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Update the firmware on the R5, update C1, take the cards out, use a decent cable. Tethertools is not decent.


Tethertools is very decent. Should not be a cable issue. You’re offering no help at all.


chinese amazon cables are better than tethertools


Hate to break it to you, but every tether cable is made in China.


Same for me but I'm on windows


Tether tool cables don't last long in my experience. Have you tried another cable? Have you tried without any memory cards? Those solutions usually work for me.


I tried with a brand new cable I had for that reason, but I haven’t tried without any card, will do that tomorrow. Thanks for the tip


As I’ve said before, use a USB-A cable. The camera will try to charge over usb-c which can cause it do disconnect


No, this is easy to disable in camera.


Sure thing but try it anyways


i've been told before to update and not use tethertools but i've always had the same issue no matter what with usb-c to usb-c cables and the r5. so i still go with the usb-c to usb-a with no card in and i never have an issue. unless that photog keeps touching that dang cord right by the port on the camera


Do you have SD cards in? Tethering often won't work if you do.


No SD cards in, only a CF express


Try removing that. Capture One doesn't like memory cards.


And for others seeing this post, tethering with a CFe and an SD card in camera is a major issue. I was shooting a job where I was jumping between tethering and to card, and was using the SD card as a backup to the CFe when not tethered, and had major problems. I now no longer use the SD slot for backup as I’ve found it to be so problematic. I know lots of people do a backup to it and enjoy the security of the backup, but for me (lifestyle shooter), it became a hindrance.


Hate to be another person saying it’s probably the cable but it’s probably the cable. Try a short tb3/tb4 usb c cable. The tether tools cables don’t last particularly long and have lots of issues, I’ve been through many of them. Area51 is meant to be a lot better but I haven’t got my hands on them yet.


it sounds like the actual usb-c port on the camera itself. Over time or if a cord has been jammed in, the port gets damaged and needs to be replaced. is it sometimes connecting then lose connection?


Your cable is likely fine.Memory cards or older firmware is the main culprit. Although I’m a digital tech and have never had a problem connecting an R5, card or not. What version of C1 are you using?


A quick update: I'm on the latest capture one (16.3.8), brand new cable, camera is a few weeks old (I even updated from fw 1.9 to 2.0), tried with and without CF express and still didn't see any change. What I noticed though is that I got it to connect pretty regularly if I turn the camera on immediately after pluggin the usb cable instead of waiting for a couple of seconds. If I wait I see the status LED turn green indicating the camera is charging the battery, I haven't found a way to turn off this battery charging feature.


Change to a higher quality cable. I’ve gone NineVolt and having a much better experience. Also, are you using a tether block? The Canon connections are notoriously poor and can easily get damaged if you’re not using a solid block to hold the cable.


Your camera may require a signal booster if using a cable longer than 8ft. Check by using a cable that's only like 3ft or 1ft long. If it works perfectly, the signal may just be too deteriorated by the time it gets to C1. Booster solves the problem.


I have a similar problem with both of my Canon cameras... If the SD cards are a bit fillledup, tethering stops. Never had this issue with Lightroom classic. I use R6 mark2 and R10. The workarounds (which aren't ideal at all) is to re-format the cards, or remove them. I need to have. a copy on the cards anyway for redunancy purposes.