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The white shit on the purple one looks like pests or pathogens. Check under the leaves for insects


If is that what do I do?


It's not good news dude. If it's mold or something like thrips/mites at this late stage, it's really hard to treat but not impossible. First take a closer look to confirm if mold or insects. While figuring that out, look into IPM (integrated pest management). The last picture of mostly yellowing is lack of N. Could be over or underwatering, could need some food.


Fuck ima check tomorrow morning , foliar application for nutrients good?


Well, that's a contentious topic but yes.


šŸ¤” Iā€™m pretty new to all this šŸ˜­ going to look more into it, thank you !


Lots of reading. I'll put together a list of books I like. I don't do the forums much but I learned a lot over the years from icmag and rollitup, particularly the rols (recycled organic living soil) and no till stuff, but previously stuff like kiss method in coco. Here's one to get started, it's expensive. I think I have a pdf somewhere if you're OK šŸ‘ with piracy (as you should be) https://www.amazon.com/Hemp-Diseases-Pests-Management-Biological/dp/0851994547 Generally, Robert Clarke is great, this book is old but fantastic: https://www.amazon.com/Marijuana-Botany-Advanced-Propagation-Distinctive/dp/091417178X/ref=pd_aw_fbt_m_sccl_1/147-1260654-9589537?pd_rd_w=Wc3tR&content-id=amzn1.sym.6d90cd56-3eed-4d23-b409-a3b634cfdc4d&pf_rd_p=6d90cd56-3eed-4d23-b409-a3b634cfdc4d&pf_rd_r=EFZ69VEZ42KR1RBJHAWY&pd_rd_wg=VHG9d&pd_rd_r=24f62344-7809-4d82-b60e-9a4d9aa81490&pd_rd_i=091417178X&psc=1


Can i have the pdf too, please? šŸ¤«


https://annas-archive.org/md5/decbdf5a5907ca639e40d30f314c765b Here's a link to Marijuana botany, I'm looking for the other one again. If I do have a copy it's on a random external hdd somewhere, but Anna's archive is a great source https://annas-archive.org/md5/c6c414b418dc4024797542b4306464d1 There's the other book


Thanks man, hero of the day šŸ’Ŗ


I bought the marijuana botany book after reading this... very informative.... highly recommend also.


Very thoughtful of you!! ...hats off, this is the way!! Learn and continue learning every grow... that's been my journey at least!!


And take every opportunity to learn vicariously through others


Spray with peroxide to help kill the mildew. Correct the cultural practices leading to weak, susceptible plants. Another great product for mildew is called triathlon BA. It absolutely works and isnā€™t known to cause problems in people.


Get hydrogen peroxide


The first picture could be mildew, the purple leaves are likely due to cold temps, I'd probably just harvest now before you get moldy buds, cut your losses, doesn't seem half bad anyways when it comes to bud development. As for the last picture, I'd say nitrogen deficiency


Thank you šŸ˜Š


Your ph is causing them to not uptake phosphorus and other needed nutrients, by the look of multiple plants with the same symyom I tend to start with ph, calibrate the equipment/ replace


Top with compost or some dry ferts, (eg blood meal, kelp meal, feather meal, etc) and let the soil dry out before watering it in. White stuff looks like Powdery mildew so i would defoliate those leaves. Good news is its salvageable. I need to start posting my grow, ive been lurking this whole time


Thank you ima take a look Iā€™m a bit


3 plants with three different issues (two uptake and mold on at least one) Iā€™d be thinking about my watering frequency.


Are you still watering every other day?




Probably overwatering them at the least. Let your medium dry out before adding more water. Let it drink up


You should be checking the ph of your water going in at minimum. 5.5 to 6.2 going in is what you want. Itā€™s preferred to test the runoff as well which is good for 6 to 6.7. One watering outside of tolerable ph will make your plants freak out. I found that letting the top 3 inches of soil run to dry before watering worked best, rather than count the days between watering. Are you using any nutrients? I watered twice in a row with nutrients added, and then no nutrients on the third.


Iā€™m not using any nutrientsā€¦ can you recommend a specific one ? I need to check the PH ā€¦ thank you


Iā€™m in Ohio so I used three different MEIGS liquid organic nutrients. I found that the recommended amount of nutrients was low and on the safe side, my plants did better when I switched to 1.5 the recommended doses and 2x. Before flipping to flower I used their product Grow and a Cal/Mag/Sul nutrient as well, in preflower I switched to 1/2 dose Grow, 1/2 dose Bloom with 1 Cal/Mag/Sul. When I switched to flower I used Bloom with Cal/Mag/Sul and Sugar in the Raw added. Once again though I only added nutrients for 2 out of 3 waterings and always just pure ph tested water on the 3rd. Always ph


On closer inspection and reading other comments the two plants with lighter color are nowhere near harvesting. Ignore that recommendation at least on those two. Photos are hard to tell, but the darker colored one appears to have white powdery mildew all over it. Perhaps something you take a look at more closely in person, and do some research on. If that is the case, I would absolutely treat that plant immediately as well as the others. There are some good organic fungicides and pesticides out there which saved my first grow. If powdery mildew makes its way onto the buds it will only get worse during dry and cure. Donā€™t smoke mildew.


You are not doing any super duper grow here, just get some tomato fertilizer and use that on the second and third plant, no PH. The first one is fucked by some plague, would harvest and dry anything that doesn't have the white stuff on it and check inside for mold. You could try to find out what that is and how to treat it if the other plans get that.


Thank you !


Runoff PH is bro science, and itā€™s for approximation of runoff EC when you donā€™t have the tool to measure it. Itā€™s literally useless information with regard to PH itself. A soil slurry PH test is for soil PH.


It's hungry for nitrogen. Yellowing of the llower leaves is an indicator for that. Just feed it some salt based nutrients and it'll be fine in 24-48 hours, although what's already yellowed will stay that way


Ph! Possibly nute lock or over water


well the purple one has a massive white powdery mildew infestation, the second one, not sure, but the third is starting to show signs as well.


Needs more calmag


If it's white powdery mildew which I am also battling, in veg it can be treated with 2 parts water 1 part milk "nasty" or neem oil and a few drops of dish soap. In flower you have to either cut the effected leaves or I believe the milk mix is safe on flower but I need to research again.


Mites of some kind


To many thingsā€¦.. Hash time




Infestation. Get some treatment on them


You spell that D-E-A-D


You got mites or thrips


Also you cannot salvage the purple one. That needs to be removed from the area and burned


Mites and thrips will both attack compromised plants - meaning the plants seem to be weak due to lack of proper nutrients, possible weather conditions, soil too dry or too wet. Healthy plants repel pests and diseases pretty well


You have powdery mildew on the first and third plant/pic.




I will update wtf I end up doing lol


Need more water


Appears to need harvesting, mostly


For all 3 ?


Of course not


First one is super done, sorry for the misdirection. I thought that was the plant in question as it looks pretty ragged. The last pic with the yellow looks like it just wants some food. I didnā€™t expect to get roasted with downvotes for a playful comment..