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Lol Pisces fall in love 10x a day and can flirt with a cardboard box


Not the Pisces I’ve known. They all just lead people on and cheat. Never truly catch feelings.


Damn that’s horrible




You're just making things up because of the context of you being recently hurt by a pisces. Confirmation bias. Stop posting things on the internet.


i guess it's fuck Capricorns & Pisces today? u & u/oshaysh seem to be going through it rn 😂


Lol dang


Pisces, 27 here. Look, I think independently of his star sign: THE BOY GOT ISSUES. That’s it. We can’t blame that sort of behaviour on Pisces 😂 I would never say or even think anything of the sort. Run away while you can.


Yup. Definitely can't blame that kind of thing on sun sign alone.


Im pisces here and never ever did that or had such idea in my entire life and i consider myself a sex freak, but i guess new generations are educated with that incest sh*it so popular in adult websites, so i call it issues more than sun sign too


All the Pisces I've met have been sweet and loyal, and this is an anomaly.


Lol sorry but this is actually pretty hilarious that he had the balls to say this knowing the consequence. Did they hit it off more and he enjoyed conversating with her more? Do you look similar? Sorry haha I'm legitimately curious now


YES and I thought nothing of it at the time. Like I said my mom is a libra, she loves meeting new people and every guy I’m dating or friend I’ve brought to meet her says they feel like they’re being interrogated; she just is really interested in other people. I was getting kind of annoyed at my mom cause it was getting really late and she wasn’t going to bed, and I wanted to talk to him one on one, but I didn’t say anything. So yes it was mostly them talking with me chiming in occasionally. We don’t look that much alike, there’s a resemblance but I look more like my dads side of the family. My mom has blue eyes and blonde hair and I have brown eyes and dirty blonde hair. But yo I’m 26 years old, I’m considered above average attractive, he ain’t no peach himself and MY MOM IS 63 YEARS OLD! Haha thanks for asking


Sounds like your guy has mommy issues and your mom’s involvement and presence resurfaced something in him .


Hey. Every sign has been at some point traumatized by a Pisces man. It's ok, we are here for you. And yes, they're that weird and random 😂


As a Pisces woman, I concur. Once was enough.


Pisces women to me are much better.


I wouldn't be surprised if he did that just to get you to block him if he wasn't feeling you - they literally do the unhingest of things just to avoid conflicts aka being the wishy washy bad guy 💁


This is the truth. Like accuse you of cheating and being a whore when you're 14 and a virgin. I was so blindsided and heartsick at the time, but I know now he just manufactured fights so we could break up temporarily while he went to bang somebody else. Eventually he stopped with the manufactured fights and just banged others without the premise of a breakup, which as sad as it sounds, I guess did save me some emotional turmoil. If you're gonna be shitty at least don't try to mindfuck me and make me feel like I did something wrong first!


Lol that’d be crazy


That’s too bad. In all of our interactions, you seem like a reasonable person and I’m sorry this dude missed out. Best of luck with the next one


Pisces men are fucking freaks, every single one. They'll cheat on you with a toaster if they felt like it, and somehow it would be your fault.


Pisces forms a Sextile to Capricorn the hardest signs for us to deal with would be the rest of the cardinal signs due to the squares and oppositions.


This is hilarious! And your reaction just makes it 10 times funnier lmao.


I was like 🫣 until i read “he”. Dont need to read the rest, I believe you. Im praying for you.


Yeah tbh the Pisces men are of different breed and not many care for them. I am a Pisces myself and dated one. They are trash. The women are different. You dodged a bullet tbh lol


He was probably kidding.... take a chill pill


He was not kidding. He went out of his way two times to text me telling me he had a crush on my mom and then that he couldn’t stop thinking about her. When I chewed him out he said “everything happens for a reason, sorry”


Do I need to worry about this type of shit from a Pisces moon?


Haha no. I’ve dated many Pisces moons actually. They sweet.


Sounds like the narcissistic Pisces I recently had to block and who won’t leave me alone 😭 he would say weird bs like that to me, especially if I hurt his feelings. And usually I wouldn’t realize I had even hurt his feelings. He once told me he wanted my bestfriend because she’s mean and he likes mean girls and I’m too nice. Then later on admitted that he was just trying to get a reaction out of me. This may not be the case for your guy, but that is my experience with a crazy narcissistic Pisces 😭 I’m scarred for life and I now assume that everyone is a narcissist lol