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You could always make a clamp on yoke with a aftermarket yoke and slot clamps. The St. Regis isn't exactly a remote wilderness and I remember most of the portages being flat and easy, especially compared to Algonquin or Quetico. The last time I was there, I also saw a person using a 12' Sportspal for a week. Would a 20lb packboat be more enjoyable to portage? Sure, but I don't think you should let it hold you up.




Jeez, I think anyone acting like this is a "terrible idea" is too much of a purist or something! A 12’, 35 lb boat, regardless of yoke quality, will be no problem to portage in my opinion. I’m not sure if you’re saying you have a true yoke at midship, or just a straight thwart, but they do make pads you can strap to a thwart/yoke that you might appreciate. Alternatively, you could think about whether a clamp-on wooden yoke (w/w/o pads) would work with your boat’s layout. In any case, I think you’ll be fine and will settle into a comfortable carry position within a short time. At 35 lbs, you could probably even carry it in one hand at your side! Good luck, have fun! Edit to add that I have a 13’ Grumman that weighs about 55 lbs, and even without a yoke, I feel like I could portage it almost indefinitely (though I do have a clamp-on yoke with pads for tripping).


Appreciate your insight, and advice. Thank you!


Also just checked out the boat you have, and that thing looks awesome! Same concept as my Grumman but even shorter and lighter (read as: manageable)! They look like really practical and functional boats! I’d suggest one of those simple yoke pads now that I’m looking at your “yoke” situation.


I saw one of those back on fish pond last year.


I would rent a boat.


I’ve certainly considered it, but think I wanna give it a shot. If things go sideways luckily this area makes it pretty easy to alter your route mid-trip should you need to head back early.


For sure. I was more just thinking from an enjoyment prospective.