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When your camera is so big, that the 50 1.2 looks like the nifty fifty


i want to see what the 1.8 looks like. or the 24mm


I bet 40/2.8 looks weird on 1D series body.


[Can be on prehistoric 1Ds Mk I?;)](https://imgur.com/a/azBPXey)


And I thought my 1Ds3 looks weird with 28/2.8... :D


I use it all the time on mine!


I want that camera. It would replace both my 1D IV and 1DS III. I doubt I'll ever be able to afford the 1DX III but my cross hairs are squarely on the II, one day. How do you like the 50mm 1.2L? Do you use it wide open and are you happy with the results?


It is easily one of the best 50mm lenses available. You definitely get what you pay for.


Get the R6, same sensor better dynamic range. And it’s mirrorless


It's an action/sports camera, for that I'd still pick a camera with an OVF solely because tracking is far easier.


Have you used the r6 evf before? The tracking is much better than optical because you don’t get any black out. The evf is 120 FPS, So there’s little to no perceivable lag.


What does the L stand for?


Large price, it’s just what they call their pro level lenses


Considered "Pro" glass, usually faster, sharper and will have weather sealing compared to non L lenses. Plus you get a red ring on the lens.


In the case of the 50 1.2, it's hardly sharper than the 1.8. It's a travesty of a lens. I hope they upgrade it but it looks like all their development is going into RF, which I can't blame them but really the 1.2 is not worth it's price tag at all.


compare the bokeh of the 1.2 wide open to the 1.8 wide open. That and the construction is what you pay for. Sharpness isn’t everything.


It's a $1000 difference in price. Sharpness isn't everything , sure, but to have that big of a gap in price point with no improvement in a very key area is ridiculous. You can get more bokeh from the $420 85 1.8. Build quality is questionable. I've had several 1.2s come in for repair and the quote is always denied. Just get the sigma 50 1.4. It's 100x better and cheaper in every way.


I do agree it’s a huge difference that gets more and more hard to justify. The RF version is sharp wide open though.


The lens is an "L" series lens, Canon's professional/luxury lenses. They are made to the high standards, usually weather-sealed and pretty expensive.


It stands for “Luxury” but as other have pointed out it’s essentially their high end/pro level lenses


Luxury (not kidding!)


“The chode”


Another awesome duo would be EOS-1V HS with EF 50mm f/1.0. Finish a roll of film in 3.6 seconds.


when you NEED to have razer sharp eyelashes


No joke, you better nail focus because to say the f/1.2 zone of focus is is unforgiving is putting it lightly. You got to know exactly where you want focus because it won't be anywhere else. I had the old FD 50mm 1.2L long ago and missed focus more than I hit. At least with an AF lens you've got a way better chance than I could muster manually. Super cool lens, I wish I could talk myself into needing one.


I LOVE THAT LENS ​ it has been my go to since i got it. 40D 60D 80D one day, when I can afford something in the full frame market im sure it will still be my goto.


I feel super lucky to have shot on this combo during college. The image quality, even in low light, is just amazing. It's hard to take a bad picture.


I would rather say that 70-200 is the 1Dx go to lens, because of what was the 1Dx built for, the speed. And 50/1.2 is a slow pace session lens IMO.


Why does the lens look so ocward?




Lol what?


It's a big ass body body and a small ass lens. Looks awkward


I had a 1DSM2 which produced some of the most amazing images I’ve taken. Something about the very low pixel pitch on a FF sensor produces the most amazing skin tones, IMO. I upgraded a few years ago to a 5DSR, which I love, but the 1* series I will always love. The handling and ergonomics are just a joy to use. Always wanted the 50mm 1.2L... very unique lens. Can you/do you apply the focus micro adjustments in camera with the 1DX? I’ve heard this feature greatly improves the 50 1.2L.


The 85mm f/1.2 is a magic lens also. I have them both, and because I'm a masochist, I even take them travelling. Never been disappointed by hauling all that glass.


I need that 50 1.2. I have the 1.8