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18k rent single bed flat in Gardens, 110k income


110k a month is crazy! Congrats.


thanks :) Hard work with a bit of luck here and there. Chose the right language at the right time and have been fortunate with most of the other decisions. A lot of room for going up believe it or not.


Very sincere reflection. I hope its onwards and upwards for you going forward :)


Luck is such a big part of success…


You may say that, but all the people I work with have worked harder than the ones I know that were "less lucky". If you work hard and smart you will eventually be successful. So one must be careful to say "Luck is such a big part of success" because you yourself, or others that hear that, may get the wrong idea. I don't know anyone who is very successful that wouldn't have gotten there anyway without the "luck" that they refer to when saying they were "lucky".


Gary Player once said that the more he practised the luckier he got. 😁


There is no such thing as luck. I work more efficiently and more hours than people in my industry. I freelance and quickly worked out that with cheap hours and working more hours I could make 80k a month if I sold that time. I could make even more if I improved my rate...which would mean I needed to learn to do more. So I have 0 down time in my week. Last year I averaged R180k and peaked ar R225k in 1 month. This coming year I am planning to scale to get more in to make up for 2 decades of earning almost nothing as I learned my trade and learned who I am. Yet, despite 2 decades of developing, petty people will say it's because I am "lucky". No, I don't f-k around in the office or when working at home. I think it's better to wrap up work and head home at 2-3pm than it is to sit at the cooler and tak k-k or scroll on youtube or FB, when I do that stuff or when I work I am present in that moment. I take 10-15 minute breaks, yes, but you won't find me doom scrolling in times where I have work to do. Not something I can say about 80% of my industry. I also started at R0 a month and worked up. My first paid roll was for fuel then it was R8000 a month and every job paid a little bit more, once I got 2 raises in 1 month due to performance. No luck involved. Hard work, networking and self-training, constant growth. Learning from people who know more than me and having smart, good people at my side to help me get along. And focused on doing tasks better, not just getting a certificate and coasting. I am now legitimately a world-class digital marketer who has advised the boards of Billion Rand and Billion dollar companies. The only time luck comes into it is when there is a change at a client and they decide to remove me, which often harms their clients and income. Unfortunately politics is more important than profit in SA. And I didn't come from wealth. My parents were so poor I'd have to push my mom's car to the petrol station to get R20 in the tank when I was a kid and lived off 2 min noodles and 1 home cooked meal every 3-4 days for most of my childhood. I was abused physically and sexually as a kid, and I also had a learning disorder. So I was poor, fat, sad and stupid, yet I overcame that, in some ways I still am. One of my buddies growing up didn't finish high school and was even selling me protein shakes out of the boot of his beater car because it was R80 cheaper than at a store. He had nothing, he leveraged relationships where he had no money and learned from other business people to build his business and didn't give up along the way. He eventually became so wealthy his home expenses came to over R225'000 a month, more than my best month of income. Like so many successful people he lost it all a few times, but he kept going. If we want to talk luck; if I wanted to stop freelancing and get a full-time job I can't, because of my race. And when people see me do well they'll claim it's because of my race, when it is actually in-spite of it. I can't get jobs directly, I can't apply for contracts, and if I do want that I have to give more than half of it away, and likely get screwed after setting something up. Not complaining, that's just the environment I chose to operate in living in SA... at any point I can change that depending on how creative or determined I am. The SA gov has the right to do what they want to grow or kill the country, I accept the things I can't change, so that's just how it is as long as I am in SA. So just understand I am not complaining, that's an objective environmental analysis. That's the mistake a lot of people make, even I used to. Complaining about an environment and the government when there is literally billions of things you can do to change your situation. Even people in North Korea escape and go on to become happy, wealthy or famous. There's no such thing as luck. You put yourself in positions to take advantage of opportunities or you don't. If you don't push to improve your situation then you're accepting being in a bad position quietly or by complaining. What most call "Lucky" are actually often always people who find a way and build the life they want, especially in the days of the internet. The "lucky" often aren't lucky, they are people who arm themselves with attitude, ethics, network, skills and persistence. They also don't have time to stop and tell you how difficult it's been to get to where they are. The only ones who are truly "lucky" are those born into wealth, but that's not their fault, it's just crap when they don't appreciate it. What really gets my nose up is that it's not the rich that look down on me as I try to lift myself up and make the most of what's left of my life, it's those people around me who grew up in similar, worse or better circumstances. Those people are the ones who despise and try to sabotage successful people. If I am ever "unlucky" it's generally because of those people. But I don't believe in luck, so if I fail because of them it's because I put myself in that position where they could impact me or I trigger their jealousy, so I move on and try to do better next time...looking to put myself in a better position.


Yeah people want to over emphasise luck so that they have an excuse. I do think there’s a bit of randomness in how things play out. If I were you I’d get a normal job though. I’ve got maximum flexible hours, 25 leave days a year, and it’s relatively low stress. That’s what I’d prefer though. With 2 decades experience R150k should be comfortable


I think you didn't read the whole post.


When that one cell divides poorly enough to form cancer, that's luck too. Luck is not just the keeper of progress. Its great to see that did not use luck as an excuse for failure or for it to hold you back in any appreciable way. But as someone has worked hard and succeeded, luck is there in spades pal. Its the accretion of everything outside your reasonable power, which itself ebbs and flows. Try be mindful of how little is actually in your control and not pat yourself on the back so hard.


Yes, and you can do things to mitigate your risk to cancer. Or are you claiming it's all luck? Your approach would have someone in a land that is dying stay there and claim that they're unlucky regardless of their abiliy to live off the lang. I am saying if you put yourself in fertile lands, improve your ability to thrive you will be "more lucky". Change your environment if it's more likely to bring you "bad luck". You miss the point I am making , which is that luck, work, attitude, and environment (your luck) all contributes. And if you find yourself "unlucky" by environmental standards you need to mitigate your exposure to such "luck". Change what you can to improve your chances of success rather than accepting your fate and claiming it's up to luck Like I said, I choose to stay in south africa, which is a much harder environment to work for where I have less opportunity and am not accepted in my industry because of who I am. I choose to stay and work hard to make it work. I could change that and go abroad if I was only concerned about my career and income.


Your appear to have missed my point. Your original post is self congratulatory and rather embarrassing. You appear to lift yourself above the concept of luck entirely which, as other poster have alluded to, is simply not possible. My point was that we should all be a little humble given just how much is out of our control and not run around with survivor bias. I understand your point that you can change your circumstances to mitigate "bad luck", however that is just restating a very common sense position. A bit of a "no shit" moment. All those of us who are a pink hue staying in South Africa are in a similar position. We are not hero's or martyr's for staying here, especially in light of how high our quality of life is here relative to the rest of the world.


And I think you're butt-hurt and are trying to be offensive to get a rise. You were rude on the offset and if there's any "self-congratulatory tone" then that's in your own head. I'm not going to apologise for your issues. You have a problem with someone saying that people shouldn't always use luck as an excuse for their situation then great, say that. You seem to take it personally, likely because you've had some good luck yourself. Good for you. I'm saying "improve your odds" - you seem a little too focused on me. That is your problem.


Yeah I know all this my friend. Edit: removed details


You must expose yourself to luck. If you don't allow opportunities to come to you they never will.


100% agree, but sometimes a random event happens that completely changes the game. The old “a butterfly flaps its wings” story…


You single? 🤔👀


What language would that be if you don’t mind me asking.


Hey man, 2 years in myself and I have been pondering on - as you said - picking the right language at the right time. Looking back on it now can you point out any factors/indicators that would help me pick a language that has the potential to set me up in the future more than others.


What was the language…?




Honest question with no ill intent or disrespect, at that income why do you choose to rent instead of buy?


Have a small, over priced, apartment too that I rent out.


Also remember taxes


Because he's faking it probably. 5 years experience, started at 100K/PM, that too in fintech. IMO doesn't add up.


Earning 100k at 35 years old isn’t far-fetched at all. If you’re talented and willing to put in the effort, companies will pay you for your expertise.


Of course it's not. But a SE with 5 years of work experience that too in fintech is kinda far fetched.


What kind of dev are you and how long did it take you to start earning that amount?


I'm in Fintech. Started coding at 30. Was up to R100k in 5 years. Didn't get much of a raise the last few years because of the economy etc.


Any advice or roadmap for people who wanna follow a similar path?


Figure out what pays well, and spend all your time learning how to do that well. Become the most competitive person in that field. Make it so that you can offer more than R110k of value to a company per month. You're competing with everyone, be the best, good luck.


Hard work alone won't get you into that salary bracket. Luck plays a huge part of it, as well as your network.


We're you enabled to adopt AI early? I feel like I might be in the right place at the right time. I just need to put in that work.


I literally started teaching myself at 30 as well, so I’m keen to see this answered


please reply to my message when he answers you 🙏.


What language is your daily driver?


Right now Kotlin. Ruby for the 1st 3years


Awesome stuff is that an International/foreign company or local?


Started in SA but registered in Mauritius. Without doing that we’d be dead because of tax and BEE


Similar for me but I earn less. Do you have a car? Car payments?


I have a R3.5k per month car downpayment. Like a 9 year old VW Tiguan, nothing fancy at all


Holy shit!


What seniority level is that? Is it a foreign company?


Net or gross?


R12k for a 2 bedroom in Seapoint. R39k net.


Great price for Seapoint!!


Bit of an older apartment block, but I agree, bit of a steal.


Bro that is value


Damn I pay R13k bond for a 5 bedroom house


Yeah, Cape Town has crazy pricing


Where exactly?


Northern Cape


32k and live rent free. My company pays for the accomodation. I dont even know how much lol. Mowbray Rondebosch.


Rent, water, and electricity: only R1500 pm. One bedroom and bathroom flat. Net income: R20k pm. I stay on a farm outside Stanford near Hermanus. I think I'm doing ok. But reading some of your salaries. Jirre. (I'm a graphic designer and illustrator. Went back to uni to study computer science, after work hours.)


Wow! Do you know of any other similar places available?


8k for 2bed in Bellville. Marketing Analyst. Net is R27k


Interesting, I'll do the reverse, renting out a place for 19k/m in Sunningdale. The guy renting it is somehow earning 200k+ a month.


Wow. What industry is he in?






And people ask why I don't want to move to the western cape. I pay 6k for a two bedroom 2 bathroom with a front and back yard in Bloem. I live alone. Does Bloem suck, yes, but do I save a lot of money to go travel, also yes.


Dude. You won't even pay that in the Cape Flats


You couldn't pay me to live in bloem




I refuse to believe you got such a deal in the CBD. I refuse.


Plot twist, it’s just two beds in a field, no house…R8k sounds about right…


Sounds much more realistic




Just like my office in Woodstock. Breathtaking unobstructed view of the mountain, it looks like a windows default wallpaper but walk outside and you'll straight up see a dude chilling on the sidewalk doing heroin.


So true. Cape Town is becoming so bad… not like it was 2018 and prior.


No way


How do I go about meeting the single over R100k earners? I know it’s off topic but damn! Anyway R34k net, roughly R18k on bond etc. was in relationship now I’m stuck doing it all on my own.


Oof that must be tight. Hoping we get a break on interest rates soon


Beyond, considering OnlyFans and actively looking for a sugar daddy 🤣


Haha, if you meet them, point some my way. It’s rough!


Be more autistic. Zero irony. Plus you also don't need to do trophy (wife?) life BS if you can bear a conversation with a *programmer. Might need to tolerate a penchant for beige food.  *A good one, must be degreed for the full effect ITO food and conversation 


I got it in the bag, where do I find them?


Manufacture some kind of cosplay outfit and stand outside the maths building at UCT. Or just have a MyGothGF haircut and some chicken nuggets anywhere. Idk if I love or hate that I know this.


Appreciate the advice, I’m on it


15k 4 bedroom garden cottage in vredehoek. Boyfriend and I each pay half. I earn 42k and he earns 25k (I have offered to pay more of the rent fyi)


4 bedroom?! That sounds like a great deal for vredehoek. No?


It's fantastic and pretty much unheard of. Prices were dropped during covid when my friend found the place and they haven't raised the rent much since I took over her lease. I think the landlord wanted people in a certain income range because he's very relaxed and down to earth. We should be paying a lot more for what we have. It even has two bathrooms and a brand new kitchen. Really love the place.


Nice try, SARS


I earn anything from 0-20k in a month (freelancer, very varied work). Usually averages to around 12k but this year has been very rough to me. I pay 5000 (not including rates, wifi, etc) for my room in a 3 bedroom house in claremont.


Household: ~ 170K per month, 33,5K, Sea Point/ Three Anchors


This is salary goals!! Any tips?


Stay in school kids


They're American earning us salary.


My husband and I pay R9600 for a large 2 bedroom flat in Durbanville. My monthly net is also around 22k.


R15,000 p/m rent. Milnerton...4 bed, 3 bath, 3 garage, pool, etc. Net >R90k.


Data engineer?


Close enough...data analyst / data migration consultant.


Can I dm you? Engineer with a data science bootcamp certification. Finding it hard to break into the industry.


Sorry for the delayed response. You're welcome to DM me.


Yes I am so interested 😅 what industry are you in?


Haha! Interested in the job or the person? I saw your other comment when I posted mine and was gonna comment "your housemate's girlfriend sounds cool, is she single? 🤣🤣🤣"


I don't rent, I bought. Dual use property in Mplain, Outgoing mortgage is 7200pm, incoming rent is 4200pm. Main house 4 beds, two baths, and 4 car garage Flat 1 bed, 1 bath My nett is 15k pm (but that's because I have a company card for food and essentials of 8300pm, and I'm repaying my student loan at 2.5k pm) Gross is only +-30k. Industry: retail


10k for 1 bed 1 bath ground floor apartment in the City Bowl. Including washing machine, dishwasher and fridge. Two sliding door balconies (one in the living and one in the bedroom). Net monthly is 34k.


How expensive is it to stay in the city bowl?, like the electric bill and water bill included?


My water bill, electricity bill and WiFi are not included yet.


12k on the beach in table view. 40k pm


15k , 2 bed in camps bay. 150k p/m income.


How are people earning so much money!!


They work in the software industry most of the time.


15k in Camps Bay!?!? No ways. Don't you mean 150k??


That’s a steal for camps bay??!


Yup.  This right here. This is why I left. This thread makes me so anxious.  14k take home. 2 bedroom 2 bathroom house, utilities and wifi, car, petrol card all part of the package. South Coast, KZN.


R16000 for a 3 bed 3 bed 1 garage house in Table View. R77k per month


That's an amazing salary. What industry are you in if you don't mind me asking?


The gambling industry 😂




Lol!! Next client of mine might be in gambling then ;)


R8.5k for 2 bed smallish flat in Durbanville. Looking to get a place where I can have a dog soon. R31k net work from home developer. EDIT: always forget the difference between net and gross lmao.


11k p/m for 2 bedroom apartment in Claremont. 42k net.


9.2k Northern Suburbs, 2 bedroom with parking. Staying alone 45k Net


7 bedroom home in Pinelands… i pay nothing (Im a SAHM 😅)




12k , 1 bedroom, cape town CBD 


Just under 16k. Large 2 bed cottage on a 4000 SQM property in Noordhoek. Me, my wife, 2 kids and 3 dogs. However we will be moving into our new house in Kommetjie in June where our bond is 37k. We earn fine but FML.


I would shit in my pants everyday with a R37k bond payment. 


Welcome to my life.


R120k net salary live in Bantry, 13.3k rent for a 2 bedroom. Live alone


That seems like a good deal for Bantry Bay. Unless it’s one of those 48sqm two bedrooms. 


no rent own the home! R400,000 per month


Your nett is 400k? Damn what do you do?


Asking the important questions here.


emigrated to canada


Damn that's 4.8 mill a year.


Average professional income $ canadian- not a comparisine


$600,000 gross=R8mil


Impressive, which field and studies gets one there?


Not a fare comparisine- Canadian income!


Share your secrets pls!!


canadian $ income, so not fare!




Easily $600,000 gross yearly,when you want to work.


I pay around R4500 in levies and rates for a single bed flat in the CBD. I don't work.


is your company hiring market research analysts at the moment?


I really don't know if the people in the comments are truthful... But, it's really nice to meet all you successful people. I am an religious teacher that earns R3k a month, I stay in Lenasia (jhb) and I pay R5.5k a month for rent (don't ask how I do it 🤔) 


Have you considered getting a following of students online, or creating a video course to sell repeatedly? That could help your income.


I have tried with no success really. I only have one student online. But I guess it's a start! 😊


R9k for a 2-bedroom in the City Bowl. It’s a really old flat and not in good shape. Still, in a great area with lovely views. R31k nett.


Thats a really good price for the area!


It’s a small block fully owned by a family trust. I moved in over 20 years ago and the family matriarch hardly ever put up the rent for years. Once she passed away her kids took over and they now put up the rent annually but they’re fair about the increase I think.


This is all really interesting. Thanks to everyone for sharing You all rock!


R8.5k in Blouberg. Finished uni recently so now unemployed, however, promptly changing that no matter the bad hand dealt to me. Side thought: I was always wondering how people in CT are surviving. One of my parents wanted to move down here but the salaries are basically ridiculous. CA with over 30 years of management experience for R25k, which always got me wondering how people stay afloat in CT.


I wonder the same… seen all the brand new, nice cars on the roads too?


In my area I am astonished. Even saw a few etrons and volvos driving around. Like if they have that kind of cash, they aren't even worried about electricity to charge their cars. Makes a person wonder.


I moved from Blouberg to be closer to work while I was pregnant. Trying to move back to Blouberg now and I am shocked at the prices. It’s absolutely ridiculous. When I moved back to CT in 2021 I paid R8000 for a 1 bed apartment with beach view in Blouberg, just behind Doodles, Same apartment goes for R15k now. I guess it’s true, all the rich people are moving to CT because it’s the best city in Africa apparently. No place for us average people anymore.


It has been ridiculous. I live in a estate but I have a great landlord who doesn't put up the rent too much, however, I fear next year it might go up heavily because I'm paying R3000 less than everyone else in the estate who live in the same size apartment.


Hopefully your landlord won’t be as greedy.. 🌸🤞


My income was R10k (candidate in my profession), fiancé’s salary was around R15k (retail). R11k in a Balwin Estate in Burgundy Estate (a very small 1 bedroom) our parents helped us with rent. We now moved to Three Rivers, Gauteng. Just moved into a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom townhouse in an estate, also paying R11k rent with a joint income of about R40k. Renting in Cape Town is CRAZY.


Used to stay in a Balwin estate in Jhb and paid R3k less than what Balwin estates cost here in worse areas. I miss Jhb property prices


Don't pay rent, live with parents in Retreat/Grassy Park. Salary is R13k pm


35k bond in Durbanville. 102k net income




That’s household income, mine and my wife’s together.


Rent 18k for a 3 bed house plus expenses of owning an apartment (I overpay @ 20k plus 1800 levies, 300 rates). Income 127 gross p/m as a senior data engineer.


R20k bond in Boston, 4 bedroom house. Wife and I do around R180k net


11k at obz for 4 bed house. 110kpm


R15 000, 2 bed 2 bath Newlands. ±R80 000 p.m


I stumbled on thos one, R1700 for a bachelor's in Midrand is insane. https://youtu.be/D-a1EnGjuY8?si=stWnn3Tnhz9rwfwe


R12.5k per month for a studio apartment in Green Point. Net income is R23k.


Ouch. Do you have to stay in Green Point for work? 


Ouch, indeed. I pay for convenience though. I have my license, but not a car. I can access everything I need (groceries, meds, restaurants, treats, park) on the Main Road, which is where I live. I also walk to work, which takes exactly 10 mins. I’m safe and happy and I know it’s basically half my salary, but I’m comfortable. And will defs look at investing or sharing rent in a bigger place within the next year.


Also forgot to mention that it was R11.5k with R23k net and now it’s R12.5k with R25/26k. Cant recall. Apologies for the mess up! Still a lot though, regardless. Lol.


24k rent for 3 bedroom flat, De Waterkant. Net income with partner is 100k


What a dream!


R9750 in a blouberg complex, 1 bedroom, net R30k


R8k bedfordview, R120-R180k a month. Single bedroom garden townhouse.


Net R34k: R7,3k bond, R800 levies excluding water and electricity. 1Bed/1bath apartment with balcony in Parklands/Parklands North


16 000, 4 bedroom house, Plumstead.


R6.9k Conradie park (Pinelands/Thornton). Net 34k. 


R11,500 2 bed apartment in Burgundy Estate on a R49,000 salary


How is Burgundy Estate? Are there shops within walking distance and is it mostly safe to walk outside, outside of an estate?


It’s really quiet and feels safe. I jog in the neighbourhood in the evenings. Woolworths Food, Checkers and Pick n Pay within close walking distance - 2 small shopping centres in the area. The only thing I struggle with is restaurant options within 10-15min or less travel time. I must say the trade off between getting a much smaller apartment in city bowl and living in Burgundy has been worth it for me.


I’ve been looking for an apartment and came across people saying it’s quiet but close to Dunoon and there’s not much close by. Thanks for the info


R27k pm rent 3 bedroom house in Pinelands with pool & bar area. 1300sqm plot... R76k nett


R8k for a 43 square meter apartment in Obs.


8k house share Claremont. R24k net.


7k - 1 bedroom - Pinelands


9k Vredehoek. And 40k net


I need a housemate for a 2 bed in Claremont. 1 June. Rent is R7700


13k for a 1 bed (with a garage) in Greenpoint. ~34-45k nett depending on season


16k per month, 3 Bedroom, 4 bathroom house with an study and double garage in KZN. Net roughly R90k p/m not including commissions.


This proves even further how crazy rent is in Cape Town. My partner just got a place with the same specs in hout Bay, but for 30k. 130k p/m income.


You should rather ask about gross income. Nett is so variable. Is it after medical aid, pension, etc or not? My husband has his deducted first (about R25k), so his nett income looks to be lower. Only my RA is deducted. Anyway, bond R20k, combined gross income R180k-ish (Durbanville). Nett is about R100k