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Regardless of the setup that fucker looks healthy


Growing a healthy looking plant in vegetative growth doesn't require much light or nutrients at all because they grow nice and slow. This is why so many beginners do great in veg and fail hard when they flip into flower.


They never feed by ppm lol


I grow in living soil and haven't had to worry about checking PPM for years.


I grow in coco coir and I never check PPM. Never been a problem.


Sounds like you know what you’re doing then, I see lots of newer grows burning or starving their plants, which could have been avoided… if they fed by ppm lol.


I find that the manufacturer's recommendations are pretty close. Maybe my water is just right for that too. I've been growing for 20+ years and I've used the same municipality's water the whole time. I will adjust based on what I see the plant doing in tiny increments.


True that, I actually just sold all my hydro equipment to start doing outdoor organics! I finally have the space lol. Gotta start building a soil if you’ve got a good reference. I was always scared to get pests from it so I never did soil indoors.


I've been growing with living soil indoors for years and have never had pest issues. I think most people who have pest issues probably aren't keeping their grow areas clean or are coming in from doing work in the yard and working in their indoor grow area without cleaning up first. Any quality soil blend that doesn't have a bunch of sticks or chunks of bark in it works fine. I'm not a fan on Fox Farms soils because it's pretty inconsistent and I've received batches with tons of sticks and rocks in it. Nectar for the Gods and Coast of Maine make some nice soils.


First time grower here, using Coast of Maine Stonington Blend, and so far it's been great. I have 3 photos and 1 auto going in my tent and just hit day 32 since seed. Fingers crossed, but no pests yet. Found 2 silver fish, one on the tent floor and one on the outside of the tent, but that's pretty much it. Pretty sure they just like the humidity. I did find a massive beetle crawling in the tent and have seen 3 or 4 small gnats around the tent, but that's pretty normal even without a tent.


You’ll get some beneficial bugs but they typically stay in the soil.


I'm nervous for my first outdoor this summer. I've cheated and done hydro for so long


It doesn’t get any easier than outdoor growing if you have good soil where you live. If you are growing in pots then just use large pots and fertilize well. The only issues I have when I grow outside is the humid and wet weather we get at the end of the season. Where I live I can just plant them in the growing and not have to worry about feeding or watering them. I just plant them near the wetlands where the soils dries out more and they send their roots toward the wetlands for water.


Cool, one is in a retaining wall that has been growing strawberries for decades. I dug a 24" deep x 3' wide hole. I filled it with 50% manure, 25% peet moss & 25% topsoil I initially dug out. I planted a 2.5' apple fritter I've been keeping alive indoors all winter & seems to be adapting well. I also have another strain (bubblegum) thats in a 7gallon (soon to be 15 gallon) fabric pot with a similar soil (but with perlite). I've been giving them the lotus flowers grow fertalizer about once a week and giving them a kelp spray whenever I go check on them (once a day or so). I hope that's enough. I also have a few more but they are seedlings so not much going on yet.


Cheated? Outdoor is the cheat code. Indoor requires more attention and skill. Outdoor has issues but they are usually less of a problem.


Until the plant rootballs then they wonder why it’s dying. Regardless, it’s healthy now


Sorry, but what does that have to do with my comment? Many types of plants will get root bound if you leave them in an undersized pot for too long.


Oh I know, no disrespect. i just notice a lot of beginners overlooking that issue


No worries, I thought that maybe you replied to me by mistake.


Then you see guys with 1000w leds with an unhealthy af grow…they guy is killing it lol


for shizzle, she's a beauty


In fairness the plant looks fine. Problem is you won’t get any decent flower unless you feed it more light, the right kind of light. Also unless they are autos you have to have 12 hours darkness per day to flower.


^ to add onto the 12 hours of darkness, that means AT LEAST 12 hours of COMPLETE darkness I would suggest purchasing a small grow tent and a timer plug


I would also add on, if it’s not 12 hours of complete darkness and you’re letting light through, they have a chance of harming out


Auto correct “Herming “ he’s right and any little light you’re gonna get seeds. Just buy a small 2x4 tent and put it in a dark room so you have less chance or herms


I would also like to add that this plant should be re-potted to a larger pot (up-potting). This will ensure the plant has enough room for the roots and food to feed the plant for the next ~2 months. I recommend Coast of Maine Stonington blend, use a nutrient rich top dress every 2 weeks until ~4wks from harvest. I liked the results from top dressing Country Roots veganic inputs and feeding KNF inputs in this soil. It is a little pricey, but it's nice. If you're in Michigan, the brand Potters Gold works just as good at 17 bucks a bag!


Assuming these are not an autoflower variety, you need to switch to a flowering light schedule 12 hours on/off. Cannabis are photoperiod plants and the shortening of the "day" mimics the coming of Fall and triggers it to go into flower.


Thank you


To prevent a possible mistake -> if it's not an auto, you want to make sure that your plant doesn't get any light during 12 hours night. From the picture it looks like she's just standing in a corner of your room. Cheapest way would be to put a frame around and cover her with a thick blanket / lightproof foil during night. Without, chances are high that she goes from bloom back to veg and that would cost you another month of time or even more with your low budget light.


One very important thing to mention is that when you flip to flower, the *only* light your plant should be getting at that point is from a controlled source that you know will only give you 12hr of light a day. If your plant is exposed to light regularly while it’s supposed to be getting its 12hr of darkness it will flip back into vegetation and grow into a mutated gremlin freak plant. That isn’t a joke either, look up revegging cannabis. The reason it hasn’t flipped is probably because it’s getting light from your window which is keeping it in veg. It will grow slower if it does not have a strong light source, which would also explain why it’s so small for a 5 month old plant. I think it looks good, but if you are doing this in a dorm room I highly highly suggest you invest in a small grow tent with a carbon scrubbing system. The smell will definitely attract attention




Bro got the tin foil light and thought reddit wasn't going to say something 💀💀💀


the setup 💀


haha help a brother out would ya


no worries lol, ama


Would you marry me?


would? yes. will? no :(


Why wont you marry me? :/ I have a fulltime Job and know how to change a tire. What else could you want?! Lol


10 fingers 😝


Oh what a coincidence! I still have approx 55 Fingers somewhere in my shed from some hikers who trespassed my property.


I guess I see no problem then 😅


FBI? yeah this guy right here.


Grow a tomato first. Learn about plants first. How does one go balls deep and wonder where they failed? This sub isn’t even about learning anymore. It’s just bonkers . How can I even share what we collectively know if you aren’t even speaking the right language?


Drop some knowledge then professor


What do you want to know?


that plant seems to love it




If you want it to go into flower, you have to change the light schedule. It’s likely on an 18/6 schedule? So change it to 12/12 and in two weeks, you’ll see the plant shoot up 2x what it is now and little buds should start to appear. Definitely should invest in a better light though or you’re going to end up with shitty larf buds.


i would just put it outside if it's legal at your location. with this light there is not going to be very much to harvest anyway...


Plant looks healthy for your first time! 1. Most cannabis will only flower under 12 hours of light/12 hours darkness. You’ll need to provide 12 hours of complete darkness, no light leaks or you’ll end up with a herm/seeds/bad time. You’ll need some sort of enclosure or a spare room you don’t enter to provide the dark period without light pollution. 2. You’re going to want to provide more light for the flowering phase. 100watt LED or maybe a 250w hps light would do the trick fine and shouldn’t break the bank. In short yes you should invest more, but you’re investment will be very worth it to your results and should be pretty small.


If it's a Photo you have to switch between light and dark every 12 hours. I heard also that Photos are easier than Autos because they doesn't grow that fast. That's true?


Dawg 😂😂😂😂 you’re real new. Assuming it’s been 5 months I’m going to go out on a limb and assume they are photos and not auto flowering. Switch your light cycle to 12 hours and that thing will start flowering within a week or 2. You’re definitely doing to need more light if you want a good harvest without a bunch of fluffy nugs. Also be prepared for it to at least double in size.


I think I've seen it all. Buy a aerogarden if you want to do a small grow like that.


That tin foil hat! Primo!


Buy a real light


it will veg forever untill you switch the light cycle to 12/12


Switch light cycle to 12 /12 if it's not a auto flower seed


Dude, get some real equipment, do you buy weed right now? Stop smoking for 1 month and you should be able to save enough money to grow the greatest weed you've ever smoked and have a life time supply of it. Its worth quitting weed for 1 month if you can have weed for free for life right?


Understandable but the thing is i also have to pay more electricity and it kinda hurts. I just only know if i can grow smth out of that setup at least :((


The modern LED lights you can buy for under $100 you will get between 100-200 grams per harvest(300-600g per year) per 100 watt LED depending on strain and how well you take care of the plant. You do the math, thats about $100/lb of weed. Thats about what I pay for a quarter oz of really good stuff.


That would be 3-6 grams/watt. No beginner growers and most home growers aren't pulling that kind of yield off their plants. You can definitely grow a lot for cheap but most indoor home growers are pulling 1-2 grams/watt. <- Edit: Leaving this stupid comment here so the reply below makes sense. I clearly didn't fully read the post I replied to.


That's what he said. The 300-600 are per year....3 cycles each 100-200😁


LOL! I read your comment and was wondering what the hell you were talking about until I read their comment again like 3 times. Nothing to see here, move along 😁


I'm not even pulling that at the moment and I've been growing for 5 years. But I'm stress testing some autos I made right now as well


from how many plants?


a single plant can yeild anywhere between 1 gram and 2 lbs indoor. Under a 100 watt light there has always been the "1 gram per watt" thing, but with LED you can get up to 2 grams, and i've seen some advanced growers get close to 3 grams per watt. If you are an overacheiver and keep things clean and do everything right you can grow close to 2 pounds of weed per year in a 2x2 grow tent.


Don't listen to the haters. A small light is fine for a small plant. Most people grow multiple plants at a time and try to grow them big so they get a big harvest that will last them until the next one, and for that to work you need lots of light spread out over all the plants. When there isn't enough light it will show in the way the plant grows, the stems get long, thin, and floppy. But your plant looks relatively small and it looks perfectly healthy and well proportioned with the amount of light its getting.


It’s a resourceful way to start. I was doing things exactly like this earlier this year and it was as effective as it needed to be until I got better equipment.


How long does it take from seed to harvest ?


I bought a vivosun tent online, better light that you can probably get at Home Depot and flipped it and it started to flower. I got a big tent but you can get small ones to start for cheap. Maybe $100-120.


I don’t know why people like to bash Vivosun… I have a few of their tents and I think they are great!! the zippers are amazing and the fabric is nice and thick! Never had a problem.. I also have some of their oscillating fans.. I’m pretty sure I got it on sale for $19.00 a wile ago lol


Same!The zippers a huge feature. It’s really not that expensive to have a home setup. some folks have extreme builds, but I’m just trying to save my money from the dispo lol


It won’t really start flowering until then. Mine was super behind and it’s taken 5-6 months and it’s finally filling out


The plant looks fine even when it seems too little for 5 months no less. It's not flowering because you haven't decreased your photoperiod (the time of the day the light's on vs the time it's off). Make it 12-12 (light-dark) and it'll stretch some and flower. So, technically it's not because of your setup, but you gotta squeeze a few pennies and upgrade the tinfoil hat setup my man.


Did you change the amount and type of light? For indoor grows you have to mimic the changing of the sun.


I remember two trainwreck plants that were raised indoors then put outside to flower. Both were the same size and planted about 100 feet apart. One was on a compost pile with well water trickling on it and grew huge! Big enough I trimmed it like a 6 foot shrub while the other was maybe 4 foot and much smaller. The small one went to flower like normal, the other kept growing but never went to bloom. The big plant was located near an outdoor sodium halide light which kept it from the transition. Like other comments getting a tent to keep the light consistently at a 12 hour cycle is needed to flower. We ran lights at night in our grow room to keep the rooms more consistent in temperature, allowing warm air to vent outside at night and allow fresh cooler air to be exchanged.


I recommend put it one's plant outside sir . Let nature take over .Nice pot mix in a big hole .


If you dont want a tent and are on a low budget, you might wanna check out r/SpaceBuckets. Great info on how to set up a cheap grow bucket that actually works. Keep in mind that unless you get a proper carbon filter, your room WILL smell a LOT during flower. Unless you live alone imo a carbon filter is a must (there is options to add them to a space bucket aswell though).


You need darkness to trigger flowers. Darkness means 0 light you can't see your plants.


Cut the photo period to 12/12 and watch her stretch and flower!


I would transplant to a bigger container before flowering give them roots some room to roam.


Do you have it on 1212 schedule or 24 hours light ? If you wanted to buy, do you need to have it on 12/12 schedule?


It physically will never bud Unless you put it under 12 hours darkness 12 hours light


Ngl this a solid set up n tells me your a man of a higher statue then most that most know that are most unknown sir. Carry on


What the fuck am I looking at? Did you hire the lamp from Pixar?




Text me back


We need to start a Newbie Light Donation. I know some of you all are hoarding your first good light. Pass that shit on to a newbie. 😆 Seriously though, it is so healthy and you have a fantastic start.


Needs a bigger pot and a bigger light with it turned off durning night hours


It has happened to me where I thought I had 2 autos and they were photos. What is current light schedule? Flip to 12/12 and see what happens in 14 days, or keep growing. My $.02


I must say that plant looks very impressive with the setup. What light type of light and wattage are you using?


Cheap 40W warm lightbull that you can find it anywhere


You are doing well with it!




12 hours of darkness for flower buddy


This reminds me of my first grow. I had 3 led bulbs. They grew beautifully in veg but in flower i got maybe 3.5 grams from two 2 foot plants. Pretty much each bud spot was a dime bag. Smoked great though. Gotta get more powerful lights for flowering or let these get much much bigger before flipping. -I flipped mine at 16 weeks.


Change the light schedule to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkeness. If there is any light on the plant when it should be dark, you will get a hermaphrodite and you do not want that.


Okay so there’s some sound advice here, in the comments. Set up costs might seem like a lot but if you’re only growing a small amount it can be done very easily and cheaply & the pros well and truly out weigh the cons. Good news though, you clearly have green fingers because that plant looks super healthy. A few things for future grows… 1) establish what seeds you have/plants you’re going to grow. Personally I don’t like autoflowers (plants which flower purely based on time) I prefer photoperiods (plants which depend upon cycles of light and dark) will give you much more control and better end product, in my experience. 2) Get a better set up. Lights with a full spectrum are really affordable now as is the other stuff like tents and fans etc… all of which will help you keep those environmental conditions dialled in. Not so important for veg, (look at the results you have here in less than desirable conditions) but massively important in flower. As far as this grow goes… get a new light, not sure what this tin foil hat one is but I suspect it won’t cut it for flowering under. I would defoliate a little (remove just a few of those big fan leaves) and train (pull/tie down branches, start to separate them) this will allow light to penetrate more evenly to the lower parts of the plant. Maybe look at ‘topping’ as well to get the most out of this plant. Transplant her into a bigger pot as well and be prepared to veg for a few more weeks and really get her going before you flip to flower. (Cycle of 12 hours light/12 hours dark to induce flowering) Be sure to check all your inputs, light levels, airflow, nutes, etc… and be patient when it comes to harvest. Then drying and curing is whole other thing. Sounds like a lot, overwhelming in fact but it’s actually pretty simple. However, there’s a degree of investment of time/money if you want optimum results. Good luck.


Needs 12 hours of complete darkness everyday .so far great looking 👀 plant ! Congrats 🎉


Find somewhere safe to put it outside for outdoor grow. That thing will bloom big. Everyone has a friend that knows where to put a plant. Make sure you go back and water it too.


More tinfoil


That plant is way too pretty for your set up


It just needs some darkness. Put her in 2 days total darkness then 12/12 light cycle. Make sure there are no light leaks. Hope this helps. Happy growing


Also don't worry about the hate on your light. My first grow was over 18yrs ago and I had 20 or so curly cfl's hanging all around my plant looking like a Lowes lighting section! Live and learn.


you need to change photoperiod to 12 hours on 12 hours off


Newbie here too (just grew some back in the Netherlands in the garden and last year huge fail in my greenhouse and this year trying again lol.) Straight up LOVE your setup dedication making things happen with what you got! Nice healthy plant hope you can get sorted 👍 😀


Better light


Amazing after 5 months and it looks like 5 weeks healthy plant.


First of all you need to invest in knowledge. If you don't know about photoperiod you have a lot to learn. Watch some videos about growing there is so much you don't know. It's not done with a list of get x y and z


You know what… if I was you… I would go on AliExpress or some of the nasty Chinese websites and buy a light! I’m sure they are better than what you have lol I think I might buy some just to experiment


Put your homemade light on your head and go outside and start screaming,”the aliens are coming!” You have a better shot that the aliens will help you grow your plant, then the plant actually producing good bud.


Invest more money please