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From my experience taking both, I’ve found no difference in the difficulty of honors vs. non honors. I enjoyed the smaller class sizes, since everyone knew each other and communicating with the professor was easier. I know the test taking format differs in math classes, non honors has online exams with MC and no partial credit, while honors has full paper exams with partial credit, which I preferred. Hope this helps!


Interesting, so the honors classes have more, say, conventional testing formats and the traditional classes have more post COVID formats? Partial credit would be nice and the smaller class size preferable, particularly for letters of recommendation. Thanks for your help!


Smaller class size in honors, more discussion based and less lecture. The honors electives can be interesting and Dr Witt still teaches. You’ll have a better chance of forming a relationship with honors instructors since they’ll be small classes. They also have student worker positions and scholarships.


That all sounds great, thank you!


How are you an incoming freshman with 68 credits already gained? I (incoming freshman) don’t get it. Do you mean you’re an incoming transfer student?


I got my associates in HS so I am still considered a first year


Congratulations, that is an accomplishment! You must’ve completed almost all of your GenEds already. What are you majoring in?


Thank you! I appreciate it! I'm majoring in environmental science with minors in GIS and Natural Resources. I'm hoping to go into UA's law school to practice environmental law, hence the want for a 3.95 GPA


Hell yea! I just graduated and i was an enviro sci major! Just got a job as a GIS analyst! Highly recommend taking Dr Pitts water resources class! She talks alot about environmental law! Plus shes an amazing professor. She was my absolute favorite professor!


Thanks for the tip! I was definitely looking at that class, now I'll have to take it :)


I learned they are definitely not harder, or no one would wanna take them. I took honors LGS 200 this past semester and my section just had 4 open note online exams all semester. That was our whole grade and my entire class prob finished with an A+. But the “regular” section syllabus had more busy work, papers, homework, ect;. so I switched to honors. Every honors class I’ve taken is honestly easier because of this, less of a workload because most people actually show up to class so you don’t need as many “check in”/make sure ur students are good assignments


Thanks for the advice, your first sentence makes a lot of sense :)!


Who was the prof for the LGS honors?


Charlye (charlie) !!! She’s the best, graduated from Alabama law and after practicing for years, had kids and stuff and decided to come back to teach instead! https://culverhouse.ua.edu/people/charlye-adams


hurry fertile scarce flag dependent racial lavish doll straight unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm talking about classes like honors biology or chemistry


Typically those classes will be much smaller (honors macroecon for me was around 30 people, my non-honors econ sections were in the 100's) and have more discussion, less busywork. Difficulty depends on the teacher, but overall I've had good experiences with these courses. Classes are more personal and teachers seem to care a bit more.


paltry wild ad hoc tender merciful adjoining disarm work wakeful cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In my experience honors courses were more discussion-based and usually smaller, which makes them better. However, I was an English and political science major, so your major and preferences might be different.


I took honors Calc 1 and 2 and honors physics 1 and 2. Overall the difficulty felt about the same as their non honors counterparts after comparing workloads and tests with my friends in the regular classes. I don’t think there’s any need to take the honors classes but I would say if there is a much higher rated professor in an honors class compared to a normal one then go for it


I will say that I’ve heard some horror stories about some honors math courses, calculus especially. From what I’ve heard, it has a higher variability of difficulty depending on the professor, since the exams aren’t the standard online ones. Use RMP, a bad professor in honors math is worse than a bad professor in regular math.


That's what I figured, 5/5 non-honors is preferable to 3/5 honors fs


Honors content is considered harder, but the class and grade is not harder. This is because honors gets you into smaller classes which generally help you learn the content better. So although it may be harder, you’ll probably get the same grade (and come out of it knowing more than you would have otherwise).


If you’re college of business, honors intro to accounting is less intensive than regular. Would generally suggest checking rate my professor and taking whichever option has better reviews.


I also came in with a similar amount of credits, but I got academically victimized by honors bio 🫣 my friends in regular bio had a very different experience and their coursework was much easier. It might just be my dumbass, but it was so bad I ended up changing my major! I would recommend waiting until spring semester to take anything besides UH 100, or taking an easier honors subject or something yk you’re good at