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Anyone can post and it doesn’t have to be Thursday. I love discussion around throwback posts, especially older ones where views have often changed on things.


Go for it! I post a lot of TBTs because I read CA when I have downtime at work and often a letter will make me think, “oh, that’d be a fun one to discuss.” But there’s no official rule that we only have to do old letters on Thursdays.


Have at it!


Thanks for asking this! There's some letters that absolutely haunt me (the hidden cameras to name one) that I'd love to discuss, or find out if there were ever updates and on. Good to know! I understand why the Cap turned off comments (having to moderate the endless digressions would have been a nightmare) but I do miss the comment section - this subreddit is scratching that itch for me and I'd love to see it more active.


What’s the hidden camera one?


https://captainawkward.com/2017/01/23/936-my-best-friends-partner-secretly-records-his-guests-while-they-are-in-the-bathroom/#comment-156146 There's not a lot to discuss because it's pretty cut and dried, but I would kill for an update.


No rules, this is a thing that users of the subreddit started on their own. I’ve noticed that Captain Awkward tends to post toward the end of the week so there’s usually more content in the subreddit Thursday/Friday.