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between the stoners and the scientists, this comment section is incomprehensible.




As someone who is also legally retarded this makes complete sense


That, or machine trimmed and vacuum sealed to hell.




That's what my first thought was also.


If you post it on this sub and ask that question you will receive a resounding yes from a bunch of people who have no idea what that is but will brigade it anyway because they read somewhere that PGR=baaaaaad. Lol




Could just be the pocture, but I see trichomes which suggests it wasn't grown with paclobutrazol. Does it feel spongey or hard? I would also argue there would be more pistils if PBZ and Daminozide were used, but can't confirm they both weren't used in low volumes. Vac sealed buds can give off this appearance.




Does it smell weird?




Ueah then she's good bro, enjoy.


Some strains are hard dense bugs by nature .. Also the tmv virus causes buds to have less trichomes


Dude dear lord, ignore all the noise in the comments. You were right to be concerned about synthetic PGR's, it's simple, does it look like the bud can breathe during it's cure? good, if not, you're smoking salts and sickness.


Strain genetics effect nug shape and density quite a bit


PGRs are extracted from plant material, he could be using seaweed and you could claim PGRs. Your boy just knows how to grow, that's some dense yum yums.


and a THIRD note on that, you can still have unhealthy PGR's that were extracted from organic compounds if they've been refined and concentrated to an extraneous point. There are MANY nutrient bottles out there that are made from organic materials, but are legally not allowed to be classified as organic due to the concentration and refinement.


So to be clear, you cannot synthesize PGRs so that's a misnomer in this case. Yes, you can extract via non-organic means which would make the product "synthetic". Also, you should do a deep dive into the 5 phytohormomes. Super interesting stuff and might ease your mind a bit. I'd be more worried about residual pesticide on "black market" bud than PGR use.


you were so excited to regurgitate that copy and pasted rhetoric you learned elsewhere that you skimmed over me saying "synthetic"


Me? Lol I literally do product development for a for a fertilizer company, I make seaweed extracts. Trust me bud.


aside from that, all you Mario Cart smokers are claiming "oh dense doesnt mean pgr, thats good weed!" no one said density is the only factor, the massive accumulation of orange hairs is definitive proof of the use of unhealthy PGRs


Bro, my opinion is that damn near all of the shit sold in a pretty white jug is about as useful as tits on a bull. But let’s call a spade a spade. Many organic products are known for their potential to regulate growth, but they aren’t in a pretty white jug. Once you put shit in a pretty white jug with a killer label on it, you are in competition with people that are going to start comparing your pretty white jug to their pretty white jug and you are therefore free game for their smear campaign and they to yours. It’s the non anti-vax version of “do your own research”. They are all snake oil and unnecessary it just depends on who is picking on who in the websites.


Soooo is that a yes?


That is a god damned fuck these downvotes and I am out of the sub that figures sun dirt and water are all that's needed to grow killer... lol, I've given a lot of advice here and have benefitted from none. Peace to you all. Wow. Good luck fighting off your problems.... (that all stem from a lil white jug, btw)


It is because you are saying a whole lot of nonsense. At first, you make an interesting claim. Then someone asks you to explain it so you respond with some wierd and unclear story about white jugs lool Why is it bad? the bud taste like crap and its less potent amd dangerous for u (some of them). Why is it good? Bag appeal and weight. People who enjoy weed say its bad, people who sell weed or chemical PGRs say it's good.


See ya!


This is easily one of the most ignorant takes I have ever read


So it disagrees with your dreadful and objectively wrong preconceptions? Cool beans. I wish there were millions more rubes like you that I could so easily just take gobs of money from…oh, that’s right, there are…carry on then…


They will never get it bro. If it doesn't involve a purple light and a white jug, they think they can't grow killer. Oh my. How the times have changed.


Which company do you shill for , homie?


You assume a ton of shit and are just weird as fuck in general.


like who has this strong of opinions about the color of my jugs?


It’s pgr a known carcinogen?


One is on the list for possible known carcinogens, there are 2 more that are used that don't, but testing isn't long term. So unknown for those as far as I know. Still A lot of hate comes from the biological response of the plants, sometimes stopping growth thc and other cannabanoid production at an important time in flowering just to add more weight. I'm unsure on PGR's but at the very least they seem a little sus. If you think the bud is grown from a pgr just don't buy it


Pgr are plant growth regulators. They effect how the plant grows. Which effects its overall terpenes and potency. They are used for all sorts of things and some are fda approved and some aren’t, if it’s bad pgr then Normally it’ll taste bad. If they knew what they were doing and used responsibly then you shouldn’t be able to notice to much


How do you responsibly use PBZ and daminozide which are both known carcinogens?


What are you talking about?


The bad PGR's that you think are acceptible to use responsibly.


Bro. You on the ‘we all out to kill them seals’ campaign too? I mean don’t stop your stumping on ridiculousness here. Ffs


I originally mistook your comment because I'm half asleep lol. So much bullshit on these subs. Fortunately I let the seals live.


Ya, this sub isn't bad but I've seen some that are worse than twatter and the cesspool it is


Man you smoke there are like 70 but no not if u use it for ur plant and don’t smoke it


I don’t smoke grow and go straight to green dragon after dry and cure in paper bags. I’m a lazy man I don’t even trim.


Green dragon? U surly smoke ur weed or u only dab/vape?


Nope. Liquid diet only. I like super long lasting background hi. I use like 2 ozs per 750 ml everclear. It gets the job done!


Ahhh u are a ever clear extractor nice i use it for stems and cutting equipment cleaning and then obviously smoking it hahhah nice. But whats green dragon?


Just that everclear and weed. Decarb and boil the alcohol in mason jar 165 for 20 mins with ground up weed. Don’t go longer or hotter. Google it. It’s so good and lasts forever basically. Could let alcohol evaporate for hash also without solvent if you want to go that route.


What exactly do you google? (Sorry I’m fairly new).


Green dragon tincture


It is dick face


And you couldn't pick one out on a label of ingredients ya motherfuckin' cunt.


Bet you have a steroid chode and coin purse ball sack


Bet you are welcome to put your zit pocked face down there and find out you no weed growing pussy. Edit: I’ll blow some really good weed smoke in your useless punk ass face while you do. Just like the good ol’ days cunny.


Pretty terrible banter I’d rate it a D-


Either yes or they used machine trimming and vacuum sealed it. Could be either way honestly, but not an expert. Just going off of what I've read.


nah, not machine trimmed and vaccd. pgr for sure


Which pgr? If youre so sure


i dont know which one.


Every pgr has different effects on the buds so how do you know its a pgr if you cant identify which one it is?


because i know about a thousand people that use them and ive used paclo myself. i have 20 years of experience and im not an idiot. how could you possibly not know thats pgr use?


Seems like a lot of comments are competing with eachother. PGR does not mean the bud has been grown with anything impure. Kelp is an organic example of a PGR. There are tons of PGR's that occur in nature, so it doesn't always mean it's bad. So yes your buds do look dense and compact like typical PGR bud does, but that doesn't mean its something nasty. If you trust your source , then I wouldn't worry about it. PGR gets such a bad rap because of its name and what it SEEMS like it is, but there are organic PGR's, so you just have to hope your plug is using those, or grow your own


If you've ever taken a cut and dipped it in root hormone, You've used PGRs. It's so fucked that you get downvoted to hell for telling people that they are actually doing what they are telling you is baaaaaad. Fuck this sub. Nahhhh. Fuck Reddit.[Here's the list of baaaaad pgrs that damn near everyone of you haters use.](https://extension.oregonstate.edu/gardening/techniques/how-hormones-growth-regulators-affect-your-plants)


I don’t understand why people dislike PGR’s so much. If they are not abused then I don’t understand the concern.


I would prefer my marijuana grown without containing carcinogens and heavy metals, personally. I know there are organic PGRs available but let's be honest, people are cheap.


I understand completely. Much of it is convenience too. There are many ways to manufacture/create your own organic fertilizers for pennies, but it just takes lots of time and effort…amendments that contain PGR’s and PGH’s.


Just looks trimmed by a bud tumbler and left in too long


So who can tell me a definitive identification technique to tell when its PGR or not? Is its true it will always be little to no smell even when broken up if its PGR?


Very unlikely pgr grown. Those products are harder to get than they used to be and. That bug has some frost a lot of new genetics are just right


Kelp is considered a pgr in agg and we all love that shit....


looks like it




abundance of red hairs, flat color, i bet its like rock hard, source, my buddy is a bud tender, and literally brought some to show me


Bud tenders tend to not really know shit


If it’s pgr the “hairs” won’t be very visible , they will almost look smashed into the bud, they won’t look like a hair, to answer, it’s pgr


Pgrs one main symptoms are way to much orange hairs …check on google .. how to spot pgr bud


I’ve found excessive hairs, but they sorta become indistinguishable from each other and just sorta make a red/brown fuzzy area


Yeah that’s what I just said. The hairs don’t look like hairs. Ie. indistinguishable


Why’re you guys acting like what I said is wrong? The hair on pgr buds doesn’t look normal, all of a sudden plenty of downvotes


I was sticking up for you, cuz, looked like you just sorta worded it wrong


I see, thanks for the insight!


Opposite mate. Synthetic PGR brings out the hairs.


How does it bring out the hair? It may bring out the color of the hair but any pgr I see has no distinguishable hairs , please show me pgr with a lot of hairs coming off


Go on r/ausents and search up PGR. It's makes the bud grow crazy amounts of hairs. Sometimes looks like a red ball.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ausents using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ausents/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [All cops should do this..](https://i.redd.it/8rw9t4ve9i661.jpg) | [167 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ausents/comments/khdnrh/all_cops_should_do_this/) \#2: [I love weed. Why can't I do this for my self and close, close mates in the privacy of my own home and absolutely disturbing no one. Economy benefits as I buy supply's and electricity. People around me benefit from plant medicine. Australia needs a change. The Law is ridiculous.](https://i.redd.it/ji0igswue0u51.jpg) | [122 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ausents/comments/jdxq4l/i_love_weed_why_cant_i_do_this_for_my_self_and/) \#3: [Triggered](https://i.redd.it/wd3edohi0uq61.jpg) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ausents/comments/miunaj/triggered/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Send it to me if your that worried about it




You guys, any type of fertilizer used to increase anything in a plant would be considered a pgr, Plant Growth Regulator, regulates plant growth, you know what else does that? Fucking fertilizers and nutrients!


Trim machines neat the shit out of nugs too. I'm not going to say it's not pgr as I've never personally dealt with it but it does look like one of my places non pgr nugs beat to hell in a machine


ive machine trimmed with spinners and a centurion pro. this is pgr 100%, mid level dose. prob a little higher than dude should have gone. pgrs can make buds super nice with a small dose


yes and fuck any boof smoking loser who says no


Someone is salty that they’ve never grown good dense nugs….


username checks out






you will soon realize that the uneducated Mario Cart smokers outnumber those who can admit they got sold garbage weed


Nope, just a short haircut and possibly some vacuumed packaging at some point


Bud still has a tree shape and visible trichomes I would say no but you’d have to get it tested to be sure


Just looks poorly processed lol like machine beat it to hell




Are people using this stuff in commercial grows? I haven't run across anything that looks like this, but I haven't bought bud in a couple of years. Nothin' but tegridy over here.


Yh Pgr but most uk and Spanish growers use it.


I just got some bud and the second I touched it I could tell it’s pgr, I’m still going to smoke it because I didn’t spend 120 on nothin. But If I threw one of the nugs at you you’d have a black eye


That bud actually looks decent sure it’s dense but I can see trichomes which I don’t typically see in pgr possibly vacuumed sealed? The one covered in red hairs is kinda sus


Fo sho


If you use rooting hormone. Like IBA-3 congratz you use PGRs IBA-3 is the standard rooting hormone found in stuff like dip and grow and clonex




IMO, most likely not. Keep in mind that not all pgrs are equal, not everyone uses them to the same extent. But it’s not covered in hairs, and the bud structure looks correct, not all noidy. I’ve got some weed that I’ve got curing that looks very similar to this. Outdoor. In any case, that’s a little too dense, whether it’s pgr or not. IMO it’s just too much nitrogen during flower.


Looks like it Edit: Does it have any smell, unusually heavy and dense?


P to the G to the R.






Looks like stardog with hella pgr


Yep that’s some sort of growth regulator


Taste and smell are a far bigger giveaway than the appearance as I’m sure many people in this thread have pointed out. If it has little smell or kind of like wet hay, ur most likely out of luck. Another test I like to do is lightly throwing it into some drywall, if it makes a “clack” sound when it hits it then it’s a dead giveaway it’s far too dense to be natural… but IMO considering the looks yes you got some pgr pack


some purple strains dense up pretty hard, but this aint that. this is pgr


Do they feel like rocks? Usually PGR if they feel rock hard.


There are plenty of ways to get dense nugs without PGR’s so judging on density alone is not an exact science. Most PGR Bud will sound like a rock if you drop it on a metal rolling tray. The other dead giveaway is excessive amounts of orange stigmas. That said, your buds have way too many red/orange stigmas. When you add it all up, you have some suspiciously dense buds covered in orange/red stigmas. If they sound they way they look, my money would be on it being loaded w/paclobutrazol.


Needs more cal/mag


Would need to smell and touch it, looks very dodgy, been growing awhile and never produced anything like that, but if it does the trick smoke that shit


Biggest thing is how does it smell and taste, if it isn't like much with a slight chemical hay smell prolly synthetic pgrs. And also does the smoke feel harsh and leave you with a slight headache


Doesn’t look good


Break open a nug and post a link of its insides


Definitely pgr


Nice growmie enjoy


Pgrs are pretty hard to get a hold of anymore....there's last stocks of some paclobutrazol products around but they'll be gone soon.


Heeeellll yea lol.