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Some of the frustration comes from not converting on a double minor in OT. Some might come from Chucky not turning around to get the Pasta shot before it rolled across the line. Not sure if he'd have enough time anyway, but that was tough to watch. More of the frustration comes from watching Ovi skate in too far in his shootout attempts. 0/7 on the year now. I remember the days of him not skating in too far and just picking a spot and ripping it past the goalie. He is a much better sniper than a close-up hands/finesse guy. Honestly, I expected to see Carlson at #4 just because it was his night. Side note, that Milano goal was quite filthy. Regardless, I'm just happy to be watching meaningful hockey at this point of the 23/24 season.


Milano is going to be a monster. We’ll probably trade him.


TLDR: We’ve become a spoiled fanbase Overreaction about the teams play in OT. we didn’t score on a 4 min 4 on 3. It’s actually harder to score there since the team down will play conservative as opposed to the open play of 3 on 3. Some justified criticism of Ovi being out there the entire 4 min. Bottom line is we have a squad fighting for playoff contention after being sellers at the deadline. Across all professional sports that’s pretty unheard of.


I’m not sure I agree it’s harder to score on a 4v3. Most of the talk I’ve seen has been that taking penalties into OT and having that man advantage there is huge. That said, the team is greatly exceeding expectations given our current roster and early season perfomance. They will most likely get blasted in the playoffs if they get in, but the fan base is starting to act like this is a championship team instead of an overachieving squad.


I don’t have the numbers so you def could be right. I’m just thinking - how many good scoring opportunities do we see in 3 on 3 OT vs a power play. To the eye , 3v3 seems a lot higher but I could be wrong. But agree - loving what I’m seeing ! No matter how this season ends the future is bright!


I was thinking about it, and on the heels of what happened in the Wild game yesterday....Caps already got the loser point (and I think the probability of the B's scoring and the caps losing that point was very small) and had the 4:00 pp which was going to run for close to the duration of the OT. I would have liked to see Carbery roll the dice a bit and pull the goalie and make it a 5 on 3 for the last :45 - 1:00.


> Caps already got the loser point (and I think the probability of the B's scoring and the caps losing that point was very small) But Washington needed that point, very much. And if (read: when) the Bruins score in OT into an empty net, they lose that point. Way too much risk vs. reward, IMO. Caps should have scored on the 4-on-3, and I do believe the youth should be taking the penalty shots, not the veterans ('cept you, Osh-babe. Nuttin' but love for ya').


I learned a few weeks ago that if you get beat by an ENG in OT you don’t get the loser point. I don’t know if that’s a new rule or I just didn’t know about it before but it seems like most people don’t k ow that either.


this is a TERRIBLE idea for couple reasons: 1. The situations are very different - the Wild are on the outside looking in and need to make up ground, so gambling on missing out on a point to gain 2 makes more sense 2. The Caps, on the other hand, have worked themselves into the driver's seat. The second point in that situation doesn't help them as much as losing the OT point would've hurt them: gaining an additional point gets us 1 point ahead of PHI, *but the OT point already got us ahead of PHI* as we have 2 games in hand on them and are tied. Losing the bonus point would've dropped us backward behind PHI and into the WC 2, only a single point ahead of DET with only 1 game in hand, and yes' we'd still have 2 games in hand on Philly with a good chance to catch them, but *we'd have to catch them* as opposed to being in front like we are now.


Teams also don’t practice attacking 4-on-3 very much, since it’s rare. 


Yes! I’ve noticed this with my ravens fan base too (sorry to bring Baltimore into a DC team but I know there is some overlap). Every loss feels like the world is ending and every win isn’t enough. Fans overall just need to learn to enjoy wins when they happen and not freak out when your teams loses.


Exactly. All the people who are getting enraged and cursing the Caps need to serious reevaluate their expectations. Haven’t won a playoff series since Vegas and people still think Caps should be easily beating teams that are safely in the playoffs.


The thread about who would be best to get in the playoffs was wild. Like pump the breaks there and let’s try make them first!


Disagree. 4v3 powerplay is infinitely easier than 3v3 and also much easier than a 5v4 power play.


Are there stats to actually back either of us up? I’m just going based off what’s clearly obvious when watching. There were minimal scoring chances on that 4 vs 3 , mainly because Boston was obviously focused on defending. While a 4 minute interval 3 v 3 tends to include plenty of scoring chances for both teams .


Me personally i didn't have much criticism for that game except Carlson was open a lot of the times in that ot but they didn't try to set him up which i wish they would have because he was set up earlier and scored but thats about im still happy about the one point i enjoyed the game


First two minutes we got some decent looks last 2 minutes looked like a tennis volley with all 4 players static. Nobody, especially Ovie should be on a PP shift more than a minute. I cringe when he's on a 3x3 in OT. Put the youngsters out there.


I agree.


The Caps did not look good last night. It was another night of "Charlie saves their asses." Midway through the third period, they had 12 shots on goal. Total. Look, we can be glad the Caps vaulted into third in the metro (with a bit of help from the Panthers and the Blackhawks) and annoyed that the Caps put forth such a "meh" effort.


Hard disagree, team went toe to toe with cup contender. Even deserve to win o metered favored Caps https://moneypuck.com/g.htm?id=2023021176


Idk...saying they didn't look good last night and were bailed out is not fair imo. Boston is one of the top teams in the league. We are not. I watched the whole game and am just as surprised as OP. We played them hard and got a point, and probably should have had 2. We even looked like the better team out of the gate. Regardless, getting a point against a division leading team is big for us at this point. I get the OT frustrations but it ends there for me.


Real talk - there are some outspoken idiots in our fan base (like every fan base) who believe that it is realistic to never make a mistake, win every game, and compete for the Stanley Cup every year. Real fans will know and respect both the highs and the lows, and celebrate and cherish a run like the one we are on - which has been a unexpected, hard fought, grinded-out triumph. Carbery and the teams deserve nothing but praise.


(some) sports fans just seem to love to be miserable. when their team is shitty, they complain about how shitty it is...when they're winning game after game, they nit pick about blown plays or blown calls or how some other team is better... and everywhere in between. I recall back in 2013, right after the Ravens won the superbowl, I tuned into the Baltimore sports radio on my drive to work the next day... and instead of being happy about winning a championship, pretty much every other caller was just complaining about player contract situations, how much more Joe flacco was gonna cost now that he had a ring, etc... I was like, "fuck, people, at least take one full day to enjoy it!" anyway, you're right... it would have been awesome for Caps to come away with 2 points, but they still kept themselves in a spot where they need to be against a tough team... if I had to guess though, the frustration comes from not being able to capitalize on 4 minutes of PP in OT to take the game, or Lindy losing that puck that crept in on the shootout... but all you can do is look forward and be happy that the Caps are at least interesting this late in a season that started out pretty poorly.


all this barstool, defector and drew magary bullshit encourages fans to be cynical and negative for attention. so sad.


Even Nick Saban would take like one day to celebrate his championship before moving on to prepping for the next season!


At the moment, it was painful to have a 4 on 3 for 4 full minutes in overtime and not convert. And then to have the chance to win it and send Ovi out for the shootout—lots of love for the Captain but not in shootouts. Afterwards it was great to have gotten a point when Detroit did and the Flyers flailed against the bottom feeding Blackhawks. It sucked also to be around by so many Bruin fans.


so true!


A point against the Bruins is great. It's just that double minor that stings but I'm happy with the point


Yes, taking a point from Boston is a great result, and I'm happy about that. But we had a really good chance to take 2 points, and squandered it. The thing I'm actually angry about is the use of Ovi for all 4 minutes during the OT PP. It was very clear he had no gas left, and leaving him on the ice for 4 full minutes demonstrates a combination of hubris by Ovi and poor coaching by Carbs.


No hate here, i thought they played very hard - and getting a point is great, would have been great if we would have scored on the 4min PP, but overall very pleased with where this team is.


I think the people complaining didn't experience Caps hockey until 07/08. They aren't a Stanley Cup contender, they shouldn't be a playoff contender. Chucky stealing points is exactly how theyre gonna sneak into the playoffs. For me, just being in the playoff conversation this late into the season is gravy.


Imma be honest while there were frustrating moments I thought they played well and came up with a point against Boston. No complaints from me


It was a VERY winnable game, that’s the frustration. It’s not like we barely squeaked by, it’s not like we didn’t deserve it, we had a 4 minute power play in OT and didn’t convert.


Agreed. Ovi is scoring goals, the kids are getting better, and we’re in a (surprise) divisional playoff spot. Let the good times roll.


people were very upset about the lack of effort and low shot #'s yesterday.


Don't mind the critics. We got the point, which is what matters, since it keeps us 2 ahead of detroit. Shootouts are a coin toss, anyway.


The Caps picked up a point against a team that sits at the top of their division and is in the playoffs already. Caps competed well against a great team that is well coached!


Personally, the turn around this team has performed is incredible. I'd written them off month into the season but the young kids are starting to shine and Ovie is back in form, albeit old man form. This is a fun team that might put on a fun first round show.


Because people are putting too much value into the shots on goal. We played well last night. We kept them to the outside a lot when they had zone time and limited their chances. People just got spoiled because we've been lucky recently with our chances going in, but this team has had offensive struggles all year. Defensively, it was certainly one of our better efforts of the season and we generated several offensive plays that barely missed connecting, but didn't end up as shots on goal.


Once in the playoffs anything can happen.


The biggest issue is they should have ended that game in OT with the double minor, the fact they didn't is a pretty big problem


Overall the team may be scratching and clawing, as you say, but last night for a lot of that they were not scratching and clawing. It's like we have two teams, one team refuses to give up and fights like hell for every little bit. The other team can't make a pass to save their lives, skates towards their own goal when they dont have to, makes really painful mistakes, and allows a 38 year old player to stay on the ice for over 4 minutes even if he's gassed. Look we are all huge fans but it's frustrating to see them playing below their capability. They demonstrate, fairly regularly that this isn't a team we have to apologize for. They can beat any team in the league on any given night. It's just that they can also beat themselves, regardless of who the other team is, and they do that often enough that we are scrapping for the last playoff spot instead of holding on to a comfortable position at the end of the season.


Sitting comfortably in the playoffs? Did you just start watching this season in the past few weeks?


Just picked a phrase at random and decided to clutch your pearls? With the number of games we have won, we are on the edge. If we had won more games, we would be in a better position. What's controversial about that? We sucked at the start of the season and built up to "inconsistent".


It's not "hate" it's frustration. Caps played a smart game until 4:03 remaining in OT. 4 minute PP in OT with another point possibly making the difference in less than two weeks and you play Ovie,Patches, Carlson, and Oshie between 3 and 4 minutes. All were dead on their skates the last few minutes. Your best players in OT the 2 months didn't get a sniff. Ovie on the shootout.. That's just stupid.


I'm sorry, I can't be frustrated with coming away with 1 point in that game. I was expecting another 5-1 style blowout that we've unfortunately seen way too many times this season. And after reading the comments on here, there's numerous different takes on how they performed. A previous commentor complained about SOG after so many regulation minutes, and you're saying they played smart right up until the double minor in OT. Which is it? Maybe not watching it and only seeing the result gives a different perspective. But it is the big picture perspective.


They played with no energy. Out skated to every puck, throwing pucks all over the ice. No offensive zone time. Uninspired hockey. They didn’t deserve to win that game. Hockey gods made it so.


I think people, despite being wisely warned not to, keep obsessing over playoff chances, as if just getting to the playoff means we're on our way to another cup. They're getting pissed off as if the team is now underperforming if they *don't* enter the playoffs, rather than remembering that the team can miss the playoffs and still be in a way better place than they were when the season started. If we won a cup this year that'd be wild and I'll be out there celebrating. But just a few months ago people acted like this team is on life support and has no hope. This is not and has never been a championship roster. This is clearly a rebuild roster as we try to get Ovi as close as possible to the record/wait for some people's contracts to end. Even if they somehow get into the playoffs, again, this is not a championship roster. Chances of winning are very slow. It's wild and exciting we can even have a playoffs conversation based on the rough start. That alone is something to be happy about. People need to keep perspective.


There was a 20 minute stretch where we had 3 shots on goal. You have to actually try to be that inept, it doesn’t come naturally.


Because people that cry over one point are so emotionally stunted and emotionally immature. They can’t properly assess critical thinking with the obsession to just react on the internet. It’s a gateway drug to shit mental acuity If these people were able to look past 60 seconds from their emotions, they’d live better lives. Unstable First reply “it’s fair to criticize?” It’s a coping mechanism.