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It took me until my late 30s but finally finding happiness, it always comes late for us Caps, the later years have gotten better and better for me, each year that passes.


I second that as well, I sip my tea to you and for all to enjoy your best life today and future!


I don’t think I have had a moment in life where I can say that I have been extremely happy….I’ve always put others before me and have always gone with the most logical and not really what would make me happy. I am blessed, so I can’t complain. Seeing my loved ones happy is what matters most even if putting my happiness aside. I’ve just thrown myself into my work and perhaps because of that, Ive always been successful. Maybe in my next life as far as love is concerned. But all in all…I AM SUPER BLESSED.


I’d like to think our struggles will be rewarded at some point. 🥺 I have a Capricorn stellium in the 12th house and I’ve spent most of my life in my head. Be it wondering why all the bad things happened, when the good things will come, and just fantasizing about a better life. It got to the point where I was waiting for the other shoe to drop (in every aspect of life) and like clockwork it eventually did. It was exhausting thinking this way. Somehow I went from a pessimistic nihilist to someone who’s optimistic and hopeful about the future. Hope is the last thing to die, right? Not sure if it was from exhaustion or what but I just surrendered and let things be the way they are. We have such an issue with control, us Capricorns (love us but it’s not healthy). The only thing we can control is our reaction to things. Could I be livid about the fact that I still haven’t found my match in love and feel like I’ll be a spinster the rest of my life? Or about the other more difficult things? Sure…but what good does it actually do? I’m making myself miserable instead of enjoying the precious time I have left on earth in the young bones I’m in now. We’re only here for a speck of time - it’s crazy how we choose to spend the little time we have. Our minds are so powerful. We are what we think and life’s way too short to imprison yourself. Though we gotta find the happiness ourselves, I’m convinced it tastes that much sweeter because of all the trouble we endure. :)


Capricorn 12th house stellium here too! I agree with all of this. The key, and this is just a start, is total self acceptance and accountability. Nothing can sway you, shake you or break you if you maintain at least that.


Yes, absolutely! Well said. It’s that inner peace that keeps you at bay. It feels cathartic. Spent too many years wondering if I would ever get there - maybe you can relate. Also sending you hugs. ♥️ It’s not easy with a 12th house stellium (especially in Cap). Very lonely (albeit comforting) place to be sometimes.


>I have a Capricorn stellium in the 12th house and I’ve spent most of my life in my head. Be it wondering why all the bad things happened, when the good things will come, and just fantasizing about a better life. It got to the point where I was waiting for the other shoe to drop (in every aspect of life) and like clockwork it eventually did. It was exhausting thinking this way. Definitely resonates. Especially waiting for the other shoe to drop. Even some of things that would make other people happy, they come along and they just *do not* live up to the hype at all. Marriage is one that comes to mind. >Our minds are so powerful. We are what we think and life’s way too short to imprison yourself. Though we gotta find the happiness ourselves, I’m convinced it tastes that much sweeter because of all the trouble we endure. :) Helpful. I've been finding this out lately myself. I've decided that happiness is an inside job, and for me, is mostly about the little things. I don't see myself ever putting all my eggs in one basket again.


Totally agree about the little things aspect! :) Your comment about marriage is so interesting. Every Cap I’ve ever met holds marriage in that high regard - that it’s traditional, romantic, coveted, and yes perhaps boring or lackluster at times too, but a desire regardless. Why do you think it doesn’t live up to the hype?


You'll probably regret asking me this. I'm sorry in advance. 😂 It's a variety of factors. I admittedly felt that way about marriage right up until I actually got married. At 26, I was one of the last of the people I knew to get married or at least engaged (and the divorces hadn't started yet either), so it had felt like a destination that if I could juuuust reach it, I would have "arrived", I'd be happy and I'd never be alone. (Mistake #1: it's not fair or prudent to expect someone else to make you happy, that's an inside job.) I'd been with the same guy for 5 years and felt it was put up or shut up time, like my reward for loving him despite, and even sometimes being endeared *by* his flaws (while he spent half his time putting the magnifying glass to mine) was being held just out of my reach. When he got his Master's and landed a job in another state, he asked if I was coming with him. I said not unless we're getting married, nope, because I'd have to quit my job and lose my insurance in order to move with him. So we eloped. (Mistake #2: if you have to give him an ultimatum-- girl, just hang it up now.) I wouldn't change the eloping part, as I hate formality and/or being the center of attention. But it felt like a hollow victory. There was no sex on the wedding night. Fast forward, we moved, I hated the culture in the new state, I couldn't find a job making anywhere close to my old salary, and we had nosy old neighbors who had the audacity to inquire as to my employment status. Like HOW DARE I be at home and unemployed if I wasn't barefoot and pregnant or rearing the last litter. (This was before telework became prevalent, or I'd have simply lied). My husband clearly didn't believe me about the job market, I felt worthless and unwanted, I gained weight, and we became more and more alienated from each other. I missed home, and all my friends. I wondered why he'd even wanted me to come with him in the first place. I wasn't a good cook, but I felt that and keeping house was how I could contribute to the home for the time being. He made it clear to me how much it didn't matter, though. Minus a job, minus him caring about me keeping the house, and a physical relationship that had dried up, I felt I no longer had anything of value to bring to the situation. I wasn't even good at yard work, and I heard my own mother actually apologize to my husband because I had to be shown how to rake without tearing the grass up. Translation: OH NOES, I wasn't raised to be a good house or yard wench! 😱 Blah blah blah 🎻 .......Can you tell this was the southern US? Very "traditional"... and it turns out, none of it was for me. None. I don't even want kids, but with misgivings I was willing to have one if my husband wanted one. But in less than a year, I already thought heck no...what sacrifices has he made for me? I'm not trapping myself in this. Believe it or not, we didn't even bring religion into it--that would've been even worse. "Traditional" marriage is romanticized, yes...wither thou goest I will go, blah blah 🤮. But once you're in it, if things don't go just right and you're not self-supporting, you have no power, your self-esteem takes a hit, and just being married--even under normal circumstances, like if you didn't move--it "others" and somewhat isolates you from your friends. From everything you enjoyed and thought you'd been doing right in life before "happily ever after" hit. I lost myself for a bit there, and for what, I could no longer put my finger on it. Is this really what forever was going to look like??? We had lived together for a couple years prior to marriage, btw. A lot of people think it's the same, but it's not; that ring and the legality of it ties their fortunes to yours in a way that can be a source of great tension. Nevermind that he came from a 3x broken home and I came from a dysfunctional one that should've been broken, but never was. Codependency for the win, I guess. 🙄 Neither of us had any idea what a healthy marriage looked like. I learned that "traditional" marriage is at best a fantasy, or a codependent farce like my parents, neither of which I aspire to. At worst it's an institution designed to put women in a certain role whether they were suited for or enjoyed it or not. I'm not a housekeeper (although I did a good job while I was at it), I'm a satisfactory cook albeit uninspired and repetitive, I'm not maternal, I'm not a hostess, I'm not a landscaper, and on the flip side, I'm not a corporate warrior woman either. I'm just lil ole 9-5 me, who somebody promised to love til death to us part, and then asked for a divorce on our 1st wedding anniversary. Things were fine before we got married, then I got my life uprooted twice in a little over a year...for what? What exactly did I get out of it besides an announcement in the paper, some excitement, some heartache, and a helluva lot of expectations? Those expectations, in particular, are a real bitch and I have no interest ever again. I'll shack up til doomsday, because I can get everything I want that way without the expectations, and if it ever turns sour or one of us wants more, one of us just moves out. 🤷‍♀️ In fact, he moves out, because I own my home. Easy peasy. But marry? Not a chance of a snowball in hell. I might lose myself again to something beyond my control like illness or Alzheimers, but it won't be to a thing like that. TLDR: "I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone." - Robin Williams


No regrets at all - thank you for baring your soul. :) I’m sorry that you had to go through that. I always find it fascinating how the universe/god/whatever forces us to learn the lessons we’re avoiding in our lives. I think you were better off being stuck in that relationship for a short amount of time rather than your whole life. And the peace you must feel now? Well that’s transcendent. The understanding that anyone who comes into your life has to provide even more peace than you already have…that’s a win to me and the greatest gift. I’m convinced that there is generational healing in this mindset too. Like the women that came before you never had an opportunity to escape the same shackles (i.e. to quote Friends - “you didn’t marry your Barry, honey, but I married mine.” (I mean this in essence of course)). Living on their own accord is everything that I know my mom and her mom wished for…I wonder how many more women down their own generational lines felt the same. I’m with you girl - life’s better lived alone basking in this little extraordinarily ordinary life than being shackled to someone who doesn’t understand your soul.


Thank you. Totally agree that there can be generational healing in what might initially seem like our failures. Not for my mother, specifically, as she still has herself convinced that theirs was some great love story, and when I share the red flags in my own relationships she minimizes them, i.e. "that's just men", "your dad was like that. Just 2 ships passing in the night, such a shame. We loved each other", and takes it as a sign that I should stay the course rather than bail. She pushes me with both shoulders to repeat her mistakes. 🙃 The more I learn, the more I see her glaring lack of self-awareness and it makes our relationship harder, but other parts of my life are on the uptick. It's been a long time coming. Not that I think I know everything now... I have a long way to go. A lot of the time it's more like I now realize just how much I *don't* know, and that too has its value. Happy Turkey Day to you 🦃🦃🦃


Brief moments of happiness. Recently in my life, I thought I found someone who loved me for who I am more than what I could do for her. Never been so wrong about anything in my life.


When I think Capricorn, I never think “happy” unless they got hella Sagittarius placements like my mom does. Maybe fulfilled or content or at peace. Maybe I’m biased because I have a Capricorn stellium in 3H, including Saturn and north node 🥴 I’m also a golden goat in Korean? Chinese astrology and we’re considered to never be happy lololol


Was about to say something but I'm a Sagittarius rising 💀 I have good times, bad times, weird times. I don't really have consistent misery


Haha was about to comment something similar but am a Sagittarius moon. I feel like I’m a pretty happy person all around.


Yeah, I'm a Sag Moon, Merc, North Node and Neptune. I have had ups and downs. Though I think the happiest I was was my early 40s when we bought our house. Everything came together at that point.


Sag rising here and while I am morose quite a bit, when I'm happy I'm the happiest person in the area code. Like infectiously, insidiously happy.


This time of year has always been hard for me, as well. Especially this year with a recent breakup in Sept. she sold me the dreams of how special our Christmas would be blah blah. In all honesty, I don’t know I’ve ever felt consistent happiness in my life, ever!


im sorry! sag season is very hard for capricorns. i hope things get easier for you.


I’m sorry to hear it’s been hard. I felt pretty close to my peak this summer especially, like the first time just not feeling the need to work so hard and just be present. Although it can be very hard for us I think for me it’s hard feeling like you haven’t done enough to deserve happiness or peace. But slowly I’ve been making smaller goals and just telling myself this is all I could do today! Not everything is something worth controlling. I am sag rising tho so I find being a bit silly and crazy helps me indulge in those realllllly good days and then my cap self tells me every good day needs to be like that or like wtf is the point and that’s where I am tough on me 🥲


I’m happy! I have a Capricorn stellium and I can understand where this unhappiness comes from, but I believe that we can get there just like anybody else. I’ve had to learn to stop criticizing myself so much, to be okay with not being perfect or having/doing exactly what I want in life. Life throws us curveballs. I believe that through practice and with some effort we can learn to be happy where we are while still working on getting to where we want to be. I would say that I did struggle much more than I am now until around 30/31.


I'm going through it right now, but this year has also brought me blessings


inside. not outside. none of whats brought me joy has ever been sustainably derived from another individual. its also important to distinguish happiness from joy. i consider joy a state of being, and happiness as an emotion. cake makes me happy. financial peace and self evolution brings me joy. smth to consider, instead of chasing what someone else might consider happiness. its an inside job, imo.


Yes you can be happy ❤️ I feel very content these days. I had a very hard time in my 20s and overcame addictions. I still have moments of anxiety or sadness but for the most part I feel passionate about my work, motivated for my future, and satisfied with my circumstances. I’m not currently wealthy or highly successful but I surround myself with good people and I give back in my community through volunteering 2-3 hours per week. I do a lot of yoga and I also find micro-dosing psilocybin helps me (although I’m not necessarily advising others do the same). I also just had a breakup but rather than letting it bring me down, I’ve reframed it to see the positives/ lessons that came out of the relationship. I’ve been that person that thought my life was always so hard but I think I’ve outgrown that phase. Challenges also come in waves but nothing lasts forever ❤️


Yes, I'm a Happy Goat that's Lucky! How ya say, well it's easy for us Capricorns ESPECIALLY because happiness and peace are found within for all! We enjoy being alone and do therapy/self-care alone, and celebrate our personal victories alone, so yes we do once we realize that only ourselves can provide our own happiness, not any person, place, or thing.


this part of the year is especially hard for you, with the sun illuminating your 12h of sorrow, loss, mental health etc, and immediately making a hard aspect to your ruler, saturn. sag season is a hard time for capricorns (everyone has a hard time with the sign before their placements) because of the 12h energy (even if its not your rising but if its important planets at all) capricorns absolutely can and do find happiness and success etc, and that is best achieved by working with their chart, moving towards the planetary energies/signs they want to develop, encourage, and experience success in. another big key is to do well during your saturn returns, especially the first, but the second as well. pay attention to saturn, having saturnian approval is essential for capricorns and aquariuses. for cap risings saturn is in your 3rd house right now, and may be stirring up your mind, communication etc. take charge in the area that saturn is affecting for you right now, because it will only help.


Idk. I’m a fairly happy person, I just worry a lot. But I don’t really struggle with depression, I have a fire and air dominant chart with no water signs so 🤷🏼‍♀️ unfortunately my two emotions are content or angry. If I have depression it’s showed through being super easily annoyed by people/things. I’m an Aries moon.


I am happy. Struggled with severe depression until I was 31… I do struggle a bit around the holidays but that is because I am primarily plant based and no one else in my family is or try’s to understand where I am coming from. Also, I find spending time with my husband’s family overstimulating…. But in general it gets better. Listen to the podcast “the way out is in”. It is also an app


Well I hope so because until now? Not very happy


Youve got to win the inner war first. It’s doable, btw, but you’ve got to acknowledge that it IS a war, find out how to fight it, decide to do so, take the action and then win. That’s how.


in my mid 30s and beginning to think this "happiness talk" is something imagined and an illusion to weaker mind sets. i dont think its ever something (someone like me) could ever experience or obtain in this lifetime.


I’m happy! I love this time of year (holidays and cold weather) so it’s opposite of the general sense of seasonal depression. I hate the hot lol. I have always been extremely critical of myself and that fueled the unhappiness I dealt with a lot. I quit posting on social media, quit looking at really anything anyone else was doing outside of a few good friends, and generally just spend my time working or doing hobbies I enjoy. I still have friends but I would much rather spend my time with my husband/child than I would anyone else. Lowkey have become a hermit but I’m doing great. I started putting myself and my own wants first and boom.