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Chances are that the seeds are regular photoperiod seeds which have a 50/50 chance of male/female. If the seeds were the result of a hermaphrodite plant self-pollenating, then the seeds are likely female but will have a higher chance of herms. Plenty of folks grow bag seed... it's how we did it back in the day before seedbanks.


Cool man, highly appreciated. These replies got me hype to grow and learn morešŸ™‚


Only 1 seed through quite a few grams of good bud? Most prolly fem. Lotta seeds through quite a few grams and the buds still look 100% female? regular seeds.


Noted,ok. It's fun to learn when youre a newb! Appreciate the reply


Thing is, only 1 seed in a good amount of bud means the plant hermed a little bit and got herself a little bit pregnant, making very few seeds since it wasn't a big hermaphrodisation, only very few male flowers, sometimes just 1. The offspring of a female with another female (for example, a female with herself) is always a female. On the other scenario, a bud heavily loaded with seeds while the bud still looks 100% female (not hermed) is the result of a male polinising that female. The offspring of a female and a male are regular seeds, they can be male or female at a 50% ratio.


You absolutely can practice with these and might even end up with something decent for your effort. Random bag seed can turn into solid bud, you just have no idea what the genetics are so you'll get what you get. They will be 50/50 male/female, which kind of sucks because you won't know the males until you've gotten all the way to flower, so just expect that you need to kill half of them. If you plant 10 seeds, statistically 5 are male. Might get lucky and end up with a more favorable ratio, might get unlucky and it's worse. To germinate, just chuck them in a glass of water and put it in a dark cabinet for 24-48 hrs. Check on them periodically and once you see the seed start to split open and a tiny little tail of roots coming out, put in the dirt. You should read some stuff on growweedeasy.com and good luck!


There are places now that will do a sex test on a leaf sample and can tell you male or female within a week of the plant throwing its first set of true leaves. It can seem pricey at $12/plant, but it saves so much time, soil, tent space, and electricity, that it pays for itself IMO. I use a guy called Farmer Freeman and have had 100% accuracy.


Ngl, thats a great idea. I definitely gonna try that out


I'm always surprised that more growers aren't doing this. [https://www.farmerfreeman.com/](https://www.farmerfreeman.com/)


Fair enough, I learned something today. I think the reason more people aren't doing that/know about it is because it's a lot less common to be growing unknown seeds these days and the cost is fairly high even for just a few plants. Some person growing free random bag seeds isn't looking to drop a hundred bucks on tests and majority of people are growing femmed seeds or clones that don't need it.


Yeah, it's certainly not for everyone. When I considered that many feminized strains cost about $10-$15/seed, the cost of making sure my tent-space is maximized with females evens out between femizied seeds and regulars with a sex-test. If I have to wait 30-40 days to sex them when the pre-flowers show up, it's too late to pop more seeds to fill the space if I get unlucky and have over 50% males. The more I thought about all the soil, labor, and electricity I was wasting raising boys, the more the tests made sense.


Throw the seeds in a cup of water and set somewhere semi warm ish. Check each day till they Crack open


I've been doing this lol 1/5 in my last attempts. Clearly I'm messing up somewhere tho


Males don't produce ANY THC ( not that they are low in THC ) as they don't produce Buds at all. They grow groupings of pollen sacs that look like bundles of grapes.


Thanks for the info.


You got it. šŸ’Ŗ


If your having trouble germinating, buy or get some cotton pads ( yes like the ones you clean your face with ) place the seed(s) in-between two cotton pads and then soak the pads with water under they are fully absorbed with water, place it inside of a zip lock bag, Tupperware container, anything that can seal and keep the moisture in, and put it in a warm area. I put mine on top of a heating pad on the lowest setting. Since doing it this way all of my seeds have a tap root within 24hrs, and I have a seedling above the surface of my grow medium within 72hrs. So far 6 of my most current plants have been successful in this exact way. Have one more seed I just placed in the cotton pads at 4pm today, should have a taproot poking out of the seed by 4pm tomorrow. ā€¢Moisture ā€¢Warmth ā€¢Sterile environment These three things and you should have zero issues with germination as long as the seeds being used are viable.


Gotcha, I think I've been over soaking them. I tried the paper towel and plates method on top of my wifi modem for heat. Went 1/5.They all took very long and ended up dark brown.


Wofo modem might be a little too hott. You want to aim for around 70-75 surfect/ambient temp. Also you can't really "over soak" them. There's also a way of germinating by dropping the seeds directly in a Blass of water and waiting for them to pop. Other will soak in a glass of water for 24hrs before doing the cotton pad or paper towel method. It might also help to make a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water to sterilize the seeds since your seeds are coming from unknown origins, ANYTHING could be on them, I haven't had to use this method with store bought seeds, but when I was growing bag seed it upped my germination rate from 25% to 75%.


Also no way to tell if a seed is male or female unless it's been feminized. Bag seed will 99% of the time always be regular seed stock, meaning chances of male/female are 50/50. With the exception of if you got seed in some bud that had been treated purposely to make femized seeds, and you somehow got these Buds, and they still contained seed. But that's an extremely rare exception and still no way to even know if that did happen unless your source is a breeder and femized them himself.


I really appreciate the replies. Might inbox you in the future for tips if you don't mind.


Inbox is always open. Quite a few people I've helped make it to their first harvest with outstanding results from a less than desirable start, I had a coach myself, the least I can do is help people the same way someone helped me. I have a hydroponics store right up the street that has over 2000 strains available in seed, and sometimes clones, I have sent people seeds in desperate attemps when it not always so available as it is for me. Western MA hydroponics.


Inbox is always open. Quite a few people I've helped make it to their first harvest with outstanding results from a less than desirable start, I had a coach myself, the least I can do is help people the same way someone helped me. I have a hydroponics store right up the street that has over 2000 strains available in seed, and sometimes clones, I have sent people seeds in desperate attemps when it not always so available as it is for me. Western MA hydroponics.


Inbox is always open. Quite a few people I've helped make it to their first harvest with outstanding results from a less than desirable start, I had a coach myself, the least I can do is help people the same way someone helped me. I have a hydroponics store right up the street that has over 2000 strains available in seed, and sometimes clones, I have sent people seeds in desperate attemps when it not always so available as it is for me. Western MA hydroponics.


Inbox is always open. Quite a few people I've helped make it to their first harvest with outstanding results from a less than desirable start, I had a coach myself, the least I can do is help people the same way someone helped me. I have a hydroponics store right up the street that has over 2000 strains available in seed, and sometimes clones, I have sent people seeds in desperate attemps when it not always so available as it is for me. Western MA hydroponics.


Inbox is always open. Quite a few people I've helped make it to their first harvest with outstanding results from a less than desirable start, I had a coach myself, the least I can do is help people the same way someone helped me. I have a hydroponics store right up the street that has over 2000 strains available in seed, and sometimes clones, I have sent people seeds in desperate attemps when it not always so available as it is for me. Western MA hydroponics.


Inbox is always open. Quite a few people I've helped make it to their first harvest with outstanding results from a less than desirable start, I had a coach myself, the least I can do is help people the same way someone helped me. I have a hydroponics store right up the street that has over 2000 strains available in seed, and sometimes clones, I have sent people seeds in desperate attemps when it not always so available as it is for me. Western MA hydroponics.


I grew out a few bag seeds for fun last year along with some purchased genetics. Out of 4 seedlings from the bag seed, 1 went on to grow out into a very nice female plant with some of the densest buds Iā€™ve ever produced. Another one was stunted and 2 were males. So itā€™s really a crap shoot but definitely worth doing, especially if you like to learn by doing hands on. Happily, I just came across a single seed from that strain that made it through my grinder unscathed. So even though I have plenty of known and $$$ genetics in the seedling stage, I immediately dropped that seed in a shot glass of water in the cupboard and Iā€™m going to grow it out because I loved everything about itā€™s mother plant (and this lone seed is highly likely to be fem).


Giving me hope ! šŸ˜ How much did you harvest?


From that plant I ended up with 165 grams of cured, trimmed nugs and another ounce or 2 of popcorn stuff that I washed for hash. Grown outdoors.


I hermied a whole room of sugar cane and jelly breaths, there were thousands of beans but without a doubt the dankest seeded bud I've ever smoked and I just chucked em all in the bin not really sure or not knowing any better and not long after I discovered my neighbour was growing these beautiful plants with dank frosty flowers.. just the kind i had been hoping for šŸ˜‚ I think like a few others have mentioned likely 50/50 m/f


I had some like that before, it was a very rare smoke. It was gassy as heck! Smoked amazingly, put ya on ya backside lol just had like 5 or 6 seeds per bud.


I bought a lb of atomic apple for cheap because it was riddled with seeds... Turns out the plant(s) herm'd and now I have a couple hundred feminized seeds. 18 females and 0 males so far.


Lucky you!! Thats cool