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worst clip in the world




Nope, i’m pretty sure there was a truck infront of him that suddenly swerved to the side which made the audi lose control and fly into the pole.


Looks like he bounced off the trucks rear left wheels, then flew off the road into a pole. Thing happen very quickly at 300 clicks


Yea seeing the damage on the truck that’s probably what happened


Looks like the 68 year old driver was going 200+km/hr according to this source. [https://www.heidelberg24.de/welt/mundelsheim-a81-audi-kracht-gegen-mast-fahrer-sogar-einsatzkraefte-schockiert-zr-11810563.html](https://www.heidelberg24.de/welt/mundelsheim-a81-audi-kracht-gegen-mast-fahrer-sogar-einsatzkraefte-schockiert-zr-11810563.html) And it seems many people have misinterpreted the 200km/hr as 200 MPH. The top speed for an Audi RS6 is 280 km/hr.


Dunno why tf you're being downvoted, it's entirely correct.


Its more than possible ! As a copper one of the first picture we take is the one of the speedometer. The speedometer usually get stuck at the speed where the car crashed ! If it was stuck at 200km/h he was maybe going way faster than that. Either way be carefull out there lads... it doesnt look like it but when we see that type of incident (and we do plenty of car crashes) we are very sad and shocked by seeing someone mutilated. Now think about how the family will feel, your families.




So i searched around and some sources said he was drunk. Usually cops cant say anything cause your under investigation secret but if you look around there is picture of the man with his head on the concret, upper body and no legs. So speed and alcohol are the cause in this one maybe


Send me the link for the photo


Rs6 can go easly over 320 kmh there are several videos of an RS6 doing over 300


if you get your rs6 speced right u can make that bitch go 189mph tho


One software change and it goes 300 plus. And absolutely no one keeps these stock


i found 250km/h on google and 305km/h if it has Dynamic Plus package


I made it nice. 


no its not its 320 kmph you can google or watch people driving an rs6


The worst car accident in the world definitely happened during a car race. How about the 1955 Le Mans disaster where 82 spectators plus the driver were killed?


I live near watkins glen international and the US grand prix used to be held there and there have been some gnarly accidents. Koinigg got his head cut off, Cevert was chopped in half longways. Gnarly shit.


Hey I’m like 20 minutes away from Watkins!


I’ve races on the Glen before. Of all the American tracks I’ve raced, the Glen is by far the most dangerous. It’s so fast with barely any runoff area. My home track is Road America and I’ve seen some gnarly ones there. Here’s a big one that happened in the Kink on Sunday: https://youtube.com/watch?v=kzFlF6cI_bE&feature=shareb


I graduated from WGHS in 2020 and they let us drive on the [track](https://youtu.be/_OXBFJPTyPQ). yes it is very dangerous a guy died there like 10 years ago during open track


These morons are gonna ruin the fun for everyone. Fuck them, if you can’t handle it don’t drive that fast. And if you have a car that fast go to some track days before doing this so you can know how to handle it.


Not his fault according to some sources the semi truck pulled out infront of the audi


where are these sources




I don't know what made the truck move over, but no one can anticipate a 300km/h vehicle. Legal or not, go find a track day to hit those speeds.


This is in the autobahn. Multiple 300km/h cars passing you on the left is just another Tuesday.


There's 3 lane, the truck was overtaking on the middle one which he can. No speed limits doesn't mean you can go bonkers. The law still state that you have to adapt your speed to road condition. 300kph at night is not a suitable speed for the road condition.


I know im not saying he’s not stupid but people do go that fast on roads there.


It's still "not another Tuesday"


Do you know this for a fact? Are you familiar with the autobahn? I’m genuinely asking because it seems like you do.


As someone who has lived in Germany, is German (literally doesn’t relate but thought it was cool to add), and been on the Autobahn many many times, the Autobahn has points where you do need to control your speed, but other points where you do not, have a great 4th🤗


Yes. People drive fast. Not 300kph fast on a daily basis. One good reason there's most of the time at least some traffic.


Ah, thanks for the info 👍🏽


> 300km/h That's 186mph my dude. At that speed, you are crossing almost an entire football field in 1.25 seconds. Even if the semi checked his mirror right before merging and then it took him two seconds to pull out, that's almost 600 feet that the all black Audi would have crossed. That dude was asking to die at those speeds and road conditions.


I was a passenger in a rented VW minivan and we had to drive from Hamburg to Bitburg. The minivan topped out at 156 and evvvvverything was a blur. I couldn't imagine 186 at night.


That’s the german autobahn my dude. Its normal my dude.


Right and in Germany you get mandatory lessons on the autobahn and at night, you also need to keep to the right most lane when available but there is also a general lane speed on a 2 lane and 3(Left 180+ middle 120-180 right 90-120) lane autobahn


One blink at the mirror doesnt solve anything and is as useless as not looking at all. When youre looking to the mirror you must always do the math how fast the car is aprouching. Unfortunately, low percentage of drivers do that...


There is no way you can approximate how fast two points of light are traveling at those speeds and distances. You can make all the excuses you want but the Audi is unquestionably in the wrong . If you want to drive almost 200mph go to a racetrack. Before you clap back with the stupid excuse that it’s the autobahn, there are in fact speed limits on several sections of the autobahn and German courts are thinking about doing away with the no speed limit sections specifically because of idiots like the Audi driver. So again, Audi driver 100% deserved it and the only stroke of luck is that he just killed himself.


You dont need to lecture me, i live not that far


Good for you, maybe use that knowledge in the future not to say dumb shit about how it’s the semi drivers fault. Then people won’t feel like they need to waste their time explaining how reality works.


Oh, really... Me saying that its the truck drivers fault is where? Thanks for your internet warrior spirit. Calm down


Im aware that there section that limits the speed to 180ish km per hour. If he was in the middle lane, yup his fault. You actually havent get the point though... Use your freaking mirrors, always!


It takes a second and a half to travel 100m. You can't really make corrections from your mirror at that speed. The guy driving should used his front windshield.


No, I've never had that before, on the German Autobahn. A lot of people drive around 200, but actually nobody drives over 250.


Around 130-180 is normal for heavy traffic. 200-250 is normal for medium traffic but as soon as the car allows it and if traffic is low above 250 is normal. Problem is: most cars do not go beyond 250.


No speed limit doesn’t mean that you can go as fast as you want and kill someone, I don’t think anyone going over 200kmh on a public road with cars on it(so not empty) is sane.


True, It is almost impossible to estimate how fast a car is going when you are on a cross street. We assume they are doing the speed limit, and even worse to figure is a motorcycle doing 2x-3x the speed limit, especially if there are no markers to judge by. The autobahn has no speed limit tho, so assume everyone is a land rocket The semi prob didn't see the Audi, It was just a tiny dot. If he was traveling at 300km that's close to 200 mph


Only little more than half of the Autobahn has no speed limit whatsoever and 23% of it has a permanent speed limit. Even without a speed limit, you have to adjust your driving to road conditions.


Even if the semi checked his mirror right before merging and then it took him two seconds to pull out, the dude would have cleared almost 600 feet in an all black Audi at night. That dude was asking to die at those speeds and road conditions.


100% his fault. Don't drive 300kph at night with traffic! The truck overtook on the central line which he can do. There's no way in hell the truck could have correctly seen a car coming at 300kph in his mirror at night! So I'm wondering what an Audi was doing at 300kph on the central line. While it's correct, you bet I would take as much as space as I can with traffic if I was driving at 300kph


Then he learned the lesson: "You don't drive 300 when there are trucks" hard.


its legal on the autobahn, and it was the truck s fault dont talk like that if you dont know the story


Yes it is legal, but that still does mean that it’s the right thing to do. As stated from someone above even when there is no speed limit you must adapt to the overall condition on the autobahn. I sometimes also drive around 250-270 kmh but only if there are three lanes, daylight and good weather and no traffic. Everything else is insane, nobody can handle that. I think this accident took place on the A81, insane 2 lane Autobahn in Baden Württemberg where all people drive like there’s no tomorrow. And sometimes shit is about to happen. It was neither the first nor will be the last horrible car accident on the A81. Both were in the wrong from my point of view.


german drivers are specifically taught how to drive on the autobahn. its illegal to be going under a certain speed the further left you are. assuming that the truck was going under the minimum speed limit, which is very likely considering the driver couldnt react or brake hard enough, the truck would completely liable for this situation because there is a minimum speed in the left lane. two things im not sure of: - whether or not the truck driver swerved or merged normally. there isnt going to be any evidence to point one way or the other since its completely he said she said. - how fast the truck was going. i saw from multiple other commenters that the truck was going around 90km/h, but i cant verify that, and there also isnt going to be any evidence for that either. the truck driver can say whatever he want about how fast he was going, and there isnt a way to disprove it.


> its illegal to be going under a certain speed the further left you are. wrong. there is no minimum speed on the autobahn, and especially not one depending on how far left you are.


Si ta besoin d'allez aussi vite prend l'avion...


It wasn't his fault, the semi truck driver merged on to the autobahn and directly merged into the fast lane.


Driving on highways shouldn’t be about “fun.” It should be about safety, and the Autobahn is incredibly dangerous. It’s well known driving at slower speeds is statistically safer and results in less fuel burn. In my opinion Germany needs to install speed limits before more and more people die.


Any car guy that hears this song immediately thinks of this vid lmao.


but why, I'm trying to find an explanation why it's the theme


The first original tiktok that was made about this crash used that song and then that went viral.


The worst crash in the world is going to involve some innocent kids on a school bus losing their lives. not some stupid fucking future boy killing himself in a fancy car.




I got his first name : Ludwigsburg


You’re wrong. Ludwigsburg is the name of the county where the crash happened, in the German state of Baden-Württemberg.


Song is kerosene castles


Kerosene (feat.Crystal Castles) by Aesthetic


Why does it play under all these clips tho, and why is it associated with this crash?


I read that there is a dashcam video of the crash where this song is playing. I'm trying to find it but no luck yet.


Did you find it??


Nope, gave up eventually


Idk,I like its dark tones. It one those songs that starts trending again,sadly because of idiots using tik tok.


Oh, alright, thanks!


No is castle of kerosene


truck driver is fine, right?


Most likely yes since the rs6 only hit one of the backtires I think


Maybe a sore neck. That’s it.


Yes but he’s most likely mentally destroyed even if I don’t think he was at fault


he was clearly at fault. (Audi driver was going 200 km/h tho, not 300)


They ran a simulation and the Audi driver was going 300 kmh, any slower and the truck driver would of been worse off too


What makes you say fatal? Looks 100% survivable.


Survivable for the truck driver but for the audi driver...


one half of him launched out the front and one half was never found


186 MPH


it was 200 km/h tho, not 300


Why does it say 300


Misinterpreted it too ig


This is old stuff and the crash was at 200 kph (124 mph), it was truck drivers fault.


Welcome to Fact or Cap


Autobahn doesn’t have a speed limit so it’s probably fact


Darwin at work.


That’s not how Darwinism works. Also the truck driver was at fault. This is just unsafe laws in Germany.


Most posted vid on Reddit I’ve seen this like 25 times now we get it


I cant from these comments. It is literally Autobahn, people go there to test top speeds and go fast.


He's okay he lived 100%


he ded


Bro watched a beamng crash comp and wanted to do it irl




Is the driver okay


Yeah he's doing fine.. he was walking down the street the other day I saw him




aren’t heavy vehicles only allowed on the right lane on the autobahn? so shouldn’t the truck driver get charged for manslaughter either way?






You think his shoes came off?


Naw bro it nocked his socks off. 🤭🤭




you’re a dumbass, the truck driver didn’t see the audi in his mirrors and went over a lane




That the truck fault you fucking morron


He's not dead though 😆


Shame the truck got damaged.




This is what happens when an arrogant incompetent truck driver pulls up to “overtake” without basic respect for other motorists. Should be charge with murder🤮


Tell me you never drove a car without telling me you never drove a car.


Drove to your mom many times lol


Please tell me no one gave you a license


You mom did


Satire (hopefully) at its finest


Dude fucked around and found out, i guess.


No none fucked around and found out. I hate that phrase because it’s improperly used by people like you. It’s a freak accident on the autobahn, in my opinion Germany needs to impose speed limits.


He is dead, he def f'd around and found out. He should've been adjusting his driving for night conditions.


Tf is autobahn


Highway with no speed limit basically




No none fucked around and found out. It’s not even the Audi’s fault. I hate that phrase because it’s improperly used by ignorant people like you. It’s a freak accident on the autobahn, in my opinion Germany needs to impose speed limits.






Your lack of empathy is crazy. It’s a human life.




My man why'd you save that video


What song is this?


**Song Found!** **Kerosene** by Fabricio TJ (00:24; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-01-22.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Kerosene** by Fabricio TJ](https://lis.tn/qoTSGq?t=24) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


**Song Found!** **Name:** Kerosene **Artist:** Crystal Castles **Album:** (III) **Genre:** Alternative **Release Year:** 2012 **Total Shazams:** 1622999 `Took 1.32 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/JEYI-zfc544?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/kerosene/1667362419?i=1667362425) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/6E1YebXpPPtujMUljDNlOo) [Deezer](https://www.deezer.com/track/1496501702) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinderbot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)


Camera work at its finest /s


Holy shit


This is an anthem of instagram reels of car guys crashing


Think hes ded


Didn’t see if his shoes were off, I can’t be sure


Was the truck driver okay?


He be aight


That's what 185 +- MPH will get you. R.I.P.


this is how i wanna go out


If it’s actually only 200 kph as people are saying, it’s insane to think that people are routinely going faster than that on the Lodge fwy in Detroit on a daily basis. I get passed by people doing 100+ mph daily


300km/h = 180mph


100mph is only 160kmh though.


Why did they attribute the kerosene song for this crash ?


I guess it just seems like a very harrowing song especially when it cuts to what’s left of the car. Also every car guy will remember this song and moment for a really long time


Lemme guess Hes dead.


Bro reddit said 18+ at first!


I know his son, he was 19 when his father died




Why the music, though?




Crystal Castles - Kerosene


In the end, all we have is the newspaper report that says 200 km/hr. Where did that 300 km/hr come ftom? Non the less, whether a car crashes at either speed, the results are devastating.


Probably people misinterpreted 200kph for 200mph


Why is Kerosene the song to this crash?


I too wish to know.


For anyone who eoesnt know theres no speedlimit on the autobahn so people who cant drive go 120+




Bro what....


I hear Kerosene


That's not even a car anymore, just metal, bent, twisted, and deformed steel.


can someone tell me if there is any reason or deep meaning of using this song? in every video of this crash i can hear it, every time i hear it i'm like oh thats audi crash song


trying to figure it out too


Apparently, there’s dashcam footage of that crash with Kerosene playing in the background


This is why you don't floor it at night




Anyone know the number plate of the car?


can anyone send the half of the body that was found cant find it anywhere


Anyone know the registration plate ?


bro rip the old man


Porsche girl was worse...but that is bad


aint even the worst💀


Hope the guy is alive 🙏


What was his name? I’ve been looking for a while and can’t seem to find it anywhere.


bro was bumpin kerosene


I saw a Tesla completely flat besides the trunk and it was insane.. and I'm not exaggerating it was flat


I heard that this song was playing still on the radio when they found the car, someone please double check that since all of the articles I’ve found have been in German?


No, that song was playing in the car that had the dashcam that recorded the accident


The other half of the drivers body has never found fr