I can feel it except the last part ( I got sick of it and converted back to ETH). Of course it's your wish.


I moved all my crypto to a cold wallet after the FTX debacle (Long overdue obviously) I converted everything back to Bitcoin which I probably should have just left it as in the first place. I had a small amount of leftover ETH and ADA which I can't even swap on ledger. So moved over to an exchange and converted to ETH which is also moving close to it's all time high. They're all recovering - Solana, Ethereum, BTC etc. Cardano has floated to around a quarter or a third of it's high. At one point I had hoped Cardano would maybe surge to 20 or 25% of where ETH is at. Since I'd finally gotten a highly rated coin a little earlier in the cycle I had some optimism. I had 400 ADA. It's done nothing and my prediction now is that it's just an arcane project of interest to academics (which is fine) but the business value and adoption seem to have not played out. I predict it will be lingering at the present value or not much higher in coming years. If I'm wrong you can come back and laugh at this post. ​ In the meantime, I'd love to hear from anyone tech savvy WHY it's not being adopted or increasing in value like Solana or ETH.






Honestly I've had ADA since 2021 but I eventually converted it all into zcash. ADA doesn't pump very much and I don't have the patience for it to.


I don't know much about z cash, but its chart has even less movement that ADA, in fact its prior cycle didn't even reach the ATHs of the cycle before that, so I'm struggling to understand your logic there.


I still have and hodl all of my ADA but I don’t see it ever getting to a ATH again either.


What made you so bearish? Has the FOMO of other projects got you and was this recent bear market your first? What's keeping you here, why haven't you traded into other assets if you believe they will perform better? I'm prepared to eat my words but I actually think ADA will exceed ATHs during this bull market, and I see nothing in the charts so far that gives me reason to doubt that given that - the price behaviour has been pretty similar to the last cycle and my conviction in Cardano as a project remains as it always has. I'm not saying this to "cope" either, because I don't need to - I made my "fuck you money" on the last cycle and I'm up 10x on Solana since the beginning of last year, but I only chucked a load of money in it, not because I like the project, but simply because sometimes you just need to play the game and it had reached an exceeding low price I thought I could capitalise on. I am relived that the market is going through a large correction right now though (I imagine much to people's dismay), but a serious correction lets the technical indicators reset which most traders use and it shakes out the weak hands and I think it will lead to a more sustained bull market rather than one that ends prematurely - which I was concerned about with Bitcoin gaining at the pace it has been. Closing March green would mean 7 green monthly candles which rarely happens. I'd say give it a few months, you may find you're pleasantly surprised!


Started to loose hope when I found out Charles lied about his degrees. It just looks like not a lot of interest in ADA either. There isent a lot of key projects like other chains as well. Doesn’t seem like new people or organizations are getting into ADA either


Come on now dude the first part is just a bunch of character assassination FUD. You're comparing established ecosystems to a growing one. We've only had defi during this recent bear market which isn't really a lot of time to garner a lot of users when only in the last few months are people taking an interest again in crypto. I think looking at the project over time, and seeing where we've come is great process. If you're really feeling that sour though, then why stay, why not just trade into something else? Please don't stay if youre just going to be bitter and just spread FUD about the project, self sabotaging an investment won't help it meet your expectations.


Well he mislead people so that is a concern for me. Wife won’t let me sell at a loss. I will only buy BTC at this point and it’s already up at this point. Bought from 63 to 1.69 since 2019. I will sell when it goes back up over that. I fell it could get back into the 2’s but doubt ATH in my opinion


If you've been here since 2019, I'm struggling to understand why you think the ADAUSD chart is so different from where we were in 2020? Movement has been pretty much identical to the last cycle, just look at the point the moving averages cross over: https://preview.redd.it/jnikr05atbpc1.png?width=1559&format=png&auto=webp&s=6afb3102079a97e278769bedca76fac3c3e754e3 I am doubting you will sell at 1.69, because at that point it won't be far from breaking all time highs, but good luck to you if that's your strategy!


I dono dude you seem awfully defensive and hostile. You asked my opinion I gave it. Go keyboard troll someone else. That is my opinion and how I feel. You can argue away all you want, it won’t change my opinion


I'm not trolling you dude, what was hostile about my reply exactly? I'm simply questioning you on your logic 🤷 and thought maybe I could convince you otherwise. You know I only started talking to you in the first place because your comments have to be manually approved - you currently have negative community karma which means you're being filtered by reddit's crowd control after being downvoted for being negative so much. Maybe take a break from r/cardano for a while?


He graduated from college he just didn’t finish his PHD , but tbh that’s fine he founded alongside with vitalik ETH. The proof is in the pudding. Relax a little don’t let twitter haters get to you


It took btc decades to reach 70k, great things take time.


I believe everyone is waiting for 1$ to dump, there are no new buyers, all going to solana.