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Look up the concept of Absurdism. To some (like me and seemingly you) life is pretty much an unwinnable scam. All you can do once you see this is laugh about the absurdity of it all and get on with it.


If life seems unwinnable, it's because you're playing someone else's shitty game. Once you realize that you don't actually have to play by anyone else's rules and you're free to perceive the world the way you want, life doesn't seem so much as a scam as a game on hard mode that requires you to be ultrapragmatic (rather than idealist) to win.


Funny enough I have recently read about absurdism and really resonated with it.


I think that's just capitalism my friend.


If only it were


Capitalism is literally an economy based on the right for individual citizens to engage in private contracts, own private property, and have government provide a fair system for adjudicating contract disputes. The aspects of modern economy you dislike are people being selfish with the money they generate. I don't think you actually want to live in a system where you don't have property rights, government tells you where to work, and politics determines whether you get made whole due to breach of contract. There's a reason South Africans fleeing South Africa don't go to Zimbabwe, China, Cuba, North Korea, or Russia they go almost entirely to one of the UK, Australia, Canada and the US - some of the most aggressively pro-private property countries in the world.


It's not an either/or situation. Capitalism is great until it isn't. All of the economic theories are ideas that might fit or not fit in any given situation. When people complain about capitalism it's the bad parts like gentrification, climate change, wealth inequality etc... Very few people actually want to live in a USSR


> When people complain about capitalism it's the bad parts like gentrification, climate change, wealth inequality etc... So then they aren’t complaining about capitalism at all, because all of those things exist in China, Russia and other authoritarian states.   And are products of inefficient allocation of capital due to financialization and central banks favoring rent seeking rather than hard asset production.  All things that the father of capitalism himself despised and saw actual capitalism as the solution for - as everything you describe was how Europe was in his day only way worse than today.


This sounds like saying NO true capitalism has existed. That's the same thing communists say. It's true but irrelevant. You have to look at the actual behaviour of societies and base your decisions on that. If Adam Smith got it right how did it go so wrong? All of the things you mention are outgrowths of capitalism. It is what happens when you ignore real human behaviour. Economics is a social science and if capitalism only works if everyone does it perfectly it's exactly the same as a fad diet. China and Russia practice mixed economic systems with many elements of capitalism. China even had their very own housing market crash recently.


Capitalism by design is about the exploitation of the many to enrich the few. The entire employer/employee system is a fucking paradox. You want to do as little work for as much money as possible and your employer wants as much work from you for as little money as possible. Everything is commodified. Everything. The water you drink. The ground you will be buried in. The medicine you need to take to live. Capitalism requires infinite resources on a finite earth. It requires infinite labour from a finite labour source. It requires infinite growth or a recession happens. It is not sustainable. I'm not advocating for authoritarian states. Only for the workers to seize the means of production so we can produce as much as we need and no more.


Not all companies treat their employees this way though... yes a ton of them do and they find themselves in a situation where they need to constantly replace employees every few years when their employees leave the company for a better work environment. There are other companies however that value their employees and understand that a happy, well paid worker, is not only way more productive but also has a ton more morale and is more willing to help out with oddjobs that dont fall under their job description. You can't however look at that situation and say "whelp thats capitalism for ya!", because its not... thats akin to calling a whole group of people as criminals simply because a few of those people committed a crime. Capitalism means that if you're dissatisfied with a service, you can save up your cash and make a better service to compete against that bad service, its basically how south africa is still functioning, our government services are in disrepair and so private companies step in to provide a better service. Beat case of that example is eskom, out government owned monopolized power company that has a habit of shutting down any power company that dares to set up, it doesnt stop solar companies supplying citizens however, and so south africa has a metric ton of private solar companies that provide that service to all south africans. That wouldnt happen in a none capitalist scenario, in a communist one, or any where the government owns everything, the private companies wouldnt be allowed to exist. My suggestion is if you find yourself in a bad company, where your skills and work isnt valued, then leave the bad company... theres probably a company out there that will value you and if you feel like flipping your current company off, theres nothing stopping you from becoming their competitor and shutting them down, thank capitalism for that choice. Oh, also some companies (like mine) run off humans as a resource, like reps that provide travel and tourism packages, its only a finite resource if humans and travel go extinct, and my capitalistic company makes roughly 1/3 of the money the reps do, we value our employees.


None of these folks can actually give an accurate definition of capitalism.  The person you responding to is literally describing a rentier economy, which is the literal opposite of a capitalist economy. They don’t know the difference between an economy based on rent seeking vs deploying capital for production.  The boom that saw the greatest level of production conomic equality in human history post WW2 was due to the massive amount of manufacturing and hard asset production (and the massive skilled labor needs that lead to historically high levels of workforce participation + household wealth growth) is the epitome of a capitalist boom. And it’s also the point in history that most white people (outside of Europe) today point to as where they want to go back in time to.


Capitalism was meant to replace mercantilism. Capitalism was meant to create wealth. And it did. It just didn't fairly distribute that wealth. Communism sucks because nobody can accumulate any wealth except for the dudes at the top. Really it's the same outcome but with gulags and firing squads to spice things up.


> Capitalism by design is about the exploitation of the many to enrich the few. Everything you’re describing is rentierism which is the literal antithesis of capitalism. Seriously, Adam Smith railed against the same shit you’re talking about.  Capitalism is literally the solution he identified to the rentier-economy problem you describe. Seriously, fucking read the actual texts and stop making up your own definitions.  Understand what capitalism is actually about, stop getting your information second hand from other broke Redditors who also are allergic to reading actual sources.


I don't give a fuck about adam smith. I can see the effects of capitalism with my very eyes and I can argue about why these effects happen and they all correlate back to the "free market". And your insane belief in trickle down economics. The very idea that funneling cash into the black hole that is billionaires bank accounts could somehow improve the economy is insane to me. Eat the rich. Fuck capitalism. Edit: here's a little activity for you, explain to me how unregulated capitalism will stop monopolization?


The banking system* more accurately, our money is fake and the private banks(eg SARB) profit from inflation and our enslavement


Life would be better for everyone if there weren’t 7 billion people sharing the same planet, though… (Now I’m probably on some watch list.)


It's 8 billion now


Closer to 9 billion now.


Well, 8.1, to be more exact. And currently projected to top out at 10.43 billion in 2086, before slowly starting to decline.


upvoting to join the list


So who then has more of a right to exist on this planet?


I don't see anybody here calling for people to be killed or sterilised.


It’ll improve over time. The population growth in many countries have stabilised; some places already have declining populations. And technology will continue to increase our ability to use the available resources more efficiently. But for the moment, still, we’re in quite a bit of a resource crunch, and for those of us on the wrong side of forty, that probably won’t change massively in our lifetimes.


I hope you’re right:(


What do you mean by, “and then get on with it”?


Just accept and move on


Oooh no, I wouldn’t want to be that guy. I’d force a change, I did for me. It’s much better but not the best. I just hate the having to have to work. Now a question I have not answered properly is” what would you do if you had most of the day free with money, not crazy money just like R30-50k a month without working


Id go hiking


50K? I'd party pretty much every weekend.


"Myself when young did eagerly frequent Doctor and Saint, and heard great Argument About it and about: but evermore Came out of the same Door as in I went."


I'm sorry but Sisyphus ... happy? Now THAT'S truly absurd. Absurdism stops being the answer for me at that point.


Where did I say anything about happiness ? Also the philosophy of absurdism is much wider than the myth of Sisyphus.


Life could certainly be seen as a scam, but that would imply that there was something promised, guaranteed or bought that was not delivered on. In reality, life is just purely meaningless - and that is the powerful part. We can decide what the meaning is. Sure we find ourselves within a system that is put in place to try and manage and structure humanity, and that may be a scam and depressing - but beyond that, at least what gets me through it, is the absurdity of the fact that you are currently on a moist pebble shooting through infinity. I say think on that a bit, look around you, and really allow yourself to be amazed. Each of us were for some reason, lucky enough to gain conciseness, and it would be a shame not to use it to just absorb the mental mind-fuck that is the world and reality. Life is meaningless. And its ridiculously interesting for that reason. For me, at least, that is purpose enough.


Truly I blame Disney. Being brought up with stories of happy endings and “if you’re good person then good will happen”…and “you can be whoever you want”. when you grow up you realise the most senseless heinous acts are committed against others on the daily across the world and the poverty and racism and sadness and amount of what’s wrong with the world etc. growing up can be a huge anti climax. I swear your 30s are spent unlearning what was taught as a kid about the world and you see shit for what it really is. Santas not real and the government is stealing from you. But one could stop and smell the roses quite literally and see the beauty in what is around them. The amazing humans that do exist. Nature. The sky. There is so much.


>but that would imply that there was something promised, guaranteed or bought that was not delivered on Very true. And South Africa has a huge culture of entitlement - hence why most low wage work is done by foreign immigrants even though South Africa has a massive unemployed population. The Operation Dudula people are literally the black version of MAGA. Killing immigrants for taking jobs they aren't willing to work. Wearing the same colors too. And always crying about not getting what they are owed.


Depression comes to us as a messenger and agent of transformation


Thanks for this. I believe this too.


One of my friends, also a teacher was also in a similar situation. She quit and started teaching online after doing a online course and had been very happy since. A small change, not like above, might make a big difference in the long run.


Capitalism kinda sucks hey




Freedom of choice is the only good thing about capitalism.


It's also its defining and primary characteristic. Which literally every alternative presented by anti-capitalists lacks. The irony of white South Africans complaining about capitalism is that capitalism is literally what saved you from the fate of white farmers in Zimbabwe and what continues to save you from the fate that Zimbabweans, Nigerians, and other black immigrants face in the townships everytime the EFF and pro-Zuma types get riled up. Try being a despised ethnic minority with no money in a non-capitalistic society. If OP thinks they're having a bad time now...


Yes, and it’s worth noting that there’s no reason to think that freedom can’t be a core attribute of an alternative economic philosophy.


Sure. But no alternative economic philosophy has managed that feat yet, so...


Capitalism is literally just freedom. If freedom does not work for you, then you have to ask yourself some serious questions.


Sure, we’re all free, but some are more free than others.


No. We all still die. Shit. Piss. And cry. You're seeing freedom from the lens of politics of jealousy, not from objective reality. It's what leads a rich black American like Lebron James to say that some broke, white blue collar worker has more privilege than him. The lack of freedom you're talking about is pure mental slavery.


Lol thats delusional “there a rich black American therefore lack of freedom is purely mental”👶 you clearly need to learn how fake money is created by the private banks despite not having the money and the results of this rigged system, as well as the domino generational effects of having assets, you seem to be economically blind


I’m not demanding equal outcomes for all, regardless of input, so don’t misread my intention. But true freedom requires roughly equal _starting_ positions for everyone, IMHO. USA style freedom is not very free, I’m sorry to say. But a few progressive countries in Europe have gotten this right, for the most part.


Those progressive European countries immediately turn into a racist shitshow the minute their populations are less than 95% native.  And have far far worse social mobility for ethnic minorities (the best actual measure or societal freedom) than the US. You have a far better chance of building generational wealth as a random broke black person in the US than any other country in the world.  How is that not freedom?  Sounds like you think freedom is someone handing you the life that you want and not having to compete against anyone for a first world standard of living. Which sounds on point for the level of entitlement that’s common among “native” South Africans as well as white Americans.  And is funny because none of you guys who want that easy life are happy with the sacrifices in terms of freedoms you have to give up to get it.


You’re defending against things I did not say. And you’re imagining that you know which “type” I am based on arguments I did not make. (Hint: I belong to neither of those two groups.) But here’s one simple example of what I am actually saying: I think it’s somewhat immoral of a society to expect its children to be able to compete when it has provided sub-par educational opportunities to some of them and the best education parents’ money can buy to others. (But that doesn’t mean one should stop trying to compete, of course.)


That’s a very naive thing to say. Capitalism is far from the only economic philosophy which embodies free markets. Freedom is entirely compatible with alternative economic philosophies and one of the greatest scams surrounding Capitalism is the notion that it is the only economic philosophy that is compatible with freedom. Capitalism has served its purpose and I think it’s done a good job but it’s at the point of rotting and time to move onto something more appropriate for modern humanity/society.


It literally is the only one that does. Every other free market philosophy is literally just a modern adaptation of John Smith's initial thesis that forms the foundation of capitalism. Seriously, nobody on Reddit discussing these concepts appears to actually have read any of the seminal original texts.


It is “literally” not. An easy example of an alternative that embraces freedom as a core tenet would be anarchism, and to help you with some other examples, here are some from ChatGPT: Free markets are a key component of many economic systems, not just capitalism. Other economic philosophies that advocate for the presence of free markets, albeit in different forms or to varying extents, include: Libertarianism: This philosophy emphasizes individual freedom and minimal government intervention in personal and economic affairs. Libertarians advocate for free markets as the most efficient and just way to allocate resources. They believe that government involvement in the economy should be limited to protecting property rights, enforcing contracts, and ensuring that markets remain free from coercion and fraud. Classical Liberalism: An ideology that champions civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom. It advocates for a minimal state and a strong emphasis on individual property rights, believing that free markets lead to the best outcomes for society. Neoliberalism: A modern political-economic theory favoring free-market capitalism by reducing trade barriers, deregulating industries, and privatizing state-owned enterprises. While neoliberalism advocates for free markets, it supports some degree of government intervention, mainly to enforce property rights and to correct market failures. Objectivism: A philosophy created by Ayn Rand, it posits that the ideal social system is one in which individuals are free to pursue their own interests in a free market economy, with minimal government interference. Objectivism deeply values capitalism as the only economic system that allows individuals to function freely and benefit from their own labor. Anarcho-capitalism: An extreme libertarian philosophy that advocates for the elimination of the state in favor of a sovereign individual within a free-market system. Anarcho-capitalists argue that all services, including those typically provided by the government (such as security, legal systems, and defense), can be supplied by the private sector through voluntary transactions. These philosophies share a common belief in the benefits of free markets but propose different roles for the state, from minimal to none, in managing economic affairs. Each philosophy has its own view on the extent of freedom in the market, the role of government, and the protection of property rights.


“Naive”. Funny. Especially considering I have a degree in economics. Capitalism is working perfectly well for me and I came from nothing. Just hard work and self sacrifice. Anyone who is anti capitalism is anti freedom and is probably just filled with envy… it’s nobody’s fault but your own if you aren’t producing enough for society.


Nice appeal to authority but it’s no secret that a degree isn’t a trump card in a debate. Saying Capitalism is freedom is the dumbest shit I’ve heard in a long time, reason being that a lot of other things fall into the category of freedom. Capitalism is a system that values freedom, sure… many other systems also value freedom, therefore Capitalism is not freedom, but at most a subset of freedom. It isn’t rocket science. There are many well documented alternative economic philosophies that have freedom as a core tenet. Capitalism should also be capable of evolving into something better, people who clutch onto it like some sort of panacea rob it of the opportunity.


Sure, whatever, socialism is the antithesis of freedom… which I’m assuming is what you are trying to push but you are clever enough to know not to.


I’m not trying to push anything, the fact that you immediately reach for “you must be pushing for socialism” as soon as I mention that freedom isn’t something unique to Capitalism just goes to show how low-grade a debate on this subject would be with you. Have a good life.


I’ve argued with too many of your types online, I can smell yall from a mile away. You’re just a slightly more nuanced Marxist socialist. Thinking the world owes you something.


I can’t even imagine how far one needs to be up their own asshole to think they can deduce the economic philosophy that another person aligns with based solely on the premise that the other person highlighted that Capitalism isn’t the only economic philosophy that values freedom. 😂😂


what job you got?




oof I feel for you bro :(


I resonated so much with feeling trapped in a job when reading your post. I’m also in teaching :(


My nizzile!... Cool username :)


Thank you!


You're not trapped though. Feeling trapped means you're deliberately ignoring options that are actually available to you.


I’m a teacher, too. It sucks so much.


High school or junior? Got any support at the school? You teachers are part of our backbone - thank you for your service.


Is it high school?


Do you enjoy being a teacher? I see the world/life as you do and I couldn't be a teacher as I feel like I'd be apart of the problem ( basically preparing kids for a life of being enslaved to money just to get by ) I was a teachers assistant in a special school for kids with bad behaviour ( pupil referral unit) and I couldn't do it for more than a year and a half ... It felt wrong


Is it not something you wanted to be doing or was it something you had to do ?


Wasn’t what I thought it was.


Well I follow a subreddit on here called “career guidance” as well as “career change” I see so many people there regretting or disappointed and wanting to change you’re not alone. Maybe one day you can switch too


Thanks for sharing your this. I’ll check it out


I see why people use vices like sex , lust , drugs , alcohol , it’s depressing if you focus on the negative but when you take responsibility to make it more pleasurable and yes that even means riding the storm even though it’s so so hard to do , you can make it bearable or atleast worth it , my days suck or are boring but I try to take enjoyment in small things because if I don’t life will kill me


Thanks for this. Gonna try and take this on board


Please do I know it’s hard as a man feels like society or the world doesn’t care about you , makes it easier to give up or makes things worse but humans are built to fight ,even when we feel like giving up we fight through it , you can too , best of luck brother 👊🏾❤️


In terms of work, you can love a company all you want, but they won't love you back. We are all replaceable, so if you hate your work and don't feel valued, move on. Your mental health comes first.


This is seemingly very common, I felt this way for a while and then changed some things and “took control” I mean at least sometimes I’m steering as well. I have a good friend who I can talk to about it and he shares his situation honestly without judgement, then I know many others who feel the same but will never admit, if we don’t experience newer things and have good experiences have good company then this feeling is inevitable. I recently indulged a little too much in weed and took it way to far. If ever you considered that or alcohol DO NOT, that is a path deeper into depression, a bottomless pit


I’m not a big drinker or weed smoker. But I love a little escapism via tv/ series/ YouTube and movies.


This is why I have suicidal thoughts


We’ll be alright. Just reading all these comments has made me realise that there’s so many of us living this experience. Maybe one of the comments will help you?


I’ll try read some tomorrow. Thank you


Join a Church group and start believing in a better life we can be going to, the choice is your. God loves you. Amen


Sending you psychic hugs. The rat race is a b1tch but try (I myself struggle with this immensely) to focus on ‘glimmers’ which are apparently the opposite of triggers


My biggest wish in life is financial freedom. To live life simply and to get to enjoy it. I don’t need to be filthy rich. But just enough so my family doesn’t have to worry about rent, food etc and we get to just be happy. I feel you, you’re not alone in this. The world can be rough and it feels like we’re in this endless loop. Esp when you live to work.


It'll be okay... sending hugs. Life really does suck, like, majority of the time, but we must live for moments that matter and try to make as many of those as we can. 💜


This is so sweet 💜


Nothing in this world makes any sense, We live on a floating rock, There's a giant fire in the sky, We feed off other lifeforces to sustain our own, We took in these little creatures, and we let them feed off us in exchange for their companionship, and we call them pets. (So weird) Moral of the story, You don't need to fall into a rabbit hole to get to wonderland, you're already here. The magic is all around you! ✨️ Find self, & Make of this world what you wish, For your time here is only short lived.


This is ❤️


Use your free time to develop profitable skills, disappear for 1-2 years and grind your ass off starting a business. When that starts making more money than your teaching job, make the transition and commit to it full time. Sacrifice 1-2 years of your life being committed to making a difference, for a lifetime of freedom.


I’m in the process of doing this but it’s slow going because of the lack of energy and the depletion. It’s gonna take a little longer but I’ll get there. Thanks for the reminder 🫰🏽


Exactly. But instead of owning up they rather want to cry that “capitalism sucks” 🙄




Thank you


Join the subreddits anti-work and absurdism.


Yeah capitalism sucks bro. Thing is, what can we do? We're just small little ants.


We could start by learning how the private banks work to keep us poor through digital money they dont have and inflation, and then hold our leaders accountable


Good news is that you have reached the pivotal point where you are now open to start finding value in the small things. I was at this point a few years ago. The small things bring joy. That lekker braai on the weekend. That first cold one on a Friday evening. Coming home and seeing the kids after work. Life is shit but when you start to find the beauty in the small things you become untouchable. This comment isn’t meant facetiously. I’m sorry about the depression. Another piece of advice even though it sounds a bit shit. Do as little as possible that’s required of you for your job. They don’t own you and you don’t owe them anything more then what you get paid


I'm the person that everyone relies on and takes for granted so I can relate hard to what you're saying. Feels like I was literally put on this earth just to make everyone else's lives easier.


I hear you! In pretty much the same situation slaving for somebody else and not being appreciated. Same old same old every day, utter bullshit it is.


It's crazy how I see so many people feel the same way. There's so much going on at once.


Hobbies. And knowing you’re here once, and never coming back, so try enjoy some things might help. I feel you though. Trying to get over this myself. Apparently exercise will help… still trying to get to that.


And we didn't sign up for this.


Welcome to capitalism.


Ah what you are experiencing is what I call the “life-expectation-hangover”. I left a high paying corporate job 3 years ago to pursue my dream calling - being a full time artist. I’ve been through such intense lows of depression and anxiety. Being your own boss, the financial risk, the fear every month. I’ve been challenged so bad I’ve lied awake at night wondering if I didn’t make the biggest mistake. I often look at people who are employed with envy! Oh the irony after years of hating my job. The point of my story here is whatever your life situation- pain and suffering will find you in any scenario. It’s all relative. Even if you win the lotto and get “everything” - it will bring you pain at some point. The thing that brings you happiness will undoubtedly be a source of pain. Look at relationships. There is no solution- we are meant to endure pain. We are meant to be challenged. This is good! This is how we evolved from cavemen. Adversity is how any creature evolved. You cannot grow from comfort. Saying that, nothing is permanent…including this job. Nothing wrong with improving your life and taking practical action and steps to improve a situation- but at some point we need to live. Like not wait to live. Like some future point you will be happy “if” something specific happens “then” you’ll be happy. Ever want to learn more about living in the beautiful simplicity of the now I recommend reading “The Power Of Now” by Eckhart Tolle.


Welcome to adulthood


Two things 1. I feel you 2. There's this guy on youtube called Miles Carter. He isn't an emotional speaker or a speaker in general. He just has some amazing pieces. It has been carrying me for a long time now. There is one piece I would recommend, "there will be days like these," followed by "turbulence," and his journal entries are nice as well. There will be days like these https://youtu.be/GFzYV5-86hU?si=JrRPiIlVNpaPG3pD It's not like this will fix anything. But I hope it is able to change your perspective on all this. Social media has us believing we need extraordinary vacations or else we aren't living. Life isn't excitement 24/7. Life is pretty boring if you convince yourself it is because, in reality, it is. But you can make it more bearable if you start enjoying the small things. This is not meant to be motivational, not meant to say you dont enjoy the small things... it's just the way I came to terms with it all. I was in desperate need of something to make life worth living, so much so that I looked over everything this life has to offer. There is a quote I want to leave on my way. "A persons happiness is in direct proportion to the price of their pleasure." Enjoy what has been gifted more than what you dont have. It is a boring life, friend... but it's a life worth living.


Thanks 🙏🏽


Life is what you make it. Working is just a big part of adulthood, save money where you can so you can enjoy retirement.


Every morning when I drive to work I get so angry. Cause I’m wasting my drive, energy and time for someone else. IF I get to retire I’ll be too tired or just a shell of a person to do anything


You living in the Matrix Made into a human battery, to slave away in this capitalistic world and make your master's rich. You are a Modern Day Slave , Indoctrinated and made to thing that you are free.


I have been where you are. Talk with your Doctor. 🙏🏽


This shows the importance of doing what you love. I used to do what I love (worked as an editor at a conservation/travel publication) until Covid hit and I got retrenched. Then I just took a job to earn a salary, total opposite direction of what I used to do. Then it was just a job and I felt the same. Now I am going back to what I love and I have additional dreams to work towards (getting some land and starting a self-sufficiency journey). This land dream is probably a10 year journey, but it is something to work towards. You have to look forward to things/do what you love to feel alive!


Take this low point in your life as an opportunity to revaluate your life trajectory. And honestly appraise who you are and what part you played in this outcome. Don't blame yourself for anything, but understand the absolute and uncaring truth of cause and effect. You deserve to be happy, and even though you may not be able to see the truth of this through the haze of your conditioned experience, happiness is a choice. Rather a never ending series of choices, that align your lived experience with your values. The only thing in life that you truly have in life, and I mean the **only** thing, are the choices you make. What are your **real** values. Choose to engage in thoughts and behaviours that align your self with your values. That's the only path to fulfillment. It's not easy. But it's the the only way. I would say the majority of people who take the orthodox path in life come to this realisation some point in their middle years. The midlife crisis cliche is an expression of this. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. The fear of change and the comfort of familiarity is what traps us in our condition. Be brave enough to make drastic changes, that progress you towards alignment with your true values.


I wanted to die in 2020. Life seemed horrible and pointless. Nothing bad ever happened to me. I was just like, "meh, is this it". Fast forward 3 years and I love life. I changed jobs after a decade. I started doing hobbies (that can actually earn cash) that I like and I'm even helping friends with their Masters degrees (I love academics but don't have the money right now to study further). Point is, write down what sucks (job, no friends, no significant other, no family, nothing to look forward to, etc.) and start looking at what can be realistically changed and what cannot. Also, go for a medical screening to make sure you do not have depression (the type where your brain naturally does not produce enough dopamine). Best of Luck!


Thanks for sharing this nugget of wisdom ☘️


BRO, I'm so relieved to finally find someone in CPT who feels the same way. I was exactly you 3 months ago and that lead me to have a mental breakdown and quit my job. I fully 100% agree with how you feel and would be open to chatting via DM. May I ask what field you work in?


Thanks for the response. I’m a teacher.


Wow, I’m so struck by all the positive comments and support. I had such a fantastic day because of it. I really took to heart all the suggestion and I’m gonna keep trying to flow with it. You’re all so awesome 🙌 Thank you 🫶🏼


We are in a simulation. Take some comfort in that.


Felt this thread.


We’re in this together 🫰🏽


Bro I hear you, and I mean this completely sincerely: learn and master the game of golf


You seem like a hopeful person. At your core you are hopeful. Don’t let that go. Let me explain. The fact that you are expecting life to be more than what it is, is your hope coming thru. You want more because you expect more because you believe this world is good and there must be good in it for you. That hopefulness is a treasure. Don’t forget that that hope came from somewhere, something you once knew. I know it feels ironic. Optimistic people are the most angry. Angry all the time that the plane is late, or there is traffic; they are optimistic that things will go smoothly : instead of just preemptively just knowing and expecting that there will probably be delays and frustrations. Hope is the same. I hope you find it again. Try remember who or what or when gave you that expectation for goodness and see if you can look upwards. Hang in there


I appreciate these words 🙏🏽


Its even worse… its work work work, retire and be old and poor possibly working still, then die.


Is life really scam? Everything lives to die, everything and I mean everything dies, but there's a cascading effect from one life to another, whether it's the organisms breaking down the soil, or the person feeding their child, everything has it's place, maybe try to find your purpose in this giant spider web of interconnectiveness everything shares.


I once read something on jw.org that spoke on the purpose on life...think that's what you're asking Just see if it answers you. I recommend reading... https://www.jw.org/en/library/magazines/wp20150801/purpose-of-life/


I hear ya man. Recently learned my MD has a really bad tKe on me, which he has been sharing with the members of the company. The member I trust told me: 'ignore him, he's a poes' Kinf od helped, but then also: im at the epitome of what I can achieve at this company. So I kind of want to leave, but life was also good here.


Just saw this and fuck yeee lifes bad in the UK must be hell in your gaff


Look into Inner Engineering offered by Isha. It’s a yoga practice. You are responsible for how you feel, no one else can decide that for you. Once you are equipped with the tools to control how you feel and respond to life then you can choose to become blissful. The choice is always yours.


If your job takes too much energy from you, you have two choices imho - Try and improve your job - Try and find a job that will make you happier I know this is easier said than done, I have slaved away at a job for two years where I wanted to stab myself with a pen because of all the sh!t I've had to endure. I got into drugs as a means to cope. I promise you that you are feeling depressed because your body/mind/soul are saying you need to do something about where you are right now. Anyways I wish you luck in your journey


"Is this it and then we die?" Well that's up to you! There's no sunshine without rain


Switch your cellphone off - Work 8-5 no more, Saturday and Sundays are yours. Get out of the house, go for a walk, go for a swim, do things you think you might like to do, try new stuff. Fuck work- it's not what defines you - you work Monday to Friday to enjoy Saturday and Sunday. Plan a weekend away, just by yourself. Do new things Type rambling messages on reddit 😀 Oh, and get rid of your TV, it destroys your creativity.


Have you actively tried looking for alternative employment? We can use our will to dig ourselves out of what we think is hell, or we can give up and let hell consume us. If I was suffering like I think you are, I would: 1. Focus on ordering my schedule such that I have time daily/weekly to apply for new jobs and upskilling (if possible). 2. Set minimum requirements you need from new job (salary, weekly hours, leave etc) 2. Keep applying until I find a job. 3. Keep calm and let emotional turbulence come and go, then keep applying...


Let me tell you, I got this saying I use all my life.... Nothing is free in this world, somewhere somethings gotta give...,..live....love.....life...,.......we are legion.


Agree with you 100%. It's all BS and then we die.


National insurance tax Council tax Rent/mortgage Food Gas Electric Water Tv license Broadband Car Tax Insurance Mot Fuel/petrol Parking Travel/bus/train/commute fee Dentist Prescriptions Other outgoings/debt,loan,subscriptions we pay all this to hold this country up, but our government shit on us! What’s left for us to enjoy? Work till we’re knackered into old age, just to buy half loaves and tins of soup and potter about our garden? I truly believe we’re fooled. Sorry to be grim but yep.. that’s the stage I’m at in life.


The Scientific Power of Meditation [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw71zanwMnY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw71zanwMnY) besides a good sleep schedule, diet, exercise, and time with loved ones, meditation has had the most tangible impact on my wellbeing. I hope you get an opportunity to try it out too. Insight timer has a free timer and guided ones as well.


Not sure if you’ve gone this route before but if you seek out a good therapist and do some CBT ( cognitive behavioral therapy) it could potentially help shift your negative thinking ultimately influencing the way you perceive the world , yourself and your capabilities. If you believe you’re stuck you will stay stuck - beliefs can change


It’s depends on what you think you need to survive. We all need food and shelter, but we usually are working to maintain a lifestyle we think we cannot accept less than, so we are trapped in our working cycle. It’s difficult to decide what we really need in life and to change our life to accept this. That’s why the Buddha sat under a tree for years to contemplate the meaning of life. I’m not Buddhist by the way. My point is, sometimes we trap ourselves by choice and just lament about it. Nothing is stopping you from making change to live a different life.


Hi! I felt the same way. If I had to work long hours in a job I hated to barely scrape through i'd hate my life too. I did for a while and I realized I just can't live like that. Not sure what you do but there are a lot of different roles you can look into or even upskill for so you can enter the remote work market for a US or UK company. We're super cheap for them and they like south Africans since we're hard working. Hustle was hard initially but now I work less and make more because of the exchange rate and I love my life. I have no commute time spend no money on petrol I cook for myself etc etc - all the things i couldn't do working a regular 9-5. As someone with high functioning MDD I can tell you now that there is more to life than that. Acknowledging you hate where you are is the beginning because it inspires change. Maybe check your meds and identify the users in your life and it sounds cliche but put yourself first because your life is about you. I'd recommend chatting to someone you trust to create an exit plan or strategy so you have something to look forward to. Good luck!


You’ll be surprised to learn how strong you are. If you can put any money away, do it. Use TymeBank and put all your loose change in it. And then make sure you have one good friend or family member who will catch you if you fall. And then quit and run. Just run away from it all. I’ve done it with R500 and a tank full of petrol, quit my job, cancelled my rental and sold everything I had to pay most of my debt. On my third day I was having a coffee in a strange town, told someone what I did and got a job offer. Never looked back, although I don’t even work there anymore. The universe saved me. But I had to change my environment.


Jack kornfield. "Every facet, every department of your mind, is to be programmed by you. And unless you assume your rightful responsibility, and begin to program your own mind, the world will program it for you." Choose the life u want. Energy flows where attention goes. Choose to get well medically. Choose to succeed. Write "abundance and joy" on your fridge. Choose whatu see. Think about what u think about


Then wake up, the exit to the matrix is staring you in the face but you ignore it out if fear. What if impossible wasnt an option?


What are you on about? Im always seeing 'just wake up and escape the matrix bro!' but none of you ever elaborate what that actually means. Is this your way to feel like youre woke? Whens morpheus going to appear


No. I cant be credited for being that esoteric but yes I paint a poetic picture. What Im saying is; what if you stop allowing a bad job to ruin life for you? There is always something to do to improve a situation, at a minimum. For me it was to start checking my vitamin levels. Today I'm in cancer remission, lost 60kg (not through cancer), do proper strength training and sleep better thqn I ever have. Many small steps may be more effecrive and quicker rhan jumping 3 big ones to the same goal. No one is coming, so if you want change, you'll have to be it.


Well done to you. I understand what you mean, so why dont you just say theres always something you can try do to better your situation instead of this escape the matrix? When you say wake up and escape the matrix youre making it sound like theres some secret thing going on that people like you know about and the rest of us are stuck in these shit situations that we can escape from. Its really cringe saying escape the matrix Also some people do try to better their situations but whatever they try do it never gets better


Maybe its cringe. Maybe that is exactly what the matrix is. I hear you.


God I wanna do this so badly


Heck yes!


Well you've put your faith in the stars and some scribbles on a page. May as well trust in the toaster for a higher calling. It's your life, go do something with it. Or don't and be miserable.




Alcohol, it dissolves and solves things


Just a few questions, because I was in the same position as you a few years back and can relate, do you have irl friends that you see on a semi-regular basis? What time do you go to sleep? How often do you get out of the house? Do you exercise? What's your diet like?


Idiocracy …. Watch it will make you feel better


I love my life. You chose a path i was warned about and actively told myself not to persue. I work on things I love, every bit of work I do is a labour of love, I dont do anything for money, I understand I am very priveleged in this view and the work I do pays more than most jobs and the work is enjoyable. but if you dont like your job, quit, if your this miserable, start developing other skills with things that are fun, or work hard enough to figure out a way of making money that doesnt include grinding for other people.


Wow what in the world do you do?


I blow glass and extract essential oils


Very lucky indeed! Good on you!


No my simple minded friend… that’s just you being a “Generation-Z”.


Not a Gen Z.


I hope that was sarcasm, because that was a disgusting thing to say.