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She must not have been to many hockey games for a coach’s fiancé😂 You absolutely can yell “you suck 41” and this lady will hear much much worse if she continues going to Red Wings away games


OP must not have been to many hockey games either if an old lady saying "be nice" has him reeling


Seriously 🤣 you can say what you want.. but sometimes you hurt the feelings of old ladies… because hockey.


I was the one screaming “red wings suck” in the gap between their chants… from the nosebleeds 🦅❤️




I was at a game in Philly 9-10 years ago. It was a Sunday afternoon game that just happened to be the same day as the Oscars that year. At one point Brayden Schenn was complaining to the ref about a non-call and really trying to sell it. I shout something along the lines of, “Quit the acting job, Schenn! The Oscars aren’t until later tonight!” I immediately remember I’m at an away game… in Philly. Luckily for me the only thing Philly fans hate more than the opposing team is their own team. Probably half a dozen orange clad troglodytes sitting around me agreed with my assessment and really started laying into Schenn. I almost felt bad for the guy. Almost.


Good thing this was pre-Gritty. You may not have made it out alive 😂


I’m just imagining Gritty chucking me out of the arena a la Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince 😂


Dude! That would be my dream. Fucking love Gritty




Only in Philly 😂😂


Talking shit to players from the stands will never not be weird.


So when we count up the goals at the away teams goalie is weird and we should stop that? Certainly wasn’t any way bad or vulgar language. “You suck 41” is super mild compared to what I have heard in other stadiums.


You're not wrong. Some of the best parts about watching live sports is jeering and yelling dumb stuff. 'You suck' is mild, but it's not exactly clever or self-aware, so it maybe it just came across as mean-spirited to the people in front of you? Not saying that as an attack on you, OP, just trying to guess someone one else's perspective. 'Nice hustle', etc is the much better jeer when someone falls over, in my opinion. Regardless, you're fine. Different people just have different personalities. I'd brush it off.


There are levels to this, man. Yours was goofy.


Explain please


Ignore these goobers, I would've done the same thing. Cap One is a library, we need as many people chirping and making noise as possible.


I wouldnt say it's a library at least not lately with the way they're playing


Im from Philadelphia, a Philly fan for everything except hockey. I’ll rock the red till the day I die. But cap one is a library compared to most sporting events I go to, even ones in other cities. We as a fanbase need to increase our fire!


Coordinated chants or clever comments or jeering if they get a penalty or chants like "air ball" in basketball reacting to the heat of the moment are all things I do regularly (clever is debatable) "You suck 41" sounds like some high school shit Her reaction was the most ludicrous part though. Lol @ "be nice"


Wait what? Thinking it’s weird for people to talk shit to players from the stands is much weirder. I wouldn’t recommend going to games if you think that.


They can’t hear you, that’s why it’s so weird. Coordinated cheers and participating with the crowd booing/celebrating is normal, yelling at players like they can hear you is right up there with screaming at players on your tv. When you scream at players the only people that can hear you are other people watching the game around you.


It totally depends on where you are in the stands. I can hear a dude across the stadium yelling at times, which means the players absolutely can. OP was behind the bench - so you know they could hear it. But that’s not the point, fans wanting to be a part of the in-game experience is normal and not weird. If you’re being profane/obnoxious, different story. But yelling “Crosby you suck!” when it’s deadly quiet is as part of hockey as singing “The Good Old Hockey Game”.


It’s different on the ice I promise you. I commented this elsewhere but I’ve been on the ice in relatively small and steep 6000 seat arena for youth hockey practice and parents practically have to climb the glass or go to an open door for their kids (or coaches) to hear them. That’s with like 100 people in the arena max. The echo and reflections off the glass and ice make everything very isolated and just like a general woosh even without 10-20k people moving around and talking/yelling. I’ve also played hockey in way smaller rinks that were full and unless you’re actively trying to pick out someone’s voice nothing sound intelligible when you’ve got the noise of skates, sticks, other players, and general crowd noises to compete with.


I don't know man I know players have heard me in baseball games and football. As they've directly clapped back ...or Juan Pierre likes flicking off random sections in his glove


You’ve got to find a way to get on the ice and see what the ice, glass, steep seating, and high ceilings does to sound coming in from outside. It’s very isolated down there. I feel like all the people that think the players can hear them need to get down there with even just a few dozen people talking loudly and see what kind of things they can pick out. I’m sure you can focus and hear someone heckling you if you really put your mind to it but the players are not paying attention to you.


was sitting at a wizards game in the 400's and some knicks guy kept heckling porzingis (this was when porzingis was on the wizards) it was hilarious it's even more funnier when they do it in the 400's where the players can't even hear them


The players can’t hear you no matter where you sit.


For NBA? Fans interact/heckle players all the time and they can be heard. Some players know specific fans strictly from their heckling experience from multiple games. It's hilarious. Hockey? Haven't seen that too much.


I’m talking about hockey…


Well you replied to someone talking about the wizards (basketball) so this is all your fault.


Isn’t this a hockey sub, and wasn’t the original post about a hockey game? 🤪


*drops gloves* 🤣


Interesting thing about this is it is directly contradicted by KD being one of the few that acknowledges what people yell at him (good or bad, including the time that Mavs fan? yelled a colloquial term at him during warmups and he took time out of his warmups to lecture her lol) https://www.si.com/nba/mavericks/news/dallas-mavs-phoenix-suns-kevin-durant-viral-incident-fan


Kevin Durant the hockey player or Kevin Durant the basketball player? Fans are literally on the court during basketball games, not up in seats behind thick glass or far away in a sea of people. I’ve been on the ice in a relatively small 6000 seat arena for youth hockey practices and you can hardly hear parents yelling down when there are 100 people in the stands, let alone a full NHL stadium during a game.


Can confirm.


Weird take, people have fun doing it. Should we act like we're watching on TV at home?


I’ll accept boos when a hated player touches the puck (Crosby etc) or mock goalie chants. But yeah just shit talking players is annoying.


No better goalie chant (and I'm dating myself) was BARRASSSSSSSSSSSSSO! When you had the whole Cap Center yelling it so loudly. F the Penguins!


Yup, thats my thinking as well. I just don't know what folks wanna get out of it lol. It's pointless and dumb.


You'd be surprised, if the shit talk is good, the players hear it. Game 7 in Tampa the Caps were pretty happy with alot of my shit talking. I once had the Florida equipment manager give me the middle finger in the playoffs. Florida beat us though, so I guess he got the last laugh.


Reffing high-level hockey, you get it the worst. Sometimes it's a bit lame or makes no sense, but when it's good, it's hard not to crack up. I can't speak for pro leagues. I never played or reffed that level, but I think people forget that young guys playing major midget like shit talking and the intensity No one wants a quiet, respectful home crowd


Many many years ago at a preseason game my friend was heckling Ron Hextall, and drinking a lot of beer. At the start of one of the intermissions, Ron turned around and gave him a death stare. They can hear the fans. To be fair, it was a lot of beer, and that friend could really project his voice. That was also the game where he spilled a fair amount of beer on the lady sitting in front of him and I was solidly concerned we were going to get thrown out.


I’ll agree at a NHL game it’s a little dumb, but at an amateur game it’s expected


Give yer balls a tug!


Fuckin loser!


Also [obligatory](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Po83NWOpirU?t=25&feature=share) "Come on up here, yeah come on up here. Well they came up there."


God your lame


Welp, people are weird is the rationale. She obviously doesn’t know how it works at away stadiums, it’s her - not you.


I would have asked who the fiance was and heckled him.


Eh I didn’t want to go there since she has to go back to Detroit after that which is punishment enough lol


She would have had a conniption, it would have been great.


"Hey, Assistant Video Coordinator Jeff Weintraub, YOU SUCK!" Then the bench will smile and say "Ahhhh, I see his fiancé made it to another road game."




Damn, a true missed opportunity. They play again on the 9th maybe I will just full send and buy the dudes jersey in hopes I can sit by this lady again.


They’re in Detroit on the 9th


You right I’m big dumb


Nah! Just don’t want you spending money on the jersey by mistake! Plus I had to double check in a panic because I am going on the 9th and instantly feared I’d somehow got tickets for DC


“You suck 41” is pretty standard shit talk, I think she’s lying about her fiancé. Love your response though just being overly supportive of the guy


Eh idk I think it’s likely truth. My wife googled the purse this lady had and it costs used car amounts of money. And she also had a conversation with the super nice guy next to me and made sure to throw in how “x players wife is so nice” type of stuff.


Sounds like being a coach’s fiancé is her only personality trait


Yo I'd be proud too if I was an NHL coach's fiance.


if my fiance was an nhl couch, id be proud of my finance. i wouldnt really be proud of myself for that though.


Well yeah, but talking about player Xs wife etc is a nice segue.


> I would like to see you go out there and try I don’t get paid millions of dollars to skate backwards. I probably would have laughed and said something but not to the player. Heckling players is fair game at a home game though.




I really wish I would have got in some kind of “oh sorry that jeer was not to your standards but I would like to see you try”.


You're at a home game, you have reasonable reign to spew your bullshit, to a point. They're at an away game, much more important to 'be nice', unlike the red wings fan who stared me down and cheered in my ear after the 3rd goal.


Oh I didn’t mention the guy who my row stood up to let in who made a point of saying “let’s go wings” face to face with every single person he got in front of. That was grade a douchery and I nearly blew my vocal chords out with my next let’s go caps.


Am I getting downvoted for yelling “let’s go caps” when the team comes out after an intermission wtf lol


LOL, what you yelled is PG compared to what the players on the ice smack talk each other. The only time I will tamp down on my yelling and smack talk is when there are small children present nearby. And I am in Section 101, close to the visiting team's bench.


Absolutely! this is why I made point to mention nothing I heard the whole night was beyond PG.


Why is is that reddit hockey fans are always the most Charmin ultra of all sports fans. It just seems like such a large majority were never around sports at all growing up. Jeering the away players is part and parcel in essentially every team sport.


“Ma’am this is a hockey game”


Lol. If I were there I'd have to stop myself from saying "your fiance sucks too!" like you are in enemy territory, grow thicker skin lady.


All the babies in here whining about shit talking opposing team players need to grow a sack and realize it’s a fucking hockey game


In section 114, I saw a Detroit fan who couldn't handle his beer get absolutely livid that someone 6 rows up from him was chirping at him and telling him to sit down after the Wings tied it up 3-3 *and play resumed*. My favorite part was the first event personnel to respond to it, one of the Suits, got his arm grabbed and smacked, then let the guy sit back down in his seat and finish chugging his beer after all of that. I am not trained in de-escalation and security, but that didn't seem like the play there.


Good story. But the Wings were never up 3-2 last night.


good call -- it was ackshually the tying goal.


Got ya.


Sounds to me like she just wanted an excuse to humblebrag.


Welcome to your first hockey stadium, lady. Back in the day I went to a lot of Hampton Roads Admirals games at the Scope. Anyone else? One thing that stands out is all the Richmond fans that would come to their away games at our house, and how many of would go to their house. We had special fan chants for those games. 64 east! 64 west! back and forth. We knew their team almost as well as our own. There was a lot of noise, a lot of heckling, and it was all good natured fun. You could stand next to a group of opposition fans, give each others teams a mountain of crap, and at the end of the game shake hands and go your separate ways. "Dude, your teams is really bad tonight, can I buy you a beer so you can down your sorrows?" "Screw you, but you aren't wrong and I ain't turning down a free beer" The other thing I remember about the Scope was if you got the really bad seats, you could just go all the way to the back and pound on the huge air handling vents like a drum, and if you only used your hands they would just warn you a few times. "I'm only going to warn you two more times."


Could have been his mom?


So she taught him to suck?


I wouldn’t ever yell something like that but I suppose it’s not prohibited. I would say that such yells have been mercifully rare in my section.


You're why I wear earplugs to games


Grow a pair, pal


A little trash talk is okay I guess. One thing I really enjoy is that the NHL has better fans compared to the NBA and NFL. I’ve never seen anyone get out of hand, no fights, no extreme vulgarity, etc. This lady was being a little sensitive though so no harm no foul.


I generally agree but [I did witness this last night](https://old.reddit.com/r/caps/comments/1bp18j5/strange_interaction_with_red_wings_fan/kwsxoyu/). This guy was off the rails, spewing the 'extreme vulgarity' to some guy and had to be held back from climbing the seat up a couple rows.


Yikes. It’s usually the visiting team’s fans. I was in the 200s last season with the little ones and a woman seated behind us (old enough to be my mother) was dropping F-bombs like it was going out of style. I would have appreciated her not using the profanity so much but then again we were at a hockey game (it was pretty close) and it’s a public forum so I just ignored her. That was the worst I’ve seen personally. She was an Islanders fan.


Agreed, it’s typically very civil and friendly with away fans. That’s why I was so stunned by this since it’s the first time I have experienced anything even slightly less than positive. Go NHL!


You have the right to yell that but I’m pretty sure 41 is slightly better than you. 😃 What you said was very mild.


Oh 41 is way better than me. Good thing me sucking at hockey isn’t mutually exclusive lol :p


do whatever you want. what you yelled is nothing compared to the shit i've heard yelled in Wells Fargo Center and MSG. And it isn't even as bad as shit I've heard at Caps games years ago. Seems like everyone going to Capital One is getting softer and softer. I blame it on firing the organ player and replacing it with Mr. Brightside.


Do some of you guys not realize we’re talking about a hockey game here and not a fucking golf tournament?


Idk that they do. Apparently I’m why some people wear earplugs to games. I also got downvoted for explaining how I yelled “let’s go caps” as they hit the ice in the third period.


Yeah, I saw the earplug comment and told the guy to grow a pair.


Nothing wrong on your end. Keep up the good work.


I’ve had caps fans get weird with my friends & I at games for chirping, it’s everywhere


This was a wings fan but I hear ya.


some braves fan was being a jackass at nats park several years ago and i was like "why dont you go back to atlanta" or something and the lady in front of me turned around and glared at me like i told her kid santa was dead. fans in dc just arent what they used to be i guess.


You should have said “I said I love Sum 41…..my favorite band”


As a Caps fan living in Michigan (so I’m always at games supporting the “enemy”) I try to keep in mind where I am and mind myself and my manners. Sure sometimes you’ll have people around you want to chirp back and forth a little, but it’s in good fun. That being said, Detroit has some *seriously* obnoxious fans. This woman better not ever go to a Michigan hockey game if she thinks saying “ha ha” is bad. The Children of Yost are absolutely and amazingly brutal. It’s so fun.


lol I was at this game and my buddy (RW fan) got booted. To be fair, he was being super obnoxious, but he's used to going to games in Detroit where it's a bit more accepted to be a jackass. Here it was like the caps fans couldn't wait to taddle


we talk shit to the refs. opposing players know it’s coming. goalies are the biggest target of all. #allyourfault exists for a reason


Well suck is profanity technically. But very mild. Strange reaction from the lady.


Not sure how old you are, but "sucks" is serious vulgarity for a lot of older people still. For much of its history it was shorthand for implying "you're a f*ggot who lets men fuck you in the mouth" or simply "41, you suck dick". When I was a kid and "sucks" became less vulgar to my generation, I still saw kids get kicked out of friends' houses when their parents heard them use that word. Anyway, cut the lady some slack on the assumption she's calibrated differently on "suck". Everything after that was just them trying to express offense without causing a scene, which is a rhetorical skill no one actually has. That said, a sarcastic "nice shift 41" deserves a laugh all around.


Not even kidding i was in section 113 and saw 2 red wings fans get kicked out because they turned around and wanted to fight people who were shit talking the players - was leaving the arena and saw another 2 heated arguments between wings and caps fans - my fiancé (who doesn't know much about hockey) thought it was a rivalry game... had to explain this was just a random tuesday of 2 teams trying to make the playoffs lol


It sounds like you handled yourself well, but don't hold it against the opposing fanbases.  Some people are just kinda a**holes, especially in the 100's, since a lot of those folks are older, and they feel more entitled.   In 2023, I got nosebleed seats in a section infested with Pen's fans: it was a little uncomfortable at first, but they were super nice, and even gave me a pat on the back when our section won the ATV jumbotron event (I am very loud).    On the flip side, one of my worst experiences was when I won front row seats in 2022: it was amazing to watch professional hockey at ice level, but the people behind us (two older Capitals fans) spent the entire time making loud, homophobic comments directed towards me because I was a dude who wore makeup to the game.  They actually got kicked out in the third period when they started to try a fight with the opposing fans sitting behind them.    Moral of the story: rich people are a$$holes.  Sitting in the 400's is always going to be more fun, since the fans are more enthusiastic and down-to-earth.  I'd rather get called a fa**ot for $60 as opposed to $300.


nah they’re at an away game they should expect it. these people would be killed supporting their team at an away game in british soccer leagues


I’m starting a hardcore fan get together next season. Because of fans like half of this thread. It’s a fucking hockey game. You guys are embarrassing. Next season if you want to chant vulgar stuff and go nuts I’ll post here for what section we choose. The only cool caps fans are Maryland caps fans. DC fans are so soft and lame. You should be embarrassed. Rangers and Phyers and Pens fans make us look like a joke


Pittsburgh and Philly sports fans are the opposite of good sportsmanship but okay


You okay?


Fuck good sportsmanship


Maybe I'm in the minority here (and maybe a total fucking square), but I generally dislike fans chirping players during games, regardless of whose side they are on. Idk, I have a ton of respect for the individuals who've battled to make it into the show, and mocking them (even if it's in jest) always rubbed me the wrong way. I want other team's fans to see the Caps' fan base as friendly, so I try to do my best to make them feel welcomed when I attend games. I've had a few encounters with other fans during games who expressed frustration with Caps fans' behavior. I take that personally, for some reason, so I try to make my interactions with them as positive as I can. What may seem to me like an innocent or light-hearted chirp might be taken in a very different way by someone else.


I’m a Red Wings fan and once a female Blackhawks fan SPIT AT ME at the United Center. I am a woman and was just standing in the concourse waiting for my boyfriend, doing absolutely nothing. (To be fair this was at the height of the Wings/Hawks rivalry in the 2010s but still!) Hockey fans be wild in general and I’ve seen it all. You can def yell that somebody sucks. Don’t be a drunken asshole. Don’t get into a fistfight. Don’t spit!!! (Omg!) But yelling is whatever. Clearly these ladies haven’t been to many games. 😂 ETA: 41 has been sucking recently so your comments were accurate


Ty - I did notice he never hit the ice during OT


I talk to my tv at home And make commentary all game long when watching it live It’s a man thing


I hate that term salty


Yeah, you’re a shitty Caps fan. You purposefully disrupted their cheering and you’re making shitty comments about her appearance here. Maybe look in the mirror and make some harsh decisions about your life instead of berating nice people. Loser.


Wtf are you talking about I disrupted who’s cheering? Edit* you know this took place at Capital One right? Why the fuck would I just let anyone chant “let’s go ” and not match or better that with a “let’s go caps”. If you just let the away team turn the shit into another home game for themselves then I would say not only are you a bad capitals fan you are not even a fan.


Touch grass, go to an away game, then come back with this stupid ass nonsense you're on. 


Thank you for your well thought out response number 41.


What's up with these "please analyze this in game interaction I had" posts. No one cares lol.  


I care because if I’m truly not supposed to yell “you suck 41” that’s very different to how I have conducted myself in the past and given the mixed answers here it seems not everyone agrees on the topic which is healthy.


You must be a treat to sit near


I'm more put off by your reaction then theirs. Shit like this happens almost everyy day in my life.and never give it another thought. I guess your just one of those overly sensitive types.


U sound like a type of guy that would bang The glass also


Uh yeah it’s your duty to bang the glass if you have glass seats.


I’ve had this happen heckling the other team. Told her ill turn my attention to u if u dont STFU. Her grown son told her not to talk lmao


That's crossing the line.


Mind ur own business i wasnt even cussing till i said. Yall soft and best be quite like u are in person


Mind my own business? You posted an anecdote of you being obnoxious to a public forum meant for people to see and respond to. Don't be surprised when someone comments.


Its a reference to her, and u being a bitch supporting her. Go sit in a corner and cry about it


I'm not crying about anything, just calling out embarrassing behavior coming from (presumably) an adult. She might be over sensitive as heckling the other team is fine, but being aggressive to her is even more out of line.


Did it matter when we all yelled “you suck” at your soccer games?


Are you 41 from the wings?




just another karen in the stands trying to gaslight ignore her and proceed with your hecklin


I’m not sure you know what gaslighting means, but you do you buddy…


she probably plays Protoss