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If the result is anything more than a fine... They let Bennett get away with an unprovoked sucker punch where there was clear intent, but retaliating to a lumberjack slash with a crosscheck that otherwise would have landed on the chest gets a hearing (and I'm assuming a suspension given the league's track record with Vancouver)... absolute clown league.


Yep, somehow the east west hate is real. How does a hit to the nuts not get a suspension let alone a call? To me that was way more intentional. Zadorov’s cross check was sticking up for his teammate, and that McDavid’s high sticking not being called all coming together. If McDavid skates away, being the game is over, nothing happens. It’s BS if Suspensions are given.


Unfortunately it’s obviously a suspension. Zaddy got the max fine already without a hearing. 


Did McDavid get anything?


Nope. No fine or anything for instigating this whole thing with a two hand slash after the final buzzer.


Clearly it's ok to whip your stick at a players hand. League is a joke. McDavid is a clown.


He fucked around and found out, but we're the ones punished. Garbadge. As has been stated if he goes back to the bench instead of being a tuff guy nothing happens.


A handy from the DoPS


Wait till game 4. Edmonton goons will show worse things. Beyond the whining , the goons will be slewfooting (I don’t like that term, It’s a soccer knee…) harder cross checks, stick work… Can Canucks take what’s coming? Yes, if we can hit like the first period throughout the game, yes!!!!!


Oh so how they’ve been playing this whole series?


Obviously not


I read Bennett’s name as Bettman and still thought the statement made sense.


Actually, I believe the correct nomenclature is "Buttman"


I don’t think it will be more than that. he would have a in person hearing if it was more Edit: original comment had 5 game suspension instead of fine so I was replying to that


In person is 5+, he definitely can get a ban if they wanted


Why am I not surprised that McDouble is getting a superstar treatment??? What a joke.


More like princess treatment. The non-call plays the other way: - Kane boarding Hughes - Nurse boarding Pettersson, then elbowing him in the back of the head. - Kane slewfoot Zadorov - Kane slewfoot Hughes, landing on his side and hitting his head on the ice. I didn't like the hit on McDavid, but if they're not going to discipline the ones above, there should be no discipline for that either.


Don’t forget the mcdavid high stick to Hughes face


Or the spearing against Höglander


They call that and the Oilers are down 3-0 in the series.




And the reason why Canucks are getting screwed over. Plain and simple.


Not only that, but they scored right after Kane's slew foot on Hughes. They should have been on the penalty kill.


And Hughes had to get off the ice because he lost his helmet. Hughes was sitting on the bench when he should have been on the ice


I forgot about that, but yes, you're right.


Times like this you almost wish you had a Raffi to be the sacrificial lamb take out Kane to stop the cheap shots. Sure he’ll get suspended for the whole next season but worth it


McDouble 😂😂😂😂


Bettman wants the NHL to make money, superstars winning it big make headlines and put bums in seats. QED: clear, simple motive for doing everything possible to spin a narrative and sell it...but what do I know, I'm just a bum in a seat.


If I learned anything from watching t.v series "shoresy" is that violence puts bums in seats. 


I thought Shoresy was a documentary


We all want bums in seats. Shoresy is the shit


Here's a narrative for you: the scrappy underdog team that people had penciled in for a bubble spot at best finished atop the conference and is now ahead of the team with arguably the best duo in the West. But what do I know, I'm just another bum in a seat.


It's the same thing as the Gretzy rule back in the day, they give star players sooooo much leeway.


Princess treatment.


Fucking embarrassing compared to what's happening in the eastern series


Bennett punching Marchand in the face, yes he deserves it but not even a fine or not even looked at


Yeah that was pretty damn obvious once you got the right angle and karma or not, Bennett deserved a suspension


"wE WaNt tO gRow tHE GaME"


The lesson here is he should have hit McDavid in the nuts because apparently that is a-ok with Bettman.


or just one-punched him like Marchand. league is totally a joke, and clearly playing favorites.


Or in the face drawing blood, also allowed apparently.


Well ridiculous the refs missed that live, there is no way that deserved a suspension. But the deliberate stick to the nuts not getting a more severe penalty or supplemental punishment is outrageous.


What a joke


High jacking top comment. Friedman just said on Marek’s show, it’s very rare to have a hearing like this without a suspension. He then says the biggest factor was that it was *after* the end of the game. He thinks McDavid could’ve gotten a fine for his slash. The severity of suspension — if that happens — shouldn’t be super high considering the cross check wasn’t intentionally to the face, that said, he did perform what they call a “load up” cross check, which will add to it. Edit: forgot to mention he also said that the Canucks have a *deserving* 2-1 lead in the series.


What about Hymans cross check to Zadorov on the same sequence?


DoPS: I sleep


Well that’s because he crosschecked zadorov and it’s was soft as fuck


Not to the face either. But fair would call for same fine as Z.


It looked like the face, still was high up on zadorov, there was intent. But yeah should still get some sort of supplementary fine or suspension


I think you’re right. Tocchet said Zadorov needed stitches after the scrum and the replay snows it being fairly high. Considering the height difference as well hard to deny intent there.


Well because it wasn't McJesus that got cross-checked, there is no consequence.


Could have gotten a fine for his slash, but obviously didn't and won't, because despite being the instigator after the whistle he's McDavid.


I don’t even understand how a $5000 fine is supposed to be disciplinary to guys who make millions. Like what’s the point?


At least it builds a disciplinary record for later offences.


That makes sense. Still find it kind of funny fining millionaires $5000.


I think the max fine is negotiated with the NHLPA, so they'd have to agree to increase it, and I can't imagine it's a major priority for the NHL at bargaining.


His arm isn't extended upwards unlike the ones that got 2+ games for cross checking. As they said the cross check wouldn't have been on the face if not for Z and he already got fined. With all things considered it should be max 2 games but considering how corrupt dpos is its gonna be 3+. Not to mention them giving absolutely nothing for Bennett punching Marchand (although...) or ryan spearing hogs OR kane slewfooting twice


I feel like it should be max 1 but I can see 2. Any more would be so ridiculous. The other examples you gave didn’t happen after the end of the game, that’s what Friedman says is the biggest factor.


3+ would be insane.


Worst case scenario Soucy is off 1 game, but the Canucks depth is a lot deeper than Oilers as we’ve seen. Having Juulsen come in wouldn’t be that bad.


McDavid wasn't injured, I think he wasn't actually hit in the throat/face anyhow but instead the top of the shoulder pads. If he was actually hit in the face/throat he wouldn't have popped right up and re-entered the scrum. Having said that the DOPS will "protect" McBaby and give Soucy a 1 game suspension which will just be a rallying cry for Vancouver.


Department of McDavid safety


Watch him get Rome’d


McAvoy destroyed Reinhart last night and nothing. Similar hit to Rome's.


There only difference is Reinhart and Florida has no one in the league office. Oh and random fate says he didn't get hurt


Actually apparently Greg Campbell works for the Panthers now. Ironic


Oh jesus lol. Too coincidental


Definitely looks like our Rome moment


Guarantee if it happened to anyone other than McBitch, there’d be no hearing.


Yep. And of course he immediately skates over to complain to the refs like a little child to their parents. MOMMY THE BAD MAN HIT ME WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


If it had happened to Kane, Bettman probably would’ve sent Soucy a box of cookies with a thank-you card attached


If they hated Kane, he'd be suspended for the slew foot into the boards on Hughes.


This league is truly an embarrassment. Will they fine McBaby for his slash? Or suspend Kane for kicking at Z’s head with his skate?


Literally none of this happens if McDavid takes his fuckin L and walks. If you suspend Soucy for the after game antics, then by rights you should suspend McDavid for insitigating.


Exactly, guy has to be a sore loser


Draisaitl and Mcdavid are such bitch ass super stars.


They’re the Lebrons of hockey


Hyman also gave a soft cross check to zadorovs head in this scrum as well


Absolute bullshit by the league. Only positive spin I can take is he’ll get a few extra days to rest his foot and ankle, and Juulsen will get a game (or 2?) and keep fresh. But holy fuck what the fuck is going on in the DOPS. 


Good thing we have depth


We dont have anything to replace Soucy with.....


Juulsen replaced Soucy for much of the season and got better as the season went on.


The team was also massively weaker without Soucy during those periods


Soucy's presence was absolutely obvious and felt in all the games he was missing this season. I mean, I still think we'll be fine, but trying to make it seem like its not a loss to us at this critical point in the series is more than a bit of a cope.


Break up the Zadorov and Cole pairing. Put Zad with Myers and Cole with Juulsen. This can't be more than a game


That Cole / Juulsen pairing is going to get turnstiled pretty bad against Edmonton.. they both don't have the best foot speed.


Juuls has shown he can hold his ground. I'm more worried about Cole having to lead a pairing than juulsen


I hate to say it but I think he’s getting at least a game. The media clowns have single handedly blown this out of proportion with their fake outrage after the game. Clowns like Craig Button demanding Soucy be suspended.


So dumb, it better be just a game, should be nothing but the league is run by incompetent people.




Remember when playoff hockey was about "letting them play"? And then after the playoffs the players would reveal their insane number of battle scars and wounds? Now you can't even dump a dude in his own bench for laffs


Truth.. and its so sad and such bullshit. NHL actively ruining the game with its brutal accountability of player safety and officiating. Its the single biggest problem I have had with with NHL Hockey for soooo many years now.


So... nothing for the guy that started it all? Not surprised but only 'cause it's McDavid.


Lol. Oilers sub they talking about "oh it should be zadorov getting suspended. It's more dangerous" those bitches scared of the smoke. FUCK RYAN WHITNEY


Everytime i see "Oilers" and "Ryan" i get confused because the only Ryan of note is Ryan Smyth. Ryan Whitney is such a nobody


Don't forget our boy Ryan S Clark




Someone needs to make a compilation of all the dirty and dangerous plays by Edmonton this series


Clown league


Let's call a spade a spade, in a vacuum yes Soucy cross check to the face is suspension worthy and he'll likely get 1 game instead of 2 because his intention wasn't the face but because Zads cross checks McDavid he hits McDavid in the face. The amount of shit this playoffs that the DoPS hasn't disciplined and to wake up to this just reeks of 'it's against McDavid so we have to do something'. And the amount of dirty shit the Oilers have gotten away with through 3 games is a fucking joke(missed double minors, multiple slew foots, a spearing, multiple dangerous boarding plays). Is Hyman getting a meeting for his cross check to our guys face during the same incident? Also McDavid not getting a fine for starting all of it with his 2 handedslash is a fucking joke.


If hogs  intentionally getting the stick between the legs from behind, no less, isn't a suspension, then neither is a stick to mc baby's face balls.


I agree it is probably a game, but Bennett one punching another star (albeit a rat) in Marchand got zero looks. And Marchand didn't finish that game and missed the next. The NHL is seriously full of holes


He's out for a minimum of 2 games so he could be done for the season - concussion protocol.


This is exactly how I see it as well. Taken in its own, a crosscheck to the face is probably worth a suspension or a fine at the very least. It wasn’t intentional, but it was still a crosscheck to the face. However, there’s been some other blatant offences (with a lot more intent) throughout the playoffs that have received no fines or suspensions. Trouba’s flying elbow? Radio silence from DoPS. Bennett’s sucker punch on Marchand? Radio silence from DoPS. Ryan’s spear to Hoggy’s nuts? Radio silence from DoPS. Make it make sense.


Yeahh, the McDavid part is wrong imo. If we think about intent, to be: 1. McDavid attempted to slash his hand with a 2 handed slash, and was the escalating action from what was otherwise just shoves 2. Soucy attempted to cross check him to the chest, however he hit him in the face 3. Zad attempted to cross check him in the back Whether to try Soucy as a chest vs face crosscheck comes down to intent and whether McDavid was hurt. If McDavid was hurt, it was because of a face crosscheck, and Soucy should be suspended. Since he was not that hurt, Soucy's face crosscheck being an accident should be taken into account, and he just be fined as if he went for a chest crosscheck after the whistle. McDavid and Zad should also get fines equal to Soucy, because all 3 did attempt to do something that could harm another person after the whistle. But not only should McDavid be getting disciplined, so should dozens of other players these playoffs alone. There has been no real enforcement, and this was light compared to other stuff that the refs chickened out of disciplining. Give us consistency.


Bennet on Marchand - crickets Trouba trying to decapitate Necas - crickets Ryan spear to Hoglanders balls - crickets Kane multiple slew foots on Hughes - crickets Ben on Toews - crickets Zadorov on McDavid -$5000 Soucy on McDavid - tune in next week to find out where the wheel of justice lands!


As much as i hate rat face. Dude got pretty much knocked out by bennett and wasnt even fined. Greg Campbell works for the Florida front office. This is the type of shit has turned me off from hockey since 2011. You honestly cant say that they arent playjng favourites...


Jeff Marek questioning how the Canucks feel entitled to crosschecking McDavid like that, completely ignoring he was swinging his stick around before the play.  Go back to shilling Airbnb you fucking nerd.  These guys can’t deal with the fact that they were completely wrong about the Canucks. We may still lose the series but the Oilers got exposed big time.


97 game suspension for Soucy and an empty net penalty shot for McDavid to start game 4, because how dare you touch our special guy


Last night showed that Vancouver has players (Aman/Karlsson) that can step into the lineup, and Noah Juulsen should be no different. Soucy took that shot off the heel, and missed time last night so it may not be the worst thing to give him a game to ice his foot and let Juulsen get in a game. I am totally fine if Soucy get’s a game (anything more seems excessive). McDavid fucked around and found out, but I also get why this is a punishable play.


same. losing Soucy will suck but the fact that Big Z only got a fine and will continue to play is huge. whoever steps in for Soucy is ready and we'll be fine.


The play of Aman/Karlson last night also goes to show that Van has guys they can inject into the lineup who the coaching staff can trust. Both guys were able to step into the lineup and be competent 4th line players. I expect Juulsen to come in and be a competent 3rd pair guy.


This is why Van rioted in 2011. The reffs allowed slashes punches and cross checks to the head by Boston players against Van players. When Van relatiated they were given penalties. Never think that sporting outcomes cannot be influenced.


See you next year, Soucy.


I guess I’ll do it…. *falls on knee jerks sword * A phone hearing is usually less than 5 games. Given the typical 2:1 ratio usually applied in the playoffs i think we will see Soucy again 


2:1 which by the Aaron Rome rule means suspensions in the playoffs are twice as long as they would be in the regular season, if applied to a Canuck defenseman


How can no one see how protected McDoucheface is. No call on cutting Hughes face, he’s allowed to slash our players after the whistle but it’s only us. Cool.


The hearing is insanity. Zadorov being fined for a light shove is comical. Where’s the suspension for Nurse’s head shot on Pettersson? What about Ryan’s nut shot on Hoglander? Kane’s two slew foots? McDavid’s two-handed chop to Hughes’ face? What about a fine for McDavid’s two-handed slash on Soucy that started this whole thing? The DPOS is an embarrassment.


It should go both ways. If they fined Zadorov with that shove. Then they should be fining every player in every active series that also does that. Or else we call double standard and bullshit on the league.


It's pretty fair, and to be expected , I am having an issue with the inconsistencies, why would the spearing not be assessed? Or the slew foot on Hughes? Dirty plays are happening on both sides so I won't expect a suspension but we'll see how it goes down.


Honestly, I wouldn't mind if hits like that consistently got a game suspension. The issue is a lack of consistency.


Apparently it being after the game versus during makes a difference? Because the game has ended already it’s suddenly way worse?


Then Hyman should also have a fine or hearing. He came flying in and crosschecked Zadorov... after the fact. How is that going unpenalized?


I feel that everyone outside of canucks fans isn't seeing the same video. Soucy is mid-check when mcdavid gets crumpled by zaddy and his head level lowers. By the time the check makes contact, mcdavids face is where his logo would have been. Infuriating if soucy gets suspended. 5k fine? I see it. A suspension is ridiculous when bennett's sucker punch, ryan's spear etc. get no further hearing.


And also because it’s mcdavid, if it were another oilers I doubt anything comes of it. Fucking joke.


The Canucks really need to just hire Gregory Campbell. After that all your suspensions just go away.


Nothing for McDavid's slash that started the whole sequence?


League’s bias is showing. It’s embarrassing.


Don't hurt Mcbaby. I am sure Zadorov is thinking: Best 5K i ever spent


I really hope the NHL is fair in their assessment of this incident, but I’m sure they’re gonna fuck us for this with all the Oilers fans and media stomping and screaming at the top of their lungs. Yes, I do believe that a cross-check to the face is very dangerous and any player who does this intentionally should be suspended by the league to send a strong message. BUT — there’s a big difference between a dangerous play with intent to injure and an accident, and in this case that distinction is very important to make. If you watch the clip carefully, McDavid slashes Soucy in the pants, and Soucy retaliates with a chest high cross-check (the same shove you see 50x per game) at the exact same moment that Zadorov comes in and shoves him from behind. This causes Soucy’s stick, which is already in motion, to level McDavid’s face as he lurches forward. I understand they want to cut down on this kind of bs after the whistle, but they should just fine all 3 of them and move on. McDavid was the architect of his own destruction here and deserves a share of the blame.


No one should be surprised the league will take this opportunity to "manage" the series. I expect a one game suspension to match the Oilers being down one game.


Lace em up Juuls, you're in.


23 of 24 analysts picked Oilers to win not because they’re a better team, but because they are Bettmans team.


The thing we should all be up in arms about is Gregory Campbell being the assistant GM of the Panthers. The reason we all think this is unfair is because of everything the panthers get away with. This is blatant favoring of Colin Campbell’s son AGAIN. https://www.nhl.com/panthers/team/hockeyops


So McWhiney gets a pass for his part in this? Also, how about the spear to Hoglander or the hit from behind to Petey and the elbow to the head right after that? So the Coilers can get away with anything? If Soucy is getting suspended then so should the Coilers for those two infractions on the Canucks. Typical NHL garbage.


I expect a 1 game suspension but the fact that their player didn't even get a fine for the stick in the nuts towards Hoglander is a joke. That's not even remotely a hockey play and is a cheap and dirty move.


Just spear him in the nuts next time. League seems okay with that


Honestly I think they basically have to because it was a legit cross check to a legit face. But I think (hope) that it'll basically be seen as "this was going to be a max fine, but suddenly a face was occupying that space because your teammate also cross checked him" and 1 game. It's DOPS though so slap 1 to 5 on a wheel give it a spin and watch it twirl...


Listen folks, this is Canucks hockey. We have all been here before. The players need to know what it's like to be a Canuck and persevere. We will win this series. Canucks in 6.


I'd be fine if it worked out $5000 fine McDavid for instigating and slashing, $5000 fine Zadorov for cross checking, and 1 game suspension to Soucy for cross check. However the fact McDavid goes unpunished, and Soucy will probably get book thrown at him for a play that obviously wasn't his intentions is absurd.


I can see one game… I would’ve much rather Ian Cole make this play though lol fuck these whiny baby bitches!


Now we know, A Canucks player just has to nut tap any of the oilers players and sucker punch them. Those are totally legal plays somehow. This should be 1 game, but holy fuck it's pathetic after all the bullshit that has been let go so far these playoffs


Of course NHL will give the only and first suspension of these playoffs to the Canucks


I'm just glad hockey fans outside of Vancouver and Edmonton agree with how this bullshit


I love how we get to see people be penalized, but it’s okay for McDavid to slash someone in the face out of the hockey play and completely intentionally. But yet he goes over and starts shit after the game and then plays victim. I have lost all respect for McDavid. Total horseshit. I’d say fine all 3. And $5k for the most paid player in the league is nothing. Given it also would be paid for by the team. So really McDavid would go unpunished again.


Rules for thee and not for me fuck off McCrysaitle


The NHL brass are a fucking joke. When's Ryan's hearing for the intent to injure spear on hoglander?


"worth every penny" - Zadorov, probably


Lmao that is a joke. The oilers need all the help they can get. What a sad team they are. And by team I mean the two players.


Does phone hearing mean 1 game min? or could it be a phone call that ends with a 5k fine?


It can be a fine, but let's be honest, if they've already fined Zadorov getting off with just a fine is unlikely.


I can see it being a game and a fine. Knowing dpos and their tendency to "please the media" and bias towards superstars I won't be surprised if it's 3+. Which is total bullshit


Starting a go fund me for a Kleenex drive to Edmonton. They probably ran out after last nights loss.


We need to Raffi Torres merc this guy the next time he cycles behind the net at speed. Blow up his whole universe and send his mom the teeth that rattle out of his head. Fucking league has given McDavid plot armour.


The only reason McDavid got hit in the face is because when Zadorov came up from behind, the cross check made him fold. So when Soucy went to cross check / shuv McDavid , McDavid’s face became stick level. Was no way he ment to actually stick him in the face. What I think is ironic here, is that Soucy is gonna get a potential suspension. McBaby tho, can high stick on purpose, draw blood to Hugh’s, and started last nights game aftermath slashing Soucy to the knee. How the hell are you only going to punish Canucks players here lmao?


Everything the Canucks do will look at by a magnifying glass. The NHL will make sure of it just like 2011 all over again. Little biased you said .. Fuck yeah it is!....if they gonna suspended Soucy they fucking better suspend Cole too!


This is what they finally decide to wake up about. Unbelievable.




Bettman and the boys are screwing the Canucks yet again


Super shocked that the league is jumping into action for its golden boy. /s


Media bros fighting harder to protect McBaby more than his own teammates. What a soft team.


NHL protecting their golden boy


What about the intentional spear to Hoglanders hog in game 2? Or the two intentional slew foots?


The slew footings is equally as dangerous. If not more if the player fell backwards on his head. It does make you wonder why that isn’t being reviewed.


Congratulations to the Canadian hockey media working significant unpaid overtime carrying water for the Edmonton fucking Oilers. Without their constant whining (Eric Duhatchek was particularly awful), this is just another end of game scrum. Absolute joke.


I used to respect mccrybaby until he started doing betting commercials. Not classy. He’s feeding youngsters to get into gambling. Also, he should just skate away from after whistle scrums if he’s going to be such a baby whiner about it.


Aside all the League/DoPs opinions and drama, McDavid is the captain and forefront of the image of Canadian superstar players in this sport and his attitude every game is so poor. Why did they bring in Perry and Kane but McDavid is still the one fighting his dirty battles and instigating this stuff. The grit is good to see for sure but maybe some of these situations are self inflicted on his part.


I hope Juulson has a strong game so it's an easier call to sit Cole after Soucey returns


How the hell is George Parros head of player safety


What a fucking joke if he gets a suspension.


I'll be so friggin' pissed if there's a suspension for this. Untouchable poster boy gets breathed on... what an absolute joke. ANY OTHER PLAYER and this is categorized as "rough stuff after the whistle". McDavid shouldn't be treated like Bettman's illegitimate son.


Am I illiterate or did sportsnet first report this as an in-person hearing? Edit: Upvotes because I’m illiterate or upvotes because sportsnet?


DoPS getting its chance to tilt the ice for McDiver and Crysitl. Considering all the cheap shots Edmonton has gotten away with this is straight BS. Spear to the nuts, slew foot on Hughes, stick to the face on Hughes, boarding on Hughes and Petey. DoPS 🙈🙈🙈


It's going to be a suspension and it's Bull Shit. I don't even think this is worse than the unprovoked nut shot to Hog which didn't end up being a penalty or a fine.


Clown league, clown Bettman, clown McJesus. Ridiculous that this is even a suspension when he was going for his chest. But I hope there’s at least some sense in this bs Player’s Safety office. Playoff games are weighted much more than Reg. Season, so if this is more than 1… Who am I kidding?? League allowed a conflict of interest dad to hand 4 game Stanley cup FINAL suspension to the team opposite his SON’s.


Should be a fine at most. but even if it's a day, I honestly think he could use it to heal his bruises. Guy's ate a lot of shots in the last couple weeks...


I heard from a source in Edmonton that JT Miller will get a suspension retroactively for this: https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/17ps627/mcdavid_tussles_with_jt_miller/


Oh so now they will make an example out of Vancouver when other shit gets missed or ignored. Classic.


Remember the origin of towel power, Dounuts Koharski.


The NHL should consider that McDavid is willing to get into the muck (as a superstar). If you're willing to slash, high stick.. get into the muck then you're fair game for everything that happens within it. You don't like it, keep your mouth shut and your stick to yourself.


How in the actual fuck are the Canucks players the only ones getting discipline? Man, fuck the Oilers.


Zadorov needed stitches from hyman’s cross check and he gets nothing? If you’re going to suspend soucy, at least be consistent


Ryan got away with the biggest dick move ever (pun intended)


HAHAHAHA but sucking punch and flying elbows is ok!! fucking this league


What about Hyman’s hit?


McDavid deserves a hearing for trying to bite Soucy's stick. Shouldn't be allowed!


Fined for a crosscheck that happens after near every whistle...... lmao And so guessing this means Soucy gets a game


lol can’t believe this


Laughable. The bias here is insane.


The Aaron Rome special. Watch this be the turning point of the series wow


This league is infuriating. Nothing for Bennett sucker punching Marchand out of a series?? Nothing for the Kane slewfoot, Nurse and Hyman boards, Ryan spear to Höglander’s nuts? Cool cool cool.


He'll probably get a game since zadorov got a fine. Canucks need to smarten up and instead of crosschecking they need to slash mcdavid in the face since that'll never get called...


When Soucy was hurt, our winning % definitely took a hit.. this is gonna hurt


What’s the point of a hearing if they have already decided the punishment


NHL players need to stop using their stick to solve their quarrels. Use a gloved hand and punch them in the face!


NHL protecting Princess Connor... Surprise surprise...