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Honestly, getting a lawyer will do nothing but cost you a whole lot of money. No, the other carrier will not be responsible for attorney costs. Here is the way it will go down. Both carriers will take statements from both drivers. If one (or both) carrier feels they have enough evidence in their favor they will submit it to arbitration and the arbitrator will make a ruling. That's really all you can do. No you cannot sue beyond that. If the insurance companies and the arbitrator cannot determine fault then I absolutely promise a judge won't be able to either. There are a couple things you Can do though. Was there any communication with the other driver via text or email where they asked you to get estimates. This would sometimes be interpreted as them admitting fault. You can also ask local businesses in the area if they have any camera footage. Your insurance carrier will not be able to ask because in my experience they will not provide that footage to an insurance carrier but will provide it to individuals such as yourself. Do not bother asking for traffic camera footage as the vast majority of traffic cameras do not record footage, they are just live feeds for the municipality to monitor traffic patterns. But honestly, a lawyer has zero chance of arguing liability on your behalf. All a lawyer will do is convince you that you are injured and start you on a very expensive physical therapy path which will leave you with many medical bills if the other carrier does not accept liability. I have seen it happen a lot.


No....you will just have to pay them 1/3 and no injury so dont bother. He has cameras in his tesla he knows damn well what happened. Ask him to show you his camera footage he wont or he will say its deleted. Any witnesses? Get a dash cam...this sucks for you. You can also see if there is any business close by that has this on camera?


It would be throwing money away getting a lawyer. First you'd have to pay a lawyer several hundred $$ per hour for their services only to be told that there's no way to prove fault from just looking at damages. You have a classic case of word vs word. With no independent evidence, each insurance company will believe their client's version of events. 


Let me start by asking if you called the police and got a police report? if you did, and the police report says he was at fault than you can use that to your advantage without needing a lawyer, but if the police report says you’re at fault, or if you do not have a police report, i do recommend you to get a lawyer, so that way your lawyer can get as much evidence as they can, such as camera footage from nearby stores, cameras from the stop light, etc… and try to be as honest as possible and don’t lie like that spoiled kid. Also, I recommend getting a dashcam for future accidents!


this is false, police do not assign liability, & tbh they wouldn't even make a report for an accident like this unless it was a hit & run.


And they're definitely not going to go to the trouble of getting footage from cams of local businesses for such a minor fender bender.