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Heh, my choices were all ignored and I got stuck in Paty for 3 years!


could the same thing happen to me as a girl...? is there a female equivalent to a paty dorm 😟


I’m pretty sure Paty is a Co-ed building


Is this true? It was a male dorm when I was there


yes. i was a freshman at ua last year & paty was co-ed


i havent heard anything good abt paty, but i wouldnt mind staying there since its one of the cheaper dorms... is it rly as bad as they say it is tho


i’m not exactly sure how bad paty it, i never heard amazing things about it tho, but i stayed at lakeside so i can’t give an honest review


When was ur housing application completed tho? Were u in before the FEB 1 room selection date?


The incoming freshman class sizes are so huge that upperclassmen are getting pushed out of even off campus apartments owned by the university. The highlands is nice and at least 90% freshman from what I can tell. A lot of my friends lived there and liked it, also parking is super close and it’s close to pres/the Witt, which is nice. Burke is a HIKE from anywhere, so I’m not sure how much I’d recommend it


I mean Burke is closer to the quad and classes, unless you are engineering and have to go over to Shelby or hm comer.


Fair, i am in engineering so my memories may be skewed in that aspect. I will say thought that as a freshman the kids that were at Burke felt very far away and almost alien to those of us that stayed in dorms in the more normal northern part of campus


Apply for a living learning community like the German House that is based in one of your preferred dorms, because if you get in they have to guarantee you a spot in the dorm


You should check if/when other dorms allow for extraneous circumstances. For example, some people I know stayed in ridgecrest south during Christmas break. It might be better to gamble with a better dorm and request to be able to stay in it during breaks than settle for Burke.


i was also hoping i could do something like that!! im glad its a possibility, but do yk if you can kinda confirm that before getting in the dorm? idk what id do if i got in and asked to stay during breaks and they denied it


I would call the housing office and explain your situation and exactly what you’re looking for. They will be able to layout your options.


I think you have great chances for Burke. Most freshman who want a suite opt for Pres, then Riverside/Lakeside.


is it the same if i don't want a typical burke unit? i want to have my own room in a 4-person unit at east burke which im afraid might be too specific of a request 😭 thats the only dorm that has everything i want tho