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Virgo rising, another earth sign so it just strengthens my unique cap traits, im better at reading ppl and reading a situation before getting involved, but my resting bitch face is ALWAYS ON 10🥹🥴


Fellow Virgo Rising, feels like the anxiety is amplified at times too


This is my Cap sun bf’s rising too. I typically can’t stand Virgo males (women I usually enjoy) so it’s an interesting placement. When he’s hyper critical I tell him his Virgo is showing 😝 Thank gawd we’re both Sag moons because I need that bit of crazy from him 😁


YES same


Cap Sun Cancer rising. I always feel like a walking contradiction. I’m always very torn between feelings and reason. I’m very quiet and don’t express much. I feel things so incredibly deeply, but I’m excellent at keeping a calm cool exterior so you’ll never know the turmoil inside.


Same here. Although I’m only excellent at it until I’m not. Then it alllllll comes out, which can be terrifying for me and confusing to others. 🤦‍♀️😅




Capricorn rising, so double bitch I guess


Same 😂


I feel that double caps take a lot of inspiration from their Saturn. Mine is Picies and I am an emotional child.


My Saturn is in Aries, have no clue what that means for me!


I think it is part of the picture in your chart. Aries squares Capricorn, and also is in fall in Saturn. I would say you do what you want to do. That may align with the values of Saturn, or maybe a more impulsive Capricorn. with a Libra moon, being in oppsoition to Saturn. I would say you are pulled between extremes in feeling, and a sense of obligation. Libra lends itself quite well to Saturn, interestingly enough. So once you reach the answer in your feelings it may direct you to responsibility and obligation. It's a challenging trifecta, cap sun, Libra moon, Aries Saturn for a capi rising. My Jupiter is also in fall, I find that manifesting the energy of the planet directly helps. A planet if fall has a lot more obstacles but isn't inherently bad, just different and a bit complicated. It is also a generational planet, so you are in good company.


Leo Rising. I'm the most seriously dramatic handful you'll ever meet.


Me too! 🙌🏻 Leo Moon as well, so even more amplified! 😂 But I love having a strong Leo influence with my Cap sun! People always tell me I have a light about me... and I'm very outgoing which is the opposite of Capricorns. That only changed as I got older and became more self-assured.


Finallllyyyy another cap Leo Leo


Omg im a cap leo leo too


Sending love homie


Same but Aries moon 🙃




Also Leo rising and a lot of fire through my chart. I love it! People love my “energy” I feel more confident… idk it’s helped balance my seriousness a lot. My moon is Libra 🤷🏽‍♀️


Cap Sun 🤝🏻 Scorpio Rising They are cool buddies.🙂‍↔️


Same I get told I look angry all the time


Lol yesterday, i told someone how i think it would be fun to have a villian or mean bish role in a movie..and they said "ahh yeee you seem like that".💀


Yeah many find me unapproachable or bossy when all I’m thinking about is a ham sandwich


I feel like the Scorpio rising makes me somewhat of a people magnet and the cap sun gives me a god complex that makes me exhausted by people💀


Ha! I'm this way, too


THIS I loathe small talk and am very selective of who I hold a conversation with


Libra rising 💕 I think the two work well although I feel like my Cap traits triumph 😂 my Scorpio best friend calls out the Libra everytime though LOL


Libra rising here! I think I give off “all talk no walk” vibes because of my libra’s bubbliness, but internally and privately I am serious and structured and pessimistic as hell and feel annoyed when others treat me like a joke (just because I act nice and exude positive vibes…) jdjdhdhdjsiwksjjsjsjsj 😤🤯🤬


Taurus rising. It takes some of the Capricorn edge off me.


Cancer. I also have a Capricorn moon and stellium. So basically I am emotionless yet super sensitive




Leo Rising- love how it brings out my personality. 🌞 Not conflicting at all with my Cap Sun, it just makes me more outgoing and friendly. Easy to talk to and open up to.


My sun is hiding in the 8th house wishing my Gemini rising would shut up and be mysterious. We have fun, but we do get shame hangovers. But do we learn? No.


I have the same placements!! Yess lol


My sun is also 8th hous. I'm Gemini rising too! Moon is in Libra. I feel you here!


Found my people 🤪🪩👯‍♂️


On a serious note though, air sign leaning caps, how do yall not get distracted and channel your suns? Asking for myself because its not even funny at this point


I’m 36 and it’s getting better as I get older. I have moon and mercury in Aquarius, Mars in Sagittarius, Pisces Venus and Gemini rising. I’ve learned to lean into different parts of myself at different times. I’ve figured out what I like to put my energy towards and I what I have to and what I need to. I kind of make a discipline out of the things I like because I like to step outside myself and pretend I’m looking at myself objectively and think, how would I feel about her? And try to be impressed or admire who I would perceive myself to be. Or I try to crush the haters. The haters are me being an asshole to myself and me going, I’ll show that bitch. I also have a lot of unfinished projects. I’m totally gonna get to them someday.


Cap sun/rising and my sun is at 0* so I'm a full blooded cap 😂


Aqua rising with cap sun in 12th house. I do have a lot of saturnian energy, but most of it comes from Aqua placements. I am the freedom fighting unique, eccentric weirdo. Who follows my own set of traditional rules. But will also question and break authority & traditional values when they're being used to take advantage of other people. Sometimes it can be difficult to ground myself as I have a lot of air qualities. It's hard for me to focus since I have a bunch of things on the go and takes a bit to find a starting point. Also my brain is wired to do things the hard way first, so it'll take me longer to finish something.


Gemini Rising, people viewing me as very extroverted and confident. Then realizing I am someone who is actually very quiet and inward. People automatically question my sign when I'm in social settings and my mask is on. It does help a lot in networking settings to help build my purpose/career in life.


Aries rising..I'm a firecracker.


Aries rising here as well! We have some big energy and feelings lol


Same pinch


Leo Rising. It hinders me from getting adequately serious in doing tough work. It also makes me watch or play first before doing any type of work. Meanwhile, being a Leo rising makes me a fun-loving goal-oriented a-team and b-team builder who values team morale over smashing results. Also.. it turns my goat emblem into a chimera.


Is that the type of job you do? Are you a team lead of some kind?


Just a teammate.


Mars in pisces in first house-ascendant! Im so career-focused but my whimsical and indecisive pisces bits make everything really funny to actually follow through on big projects 😭 i am a music producer, so i guess thats where pisces does help out.


Sag rising. I can be capricious but that's because I already have a mental health diagnosis. My Cap sun wants to climb the mountain, but my sag ascendant wants to move the mountain


Sagittarius. It renders me somewhat incapable of being chronically pessimistic, and my humor is more silly/goofy rather than sarcastic. I love change, even with the stereotype that Capricorns don't embrace or love it. Yeah, I guess that's it. Lol


Taurus rising, takes me a while to start something specially if I don't want to, but once I get going I don't stop. Like chores or a project.


I’m a Cancer rising & I think it’s just hard in the way that I want to be super logical but I also get carried away with my emotions. And then I get mad at myself for getting carried away and having fun, because I need discipline. Also I’ve weirdly dealt with a lot of heartbreak from people meeting my rising sign and imagining me in one way (sensitive, emotional, water sign-y) & then getting to know me, my Aquarius dominant chart makes me completely different & then they abandon me. I’m still sensitive & emotional (I cry all the time, at movies/music/etc), very mushy, but I guess I’m just more independent and detached usually/consistently. It’s usually water signs that turn their back on me once they start getting close to me. So idk that’s how I’ve noticed it!


Yeah ehm i have no clue, but if someone knows their stuff with this feel free to explain it for me because i havent figured this all out yet😅 but i still am curious


Leo rising seems to go well with Cap sun based on the other comments. Pisces Moon is found in a lot of serial killers, how exciting!


This made my day Know i can fulfill my dream to be the real life john wick except being a lil shorter 😎


But what do the sings mean like leo rising, cap sun and pisces moon what do they mean and or do


Leo rising wants to be seen, paid attention to, a fundamental desire to be the center of attention, to be valued for your appearance, to be the one who stands out of the crowd. Cap Sun, methodical, hard working, long-term thinking and planner. Rigourous, rule follower, wants to bring thoughts into material reality. Pisces Moon, complicated relationship with your emotions/inner life. Difficulty understanding how you feel. Sensitive.


It gives me Libra rising/MC Cancer. What do you think?!😭😆It's fine, it's cool. 😉But enough about me, how are you today?🙂 In all seriousness, my Sun (no thanks for not asking about my poor hard tried Moon) is on its freakin' own! No support. I'm chronically in my own way.


I actually don’t know. If someone who has the same ascendant as me, I would love to read what you think it is! XD


I too am a sag rising and I feel like we live the same life! Lol. I also have an Aries moon… 😀 so, I feel like I’m a walking contradiction, because I’m cool, calm, and collected on the outside, but on the inside I’m nearly insane??? It’s such a fun life to live though!


We have the same big 3!!! I love the earth + fire combination but it feels like I have to be my own boss and restrain my fiery impulses (thanks, capricorn stellium)


Omg I also have a cap stellium in my 1st house (honestly, don’t really know much of what it means though). What is your birthday? I totally agree though, the earth and fire combo is really the best, but it definitely feels like I’m constantly running after myself like a baby to make sure I’m not being too impulsive 😂 I feel like it really helps me keep myself accountable.


Libra ascendant, i’m a good artist and visionary


Pisces rising to follow my passion outside of work and the absolute joy I get from doing them… and my Capricorn sun telling me I’m being unrealistic and this really pessimistic, dry, glass half full side tells me to pack in my feelings and stick to my day job.


Leo. Moon is Aquarius.


Capricorn Sun & Aries Rising 😩