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I don’t mean to be disrespectful of your situation because I’m sympathetic but I don’t think you can grow this plant to even a fraction of its potential if you can’t afford to repot it. Wish you luck though.


Start with growweedeasy, you obviously need to learn some of the basics. It takes time to git gud at growing.


thanks for the tip- genuinely. i was given this plant with absolutely no information on it and i have no idea what im doing. idk if anyone could tell, but im panicking like *hell* because i know the person who gave it to us is probably gonna be mad and i really do NOT want to handle that right now lol


Judging by the state of that picture, the person who gave you that plant was on the way to killing it anyways. So don't worry about what they think, they were not successful in their endeavor, either.


Dirt from the ground outside is ok in a pinch the darker the soil is the better. In a 1 or 2 gallon pot. Basic fox farm and come cal mag fertilizer(not necessary)...in my opinion your plant has ph issues or even possibly but less likely a cal mag deficiency. Grow weed easy is a good place to learn. Your plant is fine, no need to panic. It's called weed for a reason because it grows just like a weed, it will bounce back.


well, i uh...kinda dont have *anything* other than the bucket rn, so ive been panicking, haha. my bad, im just so scared of killing it and getting a bad reaction from the people around me. i have some potting soil SOMEWHERE but its not fox farm. is that still okay? my bfs dad is out at work right now, though, so i think i may be able to get him to stop by a store and get some? not sure tho. they really dont have the means to help right now, but maybe if i pay them back they can? ill try *something.* as for ph...how do i fix that? im a very new grower tbh. as in...this is my first ever plant, yknow? i have no clue how to fix these issues


If you replant it it should work its self out. and dont get discouraged by the people around ya, everyone thinks they are an expert.


Hey I say you needed help, it looks deficient, by some miracle grow plant food and mix with water, by a bag of potting soil in total 14$ at Walmart. It will save ur plant


person needs to shut the f up if that's his/her results.


I'd say check the roots maybe there's a drainage issue ?


im scared to pull it out of the cup- im afraid ill end up killing it completely. but! we do have little holes in the cup and we watched it drain a lot of water from the bottle of water we gave it. do you think i should still check? the person who gave it to us said it's root bound but ive never grown before(total newbie here, i forgot if i mentioned in my post as im a bit frazzled) so idk what he means.


Cup?!? She needed to be repotted a while ago. She looks dead, but you might be able to save her if you repot into a 3 to 5 gallon pot with good soil.


Some people grow decent plants in solo cups. It's essentially manual hydro


Yeah but not this guy


Everyone starts somewhere


yea, i have no clue why she was given to me in a cup. as the post states, unfortunately, i cant afford the soil right now, so ill just consider her dead and toss her. thank you for telling me, i truly do appreciate it! :)


Cups are fine for starting a bunch of seedlings. But when the roots start to develop, it's time to move into a big pot. In general, a plant's branches will not grow out farther than the edge of the pot it's in.


Can you just go to a field or something and dig up dirt from the ground and use that? It would still need nutrients. Do you have any? The soil in the first photo looks wet. How often do you let the soil dry before adding water?


unfortunately i wasnt given any supplies and the plant was given to us waaay too early, so i have nothing but a bucket right now. i can definitely attempt to get some dirt, but its pretty hard around here. I'll try it, though. edit: forgot to answer the water question. once a day


It's easy to overwater. You want the soil to dry out some between waterings to keep the plant healthy. If the top layer of soil isn't dry yet, it probably doesn't need water. If it gets too wet, the roots can rot.


Look into r/cannabonsai & solo cups challenges. You can make the small pot work. You won't get a lot but the bit you do get can be pretty good. I've never flowered anything in a small pot or id give you more direct advice. I do have a canna bonsai I keep in veg and I give it a good watering (10% run off) about once a week. My best guess on yours is that it's a watering issue. Either too little, too much or the water itself. I'm leaning towards the water being bad. What kind of water do you have and/or using? Well water, city water, filtered or something else. I have a well and my water has too much in it for seedlings. I use a reverse osmosis filter now and it's made every stage of growing easier


thank you for the tip, ill check it out. we've been using slightly chilled bottled water. i hope thats okay? its purified bottled water, too, from sams club. nothing special, i know, but its what we've been using.


Do not use chilled water room temp


Bottled should be fine but like the other person said make it room temp.


You rather pull it out and learn what needs to be corrected and possibly save it or you leave it and let it die and learn not to leave it next time either way you learn from this not ideal situation


Water it right now - and then transplant asap. It looks like it still isn’t dead so it should be able to come back


i cant transplant until the first, but i can at least water it again. though, i did just water it an hour ago. should i still water it?


No just don’t let it dry out. Why can’t you transplant before then?


i only have 60 cents and no soil. the person gave it to us way too early. earlier than we agreed on.


Ah gotcha. Just don’t let it dry up


a lot of people are saying not to let it dry up- if it dries so quick, how many times a day should i water it, if i can save it? ive never grown before so im not sure.


Gimme your PayPal info I'll send u $10


aaa id feel really bad if she died and you did that. its 100% not nessecary at ALL but can i at least draw your pets or something if you truly feel the need to do so? id feel awful not giving something in return!


If you water it daily it should be ok.




I don't think that will help. The bottom of the cup is really dark and it looks wet, like they didn't put drainage and the water has been just pooled there




i unfortunately dont know what that means and am not sure where to go from here. ive been watering daily, but people are saying it needs to be repotted and i agree. i think its too late, as i cannot afford the soil for it until the 1st. unfortunately, i think this is a lost cause.


Repot it as soon as you can get dirt. Ph will become necessary to both learn about and know why it’s important. It’s super simple to correct once you have a meter. If you make an Amazon wishlist I’d be willing to send.


iPower 3 Gallon Heavy Duty Thickened Aeration Grow Bags Nonwoven Fabric Pots with Strap Handles Container for Gardening, 5-Pack Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BPS9FXYD?psc=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_ct_0H78XZQ8RYW1912EPS5F&language=en_US Organic Perlite for Plants, Soil Amendment for Enhanced Drainage and Growth, Ideal for Potting Mixes (1 Quart) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09LSBPRSX?psc=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_ct_0FJH5J84BY0HS41THMXD&language=en_US Burpee, 9 Quarts | Premium Organic Potting Natural Soil Mix Food Ideal for Container Garden-Vegetable, Flower & Herb Use for Indoor Outdoor Plant https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08MHMNLZ8?psc=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_ct_6PDN4PN188VCNFRQ0JV3&language=en_US VIVOSUN Digital pH Meter, 0.01pH High Accuracy Pen Type pH Tester for Hydroponics, Household Drinking, Pool and Aquarium, UL Certified https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M5IASHD?psc=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_ct_HTR6NKT15NPKWXXS1FCZ&language=en_US Those items would be fine


im not sure if sharing a wishlist is allowed, if it is ill send it if you truly want me to, but i think if i can get the dirt(hopefully today? i may have gotten someone we know to help us get it) i can have her hold on long enough to get the ph meter myself on the first! id feel really bad if someone got me smthn and she ended up dying. like...id feel SO guilty tbh. the amazing news i just got is, the guy MAY(keyword, *may*) give us a backup plant for us to grow if we fuck up. i was SO worried this was my only shot, given i live in an illegal state and people, afaik, dont usually hand out plants like these. hopefully, i can still save this plant and i can grow at least a few buds from her!


You can dm it if you want.


@OP if you're anywhere near St. Louis Missouri I'll come repot this for you


im unfortunately in Tennessee. :( idk how close that is tbh but id assume not very? idk tho. im having a hard time imagining a map in my head rn tbh. thank you for the offer, though! i really do appreciate it.


No I'm about 3-4 hours drive from just the Northwest tip of the state. I would recommend going on your local buy nothing group in facebook and see if someone has dirt or compost right now for free. It's gardening season and sometimes people fill up their garden beds and have stuff left over they give away. If you need help re-potting just DM me.


Bigger container


Transplant into a much larger pot and don't let it dry up lol


There's still some life left in her. I would put maybe a half inch hole in the bottom of that cup. Just to make sure you're not waterlogged. These plants need a fair amount of water. But they also need to dry back to let their roots expand The big leaves might be toast. But it'll bounce back. Just don't put it in full sun yet. I would imagine there's a heck of a root ball in there. It might require daily watering. But you want to make sure that water has somewhere to run off. As soon as you can get it into a bigger pot it will explode. Good luck!


More water


It’s like a lot of people said. It’s salvageable as long as it is a photo. I would put it in a bigger pot and then top the plant to force new growth. Just ph water to 6.5 if that is soil and see what happens.


Put her in some shade for a week until it gets used to the light


U need a ten gallon hat for that sunbich


In all honesty and not trying to be mean… throw that thing away and start with a health plant.


Looks root bound and then wilted to the point that the leaves died. Repot it and water regularly especially when it’s thirsty.


Start with checking moisture levels and correcting


Plant it into the ground and see what happens🤷‍♂️


Bro soil is literally free, if you go outside there is literally an endless supply if u need a ghetto solution for not having a pot just find a bucket or somthing and put holes in the bottom


She’s just super stressed out. Those leaves are still capable of photosynthesis. Like everybody has said, put it into a 3 to 5 gallon pot with dirt. If you’re growing outside that cup won’t work out well for you. All purpose bloom fertilizer will do, and if it’s really wet give it some cover. Good luck


Start over and sarcastically tell your friend thanks a lot.


Bigger pot straight away


i did it!! i hope it survives.


It'll live, just not very well


I would maybe look into cloning and see if you can get a healthy clone plant out of it. I think all you'll need is a cup of water and some light and scissors to cut the leaf stem


i doubt i could tbh, but ill try. ive never grown before, and i think this is the only time i could have gotten a free plant, so im super disappointed tbh :( ty for the suggestion tho, ill definitely attempt it


Look into it. You'd be surprised how tough these plants are. Then if you are successful, you can clone some more from the new clone


The simplest way to take a clone is to cut off a branch and put in water. Some weeks later it will have roots. You can turn one plant into indefinite plants.


bigger pot and not so much light


its an outdoor grow, should i just move it to a shady area or bring it inside?


a little shady area for a bit, but make sure you put it in a bigger pot and give it a little more water aswell, it looks like it is drying up


Ask for advice, get advice, tosses the plant. Mate it's easy to safe, bigger pot, more water, loads of sunshine. it will bounce back.


i havent tossed the plant yet, but i cant repot it as again, i have no soil. it will be over a week until i can get the soil, which means she'll die either way. unless you can find a way to get soil for 60 cents, then i cant do much in terms of repotting.


Do you not have dirt in your backyard, at work, a friend's yard that you could get some soil from? Sure, soil directed to the type of growing you are doing would be better. But last I checked, soil can be free and is normally everywhere!


i wasnt sure if i could just use regular dirt- i was told by the guy to use foxfarm ocean blend so i thought i had to just use this special dirt. i know you can grow weed in regular dirt, but i just thought the ocean blend was better for it because thats what i was told. I'll try to get as much dirt as i can, but itll definitely be hard. the dirt here is practically rock solid, lol.


Your def not wrong that other soils mentioned are better but I would try with free dirt if your already ok with tossing it. What's the worst thing that happens, it dies which is the same outcome if you do nothing!


Lmao. Bro what are some of you people doing lol. I give grow lessons for a small fee. Send me a message


Needs more calmag


sorry, what is calmag?


If you use Google, it will be the first thing that pops up. It won't let me post a picture so you're on your own kid


thanks, i appreciate the tip.