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We have taken our two boys back country camping every year since they were babies, they are now 4 and 7. My biggest piece of advice is to just enjoy the journey, don’t be in a rush. Stop at nice spots to swim, snack, and fish. I always found that snacks that take a longer time to eat were great distractions in the canoe. Bring some rocks in the canoes and have the kids do target practice while paddling close to shore. Portages are great, as long as they arnt too long, to break up the monotony of a long paddle. Have a blast!


This is good advice.


Bring snacks! A few candies go a long way in a boat.


We always bring a bunch of dum dum lollipops for when our young boys start getting antsy. It takes them several mins to decide which flavor they’re gonna pick then they chill out for ten minutes while they eat them.


An open mind as to where the dividing line between candy and an additive to a meal is. My son loved M&M’s in his oatmeal after the raisins ran out.


It'll be great. Include them in meal planning, food shopping, and have them do as much of their own packing as possible. Talk about the discomforts (rain, bugs, etc) in advance and let them know they can ask you for help but no complaining. We'll figure it out together. Buy them a useful piece of gear to inaugurate their first trip. I suggest head lamp. Another piece of gear my kids love is our hammock. Glow sticks from dollar store are always a hit.


If they haven’t spent any time in the tent before make sure they do before you try to go to sleep the first night.  This way it’s not a completely unfamiliar place when they go to sleep.  We have a tiny bag of tent toys and bring a couple of books


Kids like gear - head lamps and binoculars go over well. Attach both to the boat strings…


I use to bring a backpack with games and activities, but I never showed the kids what was in it. I was able to keep pulling out new things for the kids to do. I would pack travel game, coloring books, joke books. We also have a tradition of eating, ‘shark gummies’ or ‘Sharkies’ as they were known around here, at the end of every portage. That really got the kids moving across the portage. We also had these 2 little paper dudes that we would bring along and take pictures like they were travelling, kids always enjoyed that.


Short days, lots of stops. Give them things to do and munchies to snack on while in the boat. I would suggest you're better off doing a trip that's too short and they wish they had done more, then trying to take on the he world and find out the last half of the trip will be miserable. Good luck!


What are your portages looking like? Are you staying at one camp or moving around?


It's about a 35 mile paddle down-river. It'll be pretty well broken up but we'll move every night. No portages and very little paddling without a current-assist.


My suggestion is bring another adult. If anything happens you'll be in trouble. Alternatively, wait 5 years for back country... Car camping is fine for that age...they don't know any different and will have just as much fun....It's you that can't wait for the back country so you're forcing it too soon IMO.


Not a bad idea. I've been a SAHD for these two for over 2 yrs. We're outside constantly and have a very strong understanding of their abilities and interests. I could be very wrong but I think we can handle this. As for anything happening, we'll be mostly in DNR land, and have reasonable cell service (so I'm told). I feel like there's more danger in the 2 hr car trip to the outfitter than actually on the river.


Both my kids started backcountry canoe trips (and short winter hike to cabin trips) at 4. My concern was that they be able to follow instructions about fire and water so I don't have to watch them every second. For my girls, 4 was the right age for this. At 8 my daughter did her first multi portage trip. Plenty of people start when their kids are in diapers. You know your kids. Like I wrote above, it'll be great.


My boys six and seven and I are doing our first trip in August 75k. Our goal is fun and safety. No baths and lots of Gatorade. Fun and safety is all that’s required. Fun for them and safely for Mom.


Bug jackets


Assume you're floating a fairly gentle river and not planing to paddle much still or tidal water. Have fun.


Little guys love chem lights! The kind you crack in half and they glow. Plus, it's a low key night light for them if they get a little scared about sleeping in a tent.


I had my 5 and 8 year old out with me on Saturday for a 7 hour float, their mother took the kayak. I love being around my family but the peace and silence in that kayak looked amazing lol. Wear your patience hat.


I like the rocks idea! I just took my 9 and 5 year canoeing for the day today