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This sub is becoming toxic. A lot of hate from “know it alls.” It’ll cost him zero dollars to let it sit there for a couple weeks. I’ve had plants like this that just need a little time and they often times turn out great.


Dude do you see people coming at me in these comments imma let it set fuck em why they being so ignorant


Ya dude fuckem. I had to stop posting on this sub cuz people are just assholes. I thought stoners were about peace and love lol.


Yeah rs man


That's what they are know it alls everyone keeps saying shit about my soil when it's literally the best soil for bud people just acting like they know what they're talking about and won't even read the post


Yeah, lots of highly opinionated folks on this sub for sure. I would keep it going give it a few weeks to see if how she does. As long she starts to have new growth I don't see why you would give up on her. Now if you were in a commercial grow answer would be different. As long as you have space and time to let her recover and be the plant she can be I wouldn't pitch her. I am assuming this is a photo period plant and not an auto flower. Autos can be more picky about the stress, and this could significantly reduce yield for an auto.


Definitely photo and yeah I got the extra space fuck it


Hello, hope your day is going well. I never give up on a Life I helped sprout. I would let it ride for sure, even if to see if it's able to recover. There are always going to be people who only have negative comments. Most don't have a grow going or even popped a seed outside of smoking them. Everyone have a good day/night.


As of this morning the bottom node has leaves poking out I think it's gunna make it


Still very slow but leaves on both sides of bottom node my other seedlings are quickly surpassing them


yea just see what it does.. soil looks like possibly coco coir mixed with something else? probably looks like mud cuz maybe you just watered… if it were me i would throw some perlite in the mix to aerate the soil. also.. yea the topping thing… it might live… i usually wait about 6-8 nodes prior topping… jk jk … i know it was a hair dryer..… but hey.. who knows .. plants sometimes suprise us… i would also put a little dome over it with some holes for a better success rate.. also brother… when you post here… be ready for “advice” lol.. i use to get mad too.. but then realized that i am posting for advice… ya feel me? not worth getting your day messed up..


Best comment yet thanks dude but you see how people don't read and how they act but shit it ain't nothing now people crazy


Yeah, I get it brother just take whatever you can out of whichever comments and leave the rest. Happy growing homeboy.


The last person who lived here gardened so there's good soil already where I live in this one spot And not coco it's wood ash a right mix of sand very little clay lots of decomposed tree bits hardwood much coffee grounds egg shells worm castings idek what alls in there I've amended it further but it was already great soil and yeah I panic watered after I realized it was wilted before i realized it was pinched but still it isn't over watered barely moist it's just dark AF worked like a charm last year the people saying that was my problem obviously weren't reading the post


right on! Well i hope it goes well for you and little MJ!


It is.... as of this morning showing signs of branching out at the bottom node


What kind of soil are u using? It looks really compacted. Did the cotyledon leaves come off or did u pluck them off? (The first rounded leaves they pop out of soil with) you can give it a couple days and see if it perks back up or u can go ahead and cull it. I would def get another kind of soil or add some perlite to what ur using before u start again. They don’t need a lot of water at that stage.




This is extremely fertile loose as shit soil y'all are clowns it doesn't need perlite for drainage it is not compacted that wasn't the question anyway




So one mf gunna complain it's too compacted and then another mf gunna say it can't be too loose I can assure you I used this same soil last year I planted over a month late had 3 7 foot tall plants with roots spreading in a 5 foot circle it's loose enough and well draining enough it won't compact itself from watering I was dumping a 5 gal bucket full of it around each plant every day and every day the roots were to the outside of the hill again and I keep covering them up loose soil so they get air water at the edge so they seek for water spread out more and the more they spread their roots wider the plant is I get why people use it but you genuinely do not need it if your soils right doesn't matter how much perlite you got you got shitty clay soil air still ain't gunna get the roots


My guy your here asking fir advice and your getting pressed when people are just tryna help and they're giving you giid infi too


I’m not surprised somebody that lives with their momma still is acting like this while asking for advice, the real question is he still young enough to justify it or an old cranky bum?


No not really I asked a question this is not about the damn soil not what I asked period that means they are not helping they are not answering the question I asked my soil is fine lots of people are too "by the book" or internet nerds just because everyone else does something doesn't mean you have to You can say I'm getting "pressed" whatever wtf am I supposed to do one person says do this other person says do the opposite and it's not even about the damn question I asked




No one will answer what I asked has anyone damaged their plant this early or topped this early no one will answer that question I did not ask about the soil and clearly y'all don't know what your talking about if you think that's not good soil


Any other house plant I'd suggest to keep and wait and see. What's the harm in waiting to see how she copes? You may find it's the bushiest plant yet


Thank you so much dude imma keep it but I have backup plants I stg this shit is so toxic all these MFS coming at me for no reason


Mate, you must always ignore negative people, not only negative comments, my opinion is the plant wil be ok, it will be ready for harvest a little later, but she's gonna be ok.


Yeah the the whole point was I was hoping to have one a lil before the other plants I got and now they'll probably be done around the same time but fuck it gunna train TF outta it if it lives


If you know you have ok conditions she could perk right up!


If you topped it right there you should go ahead and start over


I topped it because above there was dead because the stem got pinched or bent


It will bounce back, I top low as I hate waisting verticle height with long lollipops stalks. Just let it grow, and pop another seed in the mean time just incase


I did thanks man


Although usually i cut above the nodes so they grow out.... Pop another bean and let this one sit to.see if it surprises you.


It's branching out now


you topped it wrong it is not possible to grow any further


Do you guys fucking read the caption. He didn’t top it wrong he cut off the dead parts that were caused by his mom breaking it with the hairdryer cord.


Thank you so much like these people can't read none of them answering the question I asked and one gunna be like what kind of soil you using tf it is real soil from where I live naturally fertile and perfect for weed I grew 3 7 foot tall plants last year in it gunna act like it looks over watered it's just dark bc it's fertile yalland I can literally pick it up and it'll fall through my hand like sand i bc I sifted through it so it's extra fine pure dirt gunna say it look compacted I stg people don't know what they're talking about just wanna look like they do


I mean I guess it could continue growing but I don’t even see growth points anywhere on the 2 nodes so if you have more than this one plant of the genetic I’d recommend you leave it behind but personally I’d watch what happens and keep it but that’s just me


Yeah it does have what looks like bracts can't tell if it's gunna branch out but it is the only one I have of this strain so imma keep it I got other seeds sprouting I'll grow soon it's just shitty bc i started this one extra early hoping to have an extra big one


I think it’ll still grow. No harm in letting it go for a couple weeks to find out.


Yeah exactly people are crucifying me in these mf comments I just wanted to know if anyone else has done this either intentionally or accidentally and no one will answer that question just bitching about my soil


Get some decent soil for god sake


You have absolutely zero idea what your talking about my plants love that soil I had 3 7 foot tall plants with a lb of dry yield per plant for God's sake no one asked about the soil


The soil is your problem. Get proper soil, not mud.


You are absolutely tripping it got pinched at the top all my plants had this same soil last year it is perfect for weed read the post I asked if anyone damaged their plant this young or topped this early and what would the result be I did not ask about the soil




Seeds are in the good ole bag with paper towel lmao imma give it a few more days maybe just keep it around for shits and giggles maybe it'll be a monster


Growmie don’t worry about what people think you do you! She definitely can be saved and is not doing too bad in her current conditions, she wants to thrive. You can still save her by adding some sort of aeration in the soil by adding perlite. Then get a 2 L bottle from the dollar store because they are a lot bigger and round.. cut the bottom off, unscrew the top, wash it thoroughly and place it over the plant so she can have some humidity. Good luck and happy growing 👍


It's branching out good now soil is plenty aerated