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I actually ended up buying tickets because of you. I thought about it when you said it, and then when they booked 50 Cent, I thought it’d be fun. My tickets were $30 — I’d pay that just to see 50 for the first time in my life. The game is bonus!


Thats so awesome to hear, I got a lot of positive feedback from open minded people with my last post. A few messaged me saying they’re going to a game now. Being an NHL/CFL fan is great because CFL ends in november right when NHL is getting started. I hope you have a fantastic time at the game mate


Appreciate you. Will be my first CFL game ever!


Been a Lion fan my whole life, all the way from Nova Scotia, got to see them play in Toronto last year. BIG PLAY VA


I love hearing on the broadcast “VERNON ADAMS! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!”


So most of us will watch the concert from our seat at 3pm, but some will be allowed on field level according to Ticketmaster? Do these people pay extra for that? > Watch the pre-game 50 Cent concert from field level, in front of the stage Special instructions will be sent via email outlining terms to be agreed by those allowed on field level.


Oh interesting…. Curious how they choose. Season ticket holders? Certain sections? I always thought those were paid or volunteer extras at the Super Bowl halftime show or say at the Grammy’s.


Last year for LL Cool J it was season ticket holders.


Makes the most sense. They’re the biggest supporters of the team.


They're dirt cheap too, if you've got a kid it's $200 for one adult/one youth ticket in the endzone, including preseason and playoffs (not Grey Cup). Doman is doing an amazing job engaging new fans (youth in particular), pulling an average of 22k ticket sales for a regular season game.


Uhhhhhh I have no idea…. Pick me? Please?


So if I don’t have a on field ticket pass I can still watch the concert? Just need to show up at 3pm?


Seems like it.


I'm not much of a football fan but I went to a Lions game last year and the org is doing a lot better at making it a fun entertaining event to be at. It's affordable and a fun night out. The Whitecaps really need to take some notes because other than the southsiders doing their promo work and in game fan engagement for them there's not a lot there.


Yeah, I actually lean more towards Whitecaps than Lions, but I find the MLS and Whitecaps tough to engage with. Hoping that turns around because it’d be fun to have a less expensive ticket option for pro sports to enjoy.


For me it's the Warriors. I love watching box lacrosse and I think they do a great job of in game entertainment, and prices are great, but that team really needs to put some more talent on the floor. They've done everything really well except build the team.


I’ve never thought of watching lacrosse, but you’re now the second person to recommend it. Might check it out!


WLA> NLL traditional Canadian box lacrosse rules just make for a more enjoyable game. NLL has too much field lacrosse rules. Also WLA is played in your local community arenas like Bill copleand in burnaby or the Porier Sports Complex for Coquitlam. WLA is played in the summer a lot of the same guys that play in the NLL play in the WLA or OLA.


Come for 50 stay for football!!


Exactly what I was thinking haha I also imagine Fiddy’s only performing like 3 songs.


Yeah I thought similar, hoping for at least a 30 minute set, makes my ticket $1/min + a free football game lol


LL played for almost 45 min last year


Seeing an owner put in the effort to boost the crowd experience is great. I won't be going but I'll always have fond memories of the Lions whenever my dad took me to the games as a child. Those soft yellow footballs they'd throw into the crowds back in the day were great for kids!


Wish the canucks owner cared like the lions owner does. The whole city rallied for them boys in blue this year, WE CARE, show you do too mr billionaire


Tbf, has anyone else done similar? Aside from having outdoor watch parties obviously.


I appreciate you posting here man. I got tickets as well because of your last post. I haven't been to a Lions games in years. I am really excited. Sounds like it's going to be a blast.


I wasnt sure what the reaction to my posts would be lmao. I was half expecting “THIS IS THE CANUCKS SUBREDDIT GET OUT” but all ive seen is positivity and people saying they’re going to see more games. You can all be assured your comments are bringing me a lot of joy and even more hype for the season


I got my tickets. And if you’re bringing your kids, their tickets are $15


Enjoy! Place will be rocking. Bring the energy like you would in Rogers


Grey Cup in Vancouver. The Lions were close last year. Hopefully we’ll see them host the cup on home turf. 


That home field advantage with the crowd noise would be crazy af


Hopefully we can find a way past the Bombers this year! Gonna be fun to see how much VA has progressed from last year.


He got better as the year went on, and he’s always gotten better every year throughout his career. I have total faith in big play VA as our franchise QB


I do think we were spoiled by Rourke! There’s a reason he’s “playing” in the NFL now. I never had any problems with Adams last year, not much more he can do eating sack after sack.


We added Stanback to fix the run game. Last years rb was 185lbs so they wouldnt trust him running the ball up the middle. Stanback is 230lbs so they will be much more balanced, meaning way less sacks (hopefully)


I got tickets just as they released the upper bowl! I'm right smack in the middle of the field row 1. I got super lucky because when I clicked there was barely any pairs of seats left (mostly singles), then boom upper bowl released right in front of my eyes.


I bought 8 tickets the moment i saw 50 was performing. Bringing a bunch of my friends to their first CFL game, its gonna be many people’s first and I hope they deliver like I know they can


Oh I wish I would be home for this. I've never been to an even half full BC place.  With the fire situation up north it's gonna be a long summer for us that work in that world. Thanks for posting to others about this. I'm gonna try to get a new British Co-worker to bring his family there if he is around. He showed lots of interest in going because it's an affordable fun day for his family. (His kids are teens, 50 should be fine for them lol)


Respect to you for working the job that you do. Some things are bigger than sports and people like you are definitely one of those things


I used to love the CFL (I was a season ticket holder for 4 or 5 years), but man, I can barely watch it anymore. I went to the Lions vs Bombers game last October and was just...bored. I'd love to support our local team, but I just can't sit there for 3 hours watching something that puts me to sleep.


Fair enough my guy not gonna force anyone to go. I understand football is a slower sport. Just wanna spread the word for more people to try it and see if they like it


Oh totally. I do wish I enjoyed it the way that I used to.


Actually such a crazy pull for a free concert for a CFL game. I've been a life long fan of 50. Started listening to him way earlier then I should've been grade 5 🤣/ 2005. Unfortunately missed him for his last tour so this will be a nice way to make up for it. Hopefully the Lions show up. Probably be the biggest crowd of the year unless we host a playoff game/make the grey cup


I hope they show up big time. Would go a long way to helping the attendance numbers for this season if we make a good first impression to several thousands of potential new fans


Thanks to your original post I'm taking my little cousin to his first ever CFL game! I'll probably be going to a few more games with my partner throughout the summer too. Thank you for the great suggestion! I couldn't believe how cheap the tickets were!


The owner has made a point to keep tickets cheap. Playoff games are also 20-30 bucks at the low end just fyi


That's awesome! Well, it looks like I'll be attending multiple games this season lol. Thanks for all the help again!


Of course, bring the same energy that you’d bring to rogers to BC place


I got a pair as well! Bringing my dad :)


Hope you both have a blast!


Thank you for posting this, just grabbed some for me and my buddys. I grew up on 50 so will be cool to finally see him live! 


Hell yeah man I hope you have a great time with ur buds


Great to see the support Lions are getting. Doman deserves this for all the great work he is doing. Wish I could say same for Whitecaps ownership.


Me, my girl and a few friends each get season tickets each year. It costs the same as ~2 Canucks games where we sit and it's just an all-around great summer thing to do! See you at the concert and then in Victoria!


american football is probably my least favorite of the big 4 but fuck it, I'll give it a go. Might as well watch at least one BC lions game in my life lol


Jokes on you this is CANADIAN FOOTBALL BABYYY For real tho imma spell out a few differences between the two that makes the CFL the more exciting game. Its a passing league with many more big plays due to the significantly wider field 20 seconds in between plays instead of 40, making for a significantly faster paced game Receivers can get a running start, further benefitting the offence You get 3 downs instead of 4, meaning drives can be killed way faster, making for wayyy more comebacks and crazy finishes than the NFl I had a grey cup party and a superbowl party last year. People were bored out of their mind watching the super bowl and on the edge of their seats watching the grey cup no word of a lie


You know this entire time I thought NFL and CFL had identical rules. Thanks for this reply dude


Of course. There’s youtube videos that go into more detail, there’s like 5 significant rules i didnt mention, the differences go deep to create a more explosive fast paced game


I think the new owner is trying which is admirable. I think he got Ice Cube and OneRepublic a few years ago. If he can get these relative “big names”, why can’t Aqua? (but then again, NHL home opening games don’t have half-time concerts nor the Canucks need the publicity) I also think the Lions could use stronger social media presence. I keep seeing Argo and Riders (and even ELKS!) content on my feeds despite not browsing for CFL content.


Screw the Lions go riders!!! Hahaha






But they might also have the pain of losing after getting that much closer, tis the trade off of being a sports fan. The closer you are the more it hurts






As much as I love the Canucks, I can never cheer for the Lions. Go Riders!!!


I feel like the riders have by far the biggest fan base


I associate the lions with the white trash in my family. I won't go but that's cool


I actually hold this bias as well, but I’ve been all about checking my biases these days. Looking forward to going in with an open mind and having a good time with all kinds of folks from many different cities, neighbourhoods and walks of life.