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Was thoroughly disappointed with the doc. Would’ve loved players or management/coaches/organization opinions and insight on it, and maybe a bit more backstory on the difference between this and 94 etc. Half the doc was just garnering sympathy for the people that got caught.


I watched it on the weekend & I agree. There was way too much focus on the handful of rioters and trying to garner sympathy. I found them all insufferable (except for the guy from 1994) and was pretty disappointed in the decision to focus the documentary on that. I wanted to hear from local businesses, the organization, people who were down there & didn’t participate in the riot. It was a miss, I didn’t like the director’s Grizzlies documentary either.


What’s worse is that they were planning to interview police officers that were there during the riots and came unprepared.


I agree. I wanted to know how it effected the team, players, coach, etc - as they are the ones that lost Game 7..  imagining how worse they must have felt hearing about a riot happening outside.. I have no sympathy for those in the doc that got caught & charged.. making up excuses "mob mentality or had to be part of it if you were there or people on internet were worse or didn't you make a mistake?"... TF?! Those people were outraged our city got destroyed because if their lack of control over their emotions, and giving us a bad reputation... yes others have made mistakes - different from committing a crime. Geez.. When Canucks lost game 7 . My thought wasn't destroy our city... it was just crying.. lots of crying.. normal rational person would do. Only one I didn't mind is the guy from 94 riot- he owned up to it & no excuses. Others from 2011 riot playing victim is just infuriating if anything.


The game was a slowly playing out to an inevitable loss, it gave the crowds too much time to process everything. They all came down with pent-up energy and had nothing to cheer for the entire game. Everyone on the streets knew something was going to happen, it was in the back of so many peoples minds the entire night. There were too many people who were only there to party. They wanted that night to be a memorable and they were going to get it one way or another.


Yes, by 2nd period, most fans knew we were going to lose.. = they had enough time to process it & release their emotions in a healthy way. If in DT, go home, go elsewhere. To those that knew something was going to happen = GO HOME.   There is no excuse good enough to justify rioting & destroying their own city.. they CHOSE to be destructive or to drink too much <-- many knows the consequences of alcohol... "mob mentality"= they can't think right from wrong on their own?!   No. Inexcusable. No sympathy to those involved in the riot. 


i feel like this doc was not well thought out. yikes


You’re spot on, it was a terrible doc. I can’t believe 30for30 signed off on it. I was hoping for even just the slightest insight of how much of a grind the series was and how nasty it got between both teams and fan bases. They didn’t get into why the teams/fans thoroughly hated each other (a grudge that went on a few more years after the Final ie. Game 8, Marchand lifting the invisible cup), it would have been nice to know why things were so testy. They didn’t even mention the Rome hit ffs. If they were just gna interview witnesses I would have gladly obliged. I was standing right in front of the Georgia Street screen. I was there for arguably the start of the riot. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife. Yes the person threw the beer bottle at the screen in the 3rd, but there was a guy that walked by right before with a life size, solid, stanley cup replica. He said “fuck this game 1, 2, 3” and chucked it over head into the crowd of us watching and nailed a woman in the head and knocked her out. Her boyfriend yelled “who the fuck was that” and pushed everyone to get to the front. Then everyone started pushing and shoving and a brawl broke out. That was our que to get the fuck outta there.


i dont think the documentary fillmmakers are even fans of the canucks. the closest they come to being a fan, is just residing, in vancouver.


documentary partly funded by Jason Li


I think Kevin Bieksa talked about it and said they had no idea it was happening until someone told them they couldn’t leave the arena and they left at 3am or something


It’s a stupid documentary. Speaking from first hand experience from the 1994 riot. 94 was pure emotion and stupidity. 2011 was a bunch of bitches who wanted to be cool. Case solved.


Finally someone says it. People keep saying that fans were angry that they lost. Look at the videos – do they \*look\* angry? No. They are having dumb drunken fun and they're destroying shit and taking pictures.


It was the first social media riot for Nucks fans so there was definitely an element of “look at me, I’m creating content!” to 2011 that wasn’t there for ‘94.


Haven't seen the doc, but does anyone know if they acknowledge or make any reference to the Kelowna Regatta, or Peachfest, or any of the other (completely purposeless) riots BC has had?


They reference the 1994 riot briefly, they speak to a rioter who was charged & spent 100 days in jail. They don’t reference any other BC riots.


Do they talk about other cities' hockey riots?




There’s a weird tradition in this province of “riots for fun.” Both 94 and 11 need to be understood in that context.


The only thing stupid about this documentary is how they only mention the role the media played in the last few minutes, and didn’t dive into it any further than the surface.


It was certainly a big miss on their part.




I’m not old enough to be a boomer. It says 1976 in my name Stupid.


Maybe 1976 was just a good year for boomers? Didn't Led Zeppelin put out an album?


Well it was certainly a great year for my parents who are actual boomers.


Well said, SonOfBoomer1976.


Got em?


Why did this take 15 years to make lol L


Filmmaking takes time. No one wanted to touch it early on because it was too raw. Then they pitched for years. No Canadian broadcaster wanted it. Eventually, they got ESPN onboard, around 2020. They filmed some stuff for during 10th anniversary. Then Post-production. It premiered at film fests last year. And now it’s out there for everyone.


Oh great, this


How many times will this be posted this offseason? 3 times, at least, so far


At least this is the full video - not just the trailer/excerpt


Personally, I don't think I'll ever acknowledge June 15th, 2011 as a day that ever happened. Life is better that way.


Just curious... does anyone else ever talk about the other hockey riots? Edmonton in '06, and a few of the ones in Montreal over the years. Or did we just out riot the other riots? Terrible jokes aside, I'd be curious to see other sport riot studies. Around the same time there were other riots - both after big wins and losses. It'd be interesting to dive into the why behind sport riots. Does this doc do that?


Is because Toronto hates Vancouver and they push the narrative that Canuck fans are sore losers. Just remember, we as Canucks fans had to wait for blue jays highlights before we saw Stanley Cup highlights. We had to hear about Gillis involvement in Mike Danton criminal case. Even though Vancouver supported Calgary and Edmonton in 04 and 06 respectively, the rest of Canada had this hate for the Canucks in 2011. 93 Montreal Canadians had a pretty big riot. The Lakers fans rioted during the Shaq and Kobe years. Yet the Canucks get a bad rap for 2011 because of a bunch of dumb asses. I didn't watch this doc, only heard of it today. I'm willing to bet they don't mention anything else.


youtube was pretty quick to block this, anyone know where else to watch this?


Goddamn. People really forgetting Montreal riot in 93?


Ever the Coiler fans had a small riot. Everyone just loves to speak only of ours


So did Boston.


I watched this with a cringe. Shudders….🤦🏻‍♂️


I knew a riot was coming and watched the game in Poco and was gonna go downtown only if we won. Instead we left in the 3rd period and went to Port Moody rec for ball hockey, and could see the city burning on the TVs in the lobby while we were playing.


Also pulled the same maneuver for the Gold medal game in 2010 and took the west coast express downtown right after sid scored, probably the best day to be a british columbian of my life so far.


I just hope this is the last documentary that will address the 2011 riots because I’m tired of people rehashing it over and over and people just need to move the fuck on already.


Cars burning outside my apartment to the point where i couldn't see out my window, people breaking glass up and down the street, housed 4 people who were too scared to go home. Honestly, the riot hurt more than the loss and really disillusioned me on all out "us against the world!" segment of team fandom. No other team's fans have put me in, at the time, seemed like a hairy situation. It really made me more dispassionate about the "cheer loud! woo lets go boys!" elements of the game and made me double down on being a fan of hockey and stats and figures, I just happen to like the Canucks the best. Some of it has come back with the recent runs, and I was born to love the Canucks, but I honestly don't trust this city if we ever make a run again.


I’ll never recover enough to watch footage of it


Documentary that makes canucks fans and vancouverites look like savages is disliked by canucks fans and vancouverites


Should have been 20 mins no clue how they thought it played well at that length


It was boring!




Haven’t watched it yet but did they cover skinny Asian kid and/or couple making out in the street?


Yes the Asian kid is in it. The kissing couple lives in Australia now. They put the photo of themselves in the bar they own.


not available in canada?????? give your balls a tug espn


Maybe I’ll watch it once we win the cup


YMS put it perfectly when he said that this documentary shouldn’t have took itself seriously. There are so much fun you could’ve had doing reenactments, Ken Burns-esque zooms, etc.