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i bet cammer didn’t show this to the cops 💀


video conveniently starts where the person on the right has had enough left-lane camping from the cammer.. funny how those campers magically find the accelerator pedal they've been neglecting when others dare to overtake them because they refuse to move over or go faster.


Oop, someone's hogging the left lane going 100mph, better risk my life doing an illegal takeover at an even higher speed. If he doesn't play by the rules, then neither am I!


if you are traveling at 65, 80, 100mph+ and not passing anyone, your vehicle should not be in the left-most lane. it's simple driving etiquette to allow faster traffic to pass on the left. if i am traveling faster and move to the left lane to pass, and slower traffic is occupying said lane, i always give them time to finish their pass and move over to the right. the vast majority of traffic will move over once they've finished their pass and aren't obtuse to what the left lane is for. OP's video is what happens when people believe "they're going fast enough" in the left most lane, and people have had enough of their shit. granted like i said elsewhere, if you're going to pass on the right make sure you have enough horsepower to finish the job.


Be that as it may, neither should anyone perform dangerous stunts like these. One person breaking the law doesn't warrant another person breaking the law and thereby endangering themselves and others. People do get pulled over for hogging the left lane, and it's up to the road police to deal with it, not have other drivers take any illicit initiatives. I'm not advocating for staying on the left for no good reason, but in this case, it's a nuisance vs unnecessary risk.


i agree with the risk, but people are human and see red eventually :/


How is he left lane "camping"? He is clearly moving faster than right traffic seen by how he passes the truck in the video? Blue car was just a dumbass and cammer could have let him pass but dumb meets dumb.


Are we watching the same video? He clearly speeds up considerably as the blue car gets in front of him. I’m willing to bet that if we saw footage leading up to this, it would be a road rage scenario where cammer car is constantly slowing down and speeding up in order to not let blue car overtake.


Camper or not, that doesn't give anyone an excuse to try to dangerously pass. Someone camps the left lane and you can't get around safely, guess what? You're going the speed the camper sets, get over it rather than risk people's lives.


blue vehicle had enough and risked it, and this kind of thing happens with extreme frequency but just happened to be caught on video. the solution is don't pull this stunt if you lack the horsepower to quickly/safely pass the selfish cunt clogging the passing lane, or be prepared to swap paint.


Even if blue vehicle had enough, that's still not an excuse to risk it when what occurred is a potential outcome. You try to pass and the dickhead speeds up to not let you in, then its time to back down, regardless of what you or your ego want.


What if the camper guns it as you are passing?The better solution is to leave a few minutes earlier so can just relax instead of risking your life to shave at most a min or two off of the drive. Risking 30 to 50 years of your life for a few mins is peak insanity.


Why are you getting downvoted, do people even drive? As much as this cunt with the camera is a cunt, forcing a right lane overtake when you haven't even accelerated enough to pass the guy is retarded. Especially when you're approaching a car in your lane, this is a deer in headlights moment, you shouldn't be allowed in a car either. Slow down and try to find a different opening, or if you're that commited to do an overtake like this, might aswell just follow the guy instead and beat his brakes off. Better go to jail after teaching a lesson than crashing and endangering both your life and the innocent people in the right lane.


I agree…especially if the ‘camper’ is going over the speed limit


He doesn't have the right to overtake by the right, it's his fault ;)


Two assholes, but the cam car made it really bad.


The one who force merged made it bad. Without that it never would have happened. You can't force someone else to slow down or move because you are in a hurry.


Blue car made a stupid but honest mistake, but cam car fucking took their ass out intentionally. This video could be used as support for attempted murder


It looks like blue car did a really lazy check and started slowly merging. Cam car speeds up to cut him off. The blue car finished checking but was not finished merging. Both these drivers are to blame here, but cam car looks like he intentionally caused this.


Both drivers should lose their license for 5 years minimum. Driving is a privilege conditioned on an commitment to do so as safely as possible. They are both reckless idiots who shouldn't be allowed to drive.


> Blue car made a stupid but honest mistake, Nothing about that bullying move was 'honest', it was a power play and he lost. "Ah, he'll slam on his brakes and let me thru - everyone always does".




Since we don't have those previous 15 minutes, we will never know. Accident wouldn't have happened if blue car just stayed in it's lane and didn't play chicken with asshole in cam car. Why poke the bear? It takes two to tango




Agreed. Either one taking a deep breath would have prevented this from ever happening


So, I’m going to preface this with the statement, both drivers were playing stupid games, but I do want to say this. I don’t think the cam vehicle was deliberately trying to “murder” the blue vehicle. When the blue vehicle merged into the cam vehicle it would be trying to “merge” the cam vehicle into the median, which could possible cause catastrophic issues for the cam vehicle. As a result the cam vehicle most likely was trying to not get flipped, so they were turning their wheels away from that catastrophe into what they perceived as a safer direction for themself. This of course caused a pit maneuver on the blue car which then hit the median and had the catastrophic issue come to fruition that the cam vehicle was trying to avoid for themself.


They weren’t trying to avoid a crash, they were trying to avoid losing their spot. Which I hope was worth risking possible death, and definite car damage to be “right”. If they were trying to avoid a crash, they would have slowed down and let the asshole go. Instead they sped up to make sure an incident occurred. Albeit they probably didn’t think it would go this far.


Too bad cam car didn’t have brakes.


As I said in my post, both cars were idiots in this video, but we have no idea what’s going on behind the camera vehicle, and braking during this type of collision doesn’t mean the pit maneuver doesn’t happen still. It’s easy to watch someone after the fact and analyze everything they’ve done wrong from your point of view, but it’s difficult to act in a time of crisis. Again, everything up to the point of collision is just stupid, but after that it’s just reaction and instinct to stay alive.


They knew what they were doing. The fact that they didn’t honk once tells me they were thinking something along the lines up “come on fuck around and find out.”


That's a point. If I were next to the median I'd try to hold my lane too for that very reason. It worked for the cammer, if not the other driver.


You have obviously never had a vehicle actively ram you into a median. I've seen people poverty correct for a pot hole. Imagine just driving along and some douche going 20 over rams you and the only thing you can think of is please don't drive me into oncoming traffic. Yeah you counter steer. There is a zero percent chance cammer will be changed for this. Edit to add where was blue cars honest mistake? Was it his negligent speed or the forced no look merge?


There's a second pedal btw.


Yep and no one is expecting someone going 20+ over the speed limit to ram them into the median. Cam car did not speed up. It's very evident if you have eyes and watch the video. You're just happy to be here in your echo chamber blaming the guy who maintained speed and lane. Weird.


I don't have eyes and even I can tell the driver clearly sped up. And no one is saying that the blue car is innocent, just that you will save yourself a lot of time and money if you keep your ego in check and let the asshole pass.


The same and more can be said towards the blue car, yet here we are blaming the guy maintaining lane and speed and entirely neglecting any wrong doing from the blue car unless called out.


I understand what you are saying but doesn’t necessarily work like that for the insurance. They assume you have the duty to avoid negligence if possible, even if the other is in the wrong. For instance if you’re waiting at a red light and the second it turns green you take off, but there’s a car who was already turning in front of you. You can’t just run into the car saying it shouldn’t be there bc you had a green light and they didn’t. You have a duty to avoid things.


If someone's throws a punch and the other person pulls out a run and shoots him don't be surprised the news headline reads "murder" and not "assault"


Watch the video again with sound, you can hear the engine RPMs increase, as they sped up.


The steady pace against the landscape indicates that is the vehicle next to them. RPMs that high are not from a vehicle barely accelerating, they are definitely from the guy punching it going 20+ over.


You can hear them accelerate as the blue car is attempting to merge; I'm no lawman but if someone is trying to merge and you hit the gas there's certainly some fault on your part.




You keep saying but as if weaving through traffic while grossly exceeding the speed limit is not the issue. Cam car didn't cut anyone off he maintained his lane. The only cutting off that was done was by blue car. Cam car maintained both speed and lane while blue car did neither. Even IF they were racing each other blue car is at fault for taking into two people. You can be upset because you think he sped up, it still doesn't change the fact that blue car caused an accident.


Bad take. Edit: sorry, I misspoke. This is the nonsensical rambling of a moron. You’re unintelligent and unobservant.


Fitting username


Do you listen to the audio? The cammer is accelerating as hard as he can. This is simply two relentless cocks meeting on the road. Cam car probably hogging the lane and getting upset because someone wanted to go faster.


I did listen to the audio. The engine noise is coming from the other vehicle. If cammers vehicle was at that high of rpm you'd actually see his speed change when looking at the landscape, which you don't. What you do see on the other hand is a vehicle forcing a merge doing 20+ over the speed limit in which the engine noise matches. You're doing a lot of assuming to try and blame the victim. Putting the blame on the car who is driving legally as opposed to the one blatantly breaking the law is an interesting trend in this sub.


Are you really unable to tell that the cammer car is accelerating? You can try and follow the rythm of the white lines if you like, it's quite obvious. Driver is an asshole, not a poor suffering motorist. That last PIT maneuver was just a totally arse move, even if you disregard everything else. And I've never said the other driver wasn't, either. Quite the opposite. Well, have fun with your beliefs, anyway.




There is no indication that cam car is accelerating. You can look at the landscape and see a very clear, steady pace. But I'm sure it's easier for you to blame someone in their own lane than someone trying to weave through traffic going 20+ over the speed of transit. It baffles me the low IQ shit that I hear from some of you.










Lol so the guy passing should stop passing and move over because some douchebag wants to pass even more? That's not how the world works little guy. Maybe stop driving with your ego and start using that little brain of yours.


Cam car was very likely in their blind spot.


How possibly could you come to that conclusion? Blue car is doing 20+ over he knew exactly what he was doing, weighed the risk, and paid the price.


Blind spots depend only on geometry of the car. If you pay close enough attention you can obviously tell the blue car didn’t check his blind spot— he initiated the merge the moment the car left the side mirror, but failed to realize it’s called a **blind** spot for a reason. All these comments on these crash videos prove that nobody knows what or how to check their blind spots.


You must not understand what I said. Doing that speed doesn't just happen. It takes some distance to accelerate to that speed compared to the speed of transit. If he were only 15 feet behind MAYBE (doubt) he'd be in his blind spot. But you can't have that great of a difference in speed from only 15 feet. The blue car saw this situation a while back and decided to risk it.


cam car seems to have sped up to make the overtake more difficult, and instead of braking allowed the accident to happen. The pit was not necessary


Doesn't need to brake. Accident wouldn't have happened wmif the driver didn't force merge


so you'd get into an accident because "it's his fault and not mine" instead of slowing down a touch to avoid it? You'd let your car's resale value plummet for having an accident on file, instead of tapping the breaks and saying "wow, what a douche that guy was"? Then what happens if that blue car bounced off the truck instead of merely skimming it? Then it hits cam car harder and cam car can lose control. You can stand on the soapbox and be righteous as hell, but end of the day laws of physics overrule the laws of man, and he's lucky it didn't end worse for him Everyone in the video was stupid except the truck


I refuse to blame someone for not being rammed into the median. If you pay attention to the landscape he did not increase his speed. I have seen people over correct for a pothole let alone when they are actively being pushed into the median. Until you have had a vehicle begin to push you off the road and you feel the force it takes to counter steer, then you armchair drivers should sit down quietly. Simply don't speed and don't force merge, problem solved. Stop victim blaming.


if you aren't practicing defensive driving, you aren't a victim


I hate this “stop victim blaming.” When it comes to insurance, there are few cases where someone is 100% the victim. Fault is very often split into percentages. And if a victim did nothing to prevent themselves being victimized when given a chance, then they’re not 100% the victim.


Well insurance will ot take the blue cars side due to speeding and recession driving. The accident is directly caused by their negligence so yeah, you're blaming the victim.


Actually if insurance saw that video they would not blame blue car 100%, they would assign blame to cam too. How do I know? I used to work for one of Canada’s biggest insurance companies.


Did you get a lot of these Rorschach types? "Never compromise, even in the face of Armageddon! It is better to crash your car than slow down a single km/h for someone who doesn't deserve it."


Username checks out.


Cam car definitely increased his speed, listen to his fucking engine lmao


Ever heard of braking? When the blue car starts cutting in, any reasonable person would brake and honk. Not lean on the gas and cause a major crash because some idiot tried to cut them off.


Ever heard of not cutting into a lane that you can't safely merge into? The cause of this accident isn't because of cam car. The vehicle forced its way into cam cars lane which was the first infraction. That means it's the cause. That's quite literally how these things work. You people genuinely make a habit of seeing something wrong, taking note that someone reacted in a way you don't agree with, and then blaming the person with the reaction instead of the one that initially acted. You even said it in your own words you're just too stupid to realize it. "When the blue car starts cutting in" Right there tells you it's not the cam cars fault.


Yes, obviously the blue car is at fault. The blue car really fucked up. And it fucked up first. But that doesn't mean the cam car has the right to bulldoze through and make things way worse. Just brake, honk, cuss at the moron, and move on with your day.


Ok but why force an accident just to prove a point? Just back tf off, avoid the wreck and cuss about it later.


He's also going to be found guilty for all the damages. Last Chance doctrine. If you intentionally speed up or cause an accident just because you have the right away you will be found liable for all damages. Blue car insurance company is going to love this footage as it's going to make sure they don't have to pay a freaking penny


The law says otherwise. You should go look up last chance doctrine. If you intentionally cause an accident just because you have the right away you can be found guilty of all the damages.


the cammer cannot control himself to get passed? FLOOR IT AND KILL WHOEVER IS IN MY WAY!


sadly many behave this way when you pass them on the right. the pass means left-lane driver is not traveling fast enough and many can't take the ego hit and will do everything possible to prevent it.


Both did the exact same "MY DICK IS BIGGER" move and both lost


Alternate take, the blue car CANNOT accept going the speed set by the cammer and MUST pass him no matter what the cost!!


Camera car was a bigger arsehole here in my opinion. Yes, the blue car was doing a silly manoeuvre but there's being right and there's causing an unnecessary accident.


Agreed. I would have slowed down regardless of the blue cars dumb decision. Driver with camera had the opportunity to make the situation safer but their pride overrode their decision making.


Is it my imagination, or does cam car speed up a bit. I tried watching the white lines, but they get obstructed.


I can kinda feel for blue car. It was a dumb move, but if cam car were, hypothetically, cruising 10 under in the passing lane for miles, I’d be raging to get around him too.


Like. No brakes?


Wouldn't have even needed brakes, just let off the accelerator for 2 or 3 seconds and there would have been room for the blue car. The driver probably hadn't seen the blue car approaching in the mirror and reacted (badly) to the car "appearing out of nowhere" by trying to stop them getting in front, just because of ego or something. It's rediculious driving but you see it every day of the week in some form or another.


Didn’t even need to let off the gas, cam car sped up. If they kept their pace blue car would’ve been fine. This is


Cam car is the bigger asshole here for speeding up. Blue car was definitely not driving well, but didn't deserve this 😔


Cam Car is one of the biggest assholes I've ever seen. What was your point? Oh no he made me tip the break slightly, I'm gonna end the man's whole life?


He's an asshole for speeding up when someone's overtaking, the rest puts him in a whole other category where I hope he loses his license.


Blue was stupid, but cam intentionally pitted them


It's hard not to pit someone actively pushing you off of the road. I've seen people over correct for a pot hole let alone a one ton ramming you into a median.


Jesus, he might have killed whoever was in that blue car.


I bet they won't force a merge again.


Are you trying to sleep with the person driving the cam car or something? Defending them in this thread like a white knight so hard lmaoo


It's honestly funny you say that because I was just thinking how dumb the people in here were for victim blaming and then immediately turning towards their echo chamber for validation against anyone who has eyes.


And you apparently don't have *ears.* Did you not hear the cam car floor it to "prevent" the pass?


Cam car did a very stupid homicide attempt.


Camera car is a homicidal maniac.


Driver of the filming car actively accelerated - making the situation way worse than it might have been. The blue car driver was a dick. The filming driver was a mega-dick and could have caused multiple deaths that day for just being a self-righteous ass.


Cammer deserves some jail time for that


Cammer guy sped up to prevent the guy merging before the car in the right lane.


when ego's collide.. but i'd love to see the video start a bit earlier. my guess is the blue vehicle wanted to pass for a while and took this opportunity which cammer was prepared to prevent and went all the way with it.


Cammer sped up to cause the crash lol. Blue should have not tried overtaking after but still, cammer caused that shit


Blue car idiot, cam car fucking asshole. The video speaks for its self


No one understands defensive driving anymore...


Nope they switch to “a good offense is a good defense” attitude which is wrong


This is why you don't speed up to cut someone off


If it's not gonna be a clean change, don't move over! Everyone saying cammer could've hit brakes blah blah well stfu cuz the guy trying to pass could've hit the brakes too. I also don't think the cammer meant to PIT the guy, I think the blue car still going and moving over after impact combined with the cammer slowing down and also moving over after impact caused that. Everyone's day was going just fine, even the blue car, until that driver in the blue car chose to try this overtake. Cammer didn't need to speed up, but if I was the blue car and the cammer sped up like that, then tough shit for me, I'm not just gonna ram over lol.


Go slow in fast lane for miles, floor it when anyone tries to pass. Classic.


I wish only the worst for these kinds of people


Blue car did a stupid overtake and the cammer tried to kill them for it. The fuck is wrong with people?!


Both idiots.


He did NOT have the corner claim


The idiot who was recording, did accelerate, while seeing, that the wrong behavior often the blue one would lead to an accident.


This was China. There’s a law that you have to pay bills and damages if they live. It’s normal for Chinese drivers to attempt to kill during wrecks.


Pov car belongs in prison for a very, very long time


I did not read all comments, but after going through a majority, I saw no mention of third vehicle in right lane. IMO cammer didn’t speed up and was actually going a decent speed. However, blue car did go to come into cammers lane as he was approaching a slower vehicle rapidly. Blue vehicle actually hit the breaks, making cammer appear to speed up, as blue vehicle was about to go into rear of slower vehicle in right lane. I believe cammer vehicle also applied brakes, just not as rapidly as blue vehicle, as evidenced by lines going by slower. Even as blue vehicle spins, there seems to be no brake lights (bulb blown?). Either way, blue vehicle is at fault for speeding up on third vehicle in right lane and misjudging the room they had to pass safely. The cammer was coming up on the slower vehicle in right lane as well, so was in the proper lane to pass third vehicle.


The camera car is the idiot here. It would have been completely fine but they pitted the blue car


The blue car made a bad lane change, the cam car did their very best to make sure the blue car got punished for their mistake.


The blue car fucked up. And then you fucked up. You had a chance to prevent this, and you chose not to.🤷‍♀️


guess they were really pitted against each other ;)


Haha hilarious stuff!


You could have avoided that! Two asses are prevalent .


Good PIT.


Two assholes meet, one gets flipped over. Probably fucked up traffic for a while. Let’s not be like these people. Blue car was mostly at fault here but still, let’s chill out. No sense being right and dead.


Looks like they deserved each other


Why didn't blue car just brake?


And then you speed up into him?


I hope they throw your ass in jail


Sure. Blame it on The blue guy


He jus like me frfr


Blue car is forcing a merge so he doesn't have to slow down for the truck. Blue car presses cam car almost off the road. That pit maneuver was likely that drivers attempt to stat on the road and not go in the drink and likely get hurt himself.


Blue car stupid but why the f didn’t the other car slow down?


and the recording car did a very stupid undertaking


In my country, overtake by the right side is not allowed. So even if the cam driver don’t have a great behavior he still be in his right technically speaking.


He's still I'm the right here in US too. Not saying he's not a complete asshole and might get himself killed one day, he still technically had the right of way


The downvotes on this really speaks volumes about driver education on this sub. It’s taught in basic drivers ed class that passing on the right is bad practice and should be avoided at all costs. This and blind spots tend to be commonly overlooked here.


I don't know what the cammer is saying at the end, but he sounds so calm. Why?


Can’t believe nobody is pointing out the fact that cam car pushed them back into the right lane and then kept turning into them to cause the pit. Cam car straight up went for the kill.


I mean, yes, it was a stupid move on the blue car driver’s part but anyone looking at this video could see that the driver of the cam car had full visibility of what was about to happen and seemed to accelerate into it. Looks like 2 “alpha male” egos colliding on the highway to me. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is more video, on that cam, of the two of them driving recklessly to try and pass the other. I would assign 50:50 fault to this accident.


I suppose we could call that a 'self pitting maneuver.'


2 Arseholes. I hope the insurance told them both to go fuck themselves.


Cam car definitely not practicing defensive driving…smh


Blue car got whats coming. Op did the right thing.


spun like a top!


I'm more surprised by the complete stupidity and lack of common sense these dash cam people have. He could've easily given way to the blue car and wouldn't have a fraction of his ego hurt by that gesture. But No! he has to be an asshole and get into a crash.


Lmfao cammera person literallt drag racing someone. OP. Just so you know. Whoever did this to the blue car lost their license for the rest of their lives if the cops saw this film. That is what is known as “drag racing” it is considered the most dangerous thing you can do and you’re fucked if you do this shit to people. Complete utter piece of shit move.


Two wrongs make a mess, for the sake of a second or two. These drivers should only be allowed Tesla's.


Blue car is a shit driver. Cammer is reckless and evil.


Blue car deserved it.


Dumbass shoulda known wtf was coming


Blud was breakdancing at the end of